I wrote something, I feel that now the plot needs to add some stimulation, some stimulation is not enough, let me add something, change and send again, Qingming Festival holiday, should be able to catch up with the manuscript, some things or think about it, it's really sad not to save the manuscript!

----------2023/4/4 evening Fight for codewords!

Yinyu City is one of the few cities in Fangyuan that will be attacked by storms, and it is also the closest to nature, the town is full of trees, tall and luxuriant trees have many traditional tree houses, walking in it seems that you can also hear the natural breath of the wild forest, without the hustle and bustle of the city, fresh and natural, happy and peaceful.

In this small town, house-to-house houses are built on trees. Most of the people who live here are healthy and long-lived.

Wild bug attribute Pokémon can often be seen flying by inside the house.

Because of the weather, regular heavy rains make trees grow much taller here than trees elsewhere.


Naki's title is "Bird Pokémon trainer soaring around the world!" "。 She is good at reading the flow of wind and believes that living with nature is the best way to live.

Similar to Mikkoli, he pays great attention to the elegance and magnificence of battle, and also respects elegant and powerful trainers.


is a Pokémon similar to a house swallow, with mainly dark blue feathers, scarlet lines on the neck, tail tip and forehead, and white belly. 2 tail feathers standing straight up is proof of health. Its claws are red, while its beak is yellow.

The Great King Yan is constantly moving in search of warm land and will fly gracefully in the air. It will hover far in the air, and after finding prey living in the forest, it will swoop down, clinging to its prey with its sharp claws, and the targeted prey will definitely not be able to escape. The spinytail worm will aim the thorn of its tail at the king swallow who wants to catch itself as food to resist. Da Wang Yan will not neglect to trim his bright feathers, and the two Da Wang Yan will definitely trim each other's feathers more beautifully after gathering together.


yellow beak of the large-billed gull occupies most of its body, its plumage is white, and its claws, wingtips, and forehead are blue. Its beak bulges so big that a child the size of a kindergartener can fully enter.

Big-billed gulls nest on the cliffs by the sea, put their children in the bird's beak for protection, and float on the surface of the sea to rest on calm days. It can fly on the surface of the sea to find food, and when it finds food, it sticks its large beak into the sea, scoops it up with the seawater and swallows it in one go. When hungry, it also dives in search of food. It will take away only one love fish, and it will also use its large beak to pick up more than 30 weak dings and swallow them whole. Collecting food is the job of the young male Largemouth Gull, which stores food in the large beak and transports it to the nest where its partner is waiting. It is still an air transporter who puts small Pokémon and eggs in the bird's beak for protection and transports them to a safe place, and will float at sea to rest when tired.

【Armor Bird】The

armor bird is covered with iron-like hard armor. Its sturdy steel body looks heavy, but it is actually light and thin, its whole body is silver like armor, and its wings are red inside. It also has sharp teeth.

Armoured birds nest in thorny bushes, and chicks that grow up with stinging wounds have hardened wings. Its feathers are hollow, and although it looks heavy, it can fly at speeds of up to 300 kilometers per hour. It soars high in the air with ease and freedom, and cuts opponents with wings as sharp as a knife. The Steel Raven will fight fiercely with it as a territory, and the Proud Swallow can also compete with the giant armored bird. Its iron body is very strong, but it rusts easily, so it stays in the nest on rainy days. The steel feathers, which have become tattered by constant fighting, grow again once a year and become as sharp as before. The fallen feathers are light and sharp, so it seems that they were also used as knives by warriors of the past. A kitchen knife made from its fallen wings is sharp enough to make even the best chefs nod their heads in approval. Feathers can also be used to make swords, so they are also popular as a heraldic motif.

【Tanabata Blue Bird】Tanabata Blue Bird

has a sky-blue body and fluffy wings like cotton. The Super Qixi Blue Bird is more like a huge ball of cotton, its tail has become longer, and the original white and fluffy feathers are widely distributed on the back, no longer distributed on the chest.

On a clear day, the Qixi blue bird will mix in the cotton clouds and fly leisurely and freely in the air, flying at the junction of the blue sky and the white clouds. It can fly high into the air with the help of updrafts with its wings like a cotton cloud, and its figure flying in the sky looks like a cotton cloud. It will sing in a beautiful high note, and if the melody is sounded in a transparent voice, it will enchant the listener, as if in a dreamland. If you hear a wonderful sound in the mountains far away from people, it is the humming of the Tanabata Blue Bird. When it has someone with a common heart, it gently wraps each other with soft and beautiful wings and hums. Although he has a docile temperament, if he is provoked, he will intimidate the other party with a sharp cry and will attack mercilessly, spitting out hot fireballs from his mouth.

Super Tanabata Blue Bird is wrapped in special feathers that glow like pearls. The increase in feathers strengthens the protection of the body. His singing voice is more beautiful than before evolution, and his personality is sociable.

【Tropical Dragon】The

tropical dragon is brownish-gray all over, with a long neck and thick limbs. It has three green leaves on its head, one of which covers the head, the other two small leaves are distributed on the sides, and three leaves wrap around the neck. It has four huge leaves on its back and a bunch of yellow fruits like bananas hanging from its jaw.

Perched in tropical jungles, tropical dragons will wave the leaves on their backs and fly through the air, handing out the popular sweet fruit that bears from their necks to children. It keeps eating its favorite fruit, so that fruit also bears fruit on its neck. The fruit on its neck bears fruit twice a year, sweet and delicious, and pollen is scattered from its neck in spring. Children in the southern country will eat a bunch of fruits from the neck of the tropical dragon as a snack, which is very popular with children. In warm places, there are many pastures where tropical dragons are bred. The bunch of fruit that knots in the neck of the tropical dragon that inhabits Alora is much sweetest than in other regions and is the best.

Goo's body is brown and her upper abdomen is beige. Its pupils are red and its eyes are surrounded by black objects that resemble glasses. It has a V-shaped black object on its head, much like the hands of a clock. Its body is spherical, it has two legs that are huge and can support its whole body, and there are five toes on the legs. It has a pair of small wings and a beak that is light pink in color like its legs.

Goo Goo has been standing on one foot and will not use both feet to stabilize his body even when attacked. Because the moment of changing feet is too fast, it is basically impossible to see clearly. It has organs in its body that can sense the rotation of the earth, so it will chirp at the same time every day. At any given time, its internal clock is extremely accurate, tilting its head in a fixed rhythm. In the past, people attached great importance to it as a messenger of time, and some people in some countries regarded it as a god of wisdom who knew everything in the world.

【Owl Nighthawk】The

body of the owl is brown, with six downward brown triangles on its belly. Its beak is light pink with two beige claws and three light pink toes. The owl nighthawk's eyes are divided into four layers, which are beige, black, white, and red from the outside. Its brown tail is angular and it has a V-shaped beige area resembling an eyebrow on its eyes.

The owl nighthawk's eyes have a special structure, as long as there is a slight light, it can distinguish the surrounding situation even in the dark, and see as clearly as during the day. Its very soft feathers do not make a sound when flying, so it can sneak up on its prey. Therefore, it will never let its prey escape in the dark, and is also known as the Night Emperor. When it starts thinking about things, it rotates its neck 180 degrees to improve the efficiency of the brain. Turning the head upside down indicates that it is very annoying, and if it is alarmed at this time, it will be pecked.

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