The power of waveguide is such a magical ability, which has a unique advantage in exploration.

It can sense the surrounding terrain and the waveguide on every creature.

For any creature, as long as the waveguide is sensed once,

then no matter how much disguise the opponent makes, it will still be seen through in one second.

At the same time, the waveguide can also be used for attack, and the destructive power is equivalent to superpowers.

However, although the waveguide is strong, it is an ability that every creature is born with,

but not all people or creatures can actively control it.

At present, the Lucario family is the best at controlling the waveguide in Pokémon.

As for humans, there are indeed waveguide messengers in history, but the number is very rare.

At least in the records,

the number is so rare that only one will be born in an era.

It is rare that two waveguide messengers appear in the world at the same time.

Counting superpowers and "genetic power",

In the eyes of outsiders, Charlotte is now a powerful superpower with three superpowers!

However, Charlotte did not want to publicize this false reputation.

In daily life, one superpower is convenient enough.

Unless necessary, there is no need to actively show off that you have other abilities.

Keep reading.

[Gene]: Human × Mewtwo (X)

[Match]: 91%

[Fusion]: 15%

[Race Value]: 478 (+118) [+]

[Physical Strength]: 76 (+16)

[Attack]: 89 (+29)

[Defense]: 75 (+15)

[Special Attack]: 83 (+23)

[Special Defense]: 75 (+15)

[Speed]: 80 (+20)

[Combat Power]: Gym Level (20.8 tons)

The 15% fusion degree directly exceeds the previous matching degree with Mew.

In terms of race value,

Charlotte's basic race value is 60 evenly distributed in six items,

and the direction of his future expertise will depend entirely on the gene distribution of Mewtwo X.

Based on the current improvement, Mewtwo is undoubtedly an attack speed Pokémon.

Physical attack > Special attack > Speed ​​> Stamina > Defense = Special defense

It seems that Charlotte will be an attacker in the future, which is exactly what Charlotte wants.

What makes Charlotte feel gratified is that

Although the race value distribution tends to be attack speed type, the total race value of Mewtwo X is not low.

With only 15% fusion degree,

Mewtwo X's gene actually provides him with a 118 race value improvement!

Convert it, when it is improved to 91%, it will be about 716?

Although because the six race values ​​are calculated separately, there may be multiple roundings at the same time, which will lead to the final calculation result not being 100% accurate.

But the rough estimate of 700+ has already satisfied Charlotte.

You know, Mew's racial value is only 600!

91% of the attributes can lead Mew by 100+,

At first glance, it's outrageous!

After careful calculation, considering that super evolution is likely to increase the racial value, it's not outrageous.

But Mewtwo X's strength is still beyond doubt.

As for the final combat power,

The gym level and 20.8 tons are very conspicuous,

which means that Charlotte can now even play in person and defeat the fossil pterosaur.

I just don't know if his skin can withstand the attack.

According to the racial value,

the attack is 89, 20.8 tons.

Then the defense is 75, and the attack that can be withstood is about 17.5 tons.

What is the concept of 17.5 tons?

The tonnage of an entry-level heavy truck is 14 tons,

It is conceivable why Charlotte can survive for several hours without breathing well.

Such a physique is already superhuman.


Charlotte's skin is tough and cannot be easily hurt, but it is still soft.

There is no need to worry about hurting Kona and the others in daily life because of the strengthening of the body.

After sorting out the current strength,

Charlotte got dressed and started to wash.

When Charlotte went downstairs, everyone had gathered around the evolution stone.

Charlotte approached and found that

the super evolution stone that had been absorbed by Charizard before was also taken out.

It was placed together with the absorbed Mewtwo evolution stone for comparison.

"What's wrong?"

"Charlotte, you are here!"

Kona turned around and found that it was Charlotte, and began to tell Charlotte about the disappearance of the gene chain.

At the same time, Dr. Oak looked embarrassed.

Obviously, although he knew that the truth was probably unrelated to his shrinking of the evolution stone,

he still put part of the responsibility on himself.

"Doctor, you don't have to do this. After all, we have experienced similar things before."

Charlotte naturally understood that the doctor was innocent., he must stand up and help speak at this time.

"Besides, hasn't the wavelength data been recorded by the doctor? As long as the machine makes the super evolution stone, there will definitely be more."


Dr. Oak excitedly hammered his hand,

and quickly opened his laptop to check the wavelength file recorded yesterday.

After seeing that the wavelength file was still there,

Dr. Oak breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, there is still a chance."

At the same time as he breathed a sigh of relief, Dr. Oak's curiosity was also aroused.

"By the way, if the super gene inside was absorbed, who absorbed it? And why didn't Charizard, who absorbed the super gene last time, super evolve?"

The last super gene was absorbed by Charizard,

This information was provided by Charlotte as a superpower.

Now, naturally, Charlotte needs to come out to answer.

"I don't know about the former, because I slept very deeply last night. As for why I didn't evolve? Maybe I'm missing something?"

While Charlotte said this,

In the corner of the living room, Psyduck (Dream), who clearly felt the change in Charlotte's aura, rolled his eyes.

I don't believe you, isn't it just absorbed by you?

But, as a mother, she didn't expose Charlotte's thoughts at all.

After such a period of time, she also understood some rules of human society.

The genetic power that Charlotte mastered, its ability to combine two genes into one,

even in Dream's eyes, is a bit too dreamy.

Therefore, Dream fully understands the difficulty of Charlotte not being able to speak directly.

At this time, Professor Oak made a summary,

"It seems that we can only wait until we get another Mega Evolution Stone before we can continue to study this unsolved mystery."

Although Mewtwo X Evolution Stone also followed the footsteps of Charizard Y Evolution Stone, everyone was a little absent-minded.

But breakfast still needs to be eaten.

During the period, Dr. Oak said that he would personally pick up Senior Brother Yamanashi and Blatano later,

and go to Evergreen City to pick up the search equipment customized last night.

Charlotte was naturally happy to be able to stay on the farm to continue archaeology.


When thinking of Mewtwo, Charlotte couldn't help but ring the alarm bell in his heart, and subconsciously looked at Kona and hesitated to speak.

After dinner,

Kona deliberately went back to the room,

but when Charlotte followed him up to the second floor, he found that Kona came to his room and waited.

Obviously, Kona understood his hint.

In the room,

Seeing Charlotte coming, Kona's face was not relaxed at all.

"What do you want to see your sister? Is there something wrong with your body due to the power of genes?"

Charlotte was stunned by the question and was deeply moved.

"It's not about the power of genes. It's another... very important thing. Sister, have you heard of artificial beasts?"

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