The classroom gradually became quiet again.

So people, including the teacher, are watching these two sparkling charmanders drinking moo moo milk with "gudong, gudong"

After a while, the two little charmanders couldn't drink any more, and burped together very synchronously

Lu Ze chuckled, handed the prepared special energy cube to Charmander, and also handed Sui Yan a

After the little charmander smelled the fragrance of the energy cube, his eyes lit up, and his two little paws took the energy cube

Sitting on Lu Ze's arm like this, holding the energy cube, he just said "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The little charmander was just born, it was still too small, and it only bit down a little

Before taking a few bites, Charmander's little head began to twitch little by little.

It's time to go to sleep after eating and drinking, but Charmander tried to open his eyes again, took a bite of the energy cube, and then fell into sleep

Seeing Charmander sleeping soundly with the energy cube in his arms, Lu Ze was about to take out the energy cube and let him sleep in a comfortable position

Lu Ze pinched the energy cube with two fingers and pulled it out a little, but Charmander hugged it too tightly, and even shrank back into his arms when he felt that the energy cube was about to let go

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth twitched slightly, afraid that taking it out forcibly would affect his sleep, forget it

The teacher was also a little helpless. In class, the elves hatched out of their shells. It was the first time for her to experience

What's more, now the elves are not only hatched, but also asleep

Let's give a lecture, it's not good to make noise to the newborn elves, don't give a lecture, it's not a problem to stand by yourself

The teacher thought for a while, his eyes lit up, walked to the side of Lu Ze and Sui Yan, and said softly

"You two go to my office first"


After Lu Ze and Sui Yan agreed, they gently picked up the little fire dragon and walked out

After the two walked outside, the teacher's voice gradually became louder.

"This kind of unexpected situation is beyond our control. Let's go to class with peace of mind. Anyway, this class is too much to finish. The teacher will take up the next PE class. Do you have any opinions?"


Banri wailed suddenly.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan looked at each other, and they both saw the gloating in each other's eyes



The two walked gently outside the teacher's office and knocked on the door


This teacher, like Lu Ze's class teacher, is a super teacher, so he enjoys great treatment. There are only her and Lu Ze's class teacher in the office, so it is also very quiet

Lu Ze's homeroom teacher had no class this period, so he was resting in the office. When he saw Lu Ze and Sui Yan coming in, he frowned, and was about to ask why they came to the office instead of class.

But before he could open his mouth, he saw the sleeping elf in the arms of the two of them.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Ze smiled wryly and explained

"Our elves hatched in class and then fell asleep. There is no way. The teacher let us come to the office."

"Okay, sit there first"

The homeroom teacher looked at them in surprise, raised his eyebrows, and motioned them to sit on the sofa next to them first.

After the two sat down, the head teacher took a sip of tea from the thermos

"Tell me"

Lu Ze and Sui Yan were taken aback:? What did you say?

The head teacher saw that the two were silent, so he looked at the two and said softly

"Lu Ze, the champion of the school battle tournament, the supersonic bat who uses the elf, the champion of the Chang'an City Division of the Baby Cup, and the little squirrel who uses the elf, right?"

"Ang, yes"

"Suiyan, the top four of the Campus Battle Tournament, the Coal Turtle who uses the elf, the top sixteen of the Baby Cup, and the Katie dog who uses the elf, right?"

Sui Yan was a little embarrassed when he heard about the top sixteen, but he still nodded honestly

"Well, yes, teacher, how do you know?"

The head teacher put the teacup on the table and said angrily

"I'm not blind, the video of Lu Ze's battle is still on the homepage."

"No, I didn't mean that, I mean, haven't you both already cultivated two elves? Why didn't these two elves choose to hatch after the college entrance examination?"

The teacher in charge pointed at the elves in the arms of the two, swept his eyes, and stood up suddenly


After a classic curse, he rubbed his eyes again

"I'm going, is it really a different-colored Charmander?"

Sui Yan smiled and said to the teacher

"Teacher, you taught us that you can't swear, it's insulting to the gentlemen"

The teacher in charge glared at Sui Yan

"Go, go, I'm an exclamation word, not a swear word"

The homeroom teacher was interrupted by Sui Yan, so he didn't pursue what was shining or not

Sit down and have a sip of tea to calm down, then ask

"Now you three elves, how about the college entrance examination?"

Lu Ze made his statement first: "Teacher, I'm fine."

"Your martial arts test is fine. I know this. After all, you have two champions. How about your literary test?"

The homeroom teacher looked at Lu Ze with drooping eyelids, feeling very oppressive

Lu Ze scratched his head and explained

"At least I won't be slowed down in the essay test, and I have been working hard recently"

"That's good, how about you?"

Sui Yan said confidently

"I'm fine"

The head teacher's face returned to calm, and the coercion disappeared.

"Okay, as long as you know yourselves, after all, you have also made a name for yourself in the Baby Cup in Chang'an Division."

Then he stopped talking and continued to read the newspaper while drinking tea, silently thinking about how many students in the class he led this year could get good grades.

Not to mention Lu Ze, Sui Yan, and Tang Yunqin, these three have already proved it in the campus battle meeting and the Baby Cup, they have no problem in the martial arts test

As for the essay test, don't worry about Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin. Although Lu Ze was a scumbag in the past, he made great progress in the last test. He did what he said and won't hold back

Then I thought about other students in the class, and I couldn't help but feel a little headache

Most of their elves are still in their initial form, and their combat power is not very strong, so it can only be said to be quite satisfactory

This kind of college entrance examination depends entirely on performance. If you perform well in the martial arts test, you can enter a good university with the addition of the literary test.

After all, the level of the essay test of the class he leads is not low

Lu Ze and Sui Yan didn't know what the head teacher was thinking. They were arguing about who was born first and who was the older brother.

Sui Yan poked his neck: "I feel like my little Charmander was born first"

Lu Ze is not used to him either: "Fart, obviously mine was born first, yours is behind, I saw it"

"You saw a face, your own elves are born, do you still have time to look at others?"

"Leave me alone!"

Lu Ze was exposed to the lie, and his voice became a little bit louder from embarrassment

The head teacher was interrupted by Lu Ze, frowned, and reprimanded in a low voice:

"You two get out if you want to argue"

Now the two of them stopped arguing, Sui Yan said in a low voice

"Well, I'm older than you, so I'm your brother's, so how about my little Charmander is also your little Charmander's brother?"

"Go away, guessing fist"

"Okay, come on"

After two victories in three rounds, Sui Yan held the little fire dragon in his arms and said sadly

"Baby~ Dad, I'm sorry, Dad exported your brother's identity"

Lu Ze looked at Suiyan's acting with disdain, he knew that it was for him

"Stop pretending, I won't give up my brother's identity, die of it."

Sui Yan raised his head violently

"No, there is surveillance in the classroom, let's check the surveillance"

"Cut, I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat. I won't check the monitoring with you. Let me tell you that the identity of my brother, Little Fire Dragon, is certain. No matter what you say, it's useless."

The matter is already settled, Lu Ze is not willing to add extra complications, check the monitoring? You can check it yourself, anyway, I only admit the results of boxing guessing.

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