As the winner of the Akihabara Conference, Xiaoyao is now jumping up and down with the ribbon medal in her hand.(˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)Keep wiping the ribbon medal!!

Xiaozhi and the others smiled helplessly and shook their heads, but for Xiaoyao who won the ribbon medal in her second participation in the gorgeous competition, Xiaoyao is still very talented and has surpassed most of the coordinators!

"Xiaozhi, thank you!" Xiaoyao thanked Xiaozhi solemnly. If it weren't for Xiaozhi, she wouldn't have grown so fast!

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"This is all the result of your hard work. Keep it up! There are also four ribbon medals!"


Xiaozhi and the others are now heading towards the town of Fuyan. Qiuye Town is very close to the town of Fuyan, and there is only a Yantu Mountain in between. Now Xiaozhi and the others are about to cross the flaming trail at the bottom of Yantu Mountain!

Of course, it is impossible to be smooth on the way through. Xiaoyao's active Cattail suddenly ran out and hit a lava worm, attracting a group of lava worms to chase!

Xiaozhi saw a group of ordinary-level lava worms, isn't this a sure experience pack!

"Okay, in that case, let's go!

Fire Chick, Water Leap, Ralts!

" The three little ones appeared on the field, and just like that, Fire Chick used a stored-energy flame attack to become a warrior and charge into the battle to kill all around.

As a mage, Water Leap constantly outputs with a water gun from behind, and as an auxiliary, Ralts uses telekinesis and charming voice to control, and occasionally uses magic flames to harvest heads.

"Wow! So cool! It's worthy of being Satoshi's Pokémon!"*⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂*Xiaoyao looked at Xiaozhi with admiration. At the same time, he also released the Strider, and the occasional elites were given to the Strider to fight!

In this way, Xiaozhi and his companions, under the escort of the three little ones, walked out of a cave in the Flame Trail when it was getting dark, and prepared to camp!

Walking out of the cave, there was a grassland, and came to a fruit tree, and under the fruit tree there was a Silva lying, and Xiaoyao's Cattail started to commit suicide again, slapping the Silva twice. As a slow Pokémon, it didn't react yet, and Xiaozhi and his companions were stunned first!

""Xiangwei Miao, why are you like this again!" Xiaoyao was so angry that she stood up and scolded Xiangwei Miao!

At this time, Daihuotuo also woke up. He didn't come to seek revenge on Xiangwei Miao, but he was just hungry, so he stood up and ate the fruit!

Xiaozhi and others......He didn't fight back even when he was beaten. What a good attitude!

Suddenly, a big tail appeared beside the stupid camel, and a pleasant voice came,"Dongdong!"..."

Xiaozhi and the others looked over and saw a beautiful girl wearing a headscarf, leading three fire camels towards them,"What! Dongdong, so you are here! I've been looking for you for a long time!"

After confirming that the fire camels were okay, the girl noticed Xiaozhi and the others,"You don't look like locals! Hello, my name is Yoko! I live in a ranch nearby, and I live with the fire camels!"

Everyone introduced themselves, and Xiaogang jumped up with love,"Hello, Miss Yoko! My name is Xiaogang! To show your closeness, please take care of me like you would a fire camel!"

""Ah?" Yangzi was stunned!

Before Xiaosheng could make a move, the Fire Camel heard someone trying to steal its job, and immediately got angry. It came to Xiaogang and blew hot air from its hump at Xiaogang, causing Xiaogang to scream!

Yangzi quickly asked Daweili to stop the Fire Camel, comforted the Fire Camel, and invited Xiaozhi and others to visit her ranch, where they could rest for a night!

In return, Xiaogang immediately prepared a sumptuous dinner to show his courtesy to Miss Yangzi!


The next day, Xiaogang actively helped Miss Yangzi to take care of the ranch and hired child laborers, bringing Xiaosheng, who wanted to experience brushing the fur of the stupid fire camel, as free labor!

Xiaoyao approached Xiaozhi,"My cat seems to like fighting very much, so I want to give it a chance to compete!"

"No problem!" Xiaozhi nodded in agreement."Pika~""Buey~"

At this time, after Yoko handed over all the ranch matters to Xiaogang and won a small victory, she came over with Daweili,"Why don't you consider playing against me? I haven't had the opportunity to play against you recently, and I'm afraid my skills will become rusty!"

Xiaoyao thought about it and agreed.

Then, Xiaozhi and the other two came to the open space, and Xiaozhi served as the referee.

The game was naturally between Xiangweimiao VS Daweili!

"Listen up, meow! First, carefully observe your opponent's movements, then..."Xiaoyao warned seriously, but Xiangwei Miao didn't listen and rushed directly to Dawei Li!

Seeing Xiangwei Miao attacking, Yangzi launched a counterattack:"Dawei Li, use collision!"

Dawei Li rushed to Xiangwei Miao, and just when the two were about to get close, Dawei Li suddenly turned around, and Xiangwei Miao began to chase Dawei!

""Daweili, stop!"

Daweili braked immediately, and the cat chasing behind hit Daweidian's tail directly, and was knocked away!

Then the cat followed Xiaoyao's command, but Daweili easily avoided the collision and the continuous slaps.

Xiaoyao was so anxious that he found another move of the cat with Yangzi's reminder using the Pokémon Encyclopedia - Assist!

"Good! Xiangwei Miao, use assist!"

Xiangwei Miao's little paws glowed white, and a small cluster of sparks attacked Dawei Li! But Dawei Li dodged it!

"Xiangwei Miao, come again, use assistance!"

Xiangwei Miao's little paws emitted white light again, sending out silver whirlwinds, but Dawei Li jumped up, avoided the whirlwind, and knocked Xiangwei Miao away with a knock!

"Good! The game is over!"Seeing this, Xiaozhi announced the end of the game. The level gap was too big, and Xiaoyao's chance of winning was not high if he continued!

Xiaoyao picked up Catkin:"Catkin! Are you okay?"

"It's fine, just take a good rest and it will be fine!"Xiaozhi checked it and replied

"By the way, Xiaozhi, what skill is Assist?! It’s amazing that you can use both Sparks and Silver Cyclone!"Xiaoyao asked Xiaozhi

""Assist" can randomly use the moves of Pokémon that you didn't play in the battle. It all depends on luck to choose the moves among the many moves!"Xiaozhi explained.

Xiaoyao's eyes lit up:"Wow? This assist move is really interesting!""Meow~" At this time, the tail cat also woke up.

Yoko took out some energy cubes for Pikachu and the others to eat. After learning that Yoko had participated in several gorgeous competitions

""Xiaoyao, your Cat with a Tail has great potential. Its speed and sharpness are both good. If you train it well for a period of time, it will perform well in both combat and the Grand Prix!" Yangzi encouraged.

"Really?! Thank you, Miss Yoko!"Xiaoyao was very happy to be recognized by her senior.

The next morning, after Yoko pointed out the direction for everyone, she said goodbye to her and set off for Fuyan Town with Xiaogang, who was reluctant to leave!

To be continued......

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