Pokemon: Role Play Saitama, Rayquaza Is Stunned!

Chapter 96: God On Earth, Split Fist In The Spiritual World! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

The leader of the Dark Moon Team was startled and turned around.

In the spiritual world, I actually saw a human being?

How can this be?

If it weren't for the machines built by the Dark Moon Team, humans would have been torn into pieces by the space-time whirlwind in an instant when they entered the spiritual world.

How did he get in??

"Who are you?"

"Why did you appear in the spirit world?"

Faced with the shock of the leader of the Dark Moon Team, Lin Yan just moved his body a little, and then slowly answered:

"I'm just a C-level hero passing by.

Well, just to make a joke.

The leader of the Dark Moon Team stared at Lin Yan, his expression full of rage.

At this critical moment when Lunala is about to swallow enough soul energy, no matter what variables, they cannot threaten herself!

But, who has the ability to cross the gap in the spiritual world and come here?

Yes, Alliance, it can only be Alliance!

This kid must have been sent by the Pokémon Alliance to stop him!

"You were sent by Alliance, right? Unfortunately, you arrived late.

"Besides, this is just a foolhardy act!"

"Don't say it's you, even if it's Yuzhu, the champion of the Dragon Kingdom Pokémon Alliance, she can only come back defeated in this place in the spirit world!"

"Today I want to let you know the price of angering our Dark Moon team!"

"I am a god who is about to enter the realm of gods. Even the Pokémon Alliance cannot stop me!!"

Lin Yan felt a little speechless when he heard the sound.

Why do all these people like to speculate so much?

Moreover, the leader of the Dark Moon Team sounds like he is at least sixty or seventy years old, and he has the aura of a middle-aged man.

Old people are sick and need to be cured.

"Okay, okay, stop it, it's none of my business what you want to do, but can you please make less noise?"

"Just because of your nonsense, I can't even live in the house I just bought."

Listening to the impassioned speech of the leader of the Dark Moon Team, Lin Yan just stretched out his fingers to scratch his ears, and also slapped Yawn, looking unconcerned.

This is the truth.

He just hopes that no one will disturb him in the house he lives in, that's all.


In the ears of the leader of the Dark Moon Team, these words had a completely different meaning!

Are you so funny? Do you know where this is?

Spirit world!

Tell me, I made a lot of noise (ahaf) and disturbed the house where you live??

How is it possible that someone can buy a house in the spirit world??

Even if you want to insult someone's intelligence, at least find a better reason!

"Since you like to be weird here, then, no matter if the Pokémon Alliance or some other organization is behind you.

"I want to let you know the strength of our Dark Moon Team!"

The furious leader of the Dark Moon team stretched out his hand to grab it, and an Ultra Ball was thrown out.

With a flash of red light, a calm Oranguru appeared in front of him.

"Oranguru, use Trick Room to trap this kid and don't give it any chance to escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire space became distorted in an instant.

In this Trick Room, Pokémon that are originally at high speed will be slowed down by the distorted space, while those Pokémon that move more slowly can attack faster in this situation.

As for humans.

Once trapped in the Trick Room, you cannot even move because you cannot adapt to the twisted space!

The leader of the Dark Moon Team aims to kill Lin Yan before he has adapted to the Trick Room!

"Oranguru, don't give him a chance to adapt, use..."

Before he finished speaking, a white humanoid Pokémon touched the Trick Room lightly.

When he saw that the Pokémon was not affected by the Trick Room and could still move freely, the leader of the Dark Moon Team suddenly shrank his eyes, showing an expression of disbelief.

The next second.


In the blink of an eye, the Trick Room, which had been completely distorted, was shattered into countless pieces and scattered in the wind.

Even this scene was startling!

It has championship-level strength, and the Trick Room it created is difficult for even other championship-level Pokémon to adapt to.

As a result, it was easily broken by a humanoid Pokémon that I had never seen before?

The leader of the Dark Moon Team quickly suppressed his shocked expression and quickly gave the next instruction to Oranguru!

"Oranguru, strong will, suppress the unknown Pokémon first!!"


When that huge spiritual power enveloped Mewtwo, it was not affected at all!

Instead, Mewtwo gently raised his hand, and the terrifying mental power that could squeeze a thousand tons of weight disappeared in an instant!

Under the collision of mental power, Oranguru, who was the first to launch the attack, had no time to withdraw the attack. Suddenly, blood flowed from all his orifices, blood foam spurted out, and he fell to the ground convulsing!

The leader of the Dark Moon Team was so surprised that he moved a few steps back.

I have fought all over the world, and the Trump Card Pokémon's Psychic, which has few opponents, was easily crushed by the opponent's mental power!

But soon, after the expression of disbelief disappeared, he lowered his head and said in a gloomy voice:

"As expected of the person sent by the Pokémon Alliance to stop me, his strength is indeed extraordinary."

Then, the old man raised his head, a flash of fanatical madness flashed in his eyes.

"But, even you, there is absolutely no way you can compete with a first-level god!"

"It doesn't matter even if you can't completely absorb all the soul energy in the spiritual world!"

"Lunala, do it!"

At this moment, the blood moon in the sky suddenly moved, and the bright red light gradually dissipated, revealing the figure with a bat-like appearance.

His Dual Wingbeat is inlaid with a golden moon arc, slowly waving purple bat wings, and his red eyes proudly overlook Lin Yan on the Ground.


Countless Pokémon corpses floated slowly around the spirit world, and then the lifeless bodies showed signs of pain, and the wailing souls were forcibly ripped out of the bodies one by one!

The souls of these Ghost-type Pokémon are like a torrent, rushing in the direction of Lin Yan, as if Final Gambit Normal is trying to kill Lin Yan directly!

The terrifying aura exuded by Lunala in the air has almost enveloped the entire spiritual world at this moment, even causing waves of chaos!

Even in Soaring in the sky, many cracks were left behind!

Gengar lowered his head. This terrifying momentum made it unable to raise its head!

Mewtwo originally wanted to stop him, but he glanced at Lin Yan.

The master seems to be taking action!

Well, forget it, let’s protect our family from that terrifying fist storm!

And Lin Yan.

He slowly raised his right hand, folded his fingers, and pointed his fist bones outward.

I always feel like this scene seems familiar?

I don’t know where the platinum dragon who doesn’t want to be named is now. Lin Yan really wants to chat with him about life when he has time.

And now.

He looked at the waves of Pokémon around him like a torrent, and Lunala in the air punching hard——

The split punch in the spirit world!

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