Pokemon: Pikachu Revealed, Mortal Body Comparable To Gods

Chapter 89: Hoenn Region Gym Is Difficult? Don't You See What Hell Kanto Is! !

After defeating the fourth gym, Lavaridge Gym, Xiaozhi and his team moved on.

There were many battles, big and small, along the way.

Until one time, Xiaozhi fought against a person holding Loudred on the roadside.

Both sides bloomed with the luster of evolution almost at the same time!

It has a green body and a long leaf growing out of its head.

The arms grow three blade-like green leaves.

The tail also becomes flat,

This is the evolution of Treecko, Grovyle!

Loudred evolved into Exploud, and Xiaozhi's Treecko... finally evolved into Grovyle!

And he learned the signature trick of the Treecko family, Leaf Blade!

After a handsome Leaf Blade chop, Grovyle cut off a new branch and put it on his mouth.

This means that he now has a completely new attitude!

[Cynthia: Big and small battles have finally allowed Treecko to evolve! Now Grovyle looks a bit like Sceptile when he uses Leaf Blade to slash!]

[Bruno: Grovyle Breeder is indeed good...but...even if it evolves into Sceptile, it is not that easy to grow to a level that can fight Darkrai! To be honest...]

[Yu Longdu: To be honest, this Grovyle is actually nothing special, right? 】

[Yu Longdu: I think so too. Although he is faster than the Normal Grovyle in terms of speed, apart from his personality and speed and holding a branch in his mouth, he is not actually any better than other Grovyles! 】

[Alder: Maybe... Grovyle's strength is not just related to Grovyle? 】

[Professor Oak: That’s right! The Pokémon in Xiaozhi’s hand are actually not extremely talented Pokémon! But... they can grow to be very powerful, even on top of the world, all because of their The bond between them and Xiaozhi!】

[Professor Buratano: Bond... has always been an elusive magical power in this world! Let’s see what happens to Grovyle and Xiaozhi in the future! I think... it will be Grovyle, or Sceptile’s turning point!】

Many sharp-eyed Trainers, or some grass-type specialized Trainers, can see that,

Although Xiaozhi’s Grovyle has been trained very well,

He is also aloof and considerate of his companions.

But...his current growth is actually not worthy of his future record of defeating Darkrai!

Perhaps as 03 Professor Oak said,

Grovyle himself may not have such a strong talent, but together with Xiaozhi,

They will have a magical chemical reaction!

This is the key to Sceptile becoming so powerful in the future, even killing gods!

In the image——

After evolving at home, Grovyle's moves have been fully supplemented!

Quick Attack, Leaf Blade, Agility, Double Team, Fury Cutter, X-Scissor!

Compared with before, I have no more moves and can only use Pound constantly.

Treecko, who also has the low-power Bullet Seed to fight with, is simply incomparable!

During the subsequent trip, Xiaozhi and others came to the Petalburg Gym!

From the conversation between Xiaozhi and May and others, we learned that Xiaozhi had already arrived at the Petalburg Gym at the beginning!

However, the Petalburg Gym requires three Pokémon for official battles.

Xiaozhi placed all the Pokémon he had captured in Professor Oak's Laboratory for foster care.

Therefore, at the beginning, with only Pikachu, he had no way to officially challenge the Petalburg Gym.

Although a friendly war was fought, the outcome was still undecided.

This time when I go back, I will officially fight against the Petalburg Gym!

[ Steven: Oh? Is Xiaozhi going to challenge the Petalburg Gym now? Mr. Norman must not use his full strength! 】

[Wallace: Indeed, after all, that is the man who is called the next Elite Four! He already has Elite-level power! 】

[Yulongdu:...Are other Region gyms all so good?]

[Professor Kukui: Actually, I think...the gyms in the Kanto Region are outrageous...I have fought against the full-power Koga Gym Leader, Giovanni Gym Leader, Blaine Gym Leader, and Sabrina Gym Leader... ...]

[Yulongdu: Well...then it's okay...]

As Professor Kukui said, in terms of difficulty, the difficulty of Kanto Gym is called abnormal!

If you don't send half a dozen Badges, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat Kanto Gym!

Sabrina, the Gym Leader of Saffron City,

He is an extremely powerful Psychic throughout Kanto and even the entire world!

Its Psychic power is probably comparable to that of the Normal Elite-level Psychic Pokémon!

Without being waterproof, she is definitely an Elite-level fighter!

Except for Kukui, there are actually very few stupid people who go to Saffron City to fight against Natu.

After all, there are rumors that if you fail to fight Sabrina, you will be turned into a doll to play with her for a few days!

Just hearing this rumor gave Lance a chill.

Turning into a doll...what a terrifying Psychic!

As for Blaine from the Cinnabar Gym, he was also an extremely powerful Trainer back in the day!

Now that he is getting older, all his friends from the older generation, except the duck-billed fire dragon, have gone to retire.

Even the duck-billed fire dragon's current strength has actually dropped a lot.

But the Blaine that Kukui faced back then was definitely close to a quasi-Elite in strength!

In Koga's words... On the surface, he is an ordinary Ninja poison master.

In fact, he has already confirmed to take over as the Poison Elite of the Chengdu Region!

He is working hard...as you can imagine!

The last Giovanni...Jiwan Gym is known as the strongest gym in the Kanto Region!

Everyone who understands understands.

Giovanni of the Earth is not a boaster!

However, recently there seems to be clues pointing to Giovanni, who is said to be the leader of Team Rocket.

Lance naturally didn't believe this, and Khoury was half-convinced.

How could Giovanni be the leader of Team Rocket!

When he was in Joban City, he often did charity!

It's just that there's often no one at the Viridian Gym lately, and I don't know what Giovanni is doing.

Did you go on vacation?

I digress,

In fact, there are not only eight gyms in Kanto, but strictly speaking, there are more than a dozen!

It's just... Professor Kukui just found the four strongest gyms to challenge!

Lance didn't know what to say.

[ Steven: Those gyms Kukui mentioned just now... aren't all of them equivalent to the existence of the Petalburg Gym? 】


[Wallace: Wocao! What kind of hell dungeon are you Kanto! We already think it’s outrageous to have one Elite as the gym leader, but you have four???]

[ Blaine: No, no, I no longer have Elite strength. 】

【Norman: No, Blaine is still strong!】

Norman bubbled,

Nowadays, everyone is talking about him, and it won't work if he doesn't come out to show his presence.

But even he didn't expect that there would be so many elite-level gyms in the Kanto Region!

This is indeed a veritable copy of hell!

[Drake: Oh? Norman is out! Seeing that you are about to fight Xiaozhi in the future, what do you want to say? 】

[Norman: emmmm, if I face Xiaozhi, I should use a lot of strength. 】

Using a lot of strength means...not using all your strength!

After all, Xiaozhi can travel for a year at most, right?

It is somewhat difficult for him to fight against Elite in one year.

(Actually, Xiaozhi can play against Elite after traveling for a year, but again, Xiaozhi is too strong and I can’t continue to write the script. I have no choice but to chop a few times.)

(In addition, regarding the settings of Koga and Sabrina, some are rumors, and some are special chapters. Sabrina's strength is indeed vague, but the strength of Koga Elite is certain. After all, the official setting is Johto Region Poison Elite!)

Petalburg Gym:

Xiaosheng, who is still young, chirped.

"Dad is the strongest! He will definitely not lose to Xiaozhi!"

"Although Xiaozhi is very powerful, he still can't compare with dad!"

"But if dad lets it slide, it's not impossible for Xiaozhi to win!"

"After all, he's been traveling with us for so long, so it's only natural for dad to give him a Badge..."


Norman interrupted what Xiao Sheng was saying,

I saw him speaking to Xiao Sheng with a serious expression.

"Gym battle...or Pokémon battle is a sacred thing!

"I won't let you down just because you are traveling together!"

"I won't use my full strength because Xiaozhi's current strength has not reached that level yet!"

“Gym battles test the challenger’s command level, character, and Pokémon’s power combined!”

"If I keep using my full strength, there won't be many people in Hoenn who can challenge the Petalburg Gym!"

"Gym Badge is a strong proof that the challenger's strength is recognized by our gym owners! It is not a family heirloom!"

"Xiao Sheng... don't think that dad can't lose. There are many people in the world who are better than dad! Dad is not the World's Mightiest! There is no person in the world who never loses! If he doesn't lose , that’s just not the time yet…”

Norman's words confused Xiao Sheng, who was still a child.

However, even though he is still a child, Xiao Sheng actually knows more things than other children!

Otherwise, in the video, Norman would not agree to Xiaosheng and Xiaozhi going on a trip.

Xiao Sheng naturally understood what Norman said.

Precisely because he understands, it is more difficult for him to accept!!

In his heart...Dad is the strongest! He cannot lose!

Now his father told him personally that he... was not the strongest!

It’s just that the strength is stronger than most Trainers! (Most refer to ninety-nine percent...)

Xiao Sheng will probably have to absorb this piece of information for a long time.

May is much older than Xiao Sheng, so she naturally knows this truth more thoroughly.

Looking at myself and Xiaozhi on the screen stepping into the Petalburg Gym,

She didn't know who was better to support.

After all... She also has a good impression of Xiaozhi, who takes her on the journey and assumes the position of her leader.

At least they are quite friendly friends!

So...my father and my friends...I feel very torn about which one I support!

Under the spotlight, the Gym Battle at the Petalburg Gym finally begins!

Xiaozhi started with Pikachu!

And Norman... is a lazy guy!

Everyone is living in Bengbu, let go of water, let go of water, you are going too far, right?

Lazy Man, Lazy Ability coupled with his cheap race and slow movement,

Wasn't he hung up and beaten by Pikachu?!

However, the result was unexpected. The lazy man relied on his magical skill of 'swaying'.

Successfully knocked Pikachu unconscious!

Use stillness to brake, the last move comes first!

Pikachu is proud of his speed, but there is nothing he can do about it!

No matter what kind of attack it is, he can dodge it with tiny movements!

What a waste! This is simply Norman's press

Let’s train the Pokémon according to the main force!

Faced with such a static Pokémon, Xiaozhi wisely took Pikachu back.

Then put on Torkoal!

Everyone knows this Torkoal, and the results in the last game are still fresh in our minds!

I used Flamethrower to fight against Darkrai's Dark Pulse, but was instantly killed by the opponent using Flamethrower!

To be honest, they are not optimistic about this Torkoal.

When it came to the Lily of the Valley Conference in Sinnoh Region, it was only at that level.

It's not long since we conquered here, what kind of strength can we show?

The result... once again exceeded their expectations!

Both sides are slow Pokémon. If you don't move, I won't move. If you make a move, I will take it!

The lazy man used Blizzard on Torkoal!

However, Torkoal's Flamethrower move directly pushed Blizzard back!

Killed the lazy man instantly!

....Is he acting in Lily of the Valley Conference?”

.......Do not rule out that possibility,

At the conference, I was submissive, but in the gym battle, I punched hard?

You Flamethrower looks better than Lily of the Valley Conference!

What happened during the conference? Did you have a stomachache?

After Sloth was killed instantly, Norman switched to the next Pokémon.


Facing Vigoroth, Xiaozhi had no intention of exchanging Pokémon, and ended up suffering a big loss!

From the static of the mechanism to the ultimate movement!

The change of mode made Xiaozhi unable to react.

He made a hasty move and was immediately dodged by the opponent. Then he used a Slash move to kill Torkoal instantly!

"...Okay, you Lily of the Valley Conference is indeed not acting, I believe it!"

727 "Is this really a turtle? Why was it instantly killed by physical attacks?"

.....About the fact that I am a turtle but my ability points are focused on attack?”

Torkoal's incredible performance left the audience in awe.

They came to see Sceptile’s autobiography! Why is this turtle stealing the show so much!

Squirtle, who was watching, took out his bully glasses!

Then he put it on his eyes,

He said that as a turtle, Torkoal's performance was simply... incompetent!

He wants speed but not speed, wants defense but not defense! Compared to this turtle like him, he is the complete opposite!

After Torkoal lost the ability to fight, Xiaozhi sent Pikachu again!

Facing the flexible Vigoroth, Xiaozhi naturally has to use the flexible Pikachu!

After a fierce battle with Vigoroth, both sides lost the ability to fight at the same time!

"Pikachao tried his best and didn't even reach the mid-turn. He took so much damage and died together. It's already full of firepower!"

"Yes, that Vigoroth is actually very strong! Is Mr. Norman really letting off steam?"

With everyone speculating, Norman released the last Pokémon!


【Wallace: Norman...you?】

[Drake: First, use Slaking Ong and Vigoroth’s dynamic tactics, and then use the extremely powerful Slaking! Norman... Are you treating Xiaozhi as an Elite Trainer? 1

[Norman: It seems that I should attach great importance to Xiaozhi! Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to use the strength I have now!]

[Professor Kukui: Slaking... Such a huge Pokémon! It also looks quite powerful!]

[ Steven: Norman’s Slaking is one of his main players! It’s also his favorite Pokémon! You can tell by looking at the fact that he has a Slaking account in his hand]

(One household account refers to lazy man, Vigoroth, Slaking, progress and degeneration.)

[Yu Longdu: In other words...Norman's Slaking is an Elite level Pokémon? It's too much! How long has it been since Xiaozhi conquered Treecko? It evolved into a forest some time ago.

Lizard! How do you fight Slaking?!】

[Diantha: You mean, Grovyle is destined to lose?]

[Yulongdu: Otherwise? 】

[Diantha: Where is the betting market? Where is the betting market! I want to win against Xiaozhi!!]


Are you going to scold me again?

What? No scolding? You are scolding me for being a poisonous person!!

The dialogue on the barrage made people all over the world laugh out loud,

The champion who used to be aloof and powerful seems to have an approachable side!

This barrage list really allowed many people to see a different side of the champions!

In the gag, the final battle between Xiaozhi and Norman begins!

Facing Norman's Slaking, Xiaozhi naturally used Grovyle!

After all, this is the autobiography of Sceptile and Xiaozhi!

If it were an insignificant game, there wouldn’t be so many!

Regardless of strength, in terms of Species Strength, Slaking is also extremely powerful, even a Pokémon at the civilian God of War level!

If it weren't for the encumbrance of Normal's Ability such as laziness, its popularity would definitely be no less than that of Quasi-God!.

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