The next day, the next day, the next day, the next day.

Sorry, the neighbor who had a good life yesterday, the one named Ampere, is gone. Ice cube accidentally uploaded the wrong chapter because of happiness, and has changed it back. I am going to take a leave because it is Ice cube's mother's birthday today. Sorry everyone.

After leaving the Hualan Gym, Shinji and Wutong said goodbye directly.

Obviously, Shinji couldn't wait to part with Wutong.

Wutong sent the water jump fish to the Pokémon Center to recover.

Then he went to the mall in Hualan City to make a wave of purchases, mainly tree fruits and food. Of course, he also bought a brand new map.

After the purchase, Wutong took back the recovered water jump fish and set off on the journey again.

On the outskirts of Cerulean City, Wutong looked at the map and headed for the next city.

Beside Wutong were Water Leap and Duckbill. Both Pokémon followed Wutong obediently.

But Duckbill would suddenly catch fire, and at this time, Water Leap would have to help put out the fire.

Wutong also roughly understood why Duckbill was rejected by other Pokémon, and no trainer had captured it.

Because it often spontaneously combusts for no reason, although it does not harm itself, it is different for the people or Pokémon around it.

Poor little Duckbill, no wonder it has become so sensible, it is forced by life.

But when Wutong was thinking about Duckbill, he had deviated from the direction he should go.

"Sandshrew! It's time for intensive special training!" Just when Wutong was worried that the surroundings were different from what the map showed, a voice sounded not far away.

"Is there anyone? Let's ask for directions." Wutong said and walked towards the direction of the voice.

When Wutong approached, he saw a boy with dark green hair and a whip in his hand.

"This outfit, and this sandrat with equipment? Could it be the beast master Xiao Ming?" Wutong said to himself.

After hearing Xiaoming's command, the sandrat shrank into a round ball, and was pushed around by three little Rattatas.

"Who are you? What's the matter?" Xiaoming saw Wutong and asked vigilantly.

"Excuse me, I'm Wutong from Changpan City, I want to ask for directions." Wutong said.

"Is that so." Xiaoming relaxed after hearing Wutong's words, after all, he had encountered the sandrat that Team Rocket wanted to rob him.

"I want to go to Vermilion City to challenge the Vermilion Gym, but I seem to have been deceived by a black-hearted businessman, and there is something wrong with the map." Wutong threw the newly bought map to the ground angrily.

"Gulu?" Shuiyueyu looked at Wutong's operation and was a little confused. Scoring twice is a yes.

Water Leap Fish felt that if he continued like this, he would soon see through everything.

"Bubby?" The sensible duckbill baby picked up the map. It was not a good behavior to litter casually.

Picking up the map, the duckbill baby began to try to check the map.

"Is that so? It seems that you are also a trainer on the journey. By the way, my name is Xiao Ming, known as the beast master Xiao Ming! I am also a trainer who has just started traveling." Xiao Ming nodded and sympathized with Wutong's experience.

"Vermilion City is in that direction. If you continue to go forward in the current direction, you should reach Cerulean City." Xiao Ming said considerately.

After hearing Xiao Ming's words, Wutong's face was complicated. Why are these maps so wrong?

The duckbill baby who was looking at the map also had a complicated face. It felt that there was nothing wrong with the map.

But it was particularly sensible and felt that it was not good to tell its trainer directly.

The water jump fish on the side looked at Wutong and the duckbill baby expressionlessly. Ha, mortals, the water jump fish has seen through everything.

"Thank you so much. By the way, what is your sandshrew wearing? It looks like a device for training Pokémon." Wutong thanked him and asked.

Although the methods of training Pokémon are very similar between Beast Master Xiao Ming and Shinji, their personalities are very different.

Shinji is the kind of person who is serious and cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

And the beast master Xiao Ming is the kind of person who is a little confident and flamboyant.

However, both of them are equally conceited and have great confidence in their own training methods.

"You have a good vision. This is the Pokémon strengthening training device I made myself!" After hearing what Wutong said, Xiao Ming also became interested.

"Oh!! So amazing!

Did you make this yourself? "Wu Tong said with an exaggerated expression.



Swirlfish and Duckbill tilted their heads together, looking at their trainer in confusion.

Although their trainer's personality has always been cheerful, it has never been as exaggerated as it is now.

Swirlfish, who sees through everything, found that he didn't see through it!

"Of course! I have made sufficient preparations to make my Sandshrew stronger!" Xiao Ming said confidently.

"Really professional!" Wu Tong continued to applaud.

"I wonder if I will have the honor to fight your Sandshrew! "Wu Tong asked expectantly.

To be honest, he was not sure if he could defeat Sandshrew now.

Although he and he beat Xiaozhi like beating a child, he was able to do it entirely by relying on the overall quality of Water Leap and Xiaozhi's rookie behavior.

And now Xiao Ming completely defeated Xiaozhi with his hard power. You know, his Sandshrew can use Earthshatter.

But for some reason, Beast Master Xiao Ming never appeared again in the later period.

Wu Tong thought Xiao Ming would be a strong enemy in the later period and was looking forward to it. But after that, Xiao Ming disappeared completely.

Is it because Xiao Ming's Sandshrew can use Earthshatter, which is too expensive!?

"Want to challenge me? No problem!" Xiao Ming said as if he was satisfying the fans' wishes at a fan meeting.

"Sandshrew, prepare for the battle." Xiao Ming said to Sandshrew.

"Water Leap, leave it to you. "Wu Tong sent out the Water Leap Fish without hesitation.

In fact, from a safe point of view, it is safer to let the Dream Demon appear.

But it would be a bit meaningless to let the Dream Demon appear. After all, the current skill configuration of the Dream Demon, emmmmm, is not suitable for training.

"I have never seen a Pokémon before, Sandshrew! Attack it!" Xiao Ming shouted with a whip.

"Water Leap Fish, go and try its strength!" Wu Tong also entered the combat state, with his pupils contracted like a beast, and a smile on his face.

Wait, the beast-like Wu Tong and the beast made Xiao Ming naturally fall into a disadvantage!?

"Gulu!" The two front paws of the Water Leap Fish pressed together with the claws of the Sandshrew.

The muscles on the front paws of the Water Leap Fish bulged, and gradually pressed the Sandshrew to the ground.

"This kind of strength? Your Pokémon is also very well cultivated! Sandshrew, get rid of it and dig a hole! "Xiao Ming shouted as he flicked the whip again.

The Sandshrew suddenly let go and took a small jump back.

The Water Leap Fish, which suddenly lost its support in front, instantly lost its balance and lay down in front of the Sandshrew.

Wu Tong felt helpless when he saw the silly look of the Water Leap Fish. He still didn't have enough combat experience, although he could cause higher damage if he used all his strength.

But if he used all his strength every time, not only would his physical strength not be able to support it, but he would also be easily caught by others because of the stiffness caused by the attack.

The Sandshrew did not attack the Water Leap Fish because it was lying in front of it, but dug a hole into the ground obediently.

"Such execution. It is worthy of being the beast master Xiao Ming." Wu Tong couldn't help but sigh.

"Water Leap Fish! Get back up quickly!" Wu Tong shouted.

"Gulu!" The Water Leap Fish immediately jumped up and looked around vigilantly.

"Snap! "Xiao Ming whipped the ground with his whip, and with a sound, the ground behind the water jump fish moved, and the Sandshrew jumped out.

"This is what I've been waiting for! Water jump fish, double return!" Wutong shouted hurriedly when he saw Xiao Ming whipping his whip.

"Gulu!" The water jump fish was covered with rainbow light.

"What!?" Xiao Ming was a little surprised that his attack was seen through.

The Sandshrew, which had already started attacking, had no way to stop, and could only attack the water jump fish covered with rainbow light.

After the back of the water jump fish was attacked, it turned around suddenly and hit the Sandshrew's head with one claw.

The Sandshrew was beaten back to Xiao Ming's side.

"You are a good trainer, Wutong. "At this time, Xiao Ming agreed with Wutong.

Wutong did not speak, because he knew that he was just relying on the information advantage.

After all, compared with the beast master Xiao Ming, he had trained Pokémon for a short time.

After all, Xiao Ming was the one who started traveling after completing a hundred consecutive victories, and the time he trained Pokémon must have been at least two or three months.

Wutong believed that he would not be weaker than Xiao Ming if he had the same amount of time.

Now it was just because of the time disadvantage.

"Sandshrew! Attack!" Xiao Ming flicked the whip and launched another attack.

The Sandshrew received the order and began to run quickly towards the Water Leap Fish.

"Water Leap Fish, Water Wave!" Wutong commanded.

"Gulu!" The water jump fish shot out a series of circular water streams to attack the sandmouse.

"Go through it!" Xiao Ming shouted as he flicked his whip.

The running sandmouse shrank into a ball and jumped through the water wave of the water jump fish.

"Water jump fish, drop the rock!" Wutong showed an expression of a plan.

If the hard power is not enough, then make up for it with tactics! Wutong guessed that Xiao Ming would let the sandmouse jump through the water circle, so he deliberately used the water wave.

The sandmouse in the air is a target. Of course, it is not easy to seize this opportunity, but it is no problem for the water jump fish with special strength.

"Gulu!" The stone appeared in the void beside the water jump fish. Before the stone fell, the water jump fish directly waved its claws and hit the stone at the sandmouse in the air.

The powerful impact made the sandmouse in the air fall directly to the ground.

"Go up! Break the rock!" Wutong continued.

Water Leap Fish kicked the ground hard and rushed to the bottom of the Sandshrew before it fell.

Its front paws glowed, and it threw a perfect uppercut at the Sandshrew.

"Sandshrew! Roll!" Xiao Ming shouted without any intention of sitting still and waiting for death.

The Sandshrew, which was about to be hit, forced itself to spin.

Water Leap Fish's uppercut smashed the rock and hit the spinning Sandshrew, and the two Pokémon retreated together.

This time, Water Leap Fish undoubtedly had the upper hand.

"Sandshrew! Come on! Use Earthshatter!" Xiao Ming shouted as he whipped the whip fiercely in preparation for the last fight.

The Sandshrew jumped up and headed down, stretched out one paw and began to spin like a drill.

"It's finally here! Water Leap Fish rush over!" Wutong shouted fearlessly.

"Gulp!" Water Leap Fish kicked the ground with all four limbs and rushed to the bottom of the Sandshrew.

Xiao Ming didn't know what Wutong wanted to do, but he knew that Wutong must have a purpose and would not rush over to die.

But the ground crack could not be stopped, and all Xiao Ming could do now was to trust Sandshrew.

"Hold on! Then the water wave!" Wutong continued to shout.

The water jump fish rushed to the bottom of the Sandshrew and was covered by a layer of green translucent energy.

The spinning Sandshrew was held up by the water jump fish.

In order to prevent the Sandshrew from escaping again, the water jump fish pressed the Sandshrew with two claws and pressed it to the ground.

The ring-shaped water flow shot out and directly gave the Sandshrew a face-washing package. The Sandshrew also turned into a circle eye and lost its combat ability.

"This is a tactical victory!" Wutong said with a smile.

"Tsk, the heart of playing tactics is dirty!" Xiao Ming couldn't help saying when he saw Wutong's smile.

"You win, as expected, you can meet more powerful trainers during the trip." Xiao Ming said happily.

"Lucky, lucky." Wutong responded modestly.

"I hope I can have another chance to fight with you in the future, and I won't lose then!" Xiaoming said.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing Xiaoming taking back the Sandshrew and leaving, Wutong hurriedly stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoming was still very friendly to Wutong who defeated him. This is recognition of the strong.

"I am very interested in your Pokémon strengthening training device!" Wutong said.

"Oh? It seems that you know the goods very well, but I only have one copy of this thing myself." Xiaoming said.

"So I want to ask you to make a set for my Pokémon, but I hope the training direction of the device can be targeted, after all, the water jump fish and duckbill baby do not need to become round." Wutong made a request.

"That's very troublesome." Xiaoming frowned. This kind of thing is very time-consuming and energy-consuming. Although he agreed with Wutong, this kind of thing.

"Of course, I won't let you do it for nothing. I will pay for all the materials and the labor costs." Wutong said as a matter of course.

"How about using this to pay for the labor fee? I think as an excellent trainer, you should understand the value of this thing." Wutong took out the ground-type energy cube and said.

"What is this?" Xiao Ming took the energy cube and threw it directly into his mouth.

Because he could feel that this was a kind of Pokémon food.

"This is very suitable for the taste of ground-type Pokémon, and it looks like it has ground-type energy itself." Xiao Ming said.

"Of course, this is a top-level energy cube. Long-term consumption will greatly benefit the growth of Pokémon." Wutong explained.

"Energy cube? Compared with this thing, my Pokémon enhanced training device doesn't seem to be worth it." Xiao Ming said very self-awarely.

"It doesn't matter, we can cooperate for a long time, and your Pokémon enhanced training device will also be upgraded, right? I can fully support it.

"I will support your research." Wutong smiled like a profiteer and tempted.

After hearing Wutong's words, Xiao Ming was moved. Wutong's words were like the whisper of a devil, which made him unable to resist.

After all, for a trainer, high-level energy blocks are really hard to refuse, especially for a person who is keen on making devices for training Pokémon.

But for a half-scientific researcher without financial support, Wutong's conditions were really too hard for him to refuse.

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