Shui Wutong looked at this doomsday-like scene without fear. Instead, he laughed excitedly, as if the whole world would be conquered by him next!

At this time, the Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet were already facing off on Mengs Island. Shui Wutong laughed and said,"Chiyansong, you stay here and watch our Water Fleet conquer the world! Hahaha!"

After that, Shui Wutong boarded the aircraft. Under the gloomy sky, the mysterious blue stripes on his body were particularly prominent!

""Shui Wutong!" Chi Yansong was very unwilling to accept that all the fruits of his labor had become someone else's wedding dress! If it weren't for that young man, he wouldn't be so passive!

"Don't even think about disturbing Lord Shui Wutong!" Quan Mei led the members of the water fleet to intercept the Fire Rock Team,"Emperor Sea Lion, use the water gun!"

""Lord Chi Yansong, hurry up and chase! We are blocking here!" The loyal Huocun stepped forward and said,"Big Wolfhound, Shadow Ball!"

Chi Yansong nodded, and took a helicopter to catch up with Shui Wutong!

"Show them your power, Kyogre! Let's sink this world into the water."

There were thunder and lightning in the sky, and violent storms and heavy rain! The ancient Kyogre caused huge waves and countless tsunamis, as if he was really going to sink the whole world into the water!

Under the control of the red pearl, Shui Wutong's desires continued to grow. His goal was no longer to expand the ocean, but to sink the whole world into the seabed!

"Hahaha! Chi Yansong, I wanted to keep you here to watch me conquer the world. Looks like that's impossible now! Because I'm going to sink this island and this city to the bottom of the sea!" Shui Wutong laughed, and a huge waterspout emerged behind him, as if it would sink the entire island at any time!

Chi Yansong was shocked,"You're crazy! You still have your subordinates on this island!"

"It doesn't matter!"Shui Wutong chuckled.

""Master Shui Wutong!" Even Izumi was disappointed. She had worked for him for so long, but he just gave up!

The Water Fleet and the Magma Team didn't care about the confrontation anymore, and quickly took back the Pokémon!

""Shui Wutong, stop it! You are possessed by the red bead!" Xiao Zi rushed over with Du, while Xiao Zhi and others were taken by Xiao Lu to the Water Fleet Base to rescue Groudon!

Du tried hard to persuade him here, but unfortunately Shui Wutong didn't listen at all and launched an attack instead!

A tsunami came and was tightly controlled by Xiao Zi with mental power, but it also made it unable to deal with other things. After all, the tsunami caused by the priesthood was not something it could resolve.

Du quickly released his trump card Dragonite to fight with the red Gyarados and Kyogre. At this time, Du greeted the four kings and two champions of Fengyuan for eighteen generations. Such a big thing happened in Fengyuan and no one came. Let me, a dragon king, take it here. Do you have the nerve?

On the other side, Xiao Zhi and others have successfully found the container where Groudon was imprisoned. As for how to open it?! Of course it is violent aesthetics!

"Come out! Rayquaza!"Roar~" Isn't this shackle very simple in front of two mythical beasts!

"You guys stand back a bit!" Ash instructed Brock and the other two,"Rayquaza, Green, destroy the death ray!"

Boom!!! The large container was instantly shattered, and a gigantic creature that couldn't fly, bah! Groudon appeared in front of everyone.

The red stripes on Ash's body reappeared, and Groudon's big scarlet eyes opened instantly, but Ash would not be controlled by it,"Groudon, come with me to stop Kyogre!"

"Roar~" Groudon glanced at Rayquaza first, then nodded in agreement.


【Attribute: Ground】

【Features: Sunlight】

【Strength: Priesthood】

【Moves: Cliff Sword, Primal Power......】

""Roar~" Rayquaza couldn't help but roar when he saw Groudon's contemptuous look! Unfortunately, Groudon didn't take the legendary Rayquaza seriously at all. If it was the god-level Rayquaza that came, I'm afraid it would have to join forces with Kyogre! Xiaolu brought Xiaozhi and others outside, and Groudon rushed out directly, and Rayquaza also flew out! The only target was Kyogre!

And Kyogre was out of control under the influence of Shui Wutong's evil heart!


【Attribute: Water】

【Features: Rain】

【Strength: Priesthood】

【Moves: Root Wave, Water Spray......】

"this...Is this Groudon?! And Rayquaza!——"Chi Yansong was shocked. The Magma Team had explored countless ruins, so they naturally knew about the Sky God Rayquaza. He was a ruthless person who could fight two at a time! The three gods of Hoenn gathered here, and Groudon was going to compete with Kyogre for the right to the weather! As for Rayquaza, the characteristics of the priesthood made Rayquaza's airlock characteristics incomparable to them!

"Rayquaza?! Hiss~" Du looked at Rayquaza with eyes full of desire. Rayquaza is a flying and dragon-type that perfectly matches his specialization attributes. It is simply the beast in his dreams!

"Rayquaza, the finishing touch! MAGE evolution!"Roar~" Rayquaza's body instantly bursts with the light of evolution, and Super Rayquaza appears!

【Super Rayquaza】

【Features: Delta Air Flow (the weather turns turbulent, and the flight weakness disappears)】

【Strength: Peak of Divine Beasts]

Turbulence was everywhere in the sky. Rayquaza, who had reached the peak of Divine Beasts, finally managed to activate its characteristics and was no longer completely controlled by Kyogre and Groudon!

At this time, Rayquaza attracted the attention of Kyogre and Groudon. After all, the godly Rayquaza was more than enough to beat the two of them. The Emerald Orb and Mega Evolution were enough for them to pay attention to, but Groudon was a friendly army!

And Du flew down on Dragonite and looked at Xiaozhi with envy,"Xiaozhi, is this Rayquaza yours?" Xiaozhi made Rayquaza Mega Evolution, so whose is it?! But Du was bitter! It had only been a short time since they last met, and the boy who was only reckless before actually subdued the Rayquaza he had always dreamed of. Just Deoxys alone was enough to make people envious, okay!

Xiaozhi nodded,"Mr. Du, please attract the attention of Kaishui Wutong, and leave this Fatty to me!"

"Okay! Leave it to me!"

Du Hao agreed without hesitation and rode on Dragonite to fly towards Shui Wutong!

"The battle has just begun, Groudon, Sunflame!"

"Rayquaza, Dragon Stars!""Roar~"

Green and Purple stayed by Ash's side, and used their mental power to control the incoming waves!

Groudon condensed a huge little sun and shot it at Kyogre, while Rayquaza released energy into the sky, and countless meteorites with dragon energy fell towards Kyogre!

Kyogre raised a tsunami to block the attack, but was unfortunately pierced by Groudon and Rayquaza, and all the attacks fell on Kyogre!

"ah——"The Waterbender connected to Kyogre screamed in pain!

Du took Dragonite and took the opportunity to capture the Waterbender, and Xiaozhi also took advantage of Kyogre losing his controller to deliver the final blow!

"Groudon, Cliff Sword! Rayquaza, the finishing touch!"

The exclusive moves of the two beasts were activated, and Kyogre was knocked away again!

Water Wutong wailed, and a red bead appeared in his body, and then he fell into a coma! The blue bead in Xiaozhi's body also appeared, and collided with the red bead. With a flash of white light, the two beads shattered and disappeared between heaven and earth!

And Kyogre also regained his composure, looked at Xiaozhi and others, and jumped into the sea and disappeared! And Groudon also had to return to the volcano to sleep. Before leaving, he passed a message to Xiaozhi, which recorded the location of a legendary Groudon of his descendant, which made Xiaozhi's eyes light up. It was worthy of being a good teammate to fight together. Compared with him, Fathead didn't even say thank you!

Wataru directly arrested Water Wutong and Scarlet Flame Pine across regions. Before leaving, he said to Xiaozhi,"Xiaozhi, thank you for your help this time! This time I will personally apply for rewards for you."

The two major organizations of Fengyuan came to an end!

To be continued......

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