Lu Ze suddenly panicked

"Uh, what, why do you ask such a question?"

Father Lu smiled confidently

"Boguide's special ability, my waveguide's power is characterized by a wide range, and your grandfather's waveguide is characterized by being able to probe deeply into something."

"As for yours, I think it should be related to abilities like premonition and intuition."

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Dad Lu said.

Lu Ze was almost scared to death just now. He thought Dad Lu had noticed that he was not born in this world, but he didn't expect it to be this way.

"Uh, that, okay, that's right, that's it"

Lu Ze thought about it, although he still doesn't know what the characteristics of his waveguide power are

But Lu's father has preconceived that his waveguide characteristics are premonitions, so he will go along with the flow and follow his thoughts.

After all, in the original world, Nintendo’s Pokémon generation is still more advanced than some content in the current world

In the future, if we come up with some things that have not been discovered in this world, we can also use the waveguide characteristics to explain it.

(In Nintendo's setting, even though super evolution has been discovered a long time ago, it is still popularized in the sixth generation, and officially joined in the battle, this is the real research success, and the real mastery of MAGE conditions for evolution)

Dad Lu: Proud jpg.

"Then tell me, what else is hiding my premonition?"

Lu Ze took out a super-evolved stone with silver-gray outside and red and blue-purple intersecting in the middle from the box and said

"I feel that this colorful stone is related to Geng Gui"

Father Lu took the Geng Gui Stone in Lu Ze's hand and looked at it for a while, then said

"anything else"

Lu Ze's face turned bitter

"there is none left"

Father Lu raised his head, still staring straight at Lu Ze

"I do not believe"

Lu Ze had no choice but to take out another almost doll stone that is pink on the outside and light red and light yellow on the inside and said

"This is related to the almost doll at home"

Father Lu took it again, and continued to say

"anything else?"

Lu Ze gritted his teeth

"there is none left"

Father Lu put away the two super evolutionary stones, stood up and patted Lu Ze on the shoulder

"Okay, forget it if you don't have one. In fact, I bombed you just now. I didn't expect you to have it."

After Lu Ze heard this, the momentum just now disappeared instantly, and his face drooped all of a sudden.

"You are worthy of being my father"

Dad Lu laughed

"Oh, comfortable"

After finishing speaking, he raised his foot and walked to the computer on the other side, ready to study the secret of the colorful stone

"Dad, wait a minute, there's one more thing to say."

Father Lu turned his head and asked

"What else is there, tell me quickly, I'm still waiting to study the colorful stone"

"Dad, do you know the church?"


Father Lu became serious all of a sudden, and went back to sit next to Lu Ze

"What are you asking the church for?"

Lu Ze took out the elf egg from his backpack and said

"This elf egg was given to me by a person from the church. He said that he seemed to be something, the leader in red? Then he seemed to regard me as a white-clothed congregation in their church."

"Then he was chased and beaten by two fire-breathing dragons in the secret realm, so he gave me the elf egg, saying that I would take it away first, and he went to lure the two fire-breathing dragons away, and let me go to the pigeon racing square after I went out. Give him the elf egg"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Father Lu thought for a while and asked

"Tell me again, how did he recognize you as a member of the church?"

"I'm wearing white clothes, and the big-mouthed bat is also following me. He seems to think that I am a member of the church based on these two points."

Father Lu twitched

"It's not surprising, you took advantage of it."

Lu Ze was taken aback

"Huh? What a bargain"

Father Lu explained to him

"The church's leaders in red are generally at the level of advanced trainers, and there are also a small number of intermediate trainers who are promoted to become red leaders based on tasks or credits."

"But according to what you said, being chased and beaten by two fire-breathing dragons in the secret realm, it should be that he took the eggs of those two fire-breathing dragons, which is the one in your hand."

"Secondly, he was able to take the elf egg and escape from the hands of two fire-breathing dragons, which proves that he at least has the strength of an advanced trainer."

"And the advanced trainer was chased and beaten by two fire-breathing dragons, and it was still in a situation where the danger level of the elf secret realm was not high. Tell me, what are those two fire-breathing dragons?"

Lu Ze was overjoyed and blurted out

"Lord of Mysteries"

"Yes, that's right, your elf egg"

"The Elven Egg of the Lord of the Secret Realm"

Lu Ze answered without waiting for Father Lu to finish speaking.

No wonder this elf egg has such high aptitude, it turned out to be the child of the Lord of the Secret Realm

"Hey? No, Dad, how do you know that the danger level in the secret realm is not high?"

Lu Ze found the blind spot and asked suspiciously

Father Lu is also panicking now, he can't say that I went in to protect you secretly, but I didn't find you in the end, right?

"Well, that, your Uncle Mo told me, um, your Uncle Mo said, he has completed the task and came out, he should be submitting the task now."


Just as he was talking, the door was kicked open suddenly, and a figure appeared at the door

"Well, are you surprised to see me?"

The person who came was Mo Qiancheng that Dad Lu just mentioned

"What a surprise, next time I kick the door, I'll kick you"

Father Lu said viciously

Mo Qiancheng gently closed the doorway

"Aren't you used to it, don't care, don't care"

"Forget it, you came just in time, tell Ozawa about the church, I'm going to do research"

Father Lu glared at Mo Qiancheng, then got up and sat in front of his computer again.

Mo Qiancheng took the seat where Lu's father sat just now, and asked

"What's wrong?"

Lu Ze had no choice but to tell Mo Qiancheng what he just told Dad Lu

"Hey, you got the elf egg of the Lord of the Secret Realm, good luck."

Lu Ze is even more helpless

"Uncle Mo, can we talk about the church first?"

Mo Qiancheng laughed

"Okay, don't worry, I'll tell you slowly"

"The church is standing on the opposite side of the world. Well, it can be said to be an evil organization. They have always expected to overthrow the world and become the masters of the world themselves."

"But the Wuchang is pressing on the head. It is not so easy to succeed. However, the history of the church is relatively long. When it was the strongest, it was the same as the current big country. It covenanted a divine beast."

"And they single-handedly provoked the First World War in modern times, but although they provoked it, they became cannon fodder later, like anticlimactic"

"Later, the turning point was that their president, whom they called Godfather, made a covenant with a powerful beast, and their strength reached its peak at that time."

"It's a pity that the beast in the back was poached by the US emperor before they cooperated for a long time, and because they were too inflated during that time, they have been suppressed all the time, and they have no choice but to develop from the open to the dark."

"Although their power is not small now, they have nothing to do with any of the five permanent members."

"Next is the important point. Their class is very clear. The lowest class is just like you who mistook you. The white-clothed congregation is characterized by white clothes. Most of the elves are super-sonic bats, Arbor snakes, and gas bombs."

Lu Ze secretly complained in his heart, why is this the same as Team Rocket?

Mo Qiancheng continued

"The second class is the teachers in green clothes. Literally, they wear green clothes, and the elves are basically after the second or third stage of evolution."

"The third class, the Blue Clothes believers, if the first two classes are peripheral members, then they are full-fledged members starting from the Blue Clothes. Apart from the uniform blue clothes, elves have no special characteristics."

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