The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

The raging beast that evolved because of the rage did not attack the queen directly, but took a stance and looked back at Wutong, waiting for his trainer's command.

Seeing the look of the raging beast, Wutong smiled with relief. It seems that the raging beast also evolved suddenly because of an emotional outburst.

But there was no situation of not listening to the command. Sure enough, the raging beast was an obedient child even after evolving.

"Ragamu! Flame Wheel!" Wutong commanded directly.

"Bubba!!" The flames on the raging beast suddenly surged, and the raging beast turned into a big fireball and rushed towards the queen.

"Vampire! Wake up! Get out of the way!" Lijia called out when she saw the Duck-billed Flame coming fiercely.

After all, Lijia didn't expect the Duck-billed Flame to evolve suddenly. At this time, Vampire was in a state of confusion due to the side effects of using the Petal Dance.

Originally, Lijia combined the paralysis powder with the Petal Dance to paralyze the opponent, which would give Vampire time to relieve the confusion.

As a result, the Duck-billed Flame suddenly evolved, and the confusion seemed to disappear.

Although Lijia called out desperately, it had no effect. Vampire was still in a state of circles and her body was shaking.

The Duck-billed Flame directly hit Vampire, and Vampire flew backwards.

After being attacked by the Flame Wheel, Vampire was also more awake and barely stabilized.

After all, she had not been attacked effectively, and Vampire still had the ability to fight.

"Vampire, do another Petal Dance!" Lijia suddenly decided to confront head-on.

"Duck-billed Flame! Spray smoke!" Wutong saw Lijia using the Petal Dance again. With experience, he decided not to let the Duck-billed Flame get close.

"Bubba!" The Duck-billed Flame sprayed out billowing hot flames, and the extremely high temperature caused the air nearby to distort.

The flames directly burned the flying petals and burned the Queen Flower.

Just when Wutong thought he had won, the Duck-billed Flame's smoke suddenly stopped.

The Duck-billed Flame suddenly twitched and fell to the ground.

"Duck-billed Flame!" Wutong shouted worriedly.

Sure enough, evolution does not restore the full state. The effects of the previous poison powder, paralysis powder, and hypnotic powder are still on the Duck-billed Flame.

After completing the last round of attacks with anger, the Duck-billed Flame finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

Although the Queen Flower was in a very bad state, it still had the ability to move.

Lijia did not continue to command because the Queen Flower's Petal Dance had not yet ended.

"Is it the limit?" Wutong said to himself, preparing to call out the next Pokémon.

"Bubba!" However, Infernape raised its head with great effort, and a column of fire shot out, making a semicircle, bypassing the petal dance and hitting the Queen Flower directly.

This jet of flame became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Queen Flower fell directly to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

After seeing that he had successfully solved Queen Flower, Infernape fainted with peace of mind.

"Queen Flower and Infernape have lost their ability to fight at the same time, and Lady Lijia has no other Pokémon, so the winner is the challenger Wutong from Changpan City!" The referee raised his right hand and shouted.

"Thank you for your hard work, Infernape, come back." Wutong looked at the unconscious Infernape and put it back into the healing ball.

"Congratulations, Wutong, this is the colorful badge representing the Yuhong Gym." Lijia walked in front of Wutong and took out a badge that looked like a flower with eight petals of different colors.

"Thank you." Wutong was polite and put away the colored badge.

"Then I'll take my leave." Wutong wanted to leave as soon as possible after getting the badge.

After all, he was afraid that Lijia would kill her because he knew her secret.

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, Wutong suddenly felt a little hot around his waist.

Wutong touched it and immediately retracted his hand. He was burned by the Poké Ball.

Although Wutong didn't know what was going on, he immediately untied the belt carrying the Poké Ball. He found that the healing ball containing the Platypus didn't look right.

Wutong touched it tentatively and it was really hot.

"What's wrong, Wutong?" Lijia asked when she saw Wutong's strange behavior.

"I don't know what happened, my Poké Ball suddenly became hot." Wutong also answered strangely.

"Became hot?" Lijia was also very confused.


What's going on? Swampert, use the water gun to cool it down. "The Swampert that helped Wutong resist the attack just now was not taken back into the Poké Ball.

"Numa~" Swampert spit out a stream of water and rushed to the healing ball. It stirred up bursts of steam.

Under the continuous cooling of Swampert, Wutong was finally able to touch the healing ball normally.

"Duckbill, come out." Wutong quickly released the duckbill.

After all, there was a problem with the Poké Ball, so most of the time it was probably affected by the Pokémon in the Poké Ball.

The released duckbill is still in a coma, but the flames on its body are still burning.

"This, why does it feel like the problem of duckbill self-ignition has become more serious." Wutong couldn't help saying as he looked at the duckbill, which was burning alone.

"Although I don't know what happened, I think it's better to put out the fire first. "Lijia said on the side.

"Emmmm, okay, Swamp Leap, be careful, the Platypus is injured now." Wutong warned.

"Numa~" Swamp Leap nodded, and then sent out a very small stream of water, slowly extinguishing the flames on the Platypus.

Wutong also found the right time to use the power of Changpan to heal the Platypus.

"Bubba?" The Platypus, whose condition had recovered a little, woke up.

Seeing Swamp Leap who was watering him and Wutong who was helping him heal him, the Platypus sat up directly.

"You're awake, Platypus, don't move, you are burning with flames now." Wutong said.

"Bubba! ? "Incarnator looked at the blazing flames on his body and immediately panicked.

After all, it was because it would always spontaneously combust that it was ostracized and disliked by other Pokémon and trainers.

It finally managed to control it with the help of Wutong, and now it suddenly burned more vigorously than before. Incarnator was really worried that Wutong would abandon it.

"Calm down, Incarnator, I won't abandon you, remember what I told you? "Wutong comforted Incarnate.

Although Wutong was treating Incarnate, he did not dare to use the power of Evergreen with all his strength, after all, the side effects of the power of Evergreen would make him fall asleep.

Wutong, who was not yet proficient in the power of Evergreen, was afraid that after he fell asleep, Incarnate would become more panicked and cause trouble again.

After hearing Wutong's words, Incarnate slowly became calm. Yes, its current trainer was different from the previous one.

Even if he had burned a lot of things, he would always comfort himself, help him put out the fire and deal with the aftermath, and make a lot of delicious food to eat with him every day.

How could such a trainer abandon himself?

Incarnate slowly calmed down, and as Incarnate became calm, the flames on his body became much smaller.

But there was still a layer of flame burning steadily on Incarnate. Even if Swampert put it out, it would still burn again.

"Numa! ? "Swampfish also had a fighting spirit. Every time the flames on the duck-billed fire beast burned, it used a water gun to put them out.

Later, it felt that the water gun was not enough, so it changed to water waves. Fortunately, this guy didn't know how to use a water cannon, otherwise the duck-billed fire beast might not be able to leave the Yuhong Gym today.

"Stop, I asked you to put out the fire, not to silence you. The duck-billed fire beast will make you lose consciousness in a while!" Wutong had been treating the duck-billed fire beast and didn't notice Swampfish's actions.

After treating the duck-billed fire beast for a while and finding that the duck-billed fire beast was still weak, Wutong saw Swampfish who was "busy putting out the fire".

Wutong knocked on Swampfish's head and said.

"Numa!" Swampfish finally reacted and called out to the duck-billed fire beast apologetically.

"Bubba~" The duck-billed fire beast also responded.

"You too, that fool has no brains, don't sit there and take it hard, tell it to stop. "Wu Tong said helplessly to the Platypus.

This guy, sometimes he has too many concerns. Would he abandon it because of this?

I was treating it while letting the Pokémon that restrained it attack it. What kind of horrible punishment is this?

If someone who didn't know the situation saw it, they would think that I was abusing the Pokémon.

"Bubba~" Platypus scratched his head and called out stupidly.

"You have a good relationship with your Pokémon, but this Pokémon I haven't seen has a little, emmm, a little bit of great wisdom." Lijia looked at the interaction between Wu Tong and his Pokémon and said carefully.

"Numa~!" Swampert put his hands on his waist. Although he didn't know what Lijia meant, he should

He was praising himself.

"Miss Lijia, don't be so polite. Swampert is just a fool. You don't need to save face for it." Wutong saw the look of Swampert and couldn't help but hit it on the head again.

"Numa?" Swampert, who was hit again, touched his head in confusion. Although Wutong didn't feel any pain, he still felt bad.

"Do you have a way to deal with your Platyblade? Although it's a lot funnier, it probably still can't take back the Poké Ball in this state." Lijia didn't answer, but looked at Platyblade and said.

"Alas, I don't know what to do. It seems that I have to contact Professor Oak, but I can't take Platyblade back to the Poké Ball. It can't take any transportation in this state." Wutong looked at Platyblade and was in a dilemma.

"I know a senior who has been conducting research on fire Pokémon flames. He may have a way." Lijia thought for a while and said.

"Really? Please, Ms. Lijia, please take me to see that senior." Wutong said immediately.

After all, even if we set off to Pallet Town right now, it will take one or two months.

After all, the current state of the Platypus is impossible to take transportation, and can only walk.

"No problem, follow me." Lijia said and began to lead the way.

On the other side, Gastly was having a cordial and friendly exchange with Hyoudou.

"Hehehe, as expected, I didn't misjudge you, your collection is also very good." Gastly said as he looked at the books with different covers in front of him.

"It's just a personal hobby, your taste is also very good." Hyoudou replied.

Just when one person and one Pokémon were about to have a wave of appreciation meetings, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it at this time, Gastly, help me put these away." Hyoudou said.

"Hehehe, no problem." Gastly flew over the books, and those books disappeared out of thin air.

Hyoudou opened the door and found that it was Rika, who gave him a headache. Behind Rika was Wutong and a pink flaming duckbill beast with flames all over its body.

"It's Teacher Rika. What do you want to talk to me about at this time?" Hyoudou said politely.

"Hyoudou-senpai, I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I don't see Vali-senpai and Hyoudou-senpai together, which is a bit regrettable." Rika said.

"Goodbye!" Hyoudou said without hesitation, and then he was about to close the door.

"Wait a minute! Mr. Hyoudou, it's actually me who's looking for you. There are some problems with my flaming duckbill beast. I hope you can help." Wutong blocked the door and said quickly.

After that, Wutong looked at Rika with resentment. Why does it feel like this young lady seems to have let herself go?

"Sorry, actually Wutong's flaming duckbill beast has suddenly been burning, and there is no way to extinguish it, so I came to Hyoudou-senpai." Rika also remembered the purpose of coming here and said.

"So that's how it is. Come in." Hyoudou said after taking a look at the still burning Lacerta.

Following Hyoudou into the room, Wutong saw Gastly at a glance.

"Old ghost, why are you here? Are you playing a trick on me again!?" Wutong asked directly.

"Tsk, kid, what do you think of me? I just have the same hobbies as Hyoudou-san." Gastly replied.

After hearing Gastly's words, Wutong looked at Hyoudou with a strange look.

"Well, let me see what's going on with Lacerta." Although he could see that Wutong's Lacerta was shining, Hyoudou didn't like to pry into other people's secrets, so he didn't ask.

Hyoudou took out some instruments to check.

"How is it, Mr. Hyoudou, is Lacerta okay?" Wutong asked.

"No problem, Lacerta just absorbed too much fire attribute energy at one time, causing the flames in its body to go out of control, and it will keep burning in order to eliminate these forces." Hyoudou said.

"It will be fine after it burns for a while." Hyoudou gave a solution.

"But, the situation of the Platypus is a bit special." Wutong looked tangled. If the Platypus was an ordinary Platypus, there should be no problem.

But the flash power of his Platypus is flame-affinity, and the energy of fire attribute will stick to it.

If this goes on, the Platypus will continue to burn.

Wutong gritted his teeth and still said the special ability of the Platypus.

However, he did not mention the flash power, but just said that his Platypus had some special abilities.

After all, Wutong did not know whether Professor Oak's topic was public.

"Is that so? That's a bit troublesome. This requires someone who can help all the time.

It absorbs fire energy. In fact, I know there is a device called Lava Amplifier. "Hyoudou said.

"Lava Amplifier can purify and refine fire energy, and that item can also make Platypus evolve into Platypus. According to my research, it may be under a special magnetic field that it instantly purifies and refines the fire energy in Platypus' body, allowing Platypus to undergo a qualitative change and evolve into Platypus." Hyoudou continued.

(ps: The above is all Bingkuai's nonsense, please don't believe it, the plot requires it, hope to understand.)

"But that thing is not available in the Kanto and Johto regions, so--" Hyoudou lowered his head and tried to think of other solutions.

"Really, Mr. Hyoudou, can the Lava Amplifier solve the problem of Platypus?" Wutong asked curiously.

"Yes, this is? Lava Amplifier?" Hyoudou couldn't help shouting when he saw Wutong suddenly took out a red rectangle.

"Platypus, take this with you. "Wu Tong handed the Lava Amplifier to Incarnate and said.

"Bubba?" Incarnate took the Lava Amplifier, and it felt that this thing was very important to it.

Wu Tong also looked at Incarnate curiously. After all, Pokémon in the game can carry items, but the game is a game after all, and it will definitely not let you see in detail how the items are carried.

Incarnate turned the Lava Amplifier, and then with a force, the Lava Amplifier directly cracked.

The thing inside that looked like magma was a bead emitting heat, and Incarnate swallowed the bead in one gulp.

Then the shell of the Lava Amplifier was buckled on the steel-like objects on his arms, one on the left and one on the right.

Wu Tong was surprised, after all, it was the first time he saw Pokémon carrying items with his own eyes.

"Bubba~! "Sure enough, the flames on the Platycoon slowly extinguished after the lava amplifier it carried. The lava amplifiers on its arms flashed dark red light.

"That's fine, and carrying it in advance to continuously help your Platycoon purify the fire energy will also make it stronger after evolution." Hyouto nodded and said.

"After all, if you temporarily carry a lava amplifier and then undergo special magnetic field stimulation, even if it is purified and refined instantly, it is inevitable that some impurities will remain. Your Platycoon will not have this problem, as long as it does not evolve very quickly." Hyouto continued.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Hyouto, I won't bother you anymore so late, I will come to thank you again tomorrow." Wutong said gratefully.

"It doesn't matter, I'm also very happy to see such an interesting situation. "Hyoudou waved his hand to signal Wutong not to mind.

Wutong thanked him again and left.

And Lijia stayed to chat with Hyoudou in order to find out who was on top between Hyoudou and Vali.

Gass also took this opportunity to leave with Wutong, but Gastly did not take out the books that did not belong to him.

After that, Hyoudou was sad for a long time because he lost most of his collection.

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