"Hakron, use Dragon Tail!"

Looking at the opponent's attack, Xiaofeng quickly asked Hakron to respond.

""Ni!" Haxon nodded to show his understanding. The green dragon power was like armor, condensed on its slender dragon tail, and with the force of thunder, it swept towards the shadow ball. With a whipping sound, the shadow ball was directly extinguished by Haxon's powerful force and disappeared into the air.

""Hackron, you're not going to return the favor. Use Flash, then the whip... No, the iron tail!" After dissolving the opponent's shadow ball, Xiaofeng quickly gave the order to fight back.

Hackron disappeared in an instant, and in a moment he came in front of the fire elf. His long tail lit up with a metallic color, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air, and quickly whipped the fire elf's waist from right to left.


A sound like an iron rod hitting an object reached the ears of the two.

The fire elf's vision became blurred, and the whole elf was no different from a bow, flying to the left.

It drew a red stream of light in the air, and soon after it smashed into a raised hill several meters deep.


At this moment, the fire elf felt a violent fracture in its ribs, and it let out an uncontrollable cry.

Hearing the fire elf's cry of pain, a trace of horror finally appeared in Owl's cold eyes:"What a terrible power, and when did Haxorus teleport!"

Then Owl quickly suppressed his emotions and shouted loudly to the fire elf in the distance:"Fire elf, are you okay? If you can hear me, use Flash Charge!"

It seemed that Owl's voice was responded to, and flames suddenly appeared in the hills in the distance. The fire elf was soaring into the sky, and in the blink of an eye it rushed out of the hills, covered in flames. The flames burned and swayed violently around the fire elf, making a violent"whoosh" burning sound, and rushed towards Haxorus.

"Well, good, a very powerful attack. Oh, what a pity, Haxorus, forced to turn around, and then pierce the waist with the iron tail."Seeing the fire elf rushing over so desperately, Xiaofeng nodded, a flash of appreciation in his eyes, and then grinned and gave Haxorus a hint. The fire elf was reversed by an invisible force at the moment of hitting Haxorus, and turned its back to Haxorus, revealing a fatal flaw.

Haxorus, seizing the opportunity, instantly steeled the sharpest part of its tail, raised it forward and pierced the waist of the fire elf who was facing away from it.

Puff! Puff!

After stabbing the left side, stab the right side!

""Woo (Fuck)!" Then the fire elf turned around and the flames around him dissipated. He fell in front of Hakron with a wailing sound as if he had turned gray and petrified. Tears gushed out of his eyes, as if his life had lost its color.

"nepal……"At this moment, Haxorus was trembling with excitement, and he let out a long cry. He felt an unprecedented sense of comfort all over his body. He fell into a short period of sage time, and finally understood why the electric shock monsters were so obsessed with kidneys.

""Let's put an end to it, Hakron, tighten your grip!" Seeing that the opponent had lost the will to fight, Xiaofeng asked Hakron to give it a"good time". Upon hearing this, Hakron, as graceful as a long snake, leaned down and surrounded the fire spirit on the ground, and then suddenly retracted his body.

""Crack, crack!"

The sound of bones breaking continued to be heard.

The fire elf lost its will, its pupils suddenly dilated, and a huge pain as if its whole body was crushed came over it. Finally, its eyes lost focus and began to circle, losing its ability to fight.

"Ah, old Xiao, you can't do this. Didn't you say you wanted to get rid of me? Hurry up and change to another one."Xiao Feng tilted his head and said to Xiao with a face that deserved a beating. At this time, Xiao's originally calm face had become gloomy. He raised his hand to put the fire spirit back into the Poké Ball and threw out another Poké Ball.

"Super Power King, it’s you!"

【Name: Super Power King lv69………】

"Oh, a fighting type? Come back, Hackron, let the Electric Beast go up and play."Xiao Feng saw the new Pokémon released by the opponent, so he called Hackron back and let the Electric Beast go up to fight.

""Ah!" The electric beast shouted happily and ran up to replace the Haxorus.

After the Haxorus came back, he rubbed Xiaofeng's cheek affectionately with his head.

"Haha, okay, I know you did a great job." Xiao Feng smiled and patted Haklon's head.

"Super King, bodybuilding!"The owl in the distance took the lead in issuing the command.

Super King shook his arms, and his muscles swelled up, giving off a faint luster.

"Electric shock monster, we also use bodybuilding! It's a head-on game!"Seeing Chao Li Wang showing off his muscles to him, Xiao Feng grinned and gave the same command to the electric shock monster.

""Ah!" The electric shock monster raised the corner of its mouth, raised its arms and crossed them in front of its chest, clenched its palms tightly, and its muscles were also knotted, with a faint glow flashing in between.

"Humph, pretending, Super Power King uses the tile-splitting skill!"Xiao watched Xiao Feng make the same command, snorted coldly and issued an attack command.

After Super Power King received the order, he spread his legs and rushed towards the electric shock monster quickly, raising his right hand high and shining a strong light.

"Haha, we can also use the tile splitting to shock the monster, smash it and send it flying!" Xiao Feng laughed at this scene.

""Ouch!!" The electric shock monster roared and rushed towards the attacking Super Power King. A fierce white light burst out from his right hand. After raising it, it slashed at Super Power King fiercely.

In an instant, the two sides met at a point.


The electric shock beast's arm slashed at the arm of the Super Power King, which was instantly knocked away.

Then it slashed at the Super Power King without hesitation.

The Super Power King was hit head-on and flew back in the direction he was rushing from.

"Right now, the electric shock monster, flash and then use the iron tail to whip it!"At this moment, Xiao Feng's voice reached Xiao's ears.

The electric shock monster's figure suddenly disappeared and came to the sky above the flight path of the Super Power King. Its two tails lit up with metallic light and fiercely whipped the Super Power King below!

""Not good! Super Power King, quickly use the defense!"

Xiao's voice reached Super Power King's ears in time.

Super Power King, who was flying backwards, quickly crossed his arms in front of his chest, and a yellow energy protective shield quickly stood up.

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