The monkey was so busy that he was not very happy.

"Here comes the hyperactive ape."

Lu Yuan smiled and greeted him cordially.

This smile was no less than seeing a ghost to the hyperactive ape!

Without any hesitation, the hyperactive ape immediately turned around and ran away. The cunning human actually deceived such an honest elf.

"Want to leave? Can you leave?"

A force descended, hindering its escape. The hyperactive ape found that its body could not move. It struggled violently and spent a lot of effort to break free.

The first moment it broke free, it took a fighting stance, with its muscles tense, its strength unexploited, and its eyes staring at Lu Yuan nervously.

"Don't be nervous, Hyperactive Ape. I have no ill intentions."

Seeing it like this, Lu Yuan comforted it and moved forward slightly.

"Don't come over here."

Hyperactive Ape looked terrified and yelled.

Hearing this, Lu Yuan stopped and signaled it not to be nervous.

"Hyperactive Ape, you have good qualifications and will achieve great success in the future. Come to be my Pokémon. I believe I will make you stronger."

Lu Yuan spoke sincerely, and his emotions were also transmitted to Hyperactive Ape through super powers.

"Hey, these two-legged beasts want to conquer me? It seems pretty good, but it's a pity. I yearn for the unrestrained freedom. That's the youth I want."

Hyperactive Ape also felt Lu Yuan's sincere emotions, but his previous life made it unwilling to be conquered like this.

Those conquered Pokémon were so weak that they kept circling around the trainer all day. It was Hyperactive Ape, a Pokémon with a bright future, so it was naturally unwilling to do so.

"The two-legged beast feels just a little more powerful. I can release the power after struggling. I just need to run away and I will succeed."

The hyperactive ape thought to himself, his brain was working quickly, and then he had an idea.

His face was soft, his body relaxed, and he bowed to Lu Yuan.

When Lu Yuan dispersed his power, he suddenly raised a cloud of dust, added a real energy bomb, and then ran away.

The hyperactive ape frantically mobilized the strange energy in his body, and felt that his speed was three times faster.

"Hahaha, stupid two-legged beast, how could I be subdued by you, bye."

There was a commotion, smoke and dust, and the hyperactive ape was already hundreds of meters away.

"Very good, you successfully attracted my attention."

Putting away the Gyarados, Lu Yuan moved quickly and soon caught up with the hyperactive ape. He mobilized all his strength and slapped it horizontally, and a giant palm-like energy body fell.


A huge earth pit the size of a palm appeared on the ground. The hyperactive ape struggled to climb out, but faced a series of thick tree trunks, which surrounded it and trapped it.


As soon as it broke through, what caught the hyperactive ape's eyes was a blue giant fist.


The ground shook a few times, and when the dust cleared, the hyperactive ape lay on the ground with circles in his eyes, having lost his ability to fight.

A Poké Ball was thrown out, and it was put into the Poké Ball. After shaking it gently a few times, a "Boom~" sound was heard, and the Poké Ball was successfully captured.

The Poké Ball floated in front of Lu Yuan and was caught in his hand.

"You still have to conquer the Pokémon with virtue. Talking in a nice voice is useless."

Lu Yuan said silently. He originally didn't plan to do it himself, but he didn't expect that he would have to do it in the end.

This hyperactive ape is also worth his action. This hyperactive ape is too excellent and worth cultivating.

"It wanted to eat just now."

Lu Yuan thought back, he saw the whole process of the hyperactive ape appearing.

He took out the potion, treated Gyarados and the hyperactive ape, and then left the place.



The barbecue made a sizzling sound under the charcoal, and a drop of hot oil slowly slid down the lines of the plump meat, dripping onto the charcoal, emitting a more intense smoke and a mouth-watering aroma.

"It smells so good."

The hyperactive ape woke up drowsily and smelled a very fragrant smell, which made its stomach rumble.

"I'm so hungry, what's so delicious, I'll grab it all later, oh no, I seem to have been knocked unconscious by the biped."

The hyperactive ape woke up with a start.

"You're awake, hyperactive ape."

Lu Yuan chuckled, brushing seasoning in front of the fire, and looked more cozy under the care of the flames.

The roasted meat smelled even better after he brushed that thing.

The Gyarados next to him was showing off a roasted lamb at a very fast speed.

"Eat it first."

When the hyperactive ape was at a loss, half a roasted lamb was brought to him. The aroma

It actually made its stomach growl and saliva secrete more.

"Hmph, I, the hyperactive ape, would rather die than eat your food."

The hyperactive ape wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said stubbornly.

"Hiss~, this hyperactive ape's will is so strong?"

Gyarados did not stop showing off his food and looked at it with incredible eyes.

Even Lu Yuan was surprised, and then smiled slightly, cut open the barbecue in front of it, revealing the energy cube inside.

This barbecue is not an ordinary barbecue, but a barbecue that he carefully prepared and added energy cubes, so that it takes into account both taste and nutrition.

The exposed energy cube also attracted the attention of the hyperactive ape, and the body's desire to eat increased infinitely.

The body told it that this food is what the body needs. If it eats it, it will not be hungry and will grow.

"Heh." Lu Yuan took out a fruit-like thing, cut it open and dripped the juice on the meat, and the fragrance became even thicker.

This is the favorite fruit of the hyperactive apes, a memory engraved in their DNA.

As expected, the hyperactive ape moved, and it was seen eating the food in front of it very quickly.

Lu Yuan smiled, and cut another piece of meat for it and put it in front of it.

Soon the hyperactive ape finished eating, took the meat handed by Lu Yuan, and ate it again, and the speed was as fast as that of Gyarados.

Gyarados saw it and couldn't help but speed up, speed up the speed of showing off his food, if he ate faster, he could eat more, if he ate slowly, he would have less.

In this way, all the food roasted by Lu Yuan was solved.

"Burp~, it smells so good."

The hyperactive ape lay on the ground with a bulging belly.

"Have a glass of tree juice."

Lu Yuan handed another glass of tree juice that had been chilled by Gyarados. The hyperactive ape hesitated and reached out to take it.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with hanging out with these two-legged beasts."

The hyperactive ape thought to himself.

Its stomach was full, it hadn't been so full for a long time, and it hadn't eaten such delicious and nutritious food before, and those foods were more filling than those it had robbed.

"Should I choose to be conquered? Or be conquered? No, no, hyperactive ape, why are you so unambitious? You yearn for freedom, but this is delicious. If I follow the two-legged beast in front of me, I won't have to find food by myself in the future."

Hyperactive ape felt tangled.

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