Recently, Xiaogang and Xiaoyao have watched Xiaozhi capture several Pokémon, which makes them want to capture new Pokémon too! They are full of longing for this unknown place!

Xiaozhi, with Ralts and Pikachu on his shoulders, came forward and suggested,"In this case, let's try our best!"

Everyone is a Pokémon trainer, let's try to climb over this waterfall with the help of our own Pokémon!

"Agree!"\\\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////x2

"Then let me try first!" Xiao Gang sent out the Lotus Leaf Boy after saying that! Using the rope and the Lotus Leaf Boy's water gun, he tied the rope to a tree above. As a rock gym trainer, he naturally had rock climbing skills, so he led the Lotus Leaf Boy up.

Xiao Yao(☆_☆)Inspired by Xiaogang, he sent out the carapace cocoon and used the silk to pull Xiaoyao up.

"What should we do?"You know, Xiaosheng doesn't have any Pokémon, so he can only rely on Xiaozhi.

"Come out! Nightowl, use telekinesis to take us up."After all, Ralts is still very young and his mental strength may not be able to bear himself and Xiaosheng, so he had to use Nightowl.

In this way, Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng flew directly up.

"Great! Is this the cooperation between Pokémon and Pokémon trainers?"Xiaoyao cheered when she saw everyone had crossed the waterfall. Xiaozhi and his four friends looked around and found that the river above the waterfall was misty and full of aquatic plants. The environment was very beautiful, just like a fairyland!

"I didn't expect the waterfall to look like this."

"The river here flows very slowly. The water flows very slowly, which is probably why this beautiful scenery is created.

"That's because this side is a tributary, and the other side seems to be a main stream with a very fast flow rate." Xiaosheng checked with the Pokémon Navigator and explained.

Xiaozhi and the other three walked forward and found that the soil became looser as they walked forward, and they felt their feet sinking.

Xiaogang reminded them:"Everyone, the soil in this area is loose, so you must be careful!"

""Yes." The three nodded.

Xiaozhi and his three companions walked out of the misty area, and the light in front of them became brighter. In front of them appeared a group of cute Pokémon playing around.

"Look, those are leaping fish!" Xiaosheng pointed at the leaping fish excitedly.

"Judging from their size, these should be baby water jump fishes!"Xiaozhi judged that the water jump fishes were nearly half the size of ordinary water jump fishes.

"When I first met the water leaping fish, I was actually quite cold to it, but the baby water leaping fish seemed very cute!"Xiao Yao was not cold at first, but when she saw the cute baby water leaping fish, she became interested,"This is a good opportunity, let me catch one, here I come!"

After saying that, Xiao Yao happily ran towards the baby water leaping fish

"Wait a minute, Xiaoyao, the water-jumping fish here might be..."Before Xiaozhi could finish his words, an adult water jumper jumped out from the bushes and sprayed Xiaoyao in the face with a water gun!

【Water Jumping Fish】

【Strength: Elite Early Stage】

"Ah! It turns out that the water-leaping fish is born to defeat me!"(╥╯﹏╰╥)ง

At this time, several baby water-leaping fish were playing and playing, and one of them accidentally fell into the water. Due to its young body, it was unable to climb out and was directly carried away by the current!

"Pikachu shouted immediately.

"Ah! That’s the mainstream in front!" Xiaosheng exclaimed. The water in the mainstream is very turbulent, and the baby water-leaping fish is in danger!

Just when Xiaogang was about to send the lotus leaf boy to rescue it,"Night Owl, move at high speed and use telekinesis to pick up the baby water-leaping fish!"

The gorgeous night owl quickly approached the baby water-leaping fish and brought it back to the shore with telekinesis.

""Huh~" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaozhi stepped forward and touched the baby water jump fish's head,"Are you okay, water jump fish?""

""Gelele~" the baby water-leaping fish responded with a smile.

The big water-leaping fish lowered its guard a little after seeing this, but it was still wary of Xiaozhi and the other three.

Xiaogang saw this and said,"You don't have to be so wary of me. You used the water gun trick on Xiaoyao just now because you wanted to protect the baby, right?"

""Gele~" The Water Leap Fish thought about it and ran into the bushes and disappeared!

Xiaozhi walked up to Xiaogang with the baby Water Leap Fish and said,"It seems that it has let down its guard! Xiaogang, please help check the baby Water Leap Fish!""

""Hmm!" Then, Xiaogang checked the baby water jump fish in Xiaozhi's arms and found that it was not injured, which was a blessing in disguise.

At this time, an old man with a hairstyle that looked like a water jump fish came out from the bushes.

"Ah~ Water Leaping Fish Old Demon...What appeared in front of Xiaoyao's expedition team might be the old and powerful Water Leaping Fish monster in the legend!"Xiaoyao was startled, but he did not forget his job of explaining.

"That's impossible! Sister, come on!"(¬_¬)Xiaosheng rolled his eyes

"Who are you calling an old demon?!!٩(╬ఠдఠ)و

"Ah! He actually spoke."Xiaoyao didn't listen to any advice.(⇀‸↼‶)

"You actually wanted to steal the water leaping fish that I took good care of, that's unforgivable!"

Xiaozhi was misunderstood and quickly explained:"No! We did this to save the baby water leaping fish."

The baby water leaping fish in Xiaozhi's arms also spoke up,"Gelele~"

"Oh, is that so? I am so sorry for that. The old man apologized quickly.

"I’m Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, hello!"

"Hello, my name is Xiaoyao"

"My name is Xiaosheng, please give me your guidance!"

"My name is Xiaogang"

"I am the one who breeds water-leaping fish in this swamp. My name is Numata, and you can just call me Grandpa Numa." Grandpa Numa introduced, and then questioned,"It is forbidden to enter this area. Don't you see that there is a railing at the entrance to the swamp?"

"Grandpa Swamp, to be honest with you, we went upstream to practice Pokémon."Xiao Gang explained.

"No way, did you climb over that waterfall?!"Grandpa Nuo exclaimed

"Sorry, we didn't know this place was off-limits." Xiaozhi and the other three quickly apologized."Pika~""Lalu~"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. You saved my water jump fish, have a cup of tea before you go."Grandpa Numa invited Xiaozhi and the other four to his home as guests

"Thank you, Grandpa Numa!" x4Afterwards

, Xiaozhi and the other three followed Grandpa Numa to a wooden house.

Xiaoyao looked at the wooden house and asked,"Is this Grandpa Numa's home?"

"I guess so. This is a hut built to take care of the baby water jump fish."Grandpa Numa explained.

Xiaosheng immediately noticed the incubator with some blue-based and orange-speckled Pokémon eggs.

"Ah! Those are the eggs of the water jump fish!"You should know that although the novice trainers of the three starter Pokémons are given one each, it is actually very difficult to encounter them in the wild. The racial value of each of the three starter Pokémons in their final form is very good, and they can be trained as the main force. It is only because of Xiaozhi's great luck as the protagonist that he can encounter the three starter Pokémons in the wild in every region.

"Yes." Grandpa Numa nodded.

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng ran to the incubator and carefully observed the eggs of the water jump fish.

"This is the first time I see the eggs of water jump fish"

"The expedition team made a great discovery." Xiaoyao was still explaining excitedly.

"But where did this egg come from? Xiao Gang asked in confusion.

"My wife always reminds me not to talk too much, but! I really can't help talking."Grandpa Numa suddenly got excited and asked Xiao Zhisi,"Have you ever thought about why a Pokémon trainer must cultivate all three Pokémon to the same level at the beginning?"

"I have thought about it. Xiao Gang first answered

"I don’t think I’ve thought about it." Xiaoyao continued to answer.

Xiaozhi chose to remain silent!

"Ah, come on, sister! This is a question that all Pokémon trainers would at least think about!" Xiao Sheng complained about his sister

"Ah! Really?"

"Let me tell you, that's because there are people like me who accept commissions from the Pokémon League and specialize in hatching eggs!"Grandpa Numa told them the answer to the question.

"So that's how it is. That's how it is."Xiao Gang said I understand.

"So, Dr. Odamaki is also one of them!" Xiaoyao asked

"Dr. Oda-maki caught and bred them himself."Grandpa Numa shook his head.

"Oh, there are all kinds of people here, most of them seem to be Pokémon breeders!" Xiaosheng exclaimed

"Yes, but it's a little different from what I imagined. Xiao Gang frowned and thought.

"Oh? Xiaogang wants to be a Pokémon breeder, so do you want to see the birth of a water jump fish?"Grandpa Numa invited

"Really? Thank you, Grandpa Numa!"Everyone was delighted and hurried to thank him.ヾ(≧∇≦Thanks≧∇≦)ノ

To be continued......

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