Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Chapter 98 Legendary Wholesaler? Find The Black Dragon Pretend! (Please Subscribe!!!)

Unova Region, at the entrance of the titan cave.

The location here is relatively remote, and because of the Legendary that is circulated in Lacunosa Town, most of the time, the titan cave is deserted.

But today is different.

In the formerly deserted cave of Titan, there are now several figures, and if Trainer sees the existence of these figures, he will be ecstatic!

Because every Pokémon that appears here is Rare's Legendary Pokémon!

Legendary Pokémon called Sacred Sword, Cobalion, Terrakion, Linao!

And Rare's fantasy Pokémon, Keldeo!

These Rare Pokémon, who are very vigilant against humans and were hard to find in the past, are all gathered in this titan cave at this moment.

If this news spreads out, I am afraid that the Titan Cave will immediately attract countless Trainers to chase after it!

The Trainers coming in like a tide will turn this titan cave upside down!

Well, then I was frozen into an ice sculpture by a violent water dragon......

After all, that house dragon is not an easy-going personality.

And at this moment, in front of the titan cave...

"I want to become stronger! I want to become a truly qualified Sacred Sword Knight!"

Keldeo's two big eyes are like clear lakes, staring at Jimo tightly.

Unlike Cobalion, the three Sacred Sword warriors who don't trust humans at all, Keldeo believes that even humans who have committed "crimes" are different!

It can feel, between Jimo and his Pokémon, that deep bond!

Keldeo was deeply moved by Ji Caiji's fearless attitude in the face of Kyurem.

That is the powerhouse it aspires to be!

Well, of course a small part of the reason is to escape Cobalion's Punishment.

It knows that although Cobalion has a calm temperament, it is not so easy to deal with when he gets angry!

So why don't you take advantage of this opportunity and run away?

"I want to become stronger..."

Jimo's eyes stared at the white pony in front of him, and the light flickered in the deep eyes.

He can sense that Keldeo's strong fighting spirit is flourishing!

It wants to become stronger!

After thinking for a moment, he revealed a smile and said with a light smile.

"Well, Keldeo, welcome to be my partner!"

"Very good!"

Keldeo was jumping with joy immediately, and his joy was beyond words.

"Mr. Jimo, I will leave Keldeo to you. I believe that you, who have been approved by Lord Reshiram, will be able to lead Keldeo to the right path.

Virizion on the side also came over, watching the lively Keldeo, and a gentle telepathic voice sounded in Jimo's heart.

"Keldeo will be my partner after that, and I will definitely train him well."

Jimo is noncommittal, enters his Poké Ball, Keldeo is its horse, how can he not be a good Breeder?

As for putting Keldeo on track....

Right or wrong, who knows?

Jimo stared at the lively figure of Keldeo in front of him. If the other party was still as young and energetic as before, he would never subdue Keldeo.

But after facing Kyurem directly, Keldeo also seemed to realize his own shortcomings.

Although he still has a young heart, but at least he knows how to control and has a heart that Covet will become stronger!

that's enough!

Speaking of which... the Sacred Sword warriors in front of me seem to have good combat power...

Jimo's eyes flickered, although it was completely incomparable with Kyurem, the Legendary god who was at the top of all Pokémon, but Cobalion's strength was considered top in this world!

At least he has the strength of a champion!

This kind of strength is barely enough to catch Jimo's eyes!

"Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, it's been a long time since the events of Icirrus Pastoria, and the human beings now are very different from the past.

"I don't know, are you interested in seeing the current world with me?"

Jimo smiled and invited the three Sacred Sword warriors.

Keldeo, who was bouncing around at the side, froze suddenly.

Could it be that even if you become Jimo's partner, you can't escape the terror of Cobalion?

At that moment, Keldeo recalled once again the fear of being ruled by Cobalion and the humiliation of being a foal!

After a while, Cobalion and the other three Sacred Sword warriors left. Their vigorous limbs were moving, moving dexterously on various rocky cliffs.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Ah! They go away..."

Seeing Cobalion's leaving figure, Mei said with some regrets, she thought Jimo could take these Sacred Sword warriors away as well!

"What's so strange about this, it's better to say that this is a normal thing!"

Touzi on the side couldn't help complaining, what does Mei think of Legendary Pokémon, Chinese cabbage that can be seen everywhere on the roadside?

Can you wholesale a lot of them casually?

Although she also has confidence in Jimo, but...

If Jimo really took all these Sacred Sword warriors away in one go, then those Trainers who never even saw Legendary in their life would explode in their minds on the spot!

Unlike Mei, who was somewhat regretful, Keldeo on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay, Cobalion didn't follow to become Ji's partners, otherwise it might be thinking about preparing to run away...

"Cobalion, they are Sacred Swords, and they also have their own responsibilities to fulfill."

Looking at the several figures who had already disappeared into the forest ahead, Li Mo also looked away.

He didn't feel much regret, after all the Sacred Sword warriors like Cobalion were just a bonus to him, and they were not on the list that must be acquired.

You can get the best, and if you are rejected, you won't feel sorry.

"Okay, we should leave too."

Because there is a terrifying ice dragon living inside, the temperature around the titan cave is still quite low.

And now, there is no reason to stay here anymore.

But just when Jimo had just taken two steps, the bell in his pocket rang suddenly.

"Call from Alder?"

The contact person on the screen is the Unova champion, Alder!

Jimo's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but think in his heart, why did Alder send the contact now?

Could it be that his identity was exposed, so the other party came to Xingshi to question his crime?

That's not right, Alder knows it.

I was recognized by the white dragon Reshiram, and even defeated N who was recognized by Zekrom with an absolute advantage!

It can be said that the current self is simply a mobile box weapon!

The threat index is unimaginably high!

He didn't think Alder was a fool who would easily startle the snake!

Although there were a lot of thoughts in his heart, Jimo still connected the phone quickly, and Alder's mixed words of surprise and sadness came from the opposite side.

"Great, Jimo, you finally answered the phone!"

Jimo's eyes narrowed suddenly, seeing Alder's tone, it seemed that something was wrong with him?

he asked softly.

"What's wrong, Champion Alder?"

"That's right, Black Dragon Brave N, escaped!"

On the other end of the phone, embarrassing Alliance!

This place, which symbolizes the top of the Unova Region's ruling power, is also a place that represents the majesty of the Unova Alliance, but at the moment it is a mess.

The majestic building was torn apart from it, the raging fire could not be extinguished, and the ground was scorched black!

On the scorched black ground, is there still a blue and white arc dancing?

Alder looked to the side with a bitter face, right there, the prison where N and Ghetsis were held, seemed to be attacked by some kind of monster, and a big hole appeared!

"Just now, Zekrom suddenly appeared, attacked the Unova Alliance, and rescued the imprisoned N."

"That's right..."

Jimo's eyes flickered, and this was the reason why he understood Alder's urgent contact with him.

Just as he expected, as a proud and ideal dragon, Zekrom will definitely not sit idly by and let his hero go to jail like that.

After simply recovering from his injuries, this ideal dragon broke into the Unova Alliance extremely forcefully, and rescued his hero!

"As expected, it is indeed Cao Ao's divine dragon!"

The corners of Jimo's lips are raised, whether it is Reshiram, Zekrom, or Kyurem, all three of them are differentiated from the dragon god!

They represent the pinnacle of creatures like dragons!

Naturally, the pride and self-esteem that dragons have, they also have!

Well, although my own Reshiram looks very spineless...

"Because I suspect that Zekrom and N may go to you Retaliate again after leaving, so I came to contact you, but I couldn't get through just now." (bcfg)

"Are you okay? Could it be that the black dragon has already found you?"

Alder frowned and asked, this is not the first time he has contacted, but the response he got before was that the other party is not in the service area!

"No, thank you Champion Alder for your concern."

Jimo thanked him, he was fighting with Kyurem in the titan cave before, Alder will be a ghost if he can find him!

Then, he said with a smile.

"Besides, what if the black dragon finds me?"

"Since I can beat him once, I can also beat him a second time!"

Jimo's words are full of arrogance, he has a haughty personality, just like the supreme god who created the world, he dares to raise the sword of rebellion.

Not to mention that it's just a mere N, and a black dragon!

It's just a defeated general, nothing to be afraid of!

Hearing the undisguised arrogance and confidence in Jimo's words, Alder fell silent.

Only then did he remember what kind of pervert it was on the other end of the phone!

That's the one who controlled Reshiram and defeated Zekrom, Help him capture N!

Alder was silent, okay, as long as you are happy...

"Since that's the case, then I won't say anything more, Jimo, please be careful."

After saying a few embarrassing words, Alder took the initiative to hang up the arc.

I can't talk today, I'm worried about this and that for Ji, but Jimo himself doesn't pay attention to the black dragon and his brave man at all!

What is this?

The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry!

"What's wrong? Was it the Alder champion's contact just now? Is something wrong?"

Touzi on the side said with some doubts, Alder is the Unova champion, what can I bother him to inform personally?

"No, it's just that the black dragon attacked the Unova Alliance and took away its brave men."

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Jimo said casually, he was really not nervous.

Black Dragon? It's just a defeat!

"So that's the case, it's just that the black dragon attacked the Unova Alliance..."

Touzi heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that it was not a big deal......

But before she finished speaking, she seemed to have just realized it.

Her tone paused, her body froze suddenly, and then her two beautiful eyes widened, and she said loudly in surprise.

"What? You said the black dragon attacked the Unova Alliance? And rescued the Plasma Corps?!!"

A surprised voice suddenly sounded in this empty and uninhabited titan cave.

"Touzi! How dare you make such a loud noise all of a sudden! Everyone is scared by you!"

Mei pursed her lips, her beautiful eyes stared at Touzi with dissatisfaction and complained.

Her ears are going deaf!

"Sorry, sorry, because the news just now was too surprising..."

Touzi apologized to Mei without sincerity, and she was shocked.


What did she just hear?

The black dragon attacked the Unova Alliance? And rescued its hero?

Then Jimo actually said it's not a big deal?

Do you fucking want to hear what the hell you're talking about?

This is not a big deal, so what can be considered a big deal?

end of the world?

"In that case, Jimo, aren't you very dangerous? You defeated him once, and even captured him to the Alliance. The black dragon and its heroes will definitely come to revenge, right?"

Seeing Touzi's worried look, Ji said with a light smile.

"Don't worry, so what if they come for revenge? It's just me sending them to the prison again.

Jimo admits that Zekrom is no worse than Reshiram in terms of strength alone!

And N itself is also a very Excellent Champion Trainer......

But this is not enough!

The combination of N and Zekrom is very strong, but he needs to be stronger!

It's okay if they don't come, if they come, Jimo will definitely be merciless again, using this absolute truth to crush his ideals!

"But... what if they use some plot Nasty Plot..."

Touzi said with some concern, in her opinion, the people in the Plasma Corps are evil organizations after all!

And the people of the evil organization, in order to achieve their goals, can do anything!

"That's a problem..."

Jimo's eyes were deep, and he was not afraid of any conspiracy that N would play Nasty Plot. After all, he knew that N was a pure idealist. He's a very sharp-edged guy!

For N, he will definitely not use conspiracy, but just wants to use his ideals to defeat Jimo's reality in a fair battle!

But N is so, Ghetsis is different!

This man with a huge ambition buried in his heart, for his own ambition, personally turned his adopted son into what he is today!

You know, even if it is a pig, if it has been raised day and night for more than ten years, it will have feelings, and it can't bear to do it, let alone a person?

But Ghetsis can!

He has no emotion for N, the adopted son he has raised for many years, and just uses him as a puppet tool!

It can be seen how cruel and ruthless this person is!

"Reshiram, can you feel where the black dragon is now?"

Jimo asked Reshiram who was hiding in the Poké Ball, well, since leaving the cave of titan, this real dragon has also shrunk into the Poké Ball.

The euphemistic name is to heal the wounded.

"Where is the location of the black dragon? Small question!"

"The black dragon is not far from us now, but it seems to have sensed where we are, and seems to be deliberately avoiding us..."

"How about it, shall we take the initiative to find fault?"

After sensing Zekrom's position for a short time, Reshiram said eagerly, with some impatience between words.

After laning against Kyurem and surviving, our true dragons are swollen.

What black dragon? What ideal?

The underdog is just trash!

Labor and management have had a hard time with Kyurem, are you okay?

"Reshiram, I remember you said just now that you need to recover from your injuries, so you can't fight?"

"That's two different things!"

Facing Jimo's meaningful inquiry, Reshiram retorted without hesitation.

"The struggle between the real and the ideal, absolutely no retreat!"

"Finally having this opportunity, labor and management must pretend to be aggressive in front of the black dragon!"

I think the second half is your main purpose!

Jimo couldn't help cursing in his heart, this real dragon is really...

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