"Later, when Li Jing, Duke Wei of the Tang Dynasty, went out to play in his later years, he got lost and came to this village, and heard the legend of the mosquito-repellent frog king."

"The Duke of Wei is very interested, so he came to the residence of the King of Mosquito Incense and Frog, which is near Juegu as recorded by Taoist You Fang."

"After Wei Guogong's hard work and persuasion, he finally brought the mosquito-repellent frog king back to the palace and brought a heavy rain to Chang'an City."

"The Duke of Wei's health gradually weakened, and he passed away not long after, and the king of mosquitoes and frogs disappeared."

After Lu Ze finished reading, Dad Lu took a sip of tea and said

"This is unofficial history after all, and its credibility is not that high. First of all, it is not true for Duke Wei."

"After all, the Dragon Kingdom had a rudimentary rain team from the time of the first emperor's reunification, and it developed even more in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. It not only had a rain team, but also a sunny team. It can be said that the impact of the weather on crops has been minimized."

"In this way, there is absolutely no need for the Duke of Wei to bring back an elf who has the skill [Praying for Rain]"

Lu Ze thought for a while, pointed to "Zicheng Zeguo" on the computer and said

"Dad, do you think it is possible, this Zicheng Zeguo, what you are talking about is that the characteristic of this elf is [Rainfall] characteristic"

Father Lu nodded, and became interested: "There is a possibility, tell me, there is more."

Then Lu Ze pointed to the phrase "a crown on the head"

"In my imagination, this crown on the head may be the key to the evolution of the mosquito-repellent frog"

Dad Lu thought about it

"The crown, the silver crown and the golden crown have already determined their specific functions, and it is not that these two have not been used on mosquito-repellent frogs, and neither of them has a precursor to evolution."

"However, there is still a crown in your grandfather's research institute. I still don't know what it is for. Could it be this?"

Lu Ze was taken aback and asked, "What's it like?"

"A wooden carved crown, your grandfather has detected it with the power of waveguide, it seems that there is a connection with something in it"

Now Lu Ze is even more confused, good guy, the wooden crown, and the connection with something? Isn't this the wooden crown used to summon King Bud?

Lu Ze laughed twice, trying his best to suppress his surprise

"Ha, Grandpa's research institute really has everything."

"Of course, your grandfather's research institute belongs to the country, not to mention your grandfather's waveguide characteristics. It can be said that as long as the country obtains something unknown, it will show it to your grandfather as soon as possible."

Suddenly, Lu Ze thought of what Mr. Mo promised at the time, that he could pick one from his collection (see Chapter 79 for details), so he hurriedly asked Father Lu

"Dad, Grandpa Mo told me at the time that I could pick something from his collection after the event was completed. He is the dean. Is his collection equal to the research institute's collection?"

Father Lu gave Lu Ze a strange look.

"What are you thinking? His collection must be a private collection. The research institute belongs to the state, and the two are not the same."

Lu Ze smiled mischievously after hearing this


Then he asked eagerly

"Then you said that it is impossible for me to choose one from the collection of the research institute"

Father Lu looked at Lu Ze calmly, until he felt guilty looking at Lu Ze, then he said with a smile

"You kid is eyeing the collection of the research institute. Let me guess, is your waveguide telling you something about the wooden crown?"

Lu Ze scratched his head and smiled foolishly.

"Ang, my waveguide told me that this wooden crown can summon some kind of spirit"

"Is it similar to what Volcano Townstone did to Sidolan?"


Father Lu rubbed his brows and said

"Your waveguide ability is indeed a bit beyond my expectation. I thought you would have a premonition only after seeing the real thing. I didn't expect that you could have a premonition just by hearing it."

Said Lu's father patted Lu Ze's shoulder again, stared at Lu Ze's eyes and said

"I reported that your waveguide ability is that after touching an object, you may have a feeling and a hunch about the object. You will behave according to the ability I reported in the future, understand?"

Lu Ze nodded and said: "Well, I understand, it's just that I can have a hunch without touching the real thing, which is too perverted."

Father Lu nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, if your ability is exposed, although our country's officials will be happy, other countries will not be happy."

"At that time, your experience will be the same as that of your grandfather. First, you will be tempted, then you will be arrested, and if you fail, you will be destroyed. No one will get it."

Lu Ze was startled, it would be too much to destroy if he can't get it

Then he scolded the system severely in his heart

"Break the system, break the system, look at others, defend yourself with a beast at the beginning of the game, where is the beast that protects me at the start?"

Father Lu noticed Lu Ze's worry, he laughed and comforted him.

"Don't worry, what I reported to the official is that I can occasionally foresee the effect of the item, so your importance is not as high as your grandfather, don't worry."

Lu Ze had a bitter face, and thought sadly in his heart, "But I really don't have special abilities."

After Dad Lu comforted Lu Ze, he turned around and faced the computer screen again.

"Okay, it's too far away, let's talk for a while, and we don't have to go home anymore"

"Let me clarify for you first. If you want to enter the national collection library to pick something, first of all, if you are on your own, well, we are the two of you."

"Secondly, you must have some credit. For example, you helped Uncle Mo destroy a church stronghold this time. This is credit, but it is not enough to reach the national treasure house. Your Uncle Mo will tell you the specifics at that time."

"Now go ahead and talk about your conjecture about the new evolutionary branch of this mosquito-repellent frog."

Lu Ze also took a sip of the milk on the side, and then said to Dad Lu

"There are more than these types of crowns. Have you forgotten the king's certificate I got from the church's spoils two days ago? That is also in the form of a crown."

"I just saw the appearance of the king's certificate, and then I remembered this unofficial history I read before, so I wondered whether the crown on the mosquito-repellent frog's head could be the king's certificate"

Father Lu recorded all Lu Ze's words, then thought for a while and replied:

"It's not impossible, but the mosquito-repellent frog also fights with the certificate of the king. Your idea is untenable."

Lu Ze pointed to the word "Juegu" on the computer again

"Could it be related to this Juegu? Like I just told you, what if his evolution requires more than one condition?"

"Valley of Extinction..."

"Yes, what may exist in this valley is one of the conditions for the new evolutionary form of the mosquito-repellent frog"

"You mean, similar to the situation where the evolution type of Ice Ibrahimovic needs to evolve in a snow mountain or in the Arctic to evolve into Ice Ibrahimovic?"

"Yes, the environment may also be one of the conditions for the new evolutionary form of mosquito-repellent frogs"

Father Lu squeezed his wrist, thought for a while and said

"According to what you said, the evolution of Ice Eevee requires rich energy of the ice system. Does this new form of the mosquito-repellent frog need rich energy of the water system?"

"Where the energy of the water system near Chang'an City is strong... the Jinghe and Weihe rivers, could it be in the place where the Jinghe and Weihe rivers are clearly separated? The energy of the water system there is very strong, and it is also the habitat of many mosquito-repellent frogs."

PS: Thank you for your reward*. (ˊωˋ*)*.

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