Pokémon's vision is much better than that of humans.

The division of labor of each group is very clear. Some are specifically watching the situation in the sky, and some are patrolling carefully around.

Hundreds of wild Pokémon around also took action. They are used to this kind of vigilant life.

After all, in this disorderly wilderness, the probability of being attacked by other tribes at night is much higher than during the day.


Gyarados roared, waking Jon up from his sleep again. He walked out of the tent quickly with dark circles under his eyes.

The sky was filled with yellow powder, and he immediately shouted:

"It's paralysis powder, Gyarados, use a tornado to blow it away, pay attention to the control range, don't blow your partner away!"

Gyarados received the order, and immediately emitted a strong airflow, which quickly filled the entire camp, and suddenly a strong wind raged.

Bankiras held Jon, and Houndaro and the wolfhound immediately ran to the periphery to be on alert. The Toucan flew into the air and began to chase the poisonous butterflies that released the paralysis powder.

The paralysis powder was blown away in a short while. Jon yawned loudly, then re-lit the fire and looked at the time. It was only four o'clock in the morning...

He felt like a burden. Otherwise, with the ferocious habits of wild Pokémon, they would have chased them madly and sprayed all kinds of tricks into the sky.

It can be seen that they were also aroused by the continuous attacks. Jon sighed and simply did not sleep.

He took out the food in the backpack and started cooking. They could not rest well at night, so they could only use food to replenish their physical strength.

As the first ray of sunlight pierced the cover of the night, day and night alternated, and the second day of special training officially kicked off.

After a night of rest, the baby dragon rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked out of the tent slowly.

It was too tired yesterday, otherwise it should have woken up immediately when the first smell of food entered its nose.

It sat next to Jon without conscience, pulled Jon's clothes, pointed at the grilled fish, and then opened its mouth.

Jon looked at it unhappily, but did not stop his hand movements, and stuffed the grilled fish into its mouth.

Houndoom lay beside Jon, its ears kept shaking to sense the movements around it, but its eyes were staring at the grilled fish that should have belonged to it, but now it has become the food of the baby dragon.

What a good life!

But Houndoom did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, it believed that it would have a share of the next grilled fish.

After three attacks in one night, although no members were injured, they were always alert to the surrounding situation, which made them feel physically and mentally exhausted.

After an unknown amount of time, the Toucan suddenly landed from the sky. Jon immediately looked at it, "Are you making any noise?"

The Toucan immediately flapped its wings vigorously and nodded quickly.

It seems that the attack is coming again, but this action is too obvious, right?

Herod and the Wolfhound stood guard in front and behind Jon. In their opinion, protecting Jon was the most important thing.

Since Jon couldn't understand the language of Pokémon, he didn't know where the attack came from this time, or how many there were. He could only keep the same.


There was already a slight movement in the haystack, and there was more than one place, as if all around were approaching this side.

This little movement directly frightened the wild Pokémon stationed in the tree, and they all moved towards Jon.

Gyarados popped out of the pond, and Bankiras also stopped training, staring at all directions with his bright eyes, and they were also preparing to launch an attack.

The sound was getting closer and closer. Jon clearly felt that this time the Pokémon had no footsteps. This kind of sliding sound should be a snake Pokémon.

Jon immediately looked at his companions and nodded, indicating that they could take the initiative to attack.

Gyarados took the lead and released a powerful water cannon from his mouth and began to sweep forward. Bangilas raised a sky full of dust, covering the surroundings in a world of wind and sand.

Jon had already launched an attack, and the shadows in the grass began to move quickly. The first thing that caught his eye was a series of purple figures about two meters long, and the last one was a few purple figures three or four meters long.

It was Arbok and Arbok. Their bright red snake tongues kept spitting out of their mouths, and their eyes exuded a bloodthirsty light.

On the other side, spherical Pokémon kept spitting out black smoke,This time, there were gas bombs and double gas bombs.

Compared with the Arbok tribe, the team led by the cunning tengu was more inclined to deal with the gas bomb side.

The gas bomb tribe was directly held firmly by the cunning tengu, and the Gyarados alone suppressed the Arbok tribe.

Their strength was not strong, and only one leader reached the elite level.

Jon was a little confused. It shouldn't be just like this, and the three waves of Pokémon that attacked last night were definitely not these two tribes.

It must not be that simple. Sure enough, dense black shadows appeared in the sky again, and a group of giant bees immediately appeared in the air.

They flapped their wings quickly, made extremely aggressive movements, and then swooped down rapidly.

Under the sunlight, the sharp weapons on their arms were dyed golden.

The sandstorm continued to rage, and when they came into contact with the sand and dust, they suffered a lot of damage.

However, even so, the Beedrills still did not retreat, and continued to charge forward fiercely.

When Jon and the others were attracted by the Beedrills, a dozen Sand Hippopotamuses and a huge Hippomon suddenly jumped out from the ground.

This sudden attack frightened Jon severely, and his first reaction was to immediately climb onto Bankiras's body with his hands and feet.

Baby Dragon was full of fighting spirit. After being frightened for a short time, he began to sprint forward the next second.

After seeing that the boss Bankiras had steadily protected his trainer, the Great Wolfhound and Houndoom also rushed forward quickly.

The Great Wolfhound faced the powerful Hippomon, and Houndoom kept solving the threats behind the courageous Baby Dragon.

Jon kept giving orders, and his eyes scanned back and forth between the three battlefields.

He kept shouting out orders, taking care of the three battlefields, and for the first time felt that his energy was very insufficient.

Fine beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead, and his brain was working rapidly, trying to keep his mind clear.

However, he was getting more and more excited. This was real combat, full of variables and unknowns, not a one-on-one fair battle mode.

This chaotic and challenging situation made his blood boil, and his inner fighting spirit was completely ignited.

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