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"The two-day Mikoli Cup has finally come to an end. Let's welcome the two contestants with warm applause!"After the host's voice fell, Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao walked to the battlefield and looked at each other.

"All the audience and fans of the gorgeous competition, please burn for the dance of the two beautiful coordinators and the gorgeous elves." Mikoli, who was on the judges' seat, suddenly stood up and looked at Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang.

"You two, please give us a magnificent performance!"

""Yes!" Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao responded in unison, throwing out the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Ice elf, stageon!"

"Pogaman, attack!"

In the final, Xiaoyao did not send out her Bulbasaur or Flame Chicken, but the Ice Spirit, probably wanting to use this as the stage for the Ice Spirit to debut.

Xiaoguang sent out her original partner Pogaman, she chose to believe in herself and Pogaman.

"Pogaman's level is 28, 4 levels lower than Glaceon, but this is not a big problem." Xiaozhi in the audience looked at the data of Pogaman and Glaceon and thought

"Pogaman, Bubble Ray.

The spinning Pogaman used Bubble Ray, and countless water-blue bubbles flew towards the Ice Elf. The Ice Elf used its legs to jump lightly into the air, dodging the enemy with ease.

"Secret Power"

The whole body of the Ice Elf glowed pink and rushed towards Pogaman. Seeing this, Xiaoguang also asked Pogaman to use water jet.

The two elves collided with each other, each of them was injured, and their performance scores also dropped. Pogaman was paralyzed because of the secret power. Seeing this, Xiaoyao immediately shouted"Ice Elf, Freezing Ray"

""Pogaman, jump into the water quickly."

Xiaoguang's timely command made Pogaman, who was in a paralyzed state, react. He turned around and jumped into the water immediately. The paralysis effect on his body disappeared the moment he entered the water, and the recovered Pogaman immediately got out of the water.

"Tidal Whirlpool!"

A huge whirlpool appeared above Pogaman and smashed into the Ice Spirit under Pogaman's control.

"I accept this power."Mirror reflection" The ice elf's body shines with a crystal clear luster like a mirror, pushing back the vortex that hit it. This perfect response immediately dropped Xiaoguang's performance score.

"Water jet"

But Xiaoguang quickly wanted to respond. The Pogaman wrapped in the water column rushed out from the center of the vortex and directly knocked the Ice Spirit away.

"You are good at this, Ice Elf, Ice Gravels."

Ice boulders flew towards Pogaman like densely packed ones, with a very huge momentum.

""Pogaman, spin and use pecking drill." Pogaman's beak glowed white as it leaped towards the ice elf's gravel.

The ice flying towards Pogaman turned into beautiful tiny ice crystals under Pogaman's pecking drill, which just set off Pogaman. This made Xiaoyao's performance score drop again.

But at this moment, a colored shadow ball suddenly hit Pogaman back. This shadow ball was exactly what Xiaoyao hid in the ice gravel.

Seeing the ice elf injured by the shadow ball, Xiaoyao shouted"Ice elf, secret power." The ice elf with a pink glow all over its body rushed towards Pogaman again. Seeing this, Xiaoguang asked Pogaman to use water jet again, choosing a head-on confrontation.

"My performance score is relatively high, and I will definitely have the advantage after this hard fight. That's what you think, right, Xiaoguang." Xiaoyao smiled confidently,"But, Xiaoguang, you fell into the trap, Ice Spirit, Freezing Ray."

As long as the Pogaman in the water jet state is frozen, then add a shadow ball, and the winner will be me.

""You are the one who got fooled, Xiaoyao." Xiaoguang winked mischievously,"Pogaman, turn around." The ice-blue freezing light immediately froze the Pogaman in the water jet state, but the Pogaman in the rotating state did not stop, but turned into a huge icicle and directly pushed the ice elf away.

"It's actually still possible!" Xiaoyao exclaimed

"Oh! What an imaginative attack!"Mikoli couldn't help but stand up and exclaim.

Seeing that there was still a little time left, Xiaoguang shouted"Pogaman, use the peck drill!" The sharp peck drill pierced the icicle from the inside, and Pogaman who broke out of the ice looked extremely handsome. At this time, the 5 minutes were just up. The

Mikoli Cup was completed with Pogaman's handsome ice breaking. And the final winner was also born, and it was Xiaoguang

"Thank you for your hard work, Ice Elf." Xiaoyao leaned over and picked up the Ice Elf."I didn't expect that Xiaoguang would use the freezing light. Although it's a pity, I am convinced of my defeat this time."

In the final award ceremony, there was also a message from Mikolik Xiaoguang."What a wonderful and enviable victory, and it is also very glorious. Miss Xiaoguang, you are an excellent coordinator."

"Thank you Mr. Mikkelly"

""Please accept the Green Water Ribbon as proof of your victory." Under the control of the Minas's strong mental power, the Green Water Ribbon slowly flew towards Xiaoguang.

Xiaoguang stretched out his hand, took the Green Water Ribbon and held it high."Got the Green Water Ribbon, no problem!"

Ayako in Futaba Town looked at Xiaoguang on the TV screen with relief in her eyes."Xiaoguang, you've become stronger."

After the Mikoli Cup ended, Xiaoguang happily ran to Xiaozhi."Xiaozhi, did you see it? The Ice Water Stream Jet is done. How is it? It's beautiful, right?"

"OK, I got it." Xiaozhi looked at the excited Xiaoguang and couldn't help laughing."Congratulations, Xiaoguang"


"Xiao Guang, congratulations on getting the Green Water Ribbon." Xiao Yao walked up to Xiao Guang and said with a smile,"The last move is called Ice Water Jet, right? It's really powerful!"

"Thank you, Xiaoyao, and thank you for your mercy." Xiaoguang bowed slightly to thank him."If you use Venusaur or Blaziken, I will definitely not be your opponent."

"I didn't show any mercy, it's the result of your own hard work, Xiaoguang." Xiaoyao shook his head and said seriously

""That being said, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Bulbasaur, Flame Chicken, and Hunting Butterfly used by Xiaoyao in the previous battle are all stronger than the Ice Spirit.

"Okay, Xiaoguang, if you keep telling me to show mercy, I'll be angry." Xiaoyao deliberately said with a calm face, which scared Xiaoguang and he apologized immediately.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding." Xiaoyao said with a smile. After glancing at Xiaozhi beside him, she whispered in Xiaoguang's ear,"Xiaoguang, I have something to ask you. Can you come with me?"

"Yes, of course."

Looking at Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang walking outside hand in hand, Xiaozhi scratched his head."What are you going to say that is so mysterious, and you specifically asked me not to go over?"

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