According to the book,

The world's largest official power does not exist in the form of a country, but in the form of an alliance.

Charlotte also learned about this in history textbooks,

but compared to history textbooks, the explanation here is clearer.

Every region, except for some small kingdoms left over from history, is ruled by an elf alliance.

In the elf alliance, the highest authority is the alliance champion and the alliance president.

The difference in authority is similar to that of a military general and a civil official.

Relatively speaking, the greater power is still in the hands of the champion.

Only when the champion's personality is easy to talk to,

the president may have an equal or even higher status with him.

At the same time,

the champion is also a realm of the trainer.

The trainer ranks from low to high, [ordinary, elite, gym, king, champion, master]

The master realm is usually only possible for experienced old champions.

Back to the topic,

Below the champion of the league are the Four Heavenly Kings,

Usually, the Four Heavenly Kings are similar to the frontier officials, each guarding one side, and guarding the champion in the center.

Like Kona, Adu, and Shiba are the Four Heavenly Kings.

The Kanto region, or the Kanto region, is special.

The specialness is not only reflected in it being the headquarters of the Pokémon League,

More importantly, because the land is connected, Kanto and Johto also share a league.

The headquarters of the Kanto League is located in the Quartz Plateau,

So far, the Kanto League is also the only region where the championship is vacant,

This is not to oppose Tiangang, as the Kanto League, as the headquarters, is weak,


Adu, who has the most potential to reach the top of the championship, has Pokémon that mostly have flying and dragon attributes,

but both of the above are restrained by the ice system at the same time,

Adu is completely controlled by Kona, the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings,

Yes, the weakest,

This is what is recorded in the book,

Which of the four kings is stronger or weaker does not need fans to analyze and lead the rhythm, the official will lead the rhythm.

The alliance officials of each region will rank the strength and realm of the four kings.

In the realm ranking of the Kanto Alliance,

Adu has the highest realm and ranks first, and Kona is undoubtedly at the bottom.

This is also a recognized fact on the Internet.

However, Charlotte will not think that Kona is weak like netizens on the Internet, and defeating Adu depends entirely on the attribute advantage.

Especially from Professor Oak, I learned that the so-called attribute restraint is a restraint relationship of the same realm.

In this way, it is not difficult for Charlotte to draw the conclusion that

Kona is only weak relative to the other three Kanto kings.

Kona, who can stop Adu, who has the strength of a champion, must also have the strength of a champion.

A region has no champion in name, but actually has four champions. This is the foundation of the headquarters.

After analyzing this, Charlotte suddenly realized a very surprising fact!

Kona's Glaceon, Adu's Haxorus, and Sheba's Steelix are probably not their main Pokémon...

"How terrible!"

While lamenting the amazing strength of Kona and the other two,

Charlotte did not fall into despair and self-destruction because he had more information than ordinary people and knew that there was a huge gap between him and the top four.

He quickly sorted out his mentality and continued to read.

Below the four top four are the gym owners who guard the city.

Similar to the champions and top four, the gym owners are also one of the realms of trainers.

There are at least 8 gyms in each region.

Because if you want to participate in the regional competitions held in each region, the prerequisite is to collect 8 gym badges.

Gym badges - proof that the challenger defeated the gym owner!

Of course, it is not to let the challenger and the gym owner fight with real swords and guns.

Because the trainers participating in the regional conference are usually new trainers, the gym challenge is more of an assessment.

As long as the gym owner thinks you are qualified to be recognized by him, even if the challenger loses the game, there is still a very small chance of getting the badge.

In addition to the gym owner,

there is also the Pokémon Center where Miss Joy resides, and the police station where Miss Junsha resides.

Charlotte also learned from the textbook about the two magical forces that are comparable to the clone family.

Miss Junsha and Miss Joy, who look almost the same as 3D printed.

In addition to this garrison system, the alliance also has an investigator system that actively searches for criminals.

The above aspects are common sense issues and the foundation of survival in this world.

Charlotte read them very carefully,

so carefully that he completely ignored the end of get out of class.Bell,

Finally, it was Lei Si who waved his hand in front of Charlotte's eyes, interrupting Charlotte's focused study state.

"Although I don't want to interrupt your serious study, Charlotte, but the three evening self-study sessions are over, and we have to go back to the dormitory to rest."

Charlotte: "?"

"Ah? So fast!"

Charlotte was really surprised that time passed so quickly,

But Charlotte remembered everything recorded in the textbook.

"Thank you, Lei Si!"

After thanking him, Charlotte returned to the dormitory with Lei Si.

Back in the dormitory,

Turn on the lights, wash up, and Charlotte went to bed,

At the same time, don't forget to release your Pokémon.

Lalulas sensibly pulled open the quilt and got into the bed,

Veneto Snake was not to be outdone, and followed suit and got into the quilt and curled up.

Charlotte was sandwiched between the two Pokémon.

Because it was a double room, the bed was a luxurious 1.8-meter-wide bed, so there was no need to worry about crowding.

There was even a lot of space on both sides.

Psyduck took out a pillow from the cupboard and lay down in Charlotte's area near the wall without a blanket.

Meowth was simpler, and he curled up into a circle and lay down near the edge of the bed next to Charlotte's pillow.

Unlike Ralts and Snake,

Psyduck and Meowth were both Pokémon with fur, so Charlotte was not worried about them getting cold.

Charlotte herself also needed to sort out the amount of information she had gained today,

and fell asleep in a short while.


The next morning,

After Charlotte woke up, she found that she was in a very good state and her thoughts were clear.

The content learned yesterday was also deeply imprinted in her mind.

Compared with these three courses,

the study of other courses is not urgent, and it cannot be urgent.

But Charlotte is still studying hard.

At noon that day, while having lunch, Charlotte received an invitation from Karuna.

Invite him to go to the movies!

Charlotte took a photo of himself in school uniform and the cafeteria, and replied with a message: "Thank you for the invitation. I am in school, keen on learning, and want to make progress."

"You can also study outside. I can teach you foreign languages!"

"I am in Evergreen College."

"Then study hard. Contact me when you are on vacation."


After finishing the chat with Karuna,

Charlotte couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. Karuna was so positive. Could it be that she liked him?

Charlotte shook his head secretly.

This idea was too low. He never thought like this before.

Will he become bad when he has money?

Or, are those confession letters making him feel too good about himself?

Others are the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, or a rising star in the film industry with unlimited potential. How could they fall in love with him at the first meeting?

Throwing all this mess out of his mind,

Charlotte decided to use his lunch break to formulate a future growth plan for Teng Teng Snake.

While thinking, Charlotte looked at Lei Si, "Let's find a place and have a fight."

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