Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 688 The pride of Indian players

"Go, Aluredor!"

The American Emperor Lickdog once again sent out his next Pokémon.

However, his only two king-level Pokémon have fallen, and now only senior-level Pokémon are on the field.

It seemed to have the same strength as the Shock Monster, but when the two Pokémon just collided with each other, Elledo flew directly backwards.

Then he fell to the ground, losing the ability to fight.

The American Emperor Licking Dog looked ugly, and he suspected that his Pokémon was also cheating.

Although he knew this was impossible, after all, he still had a grudge against him.

However, this situation is really too fake.

Are any electric monsters so powerful? The kind that is quick to respond to people and unreasonable.

The American Emperor Licking Dog looked at the still indifferent Electric Shock Monster across from him, although he felt something was wrong.

But thinking about it carefully, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, the American Emperor Liangou threw his elf ball again.

It is impossible to admit defeat.

The person opposite him was the one who made him look embarrassed in front of his goddess.

And the most important thing is that after that time, his goddess still ignores him.

The American emperor's licking dog looked unhappy. Looking at Lu Ze across from him, there was a little more hatred in his eyes.

After a while, the beautiful dog licked the dog and knelt on the ground with a blank look on his face.

Among the four Pokémon behind him, they are all similar to Dream Demon.

No Pokémon can block the opponent's electric shock monster's move.

Except for the ground-type Pokémon King Scorpio at the beginning, the other Pokémon fell to the unknown skill used by the opposite Electric Monster without any surprise.

It's like [Thunder Fist], but it's a different skill from [Thunder Fist].

"No, are the electric monsters already so powerful now?"

Lu Zhengjie was talking loudly at home. If he remembered correctly, Lu Ze told him when he called two days ago that the Electric Shock Monster had not broken through to the king level, right?

Zeraora turned her head and glanced at Lu Zhengjie, her eyes contemptuous but also a little proud.

Contempt is contempt for Lu Zhengjie's lack of determination.

He was proud that the electric monster killing everyone on the field was his disciple.

Zeraora raised her head with pride and continued to watch the World Youth Championship on the screen.

"All Pokémon lose their ability to fight, and Shock Monster wins!"

As the referee's voice fell, the Electric Shock Beast came directly to Lu Ze's side.

Seeing Lu Ze smile bitterly, just when Lu Ze was a little confused, the electric monster clicked on the elf ball on Lu Ze's waist.

A red light appeared in the elf ball, and the electric monster wrapped in it entered the elf ball.

Lu Ze looked at the elf ball that shocked the monster with some concern.

After the Electric Shock Monster hatched from the elf egg, he had never seen the Electric Shock Monster look like this before.

Lu Ze did not hesitate. After the battle, he jumped off the field and ran towards the elf center with the electric shock beast.

Lu Ze's second round is over, and so are many people's first round.

There are many more people in the Elf Center now than when Lu Ze just came here.

But similarly, most of the medical staff, almost dolls, and Happy Eggs are also busy.

After a while, a medical staff and a doll came out with a Poke Ball that shocked the monsters.

"There's no problem. Your electric shock monster is very healthy."


The medical lady smiled sweetly at Lu Ze and then said to Lu Ze.

Almost the doll also made the same movements as the medical staff lady.

After hearing what the medical staff member said, Lu Ze also breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the sleeping electric shock beast in the elf ball, Lu Ze also smiled softly, thanked the medical staff and the doll, and walked towards his own ring.

While Lu Ze was treating the electric monster in the Elf Center, the live broadcast room was flooded with barrage again.

The first round of the latest one in all arenas has just ended.

Now the organizer has directly announced the names and nationalities of everyone in the twenty arenas.

The five Americans occupy the ring.

Five people from Long Kingdom occupy the ring.

The three Russian bears occupy the ring.

The two men from Great Britain occupy the ring.

Two people occupy the ring.

Of the remaining five, one is from an island country, one is from Germany, one has a big family, and two are players from India.

Although India has not joined the ranks of the five major countries, it has to be said that there are also powerful trainers in India.

【The Rise of the Dragon Kingdom! 】

【The American emperor is invincible! 】

[Kimura Yoshiko, the pride of our island nation’s name! 】

[If the law doesn't work, let's withdraw the Wuchang and leave it to the Indian country. Look at us, we are also two people in the ring, we must be strong enough! If that doesn't work, you can retreat from Great Britain. 】

[Lu Ze should be Smecta, the genius of our cold country, we have records here! 】

A strange thing was mixed into the barrage, but it was quickly wiped away by the screen refresh.

Lu Ze returned to the court and nodded to the referee, who immediately opened the challenge.

This time, Lu Ze's side of the arena did not have as many people challenging him as before.

After seeing Lu Ze's electric performance of Warcraft just now, some people on the field were also a little scared.

Real Nima is just like One Punch Man, he punches everyone with one punch.

Who is not afraid of this?

But people off the court are still confident.

For example, after learning that two people from their own country had stood firm in the ring, the players from India instantly became frightened.

"I come!"

Seeing the people around him hesitating, the Indian player, who was full of self-confidence, stood up directly and walked towards the field with everyone looking at him admiringly.

But this look of admiration was his own imagination.

Most people had the same idea, let this guy go on stage first to test the strength of Lu Ze's other Pokémon.

The only news they can learn now is a king-level iron-clawed lobster and an electric monster with strange strength.

Now let's see if this guy from India can get Lu Ze's other Pokémon to appear on the field.

In things like wheel battles, gathering enough confidence from your opponents can increase your winning rate.

Of course, this is when the strengths of both sides are about the same.

Under absolute hard power, all strategies are in vain.

The Indian player came on the field with confidence, and he has now begun to imagine that he will knock Lu Ze off the field.

In this case, he becomes the third Indian player to occupy the ring.

In this way, three people from India will occupy the ring.

Isn't this much better than Great Britain and France?

So as soon as the Indian player came on the field, the ambition in Lu Ze's eyes was already swollen.

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw Brother Asan's glaring look.

How can you stare into your opponent's eyes as soon as you come on the field?

If you're not embarrassed, I'm still embarrassed.

"Please let both players release their Pokémon."

As the small flag in the referee's hand was raised, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then released his Pokémon at the same time as his opponent.

"Go, Onion Ranger!"

"Go ahead, symbol bird!"

The opponent has obviously done the strategy, so the first one to appear is the symbol bird of the fighting system with four times resistance.

Elf: symbolic bird

Gender male

Attributes: super power, flying

Feature: Miracle Skin (The hit rate of transformation skills for Pokémon with this feature is halved.)

Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly

Carrying props: Orb of Life (The power of skills is increased, but using skills will consume more stamina.)

Looking at the symbolic bird opposite, Lu Ze and Cong Youbing frowned.


The flag falls and the battle begins.

The moment the battle started, Lu Ze took the green soldiers back into the elf ball.

Onion Ranger did not hesitate and returned directly to the elf ball.

He's not stupid either. Isn't it good to play a tailwind game when it's not necessary?

Do you have to hold back four cups and go up hard?

The reason why I fought Bi Diao just now was because I needed a breakthrough and pressure, so I rejected Lu Ze's idea of ​​changing Pokémon.

But now he has made a breakthrough. Facing the symbol of king-level strength on the opposite side, the iron-clawed lobster is obviously better to fight, but he will not stand up.

The person on the other side was also stunned after seeing Lu Ze's actions.

He had already asked the symbolic bird to pull up, just to avoid the sudden appearance of the onion soldiers on the opposite side.

But, are you changing Pokémon?

When you faced Bi Diao just now, weren't you very tough and iron-headed and rushed forward?

Why now?

The Indian player scratched his head, somewhat confused as to what was going on.

But after he saw the iron-clawed lobster appearing in the elf ball thrown by Lu Ze, his expression became serious again.

No wonder I had to replace Onion Ranger, it turned out that there was Iron Claw Lobster.

As we all know, evil attributes are immune to super powers, so the symbolic bird's signature super powers skills have no effect on iron claw lobsters.

"You were just stunned. Now that you are facing me, you should use your attribute restraint, right?"

The Indian player chuckled and instantly felt the other party's respect for his strength.

"Since you're so polite, I'll be gentler later."

The Indian player smiled and was immersed in his fantasy.

But the iron-clawed lobster did not spoil him.

After seeing the symbolic bird in the air opposite, I rushed forward.

So what if it's in the air? If you can't fly, can you still jump?

The current carried the crayfish and jumped directly to a position higher than the symbolic bird.


Before the symbolic bird could react, the pincers of the iron-clawed lobster struck the symbolic bird.

When the symbolic bird was photographed, the orb of life that symbolized the bird's ankle also dimmed and lost its function.

The fighting style of Iron Claw Lobster has always been unreasonable.

After knocking down the opponent's symbolic bird, the crayfish also landed next to the symbolic bird.

Although due to free fall, the symbolic bird had already adjusted itself when the lobster landed on the ground.

But it doesn't matter, the Iron Claw Lobster has water-type and evil-type attributes, but it has a steel-type head.

"The wind rises!"

The Indian player was a little angry after seeing that he was attacked by the Iron Claw Lobster just because he was distracted for a moment.

He felt that not only his opponent, but even his opponent's Iron Claw Lobster, did not follow martial ethics.

Directly show your face without giving anyone a chance to react.

However, although the Indian player was angry, he still had his own way to deal with another attack from the clawed lobster.

No, the skill of the symbolic bird on the field was not released at all against the clawed lobster, but at the ground beneath him.

After flapping its wings, the violent wind blew on the ground, and the reaction force directly lifted the symbolic bird up.

Coupled with the effect of its own mental power, the symbolic bird successfully flew into the sky again while the iron-clawed lobster clung to it.

"Secret attack on key points!"

Lu Ze commanded loudly, and the Iron Claw Lobster responded quickly.

The iron-clawed lobster's slightly dull eyes flashed, and the next moment, the iron-clawed lobster appeared next to the symbolic bird.

After practicing the same move day after day, Iron Claw Lobster has now basically used the [Water Jet] skill instinctively.

As long as the opponent is more than two pincers away from you, then the instinctive breakthrough is to use [Water Jet].


The symbolic bird was hit again, and this time the superpower barrier on his body failed to protect him.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the evil-attributed pliers directly broke through the superpower barrier around the body of the symbolic bird, and struck the symbolic bird in one fell swoop.


After the symbolic bird let out a mournful cry, it dived towards the ground.

The iron-clawed lobster is not waiting for its free fall this time like last time.

The two pliers crossed, and with the help of the skill, they quickly chased the symbolic bird.


[Cross Scissors] hit the ground next to the symbolic bird, making a cross-shaped gap in the ground.

The Iron-clawed Lobster took two steps back and looked quietly at the smoke ejected by his [Cross Scissors] not far away.

The Indian player was a little puzzled when he saw the action of the clawed lobster. He didn't understand why his skill was clearly directed towards his symbolic bird, but ended up falling on the ground.

The Indian players didn't know it clearly, but Lu Ze and Iron Claw Lobster knew it very well.

Because the symbolic bird was facing Lu Ze's direction, Lu Ze could clearly see that the symbolic bird lost its combat ability when it landed on the ground after being hit by the Claw Lobster's [Secret Attack].

The same is true for iron-clawed lobsters.

So this is why the Crayfish's attack hit the ground.

When the Pokémon on the opposite side has not lost its combat ability, you can throw any skill upward.

But if the Pokémon on the opposite side has lost its combat ability, then don't use skills to attack the opponent.

After all, Pokémon at this time are very fragile.

Although there was a possibility that he could not hold back, neither Lu Ze nor Iron Claw Lobster had such an idea.

They are confident that even if you get up ten times, you are still no match for me!

The dust and smoke gradually dissipated. At this time, the referee and the Indian players also saw the symbolic bird with circled eyes on the ground.

At this time, they understood why the iron claw lobster's attack hit the ground nearby.

The referee cast an appreciative glance at Iron Claw Lobster and Lu Ze.

Although the Indian player also figured it out, he didn't know how to face Lu Ze.

After all, this is still on the playing field.

The Indian player silently took back the symbolic bird that had lost its fighting ability, took a deep breath, and released his next Pokémon.

Just like Zhuge Ziyu said, they are now abroad, and in front of people all over the world, they no longer represent themselves.

The same goes for the Indian player. Now he is standing in the ring, facing Lu Ze, and he is already representing his country.

He wants to win a stage for his country!

Even the actions of the people and Pokémon opposite him made him admire them!

"Go ahead, Dong Shi Miao!"

Elf:Dong Shi Meow


Properties: General

Characteristic: Unwilling to admit defeat (After the Pokémon's ability level with this characteristic is lowered by the opponent, the attack will increase by two levels for each ability lowered.)


Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly

What to bring: silk scarf.

"Dongshi Meow, high-five surprise attack!"


Dong Shi Miao's strong body rushed forward quickly, and directly slapped the claws of the clawed lobster with one palm.

When he saw that the opponent Dong Shimiao's skills included [High Five Surprise Attack], Lu Ze made the Iron Claw Lobster ready.

The first-hand defense and the second-hand attack, even if the opponent has the first-hand skill, and the first-hand skill is still very high.

But no matter how high it is, it can still be cracked when faced with such unreasonable operations as read first.

"Dong Shi Miao, split!"

The Indian player was unreasonable and directly commanded Dong Shimiao to attack again.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and the cat's paw and pliers collided. In the end, the two sides were evenly matched.

"Iron-clawed lobster, it's our turn to fight back!"

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth raised: "Close combat!"

Without any hesitation, since you are already close, I, the Iron-clawed Lobster, will no longer be afraid.

Practicing for such a long time is purely about skill proficiency and attack speed.

Coupled with a little bit of attack power from a little training, it is enough for the Iron Claw Lobster to pin down the opponent with the same strength.

Dong Shi Miao was no exception. Although Dong Shi Miao was relatively large, it was still knocked away by the claws of the Iron Claw Lobster.

Huge fighting energy instantly poured into Dong Shi Miao's body.

Although Dong Shimiao has not lost his fighting ability yet, looking at his current appearance, it is estimated that he is just about to fall.

Looking at the expressionless Claw Lobster on the field, both the people in the live broadcast room and the players off the field who were collecting Lu Ze's strength data became somewhat silent.

The King-level Onion Ranger, the King-level Iron Claw Lobster, and even though it is not a King-level power, it can hit a Pokémon with one punch.

Plus the remaining three unknown Pokémon.

This also means that to defeat Lu Ze, at least three king-level Pokémon and Lu Ze's two king-level Pokémon are needed to compete with an electric monster with king-level combat power. Strength is what makes it possible.

Otherwise, they would just go up there to deliver food.

Recommend a new Pokémon book by a big boss!

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