Pokemon: I Don't Want To Be A Bug Type Master

Chapter Thirty-Five: Diao Ri Appears

Mankey is from the Fighting type, and he is naturally afraid of the Psychic type.

Confusion is a unique move of the super power system. When it hits Mankey with one move, it has an outstanding effect in an instant.

Mankey fell down all at once.


"Wow, what happened, how did that Mankey go down?"

"I am not sure as well!"

That Mankey ran and fell down!

The referee also looked surprised, but he still made Butterfree's shot.

He raised the flag and said, "In this competition, Lotte from Class Four won."

"No, it's impossible, how could I lose?"

The boy in the vest had a look of disbelief.

After he got Mankey, he started to train desperately.

I thought I could stand out in this exam and defeat all Rivals, but in the end I lost.

He lost so thoroughly that he was defeated by the opponent with one move.

He looked unwilling.

But fortunately, he has a better mental quality. After putting away the Mankey, he said to Le Tian: "I will definitely come back again!"

Lotte smiled and nodded.

But he complained in his heart: "Fart you come back, you are not Big Big Wolf, even if you are Big Big Wolf, no matter how many times you come back, you will lose."

Le Tian put his hands in his pockets and returned to the auditorium with a dirty face.

The guy who just mocked Lotte stood up and sat down in a place where no one was around.

He felt hot on his face, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and get in.

The others looked at him mockingly.

"Stupid, you don't even look at your own virtues when you call him rubbish!"

These are the original words in the hearts of these few people.

Lotte sat down.

Soon, it was the glasses' turn.

Le Tian had just slept for a while, so he was very energetic now, so he started to watch the glasses competition.

The Rival of the glasses seems to be unlucky, and actually met the Rival of the glasses.

Rakuten takes a look at the Pokémon in glasses.


Oddish is a Pokémon with the appearance of a small grass.

The lower part of its body, its head, resembles a dark blue Absorb Bulb with rounded feet.

It has Red's bead-shaped eyes, and a small mouth.

Oddish pulled out five Green leaves from his head, with the middle leaf bent backwards at the top.


【Attribute: grass, poison】

【Gender: ♂】

【Ability: Chlorophyll: During Sunny Day or sunny weather, the speed ability is doubled.

【Level: 16】

[Qualification: Elite]

【Species Strength: 320】

[Items to carry: None]

[Skills learned: Absorb, Acid, Aroma, Poison Powder, Mega Drain, Stun Spore]

"It's level 16, it seems that the glasses haven't been Slack Off for a while!"

Lotte looked at his Rival again.


Geodude is like a gray round stone. There are raised stone eyebrows, trapezoidal eyes with coffee-colored irises, and a pair of muscular arms with five fingers.


【Attribute: Rock, Ground】

【Gender: ♂】

【Ability: Hard head: Will not be hurt by the reaction force of its own moves. The range does not include Struggle, Jump Kick and High Jump Kick.

【Level: 14】

[Qualification: Ordinary]

【Species Strength: 300】

[Items to carry: None]

[Skills learned: Tackle, Defense Curl, Bide, Rock Throw, Stealth Rock]

I have to say that the luck on the other side is really bad.

Geodude, 4x weak grass.

There is no suspense in this game at all.

Sure enough, Oddish a Mega Drain, and the opposite Geodude fell down.

Lotte felt bored for a while.

Suddenly someone appeared behind him, Le Tian turned his head to look, and found that it was actually Diao Ri.

"You finished the game?"

"It's already over! Rival is a Bug Type guy, and a Catterpie, and I beat him!"


Seeing Diao Ri's smug face, Le Tian replied indifferently.

Diao Ri suddenly felt that he had said something wrong, and immediately put away his pride.

"You know I don't mean that!"

When Le Tian saw Diao Ri with a depressed face, he couldn't help but punched him.

"Who do you think I am, kid?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Diao Ri glanced at the field and said, "Have you finished your glasses?"

"Well, Rival was unlucky and just happened to be restrained by glasses!"

"Okay, let's continue watching the game!"

In the next battle, Diao Ri, Lotte and Glasses all defeated Rival and successfully advanced to the quarterfinals.

After all, most people's Pokémon are still hovering around level 10.

The Pokémon of Diao Ri and Lotte are relatively powerful, but the glasses are more lucky. Along the way, they are either Ground-type or Rock-type.

Soon, it was Diao Ri's turn to play.

"Brother, wait for me, I'll go back!"

Diao Ri's face was full of confidence.

Lotte looked up the field and saw that his Rival was a poisonous Pokémon Trainer.


Nidorino is a Pokémon that walks on four legs. It is larger than Nidoran♂, and its body is still purple with deep purple patches.

The horns on its forehead got bigger, and so did its ears. It has a row of jagged venomous spines on its back.

Its teeth turned into tiny fangs that were exposed. Its front paws have three toes, while the back paws are still two.


【Attribute: Poison】

【Gender: ♂】

【Ability: Poison Stinger: There is a 30% chance of being poisoned when using contact moves to attack the Pokémon with this Ability.

【Level: 17】

[Qualification: Elite]

【Species Strength: 365】

[Items to carry: None]

[Skills learned: Peck, Poison Barb, Focus Energy, Double Kick, Horn Attack]

Lotte looked at Diao Ri's Pokémon again.


Charmeleon has a body similar to Charmander, with darker skin and brighter eyes.

A horn-like protrusion grew on the top of its head, and its mouth became pointed, somewhat like a bird's beak.

Its limbs and tail are longer than those of Charmander, its claws are more slender and sharper, and the end of its tail still burns with flames.


【Attribute: Fire】

【Gender: ♂】

【Ability: Fierce Fire: When HP is less than 13, the power of Fire Type moves will increase by 1.5 times.

【Level: 18】

[Qualification: Leader]

【Species Strength: 405】

[Items to carry: None]

[Skills learned: Catch, Smokescreen, Ember, Dragon Breath, Fire Punch]

"The Yusan family is still fierce!"

Just the evolution form of the second stage surpasses Lotte's third form.

The Species Strength of Charmeleon405, but Butterfree or Beautifly, is comparable to the Species Strength of 395.

And Charmeleon is so handsome, after level 36, it can evolve into Charizard.

Lotte has dreamed of being a dragon knight since he was a child. Although Charizard is not a dragon, he looks like a dragon and is domineering enough.

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