"Lizard King, flash up and chop it down with the leaf blade!" Looking at the Lizard King in the center of the tornado, Xiao Feng gave further instructions.

"Chamo!" The Lizard King raised his arms and condensed leaf blades. He flashed to the top of the Salamander in the air, and slashed down with his arms. Two green streams of light reflected in the Salamander's eyes, hitting the Salamander's head fiercely.


The sound of the violent salamander's body cutting through the air was heard, and then it fell to the ground, making a"bang" sound when it landed.

The Lizard King flashed again and landed lightly on his feet.

"Lizard King, use Sunny Day while he is down, then Sunshine Blaze, and bombard!

"Looking at the violent salamander struggling on the ground, Xiaofeng's voice reached the ears of the lizard king.

The lizard king fired a white ball of light into the sky, which then exploded in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the sky became sunny and bright.

Then, white light spots quickly condensed on the fruit on the back of the lizard king and transmitted to the mouth of the lizard king.

A white beam of light burst out of the mouth of the lizard king and bombarded the violent salamander.

The violent salamander saw the sun and flame coming from the corner of his eye, and quickly adjusted his body.

The yellow energy shield instantly propped up to block it out, and scattered to the surrounding and rear of the energy shield.

"Oh, it reacts quite quickly. The Lizard King approaches it in a flash!"

""Chamo" The Lizard King heard Xiaofeng's voice and quickly turned into white light and rushed towards the Violent Salamander.

The Violent Salamander looked at the Lizard King rushing towards him, opened his bloody mouth, and the yellow light gathered in his mouth. A thick and destructive death light quickly shot towards the Lizard King. Seeing this, Xiaofeng hurriedly shouted to the Lizard King:

"The Lizard King is stiff. Flash in front of it and use the forced turn and sneak attack skill!"

""Chamo! (Come on, little baby!)" The Lizard King heard Xiaofeng's shout, grinned, and dodged the destructive death ray of the Violent Salamander with a flash. Then, he used the forced turn skill to let the Violent Salamander's hips face him, and then with a cold light flashing in his hand, he chopped towards the vital point of the Violent Salamander!

""Fuck!" The violent salamander wailed loudly. Tears welled up in his eyes because of Chrysanthemum's sadness. He crawled on the ground with all four limbs, and his whole body turned gray.

"So the stone carving is real too? This technique preserves the original flavor of the body!"Xiao Feng looked at the wailing newt, touched his chin and murmured.

At this moment, many images flashed through the eyes of the newt.

"Oh, has it lost its will to fight? Lizard King, give it a quick death, and finish it off by attacking its vital points secretly!"Xiao Feng felt sorry for it when he saw this scene, and a look of pity appeared on his face. He planned to give it a quick death, and then said to the Lizard King:

""Chamo! (Double kill)" The Lizard King smiled strangely, and the energy in his hand fluctuated again, slashing towards the violent salamander in front of him.

New injuries plus old injuries are simply double the joy.

The violent salamander's eyes bulged, and then the pupils in its eyes became dilated and circles appeared.

It finally lost its ability to fight, ending its sinful time after waking up.

At the moment when the violent salamander fell into a coma and lost its ability to fight, it turned into a red light and flew to the left side of the palace gate and turned into a stone sculpture again, but this time the eyes of the stone sculpture did not seem to be as vivid as when it first came.

Then a red light appeared in the eyes of the Dragonite stone sculpture on the right side of the gate, and it came alive like the previous violent salamander and walked into the field, but Dragonite showed a strange and complicated look in its eyes, and kept swallowing saliva.

At this moment, ten thousand creation gods ran through Dragonite's mind. If it were not for the restrictions of the rules here, it would not want to come here at all.

【Name: Dragonite lv65]

Number: 149

Attributes: Dragon, Flying

Characteristics: Psychic Power

Skills: Air Blade, Dragon Tail, High Speed Movement, Reverse Scale, Light Wall, Destruction Light, 100,000 Volts, Dragon Star Cluster, Dragon Breath

Race Value

HP: 91

Physical Attack: 134

Physical Defense: 95

Special Attack: 100

Special Defense: 100

Speed: 80

Total: 600

"Oh, it's Feilong... No, it's Kuailong. Come back, Lizard King, I'll leave it to you, Gengar, mega evolution!"

After looking at Kuailong's face plate, Xiaofeng replaced Lizard King and let Gengar perform on the field.

""Geng Ga (Watch me!)" Gengar grinned, somersaulted in the air, and floated to the center of the field.

Then colorful light enveloped Gengar, and in the blink of an eye, a white figure appeared in the battlefield. It was Gengar who had completed his super evolution.

Dragonite saw Xiaofeng taking back Lizard King, exhaled, perked up and looked curiously at this Pokémon he had never seen before.

Seeing that he couldn't figure it out, he fluttered his wings, flew into the air, and sent out several white air blades to cut Gengar.

"Gengar, use Shadow Ball!" Xiao Feng gave Gengar the order to attack.

Gengar immediately gathered energy in his mouth, and a huge Shadow Ball took shape in an instant, and fired at the air blade shot by Dragonite.

The Shadow Ball came into contact with the air blade, and it swallowed it up in just a moment, and continued to attack Dragonite.

Seeing this, Dragonite quickly moved at high speed, flapped its wings, and escaped from the attack range of the Shadow Ball.

Then the tentacles above his head exploded, and a thick 100,000-volt bolt struck down, bombarding Gengar.

"Gengar, Airwalker, dodge, and then use the wave of evil!"

Geng Gui's figure gradually dissipated after receiving the order, dodging Dragonite's 100,000 volts, and then showing his true form again. A wave of evil light beam bombarded Dragonite, knocking it back more than ten meters and falling diagonally downward to the ground.

Just as Dragonite was about to hit the ground, Dragonite hurriedly flapped its wings and used dragon breath, using the reaction force of dragon breath to return to the air and stabilize its body. Dragonite looked at Gengar solemnly at this time. The damage of the elf in front of him was a bit ridiculous. With just one blow, he suffered very serious injuries, and dense cracks appeared all over his body.

Dragonite's eyes flashed red, and he fired an energy bomb into the sky,���The energy bomb exploded in the air, forming countless meteorite-like attacks that smashed towards Gengar!

"It's Dragon Star Group, Gengar uses Replacement!"

Xiaofeng's reminder reached Gengar's ears, and Gengar immediately activated the Replacement skill, exchanging positions with Dragonite.

Dragonite was a little dazed when it was hit by its own Dragon Star Group skill, making a"bang" sound.","Bang","There was a loud bang, and smoke and dust billowed in the field.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the wounded Dragonite stood breathlessly in the field full of holes.

Dragonite came to his senses, angrily gathered the breath of destruction in his mouth, and a beam of destructive death light instantly shot towards Geng Gui

"As expected of a dragon-type Pokémon, the health bar is quite thick. In this case, Gengar uses Shadow Attack!"

Xiao Feng looked at the angry Dragonite and shouted at Gengar.

After hearing the order, Gengar dove into the shadows, avoiding the attack of the Destruction Light. After a moment, he appeared under Dragonite. Dragonite was unable to move due to the side effects of the Destruction Light, and could only watch Gengar waving his claws with black light towards his lower body! Kun

's pain, I don't know how many miles it is.

""Roar...! (Fuck, chicken thief)" Dragonite let out a long whine, which was pathetic and lamentable. Then his legs softened and he knelt on the ground. He crossed his hands and leaned forward, hitting his head heavily on the ground, his eyes full of bloodshot.

"Hiss... poor kid, I wish you happiness for the rest of your life!" Looking at Dragonite's appearance, Xiaofeng took a breath of pity.

"I hope you have a good dream, brother. Let's put an end to it, Gengar. Use hypnosis and nightmare skills."Looking at the kneeling Dragonite, Xiaofeng decided to let Gengar take it into a wonderful dream.

"Gengga, Gengga! (Have a good time, brother)" Gengar grinned innocently, leaned down and hypnotized Dragonite's eyes, making Dragonite blurry and slowly closing his eyes. Then Gengar exuded a black aura all over his body and enveloped Dragonite. The hypnotized Dragonite twisted into a ball with a painful expression, his body trembling, and gradually his eyes turned red and he lost his fighting energy.

"Uh, I hope you don't mind. Good dreams and nightmares are almost the same, with only one word difference, right? Look, you are completely asleep." Xiaofeng touched his nose and murmured to Dragonite, who had lost his ability to fight.

When Dragonite lost its ability to fight, it and the Hurricane Salamander turned into red light and turned into stone sculptures again and returned to the right side of the palace gate. Their eyes were the same as the Hurricane Salamander on the left, and they had lost their luster.

With a click, as the two stone sculptures returned, the gate slowly opened from the inside.

Seeing this, Xiaofeng led the elves to stride forward and stepped into the palace.

In an instant, Xiaofeng was blinded by the golden light.

Inside the palace, every detail revealed four words:"I am very rich". Eight golden carved pillars stood on each side of the palace, giving people a sense of"I am very rich". In the middle was a triangular golden platform with a golden treasure chest in the center.

"Damn, condemnation, I have to strongly condemn this, waste, too wasteful���"Xiao Feng quickly climbed up the platform, stroking the treasure chest on it, with tears of condemnation flowing from the corners of his mouth.

He reached out to open the treasure chest, and in an instant Xiao Feng's face was covered with colorful treasure light.

There were a large number of attribute evolution stones estimated to be hundreds, dozens of pairs of matching super evolution stones, and two fist-sized beads emitting colorful light, with faint dragon-shaped patterns flashing inside.

""Ah, the backpack can't hold them all, how about carrying the box along with them?" Xiao Feng thought after looking at the pile of treasures.

But as soon as Xiao Feng lifted the treasure box slightly, the palace made a rumbling sound, as if it was going to collapse.

Xiao Feng withdrew his hand awkwardly and curled his lips:"Tsk, you stingy guy, I don't want it."

But Xiaofeng still stared at the treasure chest. Finally, he sighed helplessly. He started to choose from it.

According to the system's prompt, two dragon-patterned gems can be used for the evolution of Dratini.

Those mega evolution stones really made Xiaofeng's eyes light up, and he picked out the ones that were useful to him and some good ones.

The first one was the mega evolution stone of Lizard King, but it was a pity. If he had obtained it before Lizard King evolved, it would be perfect, and he could be like Charizard and the others, but it is not too late to get it now. After all, we can't strive for perfection in everything.

Secondly, he also took the mega evolution stones of Gyarados, Hulk, Gardevoir, and Swampert. Xiaofeng didn't take the others. After all, Xiaofeng was not interested in the likes of Armor.

Xiaofeng picked some of the other attribute evolution stones with good colors until the backpack was full.

Xiaofeng patted his backpack with satisfaction and left the palace with the elves.

Carrying a bulging backpack, standing on the edge of the palace with the elves overlooking the scenery below the mountain was a different feeling.

""Everybody, get down the mountain, wow ha ha!" Xiao Feng laughed and ran down the mountain first, and the fire-breathing dragons also ran after him.


After Xiaofeng left, he didn't know that the treasure chest was filled with the same treasures again. If Xiaofeng knew, he would probably take the treasure chest away at all costs.

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