Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 683 World Youth Championship Schedule

"When will we do it?"

In a room, several young men were holding a girl and drinking wine.

While drinking, one of the young men curiously asked a man with yellow hair.

The young man with yellow hair seemed to be their leader. He smoked a cigarette, drank wine, hugged the girl, laughed loudly, and showed a proud expression.

"They are also participants in the World Youth Championship. If they ravage him the day before the game starts, what will happen when he competes?"

The yellow-haired young man had a smile on his face. After being stunned for a moment, the two people around him also reacted and smiled.

"In this case, even if they don't lose confidence by then, they will naturally lose their confidence if they encounter us again."

One person smiled, and the other person also praised the yellow-haired young man.

"High, really high, it's so heartbreaking to kill people!"


The three said and soon burst into laughter.

Like Serior's brother Tezzolo, this is the last World Championship for them.

But they are different from Tezzolo. They have no intention of competing for the championship.

Even though each of them has three king-level Pokémon in their team.

However, Pokémon with king-level strength still have no effect when facing Tezoro's mythical beast.

What's more, Tezoro not only has one mythical beast, he also has two king-level Pokémon.

Although they were dissatisfied, Tezoro was recognized by the divine beast, so there was nothing they could do.

It's the last youth competition. Since it's certain that we won't win the championship, we might as well make some extra money now.

The Beltz family has already said that they do not need to pay for the spoils of gambling.

But despite this, the Belz family only produced one trophy from the gambling battle.

At the same time, the Beltz family assured them that as long as they won the first battle and won the treasures from the opposite national treasure house, they could continue to challenge.

All challenges were successful, and after winning back three treasures, he added the treasures he promised to give them for gambling.

There are four treasures in total, and they can choose two.

This is already a very good condition.

What's more, they never thought that they would lose.

It's just three people from the Dragon Kingdom, and there are just two king-level Pokémon.

In their opinion, except for the Dragon Kingdom man named Lu Ze, the team was more complicated and difficult to deal with.

The other two people, one is water-based, ice-based, and the other is fire-based, are still very easy to target.

They were not stupid either. Before the battle, they also asked the Beltz family for news that Lu Ze and the three of them were coming.

After confirming that victory can be achieved, the next task is carried out.

The three of them laughed in the box, but Lu Ze was still training step by step.

Since setting a mandatory task for Latios that day, Latios began to train according to Lu Ze's method.

I have to say that the physique, talents, etc. of the mythical beast are indeed stronger than ordinary Pokémon.

Just like Latios, the first stage of training was successful in just five days.

Now when Latios uses super-type skills, his speed is much faster than before.

Not only that, because he was trained to release skills quickly, Latios also released skills with other attributes faster.

Although it is still not as fast as the skill release speed of specially trained super-power systems, it is still much stronger than before.

You know, Latios only had five days of special training.

When Crossbat was training to increase the release speed of flying skills, even if he worked very hard, it took him about ten days to successfully reach the level of Latios.

Although the qualifications of the cross-shaped bat were improved by Lu Ze's methods, they were still not as good as Latios.

"How about it? It starts tomorrow. Are you nervous?"

In Lu Ze's room, Zhuge Ziyu took a sip of tea and asked Lu Ze with a smile.

"Okay, there are some."

Lu Ze nodded. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. After all, this competition is for the whole country and will be broadcast live nationwide.

Your performance on the field will not only be seen by your own family, but also by others.

In this case, anyone who says he is not nervous is either lying or...

Lu Ze glanced at Sui Yan and nodded.

Or he's this heartless guy.

At least now Lu Ze couldn't see any tension in Sui Yan.


Soraya jumped up suddenly, bit into the mouth the lollipop that Sui Yan was holding to tease her, and then "hum" at Sui Yan with a proud look on his face and returned to Lu Ze's arms. .

"Well, what are you looking at me for?"

After Sui Yan turned his head with a smile on his face, he immediately saw Lu Ze. Tang Yunqin and Zhuge Ziyu both looked at him, so he asked curiously.

"It's okay, why aren't you nervous?" Tang Yunqin shook her head in admiration and asked.

She couldn't do it. When she thought that she would be seen by the world's audience, she immediately became nervous.

So she was a little envious when she saw Sui Yan like this.

"Why are you nervous? I'm just showing off my English translation in front of the whole world. It's not too late for me to be happy." Sui Yan proudly held his head high and said to Lu Ze and the others.

Nervous, who are you kidding me? I wish they would come and appreciate me and worship me.

With my good looks, after becoming famous all over the world, I will at least be a big star like Wang Hechuan.

Therefore, in order to become famous, Sui Yan is not only not nervous now, but even a little excited.

I can't wait to see tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, the first day of the competition should be the individual competition, right?" Tang Yunqin turned to Zhuge Ziyu curiously and asked.

"Well, the individual competition, this year's competition format in Great Britain is the same as last time. It will be an individual competition at the beginning." Zhuge Ziyu nodded and said.

This year, like the last World Youth Championship, it starts with an individual competition.

Then comes the national team competition.

It is said to be a team competition, but it is a model in which eight people from one country, and then eight people defend the ring, take turns to challenge. It can also be regarded as a display of personal strength, not a two-person battle like Lu Ze thought.

The same goes for the individual competition, because there were too many countries in the beginning. There were fifteen people in one country, and there were hundreds of countries all over the world.

So the beginning was similar to the one at the beginning of the training camp, a points challenge.

Each battlefield is an arena. You can choose to stay in the arena or leave after one fight.

The first victory in the battle is worth five points, the second win is ten points, the third win is twenty points, and the fourth win is forty points.

Of course, if you fail to defend the challenge, half of the points will be taken away by the successful challenger.

For example, you win four games in a row and gain 75 points.

At this time, the opponent comes to challenge you. If you win, you will get half of your points, which is 38 points.

That's right, a little more points than the person holding the ring.

Similarly, if you fail to challenge the arena, you will have to pay the points you can earn, which is thirty-eight points.

The second mode is a battle mode. Although it is also a battle in the ring, the winner can choose to defend or leave the ring.

Defending the ring is the first mode, and re-engaging in a fight at the end is the second mode.

Although the points in this mode come slowly, they are relatively stable.

After all, losing in this mode will only deduct two points.

The competition ends five days later. At this time, the top 300 points will enter the round-robin competition.

There are also rules for champions who are too strong and no one challenges them.

As long as no one challenges for more than 24 hours, you will directly enter the top 300 places.

The first champion to enter in this way is ranked first, and the second champion to enter is ranked second.

Then the remaining ones are arranged according to points and the round-robin competition begins.

After the individual competition, there is the team competition.

The team competition is relatively simple, because instead of fighting individually, it is a battle between countries.

When two countries compete, lots are drawn to determine which country will defend the ring.

The country that defends the ring sends one person to guard the ring, and then the other country chooses its own person to play.

After defeating the opponent, you become the new ring master. After being defeated by the opponent, the opponent continues to defend the ring.

It's like a wheel battle.

In this case, it depends on the balance of power among the players who play for the country.

The stronger the balancing force, the easier it is to reach the end.

Of course, it's easier if a country has a player who can already crush the other player.

Just choose to defend or challenge, and then crush them all the way.

The World Youth Championship is still relatively slow, and it may take half a month to a month to complete the whole process.

"So, should we hide our clumsiness in front of us?"

After learning the rules, Sui Yan asked Lu Ze with some excitement.


Lu Ze was a little curious, but he immediately understood after seeing Sui Yan's eyes shining with excitement on his face.

This guy wants to show off.

And it’s still a big one.

Act like a pig in the early stage and eat the tiger in the later stage.

Lu Ze smiled and waved his hand: "Just do it by yourself, we will pretend we don't know you."

"How could this be?"


Sui Yan grabbed Lu Ze's shoulders and said dissatisfiedly to Lu Ze.

Sui Yan's movements also startled the mini dragon.

But the mini dragon soon calmed down, quietly got into Tang Yunqin's arms, and competed with Dianxi for favor.

This guy Sui Yan doesn't do this once or twice. Although the mini dragon is scared every time, he is used to being scared now.


Dianxi looked happily at the mini dragon that had also come to Tangtang's arms, and started playing with the mini dragon excitedly.

Soraya came to the mini dragon and Soraya excitedly with a lollipop in his mouth.

But she was still very cautious, after all, the mini dragon had not snatched her lollipop once.

"Why not? Are you so shameless?" Lu Ze said confidently, without paying any attention to Sui Yan's eyes.

"How can you be ashamed! Don't you feel great?" Sui Yan also said confidently.

However, neither of them could convince the other. Lu Ze didn't want to be so embarrassed, and Sui Yan didn't want Lu Ze to pretend that he didn't know him.

Sui Yan even went so far as to ask Lu Ze to be like the onlookers nearby, showing a shocked expression when he succeeded in pretending.

But Lu Ze obviously despised this kind of thing.

I already despise you for showing off, and you still want me to be shocked along with the onlookers?

"I really despise you!"

Lu Ze said without hesitation, and Sui Yan suddenly turned red and started to refute,

Tang Yunqin watched the two quarreling with a smile and squinted her eyes, looking very happy.

Zhuge Ziyu sighed, "This is what a young man is," and then slowly began to sip the tea in his hand.

The Coal Turtle and the Wind Speed ​​Dog were lying lazily aside, and the two Charizards were in the same posture, folding their arms and watching the excitement.

Kechu was a little confused on Charizard's head, why the two of them suddenly quarreled.

Electric Shock Monster is in a dilemma. If the two of them start to fight, should he go to break up the fight, or should he help Ozawa?

Or, sit back and do nothing?

The electric shock beast narrowed its eyes and stared closely at Lu Ze and Sui Yan, ready to take action at any time.

The Crossed Bat on the side, like Tang Yunqin, watched the fight between Lu Ze and Sui Yan with smiles.

After Cong Youbing looked at Lu Ze and Sui Yan, he looked at the electric monster again.

Why, do you always feel like the Electric Shock Monster wants to do something?

Cong Youbing no longer paid attention to Lu Ze and Sui Yan, and began to pay attention to the electric shock beast.

He wanted to see what the Electric Shock Monster wanted to do in this way.

Why do you feel like you're about to fight?

Lu Ze and Sui Yan were fighting in the room. The three people in the training ground of the Elf Center looked at the phone numbers in their hands and hesitated before calling.

"Wait, phone call."

Sui Yan, who could no longer quarrel with Lu Ze, was about to take action when he was interrupted by Lu Ze's call.

At the same time, Cong Youbing on the side also stopped the electric monster who was rolling up his sleeves with a look of horror on his face.

Good guy, this guy from Electric Shock Monster is really ready to take action!

However, Cong Youbing misunderstood the electric shock monster, and the electric shock monster just wanted to go up and break up the fight.

After a period of thinking, Electric Shock Monster also came to the correct conclusion.

Helping Lu Ze fight Suiyan is not possible.

Standing by and watching is even worse!

So all we have to do is break up the fight.

So when he saw Sui Yan was about to take action, the Electric Shock Monster was ready to break up the fight.

But before he could take a step, his tail was grabbed by Cong Youbing.

As soon as the confused Electric Shock Monster turned to look at Cong Youbing, Lu Ze's cell phone rang.


Lu Ze was a little curious. He didn't know what an unfamiliar number was for.

"Hey, we have your mini dragon."

The voice on the other end of the phone made Lu Ze stunned for a moment, and then he turned to look at the mini dragon who was playing with Dianxi and Soraya with some confusion.

Lu Ze's silence made the people on the other end of the phone react.

"Okay, no more joking, come to Battlefield No. 7 in the Elf Center, we will wait for you here."

After the person on the other end of the phone finished speaking, he hung up the phone, leaving a confused Lu Ze in place.

"Who and what?"

Sui Yan was interrupted by the phone call, and he forgot that he had just fought with Lu Ze, so he came over and asked Lu Ze curiously.

"I don't know. At first he said he had the mini dragon in his hand, but later he said he was waiting for me at Battlefield No. 7 in the Elf Center?"

Lu Ze shook his head and said in a daze.

He didn't even know who this person was, he was fussy when he came up, and he didn't understand what he wanted to do.

But listening to the voice, although it was in Chinese, it was obviously a little bit awkward, and it didn't sound like someone from the Dragon Kingdom.

"Since you don't know him, just ignore him."

Zhuge Ziyu stood up and said, "Okay, you can play, I'm going back."

"Yeah, goodbye, Uncle Ziyu."

After the three of them waved to Zhuge Ziyu, Zhuge Ziyu turned and left Lu Ze's room.

After Zhuge Ziyu left, everyone became quiet.

The phone call just now disrupted their atmosphere, and for a moment they felt like they didn't know what to do.

"I'm having a live broadcast of a meeting. Let's have two Pokémon battles. What about you, do you want to join us?"

After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he turned to Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin and asked.

"I can't, I'll play with them." Tang Yunqin shook her head, and then Dianxi pulled Tang Yunqin's finger.

"Then I'll come with you, but I won't go with you. I want to score points."

Sui Yan said excitedly, but soon turned into a wary look and looked at Lu Ze.

This guy Lu Ze has basically never won against him, and he is disgusted by the various lineups he uses.

The euphemistic name is to exercise the physical fitness of Sui Yan.

Suiyan is disgusting.

However, after the video of the two of them fighting was released, it was still very popular.

Even Wang Hechuan said at the bottom of the video that if Sui Yan also showed his face, the matter might become more popular.

However, Sui Yan was not happy to see his distorted face in everyone's sight.

I have now competed in the World Youth Championships, which are broadcast live around the world.

I'm going to be on fire!

I want to have the baggage of idols, and I can’t be like before.

If my face appears in Lu Ze's video, it will definitely be a source of scandal in the future!

However, although he didn't watch the video of Lu Ze bullying him, there was one person who watched it and was very excited.

Zhou Xiaopang, the guy who found his own playing style because of Lu Ze’s videos, is not only in every video of Lu Ze, but he is also there.

He often came to Lu Ze to ask questions.

Listening to what the two of them were discussing, Sui Yan couldn't help but get goosebumps.

What they said was so evil. I really couldn't believe who could be so unlucky as to meet this guy named Zhou Xiaopang.

Lu Ze started the live broadcast and broadcast the Pokémon battle to the audience in the live broadcast room.

But at this time, in the No. 7 battlefield in the Elf Center of Great Britain Island, three guys were still waiting for Lu Ze's arrival here.

They believed that the talented Lu Ze would definitely accept the challenge after hearing someone challenge him!

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