Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 770 Team Kongqing!

[The rise of the Dragon Kingdom seems to be unstoppable...]

[There are three players from the Dragon Kingdom among the top four players. This is a bit difficult. 】

[Hahaha, three heroes fight Lu Bu! My dragon kingdom is invincible! 】

[Although, there is one thing to say, the high probability of the final showdown is still the Dragon Kingdom's Sui Yan and the American Emperor. 】

[Indeed, the strength of the two of them is basically not on the same level as the remaining two Dragon Kingdom players. 】

[I hope Sui Yan can face Lu Ze or Tang Yunqin in the quarterfinals, and then each of them will defeat one, and finally give us a wonderful decisive battle. 】

[Thousands of people have written this letter, hoping that the official can hear our voices. 】

[No way, no way, no one really thinks that Lu Ze’s three mythical beasts can’t defeat one Zekrom, right? 】

[No way, no way, the three mythical beasts took turns to fight and wore Zekrom to death, right? 】

[There are too many people who say that three mythical beasts can kill Zekrom. I can only say that there is a gap between the mythical beasts! 】

There was a lot of hype in the live broadcast room. Some supported American imperialism, some supported Lu Ze, and some supported Sui Yan.

Apart from anything else, Lu Ze has three divine beasts on him.

Suiyan and Reshiram and Zekrom, who are number one in the American Empire, also showed their strength and destructive power in the previous games.

In comparison, Tang Yunqin's Cang Xiang was a bit unsatisfactory.

The battle between Cang Xiang and Zangmarante did not cause much damage because of the relationship between the two divine beasts.

In their perception, Cang Xiang may be stronger than Gundegma's Flame Bird, and at the same level of strength as Regirock and Copaluon.

It was precisely because of this that everyone agreed that Tang Yunqin was not as powerful as the three of them.

Although Tang Yunqin also owns two divine beasts, there is also one divine beast that can super evolve.

But no one would compare Super Diancie with Zekrom and Reshiram.

Look at the destructive power on both sides.

In the absence of a more intuitive comparison, the destructive power of the two is their method of cloud comparison.

After Lu Ze's game ended, today's game was almost over.

The Final Four won't start until tomorrow.

However, due to the delayed draw of the quarter-finals and the completion of one group of players, the information of the next group of players will not be released.

As a result, the official website of Great Britain was criticized by many people.

As a last resort, in order to appease the audience, the semi-finals chose to announce the draw results today.

Anyway, after the opponents are announced today, the players will study their opponents in the middle of the night.

So there was no hesitation. When Lu Ze came back, he happened to see the lottery results appearing on the big screen.

In the first group, Lu Ze played against Tang Yunqin.

In the second group, Sui Yan faced off against the American No. 1 player.

[How do you say this grouping? I feel like the finals are no longer interesting. 】

[Indeed, the semi-final match between Sui Yan and American Emperor No. 1 will definitely be very exciting. 】

[In this case, everyone just needs to treat the semifinals as the finals. 】

[It’s a pity. I originally planned to save the braised meat for the finals, but it looks like I can eat it tomorrow. 】

[It’s a pity, but it’s okay. Although the expectations are not full, it’s okay if you don’t have to wait. 】

"How about it? Are you confident about facing Zekrom, the number one American emperor?"

Lu Ze asked Lu Ze with a smile after returning to the spectator seats of the Dragon Kingdom players.

"Tch, I want to ask you if you are confident about fighting against Tang Yunqin."

Sui Yan snorted and asked teasingly.

"Of course, I'm not sure." Lu Ze replied with a smile.

Cang Xiang's strength is still very strong.

Especially Cang Xiang who is now in the form of the King of Swords.

Although the direct battle between Cang Xiang and Zangmarante was so anxious, to be honest, Cang Xiang's strength was definitely not weak.

The main reason why the battle with Zangmarante seemed so anxious was because the two of them were so familiar with each other.

And too much the same skill pool is also a reason.

So Lu Ze was not wrong. Facing Tang Yunqin, he still felt some pressure.

And it's hard to say whether Tang Yunqin will fall in love with Dianxi.

After all, none of Tang Yunqin's current Pokémon can Mega Evolve.

"Did you see it? Lu Ze is still a little unsure."

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Sui Yan winked behind Lu Ze and said.

"And, if you use a little honey trap, hehe~"


Just as Sui Yan finished speaking, Lu Ze rolled his eyes disdainfully.

Is Tang Yunqin the kind of character who would use a honey trap on him?

"So, if it were you, which one of us would you rather fight against?"

After Tang Yunqin laughed at the fight between the two, she did not refute, but asked Sui Yan in return.

"Of course you are!"

Sui Yan agreed without hesitation.

Compared with Lu Ze's suppression based on hard power, Tang Yunqin's Pokémon's suppression based on attributes can still be overcome.

So if he defeated the number one American emperor, he would rather meet Tang Yunqin.

Although I already knew from Lu Ze and from the competition just now, Tang Yunqin's Cang Xiang was not weaker than Reshiram's.

But compared to Lu Ze's Super Latios, Darkrai, Mewtwo who doesn't know if he will play, the very powerful Deoxys and Hupa who can only use his full strength for three minutes.

Even if Tang Yunqin has Cang Xiang who is not weaker than Reshiram, her difficulty level can be considered normal mode compared to Lu Ze.

Sui Yan couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of this.

Well, among the four people who have entered the semi-finals now, none of them are easy to deal with.

Needless to say, Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin, their opponents in the next match, the number one Pokémon in the United States, are both quasi-gods.

A powerful quasi-god plus a Zekrom who is not weaker than his own Reshiram.

Well, it is also a difficult opponent to face.

But fortunately, the opponent has already come out, so tonight I can think about how to face the number one American emperor.

After Sui Yan finished speaking, Tang Yunqin couldn't help but curled her lips.

Persimmons are soft when pinched, right?

If you really run into me, see how I deal with you.

Tang Yunqin secretly rejoiced in her heart.

At the freshmen meeting at the beginning of the university, Sui Yan showed her off, and she always remembered the fact that he defeated her.

But never underestimate a woman's ability to hold grudges.

Especially a beautiful woman!

Tang Yunqin raised her chin proudly, glanced at Sui Yan, and then turned around to leave.

"By the way, do you two want to split up the second team?"

After Lu Ze thought about his second team, and then thought that Tang Yunqin did not have any ordinary Pokémon that could use Mega Evolution, he quickly asked the two of them.

"Second team?"

Tang Yunqin glanced at Lu Ze curiously.

But she reacted quickly.

Indeed, among his current Pokémon, only the Ice Demon Wall Doll, which he had just conquered for a short period of time, has not reached the King-level strength.

However, Tang Yunqin believed that it was only a matter of time before the Ice Demon Wall Doll reached the Heavenly King level.

So she can also think about the second team.

"For the second team, do you have any good recommendations?" Tang Yunqin tilted her head and looked at Lu Ze and asked.

"Well, for the second team, it depends on what attributes you want."

Seeing Tang Yunqin's appearance, Lu Ze couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, and then he quickly looked away and asked.

"In terms of attributes, water, ice and fairy." Tang Yunqin also snickered after seeing Lu Ze's reaction.

"That's it..."

Lu Ze touched his chin: "How about you choose a super evolution position first?"

"Mega evolution bit?"

Tang Yunqin was a little curious, but she quickly figured it out.

Dianxi didn't like fighting, so Tang Yunqin basically wouldn't let her fight in the future.

Then this Mega Evolved position does require a new Pokémon.

Unfortunately, among her Pokémon, whether they are Minus, Scallop, Ice Baboon, Ice Nine-Tails, and Fairy Eevee, even those she has recently conquered want to evolve her into an Ice-Walking Doll. None of the Ice Wall dolls have the ability to super evolve.

If you think about it this way, you really need a Pokémon that can Mega Evolve.

"So, do you have any recommendations?"

"Super evolutionary position?"

Lu Ze thought for a moment, and as for the ice system, the only ones that could super evolve were the Blizzard King and the Ice Ghost Protector.

However, the Mega Evolutions of these two Pokémon have their own shortcomings, so they are not Tang Yunqin's best choice.

There are more words for the water type. Whether it's Blastoise, Gyarados, Slowshell, or Swampert, Megalodon can all be super evolved.

Then there are the fairies.

There are also many fairies who can super evolve.

Gardevoir, Big Mouth Baby, Tanabata Blue Bird, and almost all dolls can super evolve.

If Lu Ze had to choose for Tang Yunqin, he would probably choose a fairy Pokémon.

After all, fairy-type Pokémon have few weaknesses and are not weak in attack power.

Of course, except for super almost dolls.

After all, she is a wet nurse.

It's enough if you can breastfeed and resist. If you can fight again, what will happen?

"How about the fairy type?"

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he asked Tang Yunqin.

"Among the fairy-type Pokémon, if you don't choose Grandma now, the ones you can choose are Gardevoir, Dagger, and Tanabata Bluebird."

"Of course, if you want to choose a nanny, a baby is better."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he saw Tang Yunqin lowering her head and falling into a state of confusion.

Lu Ze was not in a hurry to rush her.

After all, it's just an idea now.

You will need to take a look at it when you really want to choose a Pokémon.

"What about you? How to choose?"

After seeing Tang Yunqin's appearance, Lu Ze turned to Sui Yan and asked.

Sui Yan looked at Lu Ze and smiled: "Do you still remember what you told me about the space clearing method?"

Looking at Sui Yan's smiling face, Lu Ze couldn't help but think of what he said to Sui Yan after he got the first elf egg two years ago.

Lu Ze smiled: "I didn't expect you to still remember it."

"Of course, although I am not the creator of the Special Sunny Team, I can be considered the pioneer of the Special Sunny Team."

Seeing Sui Yan's proud look, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel happy.

"Okay, then I will tell you about the composition of the Space Sunny Team."

To be honest, Team Kongqing is not very suitable for singles.

After all, this space cannot be opened by the Pokémon in Team Sunny.

Moreover, it is a waste of space to change Pokémon after opening the space.

Therefore, doubles is more suitable for Kongqing team than singles.

But there is no absolute in everything.

The gameplay Lu Ze mentioned belongs to the game.

But this is the real world.

In the real world, the power of Pokémon is greater than the tactics of the Pokémon team.

Of course, with the same strength, those with tactics will definitely be stronger than those without tactics.

This is why there are so many weather teams in the world, and there are so many single-attribute teams.

Back to the topic, although the Kongqing team is not very suitable for singles.

But it can also be played.

First of all, if the most restrictive "four skills" in the game are not available, many Pokémon can be released.

For example, one of the core members of the Sky Clear Team - the disgusting Cotton Wind Fairy!

Dirty Heart Cotton lives up to its reputation and has so many ways to play that it makes people dizzy, including [Tailwind], and a number of thugs with [Power of the Sun] attributes such as Charizard Y.

[Magic Space], cooperate with the super fire-breathing camel, coal turtle and other damage players of the Sky Clear Team.

[Sunny Day], you can still activate the weather when the weather is robbed or the weather hand is dead.

[Help], [Help] [Fire Breathing], whoever gets there will die.

Although it's not a singles game, so this won't work, but it's still very good for wild fighting.

[Provocation]'s seal enhancement and transformation skills.

[Parting gift], exit and pave the way for teammates to push the team (such as using tricks to strengthen Heiluga).

The insect returns and exits.

[Moon Power] and [Energy Ball] supplement the output.

[Reckless] can also be used in conjunction with Qi Waist (put on an auxiliary skill first, and then you can use Brutal Skill first after others hit your Qi Waist).

After losing the restriction of four skills, Nausea Cotton became even more disgusting.

But if it's your own, just pretend he didn't say anything.

The most important thing is that the space of disgusting cotton is very suitable for quick exit.

As soon as the space opens, Groudon Jr. appears!

If that doesn't work, either Coal Turtle or Black Turtle will do.

Strengthening the promotion team is not a dream.

With this lineup, you can also play baby cups.

If he could pull off his face.

Not to mention Sui Yan, who ranks among the top four young people in the world under the age of thirty.

If you go to get a baby cup and someone recognizes you...


Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh a little when he thought of this.

But he quickly held back: "In this way, the most important thing for the Kongqing Team is the Wind Fairy, and this can be considered the core."

"Of course, the Kongqing team also has a lot of damage dealers, such as fire-breathing camels, coconut egg trees, ivory pigs, etc."

"Wait, ivory pig?"

Sui Yan, who was listening with interest, suddenly heard the name Ivory Pig and was stunned.

No, put a Bulbasaur in your sunny team.

Well, [Chlorophyll] plus [Sunbeam] is very reasonable.

But what is the situation with the ice-type ivory pig?

Ivory Pig and Team Sunny don’t go well together, do they?

PS: Something went wrong, guys!

Good news. A bad news!

The good news is that it was enough for a thousand monthly passes last night! !

(Although it’s already the end of the month, so it’s not on the monthly vote list, but I’m very satisfied.)

Bad news next!

After you have enough monthly tickets of 1,000 this month, you can draw the lottery next month...

In other words, after joining the group, you have to wait until the 25th of next month and start the lottery before you can receive red envelopes.

Red envelopes for more than 200 yuan are my promise.

If you can get 1,000 monthly tickets every month, you will have the opportunity to give out red envelopes every month~

Join the group and brag about it~

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