The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Lu Yuan was also a little surprised. He didn't expect her to recruit him, but when he thought of his excellent performance in the past and the ability he showed at the scene, he understood.

"No." Lu Yuan refused with a smile. He also had great confidence in achieving excellent results in this trial.

According to the past, four or five newcomers who performed well in the trial would become cadres of the Rocket Team and be vigorously trained.

Once they become cadres, they will be the captains and have several subordinates.

This will be of great benefit to improving their own strength in the future.

If there are several capable subordinates, it will be much more convenient in future missions, and as a captain, the benefits that can be obtained are naturally not small.

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Qiying was also a little surprised and put forward another condition.

"If you help me, I can help you solve the problem with Yuanye, and I believe he will give me some face."

"Haha, no need, thank you for your kindness."

Lu Yuan still rejected her invitation.

Qiying frowned slightly, then relaxed.

"Well, it seems that you have something to rely on yourself."

After saying that, she did not stay any longer, walked in one direction, walked a few steps, turned around, threw a communicator, and said.

"If you figure it out, you can also contact me, you are welcome to join at any time. Oh, by the way, if you meet Yuanye, maybe I can help."

For Lu Yuan, she still has a good impression. He is handsome, has a stable temper, and has good abilities. I believe he is a good subordinate.

"Thank you."

Lu Yuan thanked her and watched her leave.

Compared to being a subordinate and working for others, he still likes to be the boss. He also has his own ambitions.

Since he came to this elf world, Lu Yuan didn't want to live a life of obedience and be a low-class person for a lifetime. If he wanted to, he wouldn't join the Rocket Team.

He wanted to climb up, he also wanted to live a wonderful life and stir up the storm. There was no way that others could do it, but he couldn't.

What's more, he had the help of the system. As long as he was cautious and careful, success would come sooner or later.

"Hey, boss, why don't you let me out and let this woman see how powerful I am! I don't want you to be looked down upon."

Gyarados spoke telepathically.

"No need, Gyarados, you have to remember that sometimes hiding your weaknesses is not bad, and it often has unexpected results."


"Well, that's what I suggest."

The man and the elf said, left the place, and explored in a certain direction.

"It's strange, I haven't found it after searching for so long, and there is no trace."

Lu Yuan stopped at a pile of rocks and said strangely.

Logically speaking, even if the elves move, there should be traces left behind.

"Let's go somewhere else first."

Since he couldn't find it, Lu Yuan went to look at other places. He still remembered the directions of several other "airdrops".

After he left, a figure appeared on the scene, looking in the direction of him in the distance.



Lu Yuan used his supernatural power to hurry up and passed a wild elf. Even if he wanted to attack him, he couldn't do it.

Soon, Lu Yuan came to the bottom of a mountain. What caught his eye was a mess, and there were several corpses on the ground.

Strangely, the corpse didn't seem to have any injuries on the outside, but there was a blood line on the neck, which was probably the fatal place.

The elf was the same, and died in one blow.

Lu Yuan frowned. This "ferocious beast" was not weak.


In the distance, a loud bang sounded, accompanied by the violent fluctuations of the battle.

Lu Yuan looked around and found nothing valuable, so he went to see what happened there.

But he was still late. When Lu Yuan arrived, he happened to see a Poké Ball taking a Dream Tapir into it, and then the Poké Ball was controlled by a force and floated in front of a beautiful girl.

The girl was Qiying, who had said goodbye to Lu Yuan not long ago. At this time, she was looking at the Poké Ball in her hand with a satisfied look on her face, as if the Pokémon inside made her very satisfied.

Beside her, there were two men and one woman, each with a Pokémon, forming a joint attack.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan did not show up, hiding in the dark, quietly observing.

"It must be that the Dream Tapir that can make her like this is not an ordinary stuff. Could this wave of "airdrop" be a welfare? Are there some Pokémon with excellent qualifications for this batch of recruits to conquer?


Lu Yuan guessed in his heart.

"Sister Qiying, where should we go next?"

One of the two men stood up and asked.

"Let's continue looking. While collecting resources and points, I found that the qualifications of these elves are good. "

"Yes. ”

After the four of them packed up, they left the place and headed for the distance.

After a while, Lu Yuan appeared on the scene. With the power of an intermediate superpower, they could not find him as long as he did not expose himself.

This wave of airdrops also blew up many people hiding in the dark. They were able to survive until now. These people were obviously not fools, but also people with wisdom and strength.

This is also the meaning of the trial, and it is also the talent that the Rockets need.

Lu Yuan walked around and found a few familiar faces. These people were all people who performed well when they were at the base. Some of them were capable and some had backgrounds.

Now, most of the survivors are like Qiying, forming small teams. The teams have a leader, and there are also struggles between teams to compete for the resources they have discovered.

The "airdropped" elves are generally of good qualifications, and their combat capabilities are strong and weak.

But Lu Yuan found that some of these elves are "strange".

Some of them have conflicts in the energy of the elves, and their vitality is sometimes strong and sometimes weak. And languid, extremely unstable.

What impressed Lu Yuan was a special Houndoom.

The Houndoom was extremely powerful and extremely brutal and bloodthirsty. It wiped out two small teams and several elves. The deaths of humans and elves were very cruel.

Moreover, there was an evil energy lingering on it. In the battle, it used ghost-type moves such as strange light, curse, and shadow claw.

This shocked Lu Yuan. You know, Houndoom is a dual-attribute elf of fire and evil, and has nothing to do with ghosts. None of them can be hit.

Lu Yuan did not provoke Houndoom either, as Houndoom was already an elite elf and was currently invincible to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was unwilling to fight it unless necessary.

In addition to Houndoom, there were also leaf elves mixed with fire power and earth-colored Golduck. Although strange, it had explosive combat power and a particularly cruel personality.

The addition of dozens of "airdropped" elves also made this trial island more "lively", and the difficulty of survival for those who were not strong enough increased again.

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