Pokemon: Pikachu Revealed, Mortal Body Comparable To Gods

Chapter 4: I Am The Number One PokéMon Master In The Future!

Jumping from such a high cliff into the rushing water,

Xiaozhi did not lose consciousness, but started swimming in the water!

Under the frightened eyes of everyone,

Xiaozhi kept dodging flying gravel in the river.

Fierce Gyarados! Spearow above, the danger wandering in the river...

Ordinary people have died eight hundred times when encountering such a situation!

However, Xiaozhi suddenly escaped from these many crises and ran to the shore!

It was a girl who saved him with a Fishing Rod.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Spearow in the sky was like a cat that smelled something fishy, ​​and continued to follow him!

Many people watching were numb.

Many people who are not from the Kanto Region are a little dumbfounded.

Is Spearow so vindictive? How far have you traveled!

Jump off a cliff, dive into the water, and be washed by the current! Don’t let this go!

This ten-year-old boy is even more outrageous.

Even a normal adult wouldn't be able to withstand what he has experienced along the way!

But this boy acted like it was nothing serious! What kind of human is this?

Everyone began to gradually forget the title and became obsessed with the video.

Even the Elite Four and Champions are no exception!

In the screen -

Xiaozhi's face changed when he saw Spearow continuing to attack.

After saying hello to the girl, he picked up the bicycle beside him.

Put Pikachu in and start charging immediately!

However, even Mega's true Rookie couldn't close the gap with Spearow!

The weather was not good, and the raindrops began to fall on the ground.

The ground became slippery due to rain.

Xiaozhi pedaled the bicycle at high speed and accidentally slipped to the ground!

Pikachu was also thrown out by Xiaozhi!

Spearow is about to catch up!

Xiaozhi Struggled and walked up to Pikachu,

He took out the Poké Ball belonging to Pikachu, enlarged it, and placed it in front of him!

"Pikachu, I know... you don't like getting into Poké Balls."

"But there is no other way now. The only way to ensure your safety is to enter the Poké Ball!"

"The rest...I will find a way!"

After saying that, Xiaozhi turned around resolutely!

He turned his hat back and spread his hands as if to protect Pikachu Normal behind him!

Facing an overwhelming crowd of hundreds of Spearows! There was no fear at all on his face, but full of perseverance!

Then, he shouted the words that the whole world will remember!

"Listen to me!"

"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town! The person who will become the world's best Pokémon master in the future!"

"Everyone, please come over here!"

"I won't lose to you here!!!"

Spearow obviously won't be frightened by Xiaozhi's swagger words.

With a cry, all the Spearows launched an attack!

They want to tear this human being into pieces first!

At this moment, Pikachu behind Xiaozhi moved!

Time seems to stand still at this moment!

Pikachu moved its limbs and jumped up from Xiaozhi's shoulders!

The thunder in the thunderstorm world was all concentrated on Pikachu's small body at this moment!

Then - thunder! !

Violent thunder and lightning raged around,

The thunderclouds in the sky even dissipated directly because of this blow! The setting sun was revealed.

All Spearows were instantly killed by Pikachu's blow!

At the end of the picture, Xiaozhi and Pikachu are lying on the ground, looking at each other and smiling.

"Wocao! Is this Pikachu?!"

"Turtle! It's too powerful! Can Pikachu release such thunder and lightning?!"

"Xiaozhi's words are also very exciting!"

"That's right, in the face of a desperate situation, Xiaozhi not only did not give up at all, but instead said those exciting words with high morale! It's so handsome!"

"I'm a fan, what about you?"

Audiences all over the world are talking about what Xiaozhi did just now.

If they hadn't been able to send out barrage, the barrage would have exploded by now!

No, let me correct you. Even if they can't release the barrage, the barrage has exploded now!

[ Bruno: Tough, invincible, the strongest! Is this Rookie Trainer from Pallet Town? ! 】

[ Bruno; tell me where he is! I will accept him as my disciple immediately! 】

In the scene just now, Bruno was moved by Xiaozhi’s passion and love for Pokémon.

What's more important is that with his abnormal physical strength, he is definitely a suitable candidate to become his disciple!

It is really not easy to find a disciple who is physically strong and has good moral character!

[Dandi: What a powerful young man! The world's number one Pokémon master in the future? I'll be waiting for you in that seat! 】

[Yulongdu: Hey, hey! The fight hasn't started yet, why are you sitting in that seat? Can't it be me? 】

[Cynthia: I can’t pretend I didn’t see this! 】

[ Steven: It’s interesting. Even if I don’t really want to fight, I’m still excited! 】

Xiaozhi's famous scenes not only impressed all the champion Elites with his character,

It also makes them firmly believe that Xiaozhi will definitely grow up and become an excellent Trainer in the future!

Although Xiaozhi is still very immature now and knows almost nothing about the basic skills of Pokémon.

But these can all be achieved by learning!

And Xiaozhi’s love for Pokémon, and even his character of risking his life to protect Pokémon,

It’s something that most people in the world don’t have!

In this world, the bond between people and Pokémon will become a higher level of power!

Therefore, with Xiaozhi’s character, his future achievements will definitely not be low!

And that Pikachu…

It may look fierce to others, but the champion Elites can see it at a glance.

That was just a brief burst of Assist's power.

Although it is a bit outrageous that Pikachu can withstand the power of heaven and earth.

But there are always some things called 'miracles' happening in the world.

That Pikachu may only be able to make such an attack once in its life.

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