The new one was a big one, but the new one was a big one.

[Craniofacial Dragon]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: Rock]

[Feature: Breakthrough]

[Strength: Elite Late Stage]

[Moves: Headbutt, Primal Force, Slam, Bite...]

In this way, Xiaozhi successfully captured the newly born Craniofacial Dragon, returned to the Pokémon Center and quickly replaced the Pokémon, and then handed the Craniofacial Dragon to Miss Joy for inspection.

Xiaozhi's team: Pikachu, Eevee, Growlithe, Craniosaurus, Kabutosaurus, Electabuzz, Machado, Lucario

A big update, Xiaozhi sent all the Pokémon in Sinnoh back except Craniosaurus, and Electabuzz was almost at the same level, so Xiaozhi equipped it with the power amplifier that Xiaozhi left for it and sent it back.

"Xiaozhi, let's go to Garden Town next, there will be a gorgeous competition there!" Xiaoguang said excitedly.

Xiaogang also stepped forward and said, "You can also reach the next gym, EMI Gym, from Garden Town!"

"That's no problem!" Xiaozhi nodded, "But I won't participate in this gorgeous competition. I just sent Longtail and Bluebird back to the island and let the former gorgeous commanders train them!"

Especially Bluebird, with its elegant singing voice, it will definitely have an advantage in the gorgeous competition under the training of Jigglypuff!

"Ah?! Okay!" Xiaoguang was a little disappointed when he heard that Xiaozhi would not participate. "In that case, I will work hard with you and win the ribbon medal!"

Xiaozhi smiled and nodded, "Then I'll leave it to you!"

"The next step is to evolve them both!"

"Evolution?!" Xiaogang and Xiaoguang looked at the Poké Ball in Xiaozhi's hand curiously.

"The first one!" Xiaozhi threw out the Poké Ball, and it was Growlithe!

Xiaozhi took out the top-grade Fire Stone without hesitation and placed it on Growlithe's head.

"Woof!" Growlithe's size began to grow immediately, and the light of evolution shattered, and a mighty Argyr appeared in front of everyone.

"Evolution succeeded!"


[Strength: Early Gym]

[Moves: Super Speed, Resurrection...]

"Next is this!" Xiaozhi threw out the second Poké Ball, and after the Electabuzz appeared, the light of evolution burst out all over his body.

"Ali!" The demon beast descended, and the Electabuzz demon beast taller than Xiaomao's appeared in front of everyone.

[Electric Monster]

[Features: Electric Engine]

[Strength: Early Gym]

[Moves: Iron Tail, Crazy Volt...]


The next day, Xiaozhi took Craniopagus back from Miss Joy, and left Steel City with Xiaogang and Xiaoguang, heading towards the direction of Yuanzhi Town.

On the way, Xiaozhi and his party rested and adjusted in an open space.

After Xiaozhi arranged tasks for his Pokémon, he found that Xiaogang was holding a cup of tea and slowly watching Xiaoguang squatting not far away!

"What's wrong, Xiaogang?" Xiaozhi asked.

Xiaogang pointed at the white figure in front of Xiaoguang and said, "Xiaoguang has been staring at that wild Pokémon for a long time. I think Xiaoguang probably wants to capture it!"

Xiaozhi took a closer look and found that this was the Sinnoh electric squirrel, Pachirisu, which is in the same electric mouse series as Pikachu! And Pachirisu has another name, which is the white devil, which is on par with Jigglypuff's pink devil.

At this moment, Xiaoguang finally couldn't help it, "I can't bear it~"

"Too cute, I want to take it. Go, Pogaman!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi helplessly supported his forehead. The strength of the water type against the electric type is about the same. Pogaman can't restrain Pachirisu's special move. Isn't it just a waste?

Pogaman's beak flashed white light and rushed towards Pachirisu. Pachirisu blew a kiss, and a heart appeared and hit Pogaman, and Pogaman fell into a state of confusion.

"Ah?! Really!" Xiaoguang took Pogaman back helplessly, "It's your turn this time! Curly Ear, use the Stun Punch!"


Curly Ear jumped out of the Poké Ball, and the two rabbit ears hit Pachirisu with two punches, but unfortunately it didn't fall into a state of confusion.

Pachirisu stood up again, and blue arcs appeared all over his body, knocking Curly Ear away.

"Lightning move! It seems that this Pachirisu is quite powerful!" Xiaozhi laughed.

"Ah!!! I want it even more, use Freeze Beam!"

Pachirisu dodged all of them with flexible movement, and then released blue electric current all over the field.

Xiaozhi looked at the electric current attacking himself and Xiaogang, and his mouth twitched.

They can't even let people watch the show properly.

"Electric Beast!"

"Ali!" Electric Beast came in front of everyone, and the electric engine characteristics started, absorbing all the current.

"Xiaoguang, take advantage of now!" Xiaozhi said hurriedly.

I saw that Pachirisu's full-court discharge just now seemed to have consumed a lot of physical strength, and was panting on the spot.

"Okay! Please, Poké Ball!" Xiaoguang threw the Poké Ball and put Pachirisu in it.

Xiaoguang watched the Poké Ball shake nervously, and after three times, there was a bang that the Poké Ball was successfully captured!

Xiaoguang excitedly stepped forward and picked up the Poké Ball, "I captured Pachirisu, no problem!"



As Xiaoguang's new favorite, Pachirisu is very fond of Xiaoguang, and even hugs it when he sleeps at night.


Pachirisu ran out of Dawn's tent, and Dawn, with his fur standing up, was chasing after him with Pogaman and Curly-eared!

It must be said that this Pachirisu is really energetic, making a fuss from morning till night!

"Puff puff~" Seeing Dawn with his hair standing up, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang couldn't help laughing.

Dawn was immediately annoyed, puffed up his cheeks and shouted, "What are you laughing at? Help me catch Pachirisu."

"Okay! No problem!" Xiaozhi quickly sent out Electabuzz to block Pachirisu.

Pachirisu accidentally bumped into Electabuzz, and then collapsed on the ground. Electabuzz reached out and grabbed its little tail and lifted it up.

Pachirisu hurriedly struggled to discharge electricity, but it was useless to Electabuzz, and Electabuzz enjoyed its electrotherapy very much.

The Electric Beast brought it to Xiaoguang, and Xiaozhi smiled and said, "Here, your Pachirisu!"

Xiaoguang looked at Pachirisu and said sadly, "Xiaozhi, Pachirisu doesn't like me, what if I..."

Xiaozhi flicked her forehead with his hand, "What are you talking about, Pachirisu is just too energetic, if you don't believe me, ask it yourself."

"Oh!" Xiaoguang touched her forehead, and looked at Pachirisu with expectant eyes after hearing Xiaozhi's words, "Really, Pachirisu?"

At Xiaozhi's signal, the Electric Beast put it down, and Pachirisu climbed onto Xiaoguang's shoulder and rubbed Xiaoguang's face!


Xiaoguang happily held it in his arms.

To be continued......

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