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: 0.040s Scan: 0.041sAfter capturing Deoxys, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang immediately flew back to Water City on Charizard and handed their Pokémon to Joey for treatment.

In fact, looking back now, there was still a lot of luck in the capture process, because Deoxys underestimated the enemy. If he had directly used Psychic Charge to attack Heracross, the result would have been completely different.

In fact, the turning point was Mega Heracross's Super Horn Attack, which put the initiative in Xiaozhi's hands.

And in the end, Pikachu's high-voltage electric shock attacked Deoxys' purple gem, which was Deoxys' only weakness. That's why Deoxys fell down with one blow.

After handing all the exhausted and injured Pokémon to Joey, Xiaozhi went to the phone and called Professor Oak. He wanted to confirm whether Deoxys had successfully reached Professor Oak. As soon as the call was connected, Professor Oak's face came to the screen

"Xiaozhi! Where did you capture Deoxys? And why do you have a Master Ball? Professor Oak's wrinkled face was full of red light, and he looked very excited.

No wonder Professor Oak was like this, this is a real beast. Ordinary people may not see it once in their lifetime.

"It was just an accident, right?" Xiaozhi said with a smile."Dr. Oak, it seems that Deoxys has successfully reached you. Although I have treated him once, please check him carefully."

"Of course!"In fact, even if Xiaozhi didn't say it, Professor Oak would have studied it carefully. After all, this is a rare beast.

"Oh, Professor Oak, please don't study Deoxys too much, it might disgust him." Xiaozhi was afraid that Professor Oak would get too excited and lose his sense of proportion.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, I know this," said Professor Oak seriously."Also, Xiaozhi, the fact that you have Deoxys must be kept secret for now. The fewer people who know about it, the better."

"Yeah, I know that." Xiaozhi nodded. After all, it would be bad if he attracted the attention of someone with ulterior motives.

After chatting with Professor Oak for a while, Xiaozhi hung up the phone. As soon as he turned around, he saw Xiaoguang holding Pikachu and Kirliao coming over.

"Xiaozhi, Pikachu and the others have recovered, but Heracross was seriously injured and needs some time to heal."

"Thank you." Xiaozhi took the three Poké Balls handed over by Xiaoguang, and Pikachu and Kirlia came to Xiaozhi's shoulders one on the left and one on the right.

""Huh" Xiaoguang took a long breath, as if to calm down his excitement."Xiaozhi, I still can't believe it, you actually captured Deoxys!""

"It was just good luck, and Deoxys also underestimated his opponent." Xiaozhi said with a smile. If he had to do it again, he would not be sure that he could definitely subdue Deoxys.

"Well, we are going to Tongcao Town tomorrow. How is the preparation for the performance going?"

"I'm ready. Xiaozhi, please help me."


Brock came back from shopping outside, and when he saw Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang on the battlefield, they nodded with satisfaction,"It seems that there is no problem. You reconciled after dating for half a day. Good for you, Xiaozhi."

The next morning, Xiaozhi and the other two came to Tongcao Town, the venue of the next gorgeous competition. Because he heard from people at the market that seeing Fiona can bring good luck, Xiaoguang said that he would take a submarine to see Fiona first.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang naturally had no objection to this, and they were also very interested in Fiona.

The submarine still belonged to the three members of Team Rocket, but nothing happened in the original plot, so Xiaozhi didn't have to worry too much. In addition, he gave a warning with his eyes before entering the submarine.

"Xiaozhi, look, look." Xiaoguang pulled Xiaozhi to the window and pointed at the three blue little guys by the window of the submarine."It's Fiona!"

"It seems that we are very lucky." Xiaozhi said with a smile

"Well, there is absolutely no problem with the Tongcao Conference!"Dawn suddenly felt confident.

Ash looked at the three Fiona outside the window and remembered some information about Fiona. Fiona was hatched from the egg laid by the legendary elf Manaphy.

However, Fiona cannot evolve into Manaphy, and there has always been controversy about whether Fiona belongs to the legendary elf. If you only look at the game, the race value of 480 is far from the legendary beast.

This time, Dawn did not release Curly Ears, so it was not like the previous plot that Manaphy fell in love with Curly Ears and became jealous of Pikachu.

After the visit, Dawn said he wanted to buy stickers, and pulled him over without waiting for Ash to answer. Xiaogang was very tactful and said that he would go back to the Pokémon Center first. On the one hand, it was to create space for Xiaozhi and the others.

On the other hand, going to the mall with a woman, even a girl, will definitely become a coolie who helps to carry things.

Just like Xiaozhi in the mall now, looking at the large and small bags on his body, Xiaozhi asked with a frown,"Dawn, didn't you say you wanted to buy stickers?"

"If you come to the mall, of course you have to buy everything you can," Xiaoguang said as a matter of course, looking at the Pogaman in his arms,"Right, Pogaman"

"Poga" Pogaman responded to Xiaoguang, but his voice was very weak.

"Pogaman?" Xiaoguang also heard that Pogaman was not feeling well."Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Pogaman forced a smile and shook his head. At this moment, Pogaman's body suddenly emitted a water-blue light."This is..." Xiaozhi immediately ran to Xiaoguang's side

"Xiaozhi? What happened to Pogaman?"Xiaoguang asked anxiously

"It's all right. Xiaozhi checked carefully."It should be evolving, but Pogamon..."

Pogamon is now level 32. Normally, it should have evolved into Prince Pogamon. Pogamon is not like the previous Charmeleon who has hidden injuries due to overtraining. So there is only one possibility. Pogamon does not want to evolve.

Pogamon looked painful in Xiaoguang's arms, as if he was trying his best to endure. The light on his body gradually dissipated, and Pogamon finally couldn't hold on and fainted.


In the Tongcao Town Pokémon Center, Joy had just come out of the ward, and Xiaoguang immediately ran to Joy and said,"Ms. Joy, how is Pogaman?""

"I'm just a little exhausted, I just need to rest for a while," said Joey.

"That's great." Xiaoguang's heart was finally relieved."Thank you, Miss Joy."

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