Compared to the vast land, the Pokémon world is actually much smaller than imagined, most of the places are inaccessible, with dense jungles and tall mountains, except for trainers and some researchers, few people will go to these places, countless wild elves live in these lush areas, if they do not have enough strength to go, they are likely to become part of this natural nutrient.

The time when the area of human activity expanded infinitely was seventy years ago, and because of the uncontrolled expansion of the scope of human activities, irreversible damage to nature, it led to the siege and war of the elves who were closely related to nature in the whole world, and the failed human beings finally gave up various technologies that pollute the environment and turned to the development of green energy, and now on the whole, humans and elves are in harmony, and humans have become accustomed to living with elves. The idea of conquering nature with technology has been transformed into living in nature with elves.

The power of elves has unlimited development possibilities, and humans who pursue great power have therefore given up the convenience of technological weapons and began to seek the power of elves, and trainers are representatives of them.

Tokiwa City is a beautiful city surrounded by green all year round, there are many towns in the area of Joban City, Shinshin Town is just one of the most famous, there have been countless myths and legends left here, Tokiwa City has always been known as the closest city to nature, and it is the only city in the world that has both the convenience of high technology but completely abandons any possibility of pollution.

From Shinshin Town, you can follow the road opened up by humans all the way to Tokiwa City, where there is no danger, and it is also an inevitable way for all humans to connect the two places, and the elves in the vicinity are already familiar with getting along with humans, and there are almost no wild elves attacking humans.

And if you continue to walk a hundred kilometers along this road to the east and west, you will enter the real Tokiwa Forest, as the largest forest area in the Kando area, which completely maintains its original ecology, the forest area is as high as two million square kilometers, which contains countless secrets, has its own complex and unique ecosystem, the deeper you go, the more you can encounter extremely tough elves, which can be said to be a forbidden area for humans, and it is also an ideal place for trainers to train themselves and elves.

Tokiwa City is the only forest capital in the Tokiwa Forest, and the entire city is surrounded by forests except for the road to the northern city of Nibi.

After leaving the Oki Research Institute, Ryusuke came to the endless grassland of Shinshin Town, he did not take the road opened by humans at all, directly followed the guidance of the north arrow, straight forward along the northwest direction, and spent two days out of this vast grassland, came to the intersection of the grassland and the forest, and plunged into the Tokiwa forest, he wanted to live here for at least a month, to exercise himself and the round land shark in his hand, and truly feel the battle between the elves.


The sound of rushing and running sounded in the depths of the Tokiwa forest, and the soft fallen leaves and pine needles under his feet and the roots of the trees could not slow down even a little of Ryusuke's speed, his posture was sensitive, avoiding the obstacles under his feet, and at the same time looking at the sky with a separate mind, a flock of large-billed finches were hovering and flying through the woods in the same swift posture, and the intricate branches of the trees seemed to them to be non-existent, easily bypassed, and his sharp eyes were fixed on the 'prey' below.

The Round Land Shark beside Ryusuke ran quickly with him, showing that there was nothing under its feet, grinding its fangs, looking back at the 'predator' in the sky from time to time, and emitting a low roar characteristic of dragons in its throat.

'The deeper you enter the forest in the past, the more terrifying the elves you encounter, their instinct to fight and hunt is far beyond imagination, and these guys don't care if you are a human or an elf, when you enter their territory, they will directly fight to the death, and even attack humans specifically, no wonder so many trainers die in various nameless places every year. ’

Ryusuke's body was covered in dust, and his face was dirty, and the clothes woven from the silk thread of green caterpillars were indeed of good quality, even if they were often scratched, there was no damage in any way, but the clothes no longer had the brilliance of when they first set off, and now they looked like they had rolled in the dirt.

And if you look closely, you can also see that some faint scars are disappearing on his naked, exposed skin, and his left hand is tied into a plaster shape by him with silk thread from the green caterpillar.

After entering the Tokiwa Forest, the elves that began to encounter were not aggressive at all, commanding the Round Land Shark could be easily solved, and even had no sense of battle at all, but as you went in, the more wild the elves you encountered, and even a green caterpillar could come out of the corner at any time to tie you up, and from this time on, Ryusuke no longer had the initial calm command, except when he found a safe place to rest, most of the time he was in motion.

There is no possibility of a trainer standing behind an elf to command, and if you dare to stay in one place for one more second in battle, the next moment you may be buried by various stormy attacks.

Fortunately, the human physical fitness of this world is much stronger, and this state of daily parkour can barely persist, but this long-term tension situation also makes it easy to grow, not only elves, but for a period of time Ryusuke feels that his body's endurance, the ability to see and listen to all directions, to maintain a calm command state as much as possible in battle, and even to bless the soul's fighting instinct at critical moments, has made great progress.

When the way of fighting at the beginning suddenly changed from ordinary elf confrontation to people and elves must be in unison, Ryusuke will also be in a hurry, being pecked or bitten by various elves or besieged by terrible skills, Ryusuke Hikaru thought that he was dodging and escaping, completely forgetting to command the Round Land Shark, the trainer's elves are instinctively wild when they are not commanding, and they are completely less wild than wild elves, for a while Round Land Shark and Dragon Suke have experienced various escapes, and the two have also suffered many injuries during the escape, The most serious time was almost directly penetrated by a large needle bee through his lungs, which really scared him into a cold sweat.

Although the medical treatment of the elven world is very advanced, whether it is a human or an elf, this external injury can be saved as long as it is not dead on the spot, even if the arm is broken, a certain organ is broken, and it can grow quickly under the combined action of technology and elves, but if you are seriously injured in this wild and foreign area, then I am afraid that it is really a lack of skill.

Even so, the bodies of Ryusuke and Yuanlu Shark are full of scars, as evidenced by the fact that he is still in a plaster cast on his left hand.

One person and one elf finally ran out of a dense jungle area when dodging, and the front became wider, and the dozen large-billed finches hovering in the sky immediately found an opportunity to attack, and one of the large-billed finches increased in speed in vain, and when its body was in the air, it rotated like a drill.

"Round Land Shark be careful, it's 'high-speed movement' and 'straight punch drill'!"

Discovering the movements of the Sky Bigmouth Finch, Ryusuke, who already had enough experience, recognized the skill used by the other party at a glance, and he just reminded the Round Land Shark, and found that the target of the Big Mouth Sparrow was not the Round Land Shark but himself!

"Cut, actually picked soft persimmons to pinch!"

There has long been no initial panic, although there is still an instinctive sense of fear, looking at the pointed mouth that seems to bring a spinning storm, always subconsciously want to close his eyes and look away, just like a human face the muzzle of a gun, gritting his teeth in front of a big tree suddenly stopped, the big mouth finch in the sky seemed to show a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, found the best opportunity to spin his pointed beak, with a terrible wind rush.

The sharp beak of the bird pierced into the mouth of the Royal Dragon Legend in the blink of an eye, but the large-billed finch was shocked, and found that it did not have the feeling of penetrating the flesh, and could not control its beak followed by piercing into the thick trunk behind it, leaving a huge hollow like a rotating screw trace, countless broken wood flew, and a big tree was about to fall.

And at this time, the mouth of the large-billed finch was still stuck by the trunk, and just as it was about to pull out, Ryusuke's voice also sounded from the side:

"Round Land Shark, 'Dragon Claw'!"

The long-waiting round land shark violently jumped up from the ground, saying that it was "dragon claw", but the round land shark's claws are really not too aggressive, it replaces its claws with teeth, and under the terrified gaze of the large-mouthed finch, the shark-like fangs bite fiercely on its thin neck, and a terrible sound is heard.

It was not an ordinary force to bite, for the elves, their skills carried their own energy, and even under the action of superpowers, Ryusuke could detect the energy of a powerful dragon gathered on the teeth in the mouth of the Yuanlu shark.

Ryusuke has done experiments before, and an ordinary bite force round land shark is enough to crush a rock, and if combined with skills, it can even bite the rock into sand-like powder!

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