The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Under Gastly's leadership, Wutong and his companions came to the bottom of a tall building.

However, Gastly did not rush to take them up, but turned to Wutong and said, "Ghost, the source of the hypnotic fluctuations is here, but there seems to be another place where hypnotic energy gathers a little further away."

"Is that so? Xiaogang, you should be able to contact Miss Junsha in the Yoyoyo area, right?" Wutong thought for a while and said to Xiaogang.

"Of course, but there seems to be no public telephone nearby?" Xiaogang started looking for a public telephone.

"Rotom, help Xiaogang. Xiaoxia, you should also wait for Miss Junsha here with Xiaogang." Wutong arranged.

Xiaoxia nodded to indicate that it was okay.

"Eh? What about me? Aren't we going up?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"I think the missing children may not be here. Gastly has also sensed another place where hypnotic energy is gathered. Let's go there together." Wutong explained.

"Okay! Let's go quickly!" The enthusiastic Xiaozhi couldn't wait to set off.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu also shouted in agreement.

"Let's go, old ghost, please lead the way." Wutong said.

"Hehehe, don't forget my conditions." Gastly said and continued to lead the way.

"If there are no missing children here, go find us. Rotom has a way to find me." Wutong said to Xiaogang and Xiaoxia.

"Leave it to us, you have to be careful too." Xiaoxia replied.

Leaving Xiaogang and Xiaoxia behind, Wutong and Xiaozhi followed Gastly to find the missing children.

After walking with Gastly for a while, Wutong and Xiaozhi came to a place that didn't match the Yo Yo Yo Oh area at all.

There is a lush forest park in the center of this steel jungle.

Wutong and Xiaozhi ran in without hesitation.

Arriving at an artificial lake, Wutong and Xiaozhi found the missing children.

At this time, all the children behaved strangely, imitating the movements of Pokémon. Wutong also saw a little girl practicing water splashing.

"This is really scary." Wutong couldn't help but say as he looked at the scene in front of him.

It was completely different to see it with your own eyes and watch the animation.

At this time, Wutong felt as if he had entered a cult scene, and the surrounding area was full of weirdness and horror.

"What's going on? Wake up." Xiaozhi was not afraid after seeing these children, but ran up to try to wake the children.

"Old ghost, do you have a way to solve it?" Wutong asked.

"Hehehe." Gastly just laughed twice, and then a 2 appeared beside him.

"Okay, okay, quickly restore them to normal, this is too scary." Wutong agreed happily.

Gastly flew to the center of the children, his eyes glowed, and the space around Gastly twisted and spread outward.

In an instant, all the children present stopped and returned to normal.

"Where is this?"

"Where's Mom? I want Mom!"

"Dad, Dad, where are you!?"

The children who recovered were quiet for a moment, and then burst into tears.

The power of a group of children crying together was very strong. Wutong felt as if bees flew into his head, buzzing.

"Don't cry, I will take you to find your parents." Xiaozhi tried to comfort the children.

However, his voice seemed too thin in the crying.

"Everyone, come out!" Wutong was so noisy that he had no way to call all his Pokémon directly.

"Come on, use the combination skill, Flying Fire Meteor! The target is the rock in the middle of the lake." Wutong shouted.





The four Pokémon looked at Wutong with confusion.

As for the Dream Demon, it floated behind Wutong, looking like it hadn't woken up yet.

"Rockfall, jet of fire, wind, Hercules, use the Missile Needle." Wutong said helplessly.

The four Pokémon nodded and released their skills together.

The Flying Fire Meteor reappeared and hit the rocks in the lake directly.

"Wow (⊙o⊙) Wow~!" ×n Children are still children after all, and they can be easily distracted by other things.

Wutong's Flying Fire Meteor successfully attracted the children's attention, and for a moment they even forgot to cry.

"Okay! Let's come too, everyone! Come out!" Xiao

Seeing that Wutong's method was effective, Zhi also learned it.

Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pidgeot, and Beedrill were all released.

Wait! Beedrill? Where's your Butterfree?

"Squirtle Water Gun! Bulbasaur Leaf Blade! Charmander Spark! Pidgeot Wind! Beedrill Missile Needle!" Xiaozhi shouted.

Bulbasaur threw out a series of rotating blades, followed by Charmander's sparks, which directly ignited the Leaf Blade.

After the Leaf Blade was half burned, Squirtle awakened the instinct of a firefighter and extinguished the flames on the Leaf Blade with a water gun, and the Leaf Blade directly wilted.

Pidgeot's Wind also arrived, and the Leaf Blade, which had already wilted, flew into the sky again.

Beedrill's Missile Needle finally ended, and countless energy needles flew out and shot through leaves one after another.

The battered Leaf Blade finally became broken into pieces and fell into the lake.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really miserable." Wutong couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the falling Leaf Blade. If there was no Beedrill to finish it off, this set of skills could only be described as bleak.

Although the final effect was not bad, the children obviously didn't buy it.

"Sigh~! ╭(╯ε╰)╮" ×N The children booed, and then they were about to start crying again.

"Damn it, Wutong, your method doesn't work at all!" Xiaozhi said when he saw the children were about to cry again.

Wutong's eyes twitched. Are you sure there is no problem with your skill combination?

"In that case, come on! Xiaozhi, let's have a full-member battle!" Wutong shouted loudly.

"What?" The unexpected battle invitation made Xiaozhi question.

After all, the current situation is obviously not the time for a battle.

"The winner will become the king of children in this park! So, you all! Come and support me! I am the man who will become the king!" Wutong shouted loudly and winked at Xiaozhi.

Hearing Wutong's shout, the children became interested. Several brave little boys ran to Wutong and said they would support Wutong to be the king.

"Okay! I won't let you get what you want! I must be the king!" Xiaozhi understood what Wutong meant and shouted loudly.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu also jumped on Xiaozhi's shoulder and shouted.

With Xiaozhi's response, the children became excited and began to run to the people they supported.

However, there were obviously more little girls on Xiaozhi's side. Should we say that he is worthy of being the male protagonist?

"Since you want to stop me! Go! My first general! Swamp Leap!" Wutong waved and shouted.

"Numa?" Swamp Leap looked confused. Is the first general talking about me?

Swampert staggered to the front of Wutong, ready for battle.

"Water-type Pokémon should be fought with water-type Pokémon! Go! Squirtle!" Xiaozhi shouted.

Wutong was tangled after hearing Xiaozhi's words. He had hoped to use Swampert to trick Xiaozhi, but it seemed that he didn't know Xiaozhi well enough.

"Shouldn't it be easier to fight water-type Pokémon with grass-type or electric-type Pokémon?" A little girl who looked very good at studying asked another little girl.

"I don't know, but this big brother must have his reasons, right?" The other little girl responded cutely.

"Squirtle~!" Squirtle walked up with full of energy. He lost on the boat last time, and today he must prove his strength to his boss!

"By the way, let me ask you before we start. Is your giant hornfly evolved from the hornworm you caught in the Evergreen Forest before?" Wutong asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it's that hornworm!" Xiaozhi answered directly.

(ps: If you have any questions, please go back and read Chapter 6 again.)

"What about your Butterfree?" Although Wutong guessed the result, he still couldn't help asking.

"Of course Butterfree is in Professor Oak's research institute. One person can only carry six Pokémon. You don't know that, do you, Xiaotong?" Xiaozhi looked at Wutong with a strange look on his face.

"Oh, so that's how it is. Let's get started!" Wutong said after getting the answer.

I didn't expect that I would change Butterfree's fate in this way.

I just don't know if becoming a warehouse manager would be happier for Butterfree than meeting a favorite object to complete reproduction.

"Squirtle! Let's go first! Use water gun!" Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking.

"Jenny!" Squirtle leaned forward and shot a stream of water.

"Swamp, let's use water guns too!" After all, it was an "entertainment show", so Wutong let Swamp and Xiaozhi come

A head-on collision.

"Numa!" Swampert also shot a stream of water to meet Squirtle's water gun.

The two water guns were deadlocked in the air, and for a moment, neither could take down the other.

"Squirtle! Come on! Push on!" Xiaozhi began to cheer for Squirtle.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu took out two paper fans from somewhere and waved them constantly to act as a cheerleader.

"What! You actually have your own cheerleader! We can't lose either! Swampert! You hold on first!" Wutong said and began to search in his backpack.

Swampert was full of questions after hearing what Wutong said, "Trainer, are you serious?"

Wutong took out a bunch of things and handed them to his Pokémon.

Infernape had a flashing light board in his hand, and Swampert was surrounded by LED lights on it.

Murkrow had a horn hanging around its neck, and Murkrow's cry was directly amplified a lot.

Hercules had two more glow sticks on his claws, and then he began to swing them at Wutong's signal.

As for the Ogre and Gastly on the side, their expressions were like this ( ̄- ̄), and they had no intention of participating at all.

"Hehehe, I'm getting more and more curious about when this kid made these weird things." Gastly said.

"Dream~" Ogre called out expressionlessly. It was used to it. After all, it had lived with Wutong for many years.

"Xiaotong, are you really traveling?" Seeing these things that Wutong took out, even Xiaozhi was speechless.

"Humph, how can you be distracted in the battle! Swampert! Dodge! Then use Rock Slide!" Wutong commanded.

"Numa!" Swampert, who had been fighting with Squirtle for a long time, immediately stopped the water gun, and then dodged Squirtle's water gun with a flash and raised his arms.

A huge rock appeared out of nowhere, and the muscles of Swampert's arms bulged. With a sudden force, the rock flew directly towards Squirtle.

"Get out of the way, Squirtle!" ×n The children behind Xiaozhi shouted together when they saw the rock hitting Squirtle.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle received the power of the children and instantly turned into light and became Tiga!

No, Squirtle heard the children's call, and the small universe exploded. It rolled over like a turtle to avoid the rock collapse of Swampert.

"Well done, Squirtle! Another water gun!" Xiaozhi said that one trick can do everything.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle sprayed another mouthful of water gun and hit Swampert.

Because of the ground attribute, Swampert suffered complete damage when facing water skills.

"Squirtle, rush over and hit!" Wutong commanded.

"Numa!" Swampert shouted and started to rush at full speed, hitting Squirtle with an amazing momentum.

"Squirtle! Get back into the shell!" Xiaozhi shouted.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle got back into the shell, intending to use the hard shell to resist the impact of the Swampert.

"Squirtle! Go past it!" Wutong said directly.

He adjusted the direction of the impact in front of the Swampert and rushed past Squirtle.

"Squirtle! Falling rocks!" Wutong continued to command.

After the Swampert rushed past Squirtle, it stopped, and then grabbed Squirtle and threw it out.

"Squirtle! Stop yourself!" Xiaozhi shouted anxiously.

"Ji~nininininini~!" Squirtle wanted to stop himself, but the Swampert threw it with all his strength, causing Squirtle to spin at high speed in the air.

However, Squirtle had not yet learned how to spin at high speed, so the dizziness made it unable to move normally.

The final result was that Squirtle hit the ground heavily.

"Swamp! Don't stop! Rockfall!" Wutong continued to command without holding back.

Another boulder appeared above Swamp, and Swamp threw it at Squirtle.

This time Squirtle was still dizzy and had no strength to dodge.

With a bang, Squirtle was directly pressed under the boulder.

"Squirtle!" Xiaozhi couldn't help shouting when he saw this situation.

"Swamp, help it, break the rock." Wutong said calmly.

The physical fitness of Pokémon is much better than everyone thinks. If a rockfall can endanger life, then rockfall is a magical skill.

"Numa!" Swamp came to the boulder, and the right claw emitted light and chopped it on the boulder.

The boulder shattered directly, revealing Squirtle, who had lost his ability to fight.

"Come back, Squirtle." Xiaozhi took back Squirtle directly.

"In that case, let's use the air advantage! Go! Beedrill!" Xiaozhi chose to send out Beedrill.

"Beedrill? Come back, Swampert

, Hercules, it's up to you! " Wutong did not hesitate and changed the Pokémon.

The second round of battle began.

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