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: 0.112s Scan: 0.043sAfter leaving Chifeng City, Xiaozhi and his friends quickly rushed to Lake of Wisdom. Chifeng City is not too far from Lake of Wisdom. If Xiaozhi and his friends take the train, it will take about two days to get there.

On the train, Xiaozhi also met an Interpol named"Handsome". Yes, that's the name Handsome. Xiaozhi remembers that this handsome guy has appeared in the game since"Platinum" and later in"Sun and Moon".

And he will meet him in the Unova region later. Now the handsome guy should be investigating the Galaxy Group.

"By the way, speaking of Interpol, it seems that Lila has also become an Interpol in the game. She is also the boss of the handsome guy. Xiaozhi thought

"Pika? (What?)" Pikachu on his shoulder didn't understand what Xiaozhi was talking about.

"Haha, nothing." Xiaozhi smiled and shook his head, then dialed Lei Si's number."Mr. Lei Si? Yes, we have already arrived at Lake of Wisdom..."

Just then, Xiaoguang, who had just finished training the Pokémon, returned to the Pokémon Center and saw Xiaozhi talking on the phone with Lei Si in the lobby.

"Is Xiaozhi urging Mr. Lei Si and the others to come quickly?" Xiaoguang thought to herself. Curiosity drove her to Xiaozhi to listen to what they were talking about.

"Yes, that's right. That day I planned to use six Pokémon: Kirlia, Crocodile, Pikachu, Bayleaf, Infernape, and Mook. Yes, you can inform Shinji in advance. It doesn't matter even if he knows."

After hanging up the phone, Xiaozhi turned around and saw Xiaoguang with a surprised face.

Although Bodao had already sensed that Xiaoguang would not be scared, Xiaozhi couldn't help but said when he saw Xiaoguang's surprised look,"Is it necessary to show such an expression?"

"Of course!" Xiaoguang's voice rang more than once, making Xiaozhi feel that his ears were ringing.

"Xiaozhi, you actually told your opponent which Pokémon are going to appear!"


Seeing Xiaozhi's nonchalant look, Xiaoguang couldn't help asking,"Xiaozhi, are you really not worried? There is still a week before the battle, and Shinji may have formulated a strategy to deal with you."

"Don't worry, he can't beat me," Xiaozhi said confidently,"Besides, this is also a challenge for me."

""Alas," seeing Xiaozhi's serious expression, Xiaoguang, knowing that he would not be able to persuade him, sighed,"Xiaozhi, you must be careful when you fight, and you must not be careless."

"Well, I will never be careless." Xiaozhi nodded."And there are still 7 days left, which is enough for me to raise their strength to a higher level."

In the original plot, this battle was Xiaozhi's. He got into Shinji's rhythm, and every move was within Shinji's expectations.

Xiaozhi remembered that only Inu and Ursagi fell on Shinji's side. On his side, all six were wiped out. Although that battle allowed Charmeleon to evolve into Infernape, it still didn't change much.

Therefore, the battle where Xiaozhi was defeated by Shinji was called the"Wisdom Lake Massacre" by some people, because it was really tragic.

""Let's see who is the protagonist of this tragedy at Lake Wisdom." Xiaozhi thought, and asked Professor Oak to send him Tyranitar, Bayleaf, Infernape, and Mookaur.

In the battle field outside the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi opened four Poké Balls. Because they hadn't seen Xiaozhi for a while, Infernape, Mookape, and Crocodile were a little excited. Bayleaf, who liked Xiaozhi the most, threw him to the ground and rubbed his big head affectionately.

"Good, I am happy too. Xiaozhi got up from the ground with difficulty and touched Bayleaf, who immediately wagged her tail like a puppy.

"This training will be very hard, you better be mentally prepared." The four elves looked at each other and showed very determined eyes.

"Very good." Xiaozhi nodded."Then let's get started."

First is Bayleaf, who is level 26. It seems that she has received a lot of training from Professor Oak. Xiaozhi looked at the skills she has learned so far and taught her the grass-type ultimate moves Hardened Plants and Oath of Grass.

In addition to these two ultimate moves, Xiaozhi also wants Bayleaf to try to learn Leaf Blade. In fact, Leaf Blade is not among the skills that Bayleaf can learn in the game.

However, Xiaozhi looked at the big leaf on her head. Obviously, Leaf Elves can use Leaf Blade with the leaves on their heads, so Bayleaf should be able to do it as well. As for how to do it, Xiaozhi asked Xiaoguang's Leafa to teach her. After all, this is much more efficient than figuring it out on your own. As for Crocodile, after its evolution, its body has become larger, so it is no longer as flexible as Crocodile and Crocodile.

But its dodging ability is still pretty good, as can be seen from the fact that he was able to dodge Infernape's Lightning Punch while dancing during sparring. Of course, he still couldn't dodge the Sonic Punch.

Xiaozhi asked Crocodile to split countless stones in the past few days, mainly to increase his strength so that he can kill with one move after the sword dance increases his attack.

Crocodile's water and ice skills are not very powerful. Although he is not very good at fighting, his relative strength is enough to fight against Infernape, and he can hold his own, so Xiaozhi decided to make good use of his advantage.

As for Mook-Hawk, he mainly trains his strength just like Crocodile. After all, it would be unreasonable if he didn't have a strong body of this size.

Kirlia's training is even more difficult because her sparring partner is Pikachu. The speed that cannot be captured by the naked eye makes it impossible for her to control Pikachu with her mental power.

However, this has improved a lot after she learned Trick Space, and she has changed from being the one being beaten to the one actively attacking.

But which She was afraid that it would be difficult for her attacks to hit Pikachu in the Trick Space. And every time she wanted to control Pikachu, the opponent would use Shadow Clone first. Seeing these more than ten Shadow Clones was making her headache.

Seven days later, looking at the five Pokémon whose levels had been more or less improved except Pikachu, Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction. In fact, there should be few places where Pikachu will be used in this battle, or maybe Pikachu won't even be used. At this time, Raiji drove Shinji to the Lake of Wisdom. Before getting off the car, Raiji looked at Shinji, whose expression was no different from usual, and asked,"Are you sure you can win?"

Shinji turned around and glanced at Raiji.

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