"Nidoking, stop her! Use Rock Crusher!" Seeing Zhulan preparing to enter the Control City, Zangci immediately ordered Nidoking to attack.

Nidoking obeyed the order, raised his fist, gathered energy and quickly ran towards Zhulan.

Zhulan did not even look at Nidoking, and walked straight towards the Control City. Xiaofeng looked up at the running Nidoking:"Charizard, flash and then Iron Tail!" Charizard

's wings moved slightly, and it instantly appeared on Nidoking's path. Its tail was hardened, and it suddenly pulled out and hit Nidoking's cheek. Nidoking's cheek was suddenly stressed, his eyes suddenly became bloodshot and white, his jaw was directly dislocated and twisted, and then his body quickly smashed backwards into the three-story surrounding houses.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Nidoking's body kept smashing through the walls of the houses, making a deafening collision sound.

It didn't stop until it smashed through more than a dozen houses and fell to the ground.

The house was filled with dust and rubble.

When the dust cleared, Nidoking appeared in the sight of Xiaofeng and the others, with countless scratches all over his body, a swollen face, and his eyes swollen.

"Why does his Charizard have such a strong power!"Zangci's pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme, he raised the Poké Ball to take back Nidoking, and spoke with a sullen face. After calming down a little, Zangci stretched out his hand and threw out another Pokémon:"Damn it, go!"

Then a Pokémon wearing a crown, pink all over, with an umbrella-like object around its neck, and a little wisdom in its eyes appeared in Xiaofeng's eyes. As soon as the

Pokémon appeared, Zangci immediately launched an attack:"Hippo King, use Surf!"

A ray of blue light floated in the eyes of the Hippo King, and huge waves came from nowhere all around, rolling in. The Hippo King stood on the top of the huge waves, with a momentum of overlooking the world.

"Charizard, fly over it and use your steel wings!" Seeing the other party like this, Xiao Feng raised his hand and pointed at the Hippo King on the huge wave, and gave the order to Charizard. The

Charizard flapped its wings at a very fast speed, and flew into the sky in a breath. A strong white light appeared on its wings, and it flew towards the Hippo King on the huge wave at an extreme speed.

Just like a white light across the sky, the Charizard's steel wings hit the Hippo King on the huge wave in an instant... The throat.

Using the throat as a fulcrum, it continued to fly backwards with the Hippo King

""Ugh!" The hippopotamus's fragile throat was hit, and he immediately retched. His eyes bulged out and almost fell out of their sockets. A thick purple mark immediately appeared on his neck, and a faint smell of iron came out of his mouth.

The fire-breathing dragon took the hippopotamus king to the sky and circled 360 degrees to land at a high speed on the opposite side.

At the last moment, it braked suddenly and stopped in the air, while the hippopotamus king continued to fall due to gravity.

""Crack!" The hippopotamus king was stuck in the ground in the shape of a Chinese character"木". The cracks on the ground around him continued to spread far away.

Looking up, the hippopotamus king who was stuck in the ground had already blacked out and fainted, losing his ability to fight.

"Useless thing, come back, Hippo King." Seeing the Hippo King who was once again defeated by Xiaofeng's Charizard, Zangci raised his hand to take it back into the Poké Ball and cursed.

At this time, Zangci's eyes were full of anger, and he immediately took out a black Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it out:"Damn it, now I'll show you my best collection! Go, I'll leave it to you!" A white light flashed, and a pair of eyes emitting scarlet light, yellow hair with black stripes on the body, a cyan X-shaped mark on the nose, a lightning-like tail, and a four-legged Pokémon shaped like a saber-toothed tiger appeared on the scene!

"Ding, trigger the mission, liberate Lei Gong, complete the mission and gain 100 racial points"

""Who gave you the Thunder God?" Xiao Feng looked at the Poké Ball in Zangci's hand and asked in a deep voice.

Zangci sneered:"As long as you have money, you can get anything!"

"Damn money power!" Xiao Feng curled his lips, no longer paying attention to the other party, and turned to look at Lei Gong.

Seeing this, Zang Ci immediately issued an order to Lei Gong in the field:"Use thunder!"

"Roar!"The Thunder God howled at the sky after receiving the order. Suddenly, thunderclouds rolled in the sky, and countless electric currents were bred in them and quickly gathered into thunder, trying to bombard the fire-breathing dragon below.

"Charizard, use Hold! If you don't use it anymore, it will all turn to dust." Xiaofeng looked at the thunderclouds above his head and gave orders to Charizard in the field.

Instantly, Charizard's body was covered by a yellow energy shield, just enough to resist the thunder bombardment from the thunderclouds above his head.

Seeing that Hold had done a good job, Xiaofeng immediately gave the order to attack:"Charizard, use Flash, then Shadow Claw!"

With his arms extended forward, Charizard gathered the power of shadow in an instant and transformed it into claws. Then his figure disappeared from the spot, and he suddenly came to the side of Lei Gong, swinging his arms to chop at Lei Gong.

Seeing Charizard suddenly appear, Zangci hurriedly shouted:"Use Reflection Wall!"

A transparent wall immediately condensed around Lei Gong to protect Lei Gong.

Crack! Crack!

The sound of glass breaking was heard, and Lei Gong's reflection wall began to crack, and the shattered Lei Gong's figure was revealed.

""Leigong, use the lightning fangs!" The moment the reflection wall broke, Zangci's pupils expanded in an instant, and he reacted much faster than usual, and quickly gave orders.

Then Leigong opened his bloody mouth, and thunder condensed in his mouth, especially a pair of giant teeth gushing out lightning, biting Charizard fiercely.

Xiaofeng grinned:"The turtle shell is broken, Charizard, use the combination skill of inserting the mouth and sliding!"

The moment Xiaofeng gave the order, Charizard smiled strangely, and a mysterious power flashed in his eyes.

Leigong, who was originally biting Charizard, suddenly had an iron rod in his mouth, interrupting his lightning fang skill.

Then a phantom passed through Leigong's limbs, causing Leigong to fall face down and his limbs leaning back.

The iron rod in his mouth rushed into the depths of his throat due to the force.


Leigong's eyes turned white in an instant, and he retched violently!

"Well, not bad, not bad, Charizard, finish it, use Earth Throw!"Xiao Feng was very satisfied with the effect of the combo, and then gave the next command to Charizard.

""Roar!" The Charizard roared, came behind Lei Gong, opened his arms, leaned over and hugged Lei Gong's slender waist, then flapped his wings and flew into the sky, circled 720 degrees and fell down, leaving Lei Gong behind when he was about to hit the ground, and glided for a distance to land steadily.


A huge roar was heard, and the Thunder God smashed heavily into the ground. With it as the center point, stones continued to rise out of the ground, extending to more than ten meters away.

The Thunder God deep in the ground was no longer moving and had lost his ability to fight.

Seeing the Thunder God's appearance, Xiaofeng whispered a few words to the electric shock monster beside him, and the electric shock monster suddenly disappeared.

"I am in trouble this time. I will definitely take revenge next time we meet!"Zangci looked at Xiaofeng with resentment and raised his hand to take back the Thunder God.

But just as he raised his arm, a big hand grabbed the palm holding the Poké Ball. Then there was a crackling sound, and a fierce pain came. The whole palm was twisted and deformed, and the Poké Ball in the palm was broken and collapsed because of the huge force.

"Ah!" A huge howl of pain came from Zangci's mouth.

"It's so noisy, put it in your mouth!" Xiaofeng scratched his ear with his little finger, and a strange energy flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, Zangci's howl of pain stopped. His mouth was stuffed with an iron rod, and he kept making a humming sound.

Xiaofeng came in front of Zangci, took out two arm-long ground spikes from his backpack, squinted and smiled, and glanced at Zangci's kidneys:"You said before that you wanted my hands and feet, so now I want you to have a unhappy life in the future.

It's not too much, right?" Xiaofeng stretched out his hand, tore off a corner of the other's clothes, rolled it into a ball and stuffed it into his mouth, then let the electric shock beast crawl to the ground and pressed him to the ground.

The ground spikes in his hand flew, turning into two afterimages and accurately piercing into his kidneys on both sides.

"Well……"The intense stinging pain hit him, and with the clothes stuffed in his mouth, Zangci could only make a gulping sound, his eyeballs bulged, and his pupils were………(Uh... the following is omitted...)

Looking at the unconscious Zangci, Xiaofeng clapped his hands, tied him up and threw him aside.

He turned his head and looked at the control room...

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