Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 96 Simulating the feeling of having a baby

After so many days of searching for information, documents, and asking Dad Lu, Mr. Lu and the others, Lu Ze finally understood a little bit.

Elves like Ghost Stone, Yongjila, Haoli, and Longlong Stone, who can evolve simply by using communication, can directly evolve in this world.

However, like the big rock snake needs to carry the metal film to evolve into a big steel snake, and the flying mantis needs to carry the metal film to evolve into a giant pincer mantis. It still needs communication conditions to evolve.

As for the electric shock beast and the platypus beast carrying the electric booster and the lava booster, it is because of Grandpa Lu Ze, so there is no need for the evolution condition of communication

One of the thesis that Grandpa Lu Ze became a doctor is "Evolution Type and Evolution Conditions of Electric Shock Beast and Platypus Fire Beast"

Back then, because of his encounter with the legendary elf, the Lightning Bird, in the battle with the Lightning Bird, not only was a lot of Thunder Stones melted by the Lightning Bird's electric energy, but also the Electric Beast accidentally inhaled it. A large amount of electricity, which evolved into an electric monster

This made Grandpa Lu Ze interested. Later, through the characteristics of his waveguide, he discovered that the body of the electric shock monster is full of manic and higher-level electric energy than the electric shock beast.

Based on this discovery, he developed the Electric Amplifier, a prop specially used to evolve Electric Shock Beasts

At first, the electric booster could not evolve the electric shock beast, but later he realized that the evolution of the electric shock beast is not only due to the energy of the electric system, but also the reason for the evolutionary power produced by the melting of the thunder stone

So he added the evolutionary power produced by the Thunder Stone to the power booster, and it succeeded, and there was a certain chance that the Electroshock Beast could evolve into an Electroshock Beast

Then, through continuous improvement over the years, the power booster has changed from a less than 50% chance at the beginning to a basically 100% chance of evolution now.

However, after he successfully added the energy from the melted Thunder Stone to the power booster, his waveguide detected a strange energy from the power booster

But he has never figured out what this strange energy is, so Grandpa Lu Ze was very unwilling to admit defeat, and focused on the good friend of the electric shock beast, the duckbill fire beast

He thinks that as a good friend, the electric shock beast evolves by relying on the superior electric energy, so as a good friend of the electric shock beast, will the duckbill fire beast also evolve by watching the superior fire energy? , Will this strange energy also appear?

Thinking of doing it, Grandpa Lu Ze brought a duck-billed fire beast, and at the same time brought the volcano town stone and a lot of fire stones that the official wanted, and Grandpa Lu Ze set off like this

Escorted by official personnel, Grandpa Lu Ze soon came to the Keluo Volcanic Group near the Daxinganling Mountains, where Xido Lanen was.

That's right, he wants to copy the evolution process of the electric shock beast and find a higher level of fire energy

After all the calculations, it is more suitable for Sidorlan, who also lives in the magma. After all, if it is Gulardo, not to mention the bad temper, even the fire energy is not something a platypus can bear. ah

On the contrary, Sidoran not only made good friends with Longguo, but even divided his volcano town stone into two halves, saying that you can come to me if you have any problems.

So Grandpa Lu Ze came here with the Volcano Town Stone to seek the help of Sidolan, and because he was afraid of the danger of the platypus fire beast, he also brought the [Holy Ash], which even the official is painful to ensure. Platypus safety

Moreover, Grandpa Lu Ze asked about this duck-billed fire beast. This duck-billed fire beast is a militant in the group. When he heard that it can greatly improve the combat effectiveness, he immediately stood up.

Even if I told him that his life might be in danger, he still had the attitude that you don’t want to choose anyone else but me.

Later, Grandpa Lu Ze brought the duck-billed fire beast to meet Xido Lanen, and with the help of Xi Duo Lanen, the duck-billed fire beast also successfully evolved into a duck-billed fire beast, and the plan was successful.

So Grandpa Lu Ze struck while the iron was hot, and made a lava amplifier in the volcanic cave, imitating the appearance of an electric amplifier.

The original lava amplifier did not add the evolutionary energy of the Fire Stone. Grandpa Lu Ze wanted to try it, so he used a waveguide to detect it.

Sure enough, without that mysterious energy, after trying another duck-billed fire beast, it would not evolve into a duck-billed fire beast

Later, a lava booster with evolutionary energy was made. This time, the lava booster contained that mysterious and strange energy, and successfully evolved the duck-billed fire beast.

Now Grandpa Lu Ze is even more puzzled, the first lava amplifier without evolutionary energy, without that strange energy

Similarly, the fire stone in the waveguide detection does not have that kind of energy, but when the two are combined, hey, he has it. Are you surprised?

So Grandpa Lu Ze studied this strange energy for several years, but found nothing, so he had no choice but to shelve it.

Until now, the research process of that strange energy is still hanging on the intranet of the research institute, and the official has already released the word, if anyone can research it, the title of a senior researcher will not escape

Pulling away, the perspective returns to Lu Ze

In order to verify his conjecture, Lu Ze has already called his grandfather, saying that the mosquito-repellent frog will be put in your place first, and the mosquito-repellent frog is not important now.

Then I told Dad Lu and Grandpa Lu Ze that I need a big rock snake and a flying mantis, and I have an idea to verify

Father Lu asked him why he needed these two elves

Lu Ze can't say anything, he can only say that his waveguide thinks that these two elves are related to the steel type, but no matter what he thinks, he has nothing to do with the steel type

But just now the waveguide has come again, I have some clues now, I just need to prove it experimentally

Dad Lu was immediately happy. He said that there happened to be a big rock snake in Mo Qiancheng's place.

Lu Ze asked suspiciously, isn't he a steel team? Why is there a big rock snake?

Father Lu explained to him

"Because he is the king of heaven, he often goes to those newly opened secret realms. It's good to meet a talkative master of the secret realms in the secret realms."

"When you meet someone who is difficult to talk to, it will be troublesome. Then you can only convince him, and then talk to him well."

"And the big rock snake is more interesting. Not only is it difficult to speak, but it is also disobedient. Every time after beating him down, he would stick his neck and say "I won't listen, I won't listen""

"So he had no choice but to subdue the big rock snake and bring it out of the elves' secret realm"

"Not only that, but there is Mibiqiu in his place. It is said that after he defeated Mibiqiu, Mibiqiu couldn't do anything, so he just relied on him not to leave, and insisted on asking your Uncle Mo to take him out."

"Now that big rock snake is a boss in the backyard of his house. Apart from getting hammered from time to time, his life is quite comfortable."

"Mysterious Biqiu is also the same. His aptitude is very good. There are many kings and defenders who mainly focus on the ghost department. They want to subdue them. Mibiqiu is not willing, so he is happy to stay in his house."

"Go to the backyard to bully the Big Rock Snake if you have nothing to do all day long, or wander around their house if you can't. Recently, I heard that Mo Qiancheng brought Ji Qianyi back, and he was happier. He hugged a doll all day long to simulate bringing a baby. a feeling of"

This chapter is a bit far-fetched, but it can be regarded as writing the subsequent plot in advance (í_ì)

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