Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 675 Official Trap

Lu Ze's Charizard had a dark face and looked at his brother who was smiling happily below. Without any hesitation, he rushed straight down.

【Dragon's Dive】!

Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon was stunned for a moment, then was shocked.

Good guy, is he angry?

Suiyan's Charizard didn't hesitate and used [Protect] directly.

Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon crossed his arms and covered his chest.

At the same time, a transparent energy barrier quickly enveloped the fire-breathing dragon.


A violent roar was heard, and in a burst of thick smoke, the two fire-breathing dragons were entangled again.

Now the two fire-breathing dragons had no intention of holding back, and four fists with thunder and lightning were attacking each other.


The two fire-breathing dragons were hit with hard blows.

Sui Yan and Electric Shock Beast on the side also became excited.

Whether it's the electric monster, the iron claw lobster, or even Elle Duo and the others, they all like this kind of fist-to-fist battle.

Suiyan's Charizard looked dissatisfied. While the [Thunder Fist] collided, the Charizard's eyes kept turning, trying to find the opponent's weaknesses.


After another fist collision, Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon and Sui Yan's fire-breathing dragon's eyes lit up at the same time.

Although both sides are now a little weak in physical strength, the two fire-breathing dragons have also understood.

In the next battle, whoever can find the opponent's flaw will win the game.

The two fire-breathing dragons were very decisive. After realizing this, the dark green dragon energy instantly enveloped the two fire-breathing dragons.

The two fire-breathing dragons' eyes were filled with scarlet, and they once again pounced on each other.

"Is it about to decide the outcome?"

After seeing the state of the two fire-breathing dragons, Sui Yan outside the field suddenly looked at the two fire-breathing dragons in the field with some concern.

[Reverse Scale] has been activated. Are the two sides going to have a battle to determine the outcome?

But their status.

Sui Yan was a little worried, but the electric shock monster beside him became excited.

Electricity surged all over his body, excitedly pumping up Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon.

Although the two fire-breathing dragons were now mixed together, he could not identify which of the two fire-breathing dragons was his own.

But none of this matters, as long as you support your own fire-breathing dragon.


Two fire-breathing dragons with scarlet eyes collided violently.

Without any skills or any dodge, they just hit each other head-on.

The green dragon energy collided, and the air flow generated stirred up the dust that had just fallen.

The dust swirled around the two fire-breathing dragons due to the collision of dragon energy.

But now the two fire-breathing dragons don't care about these small details.

Everyone's physical strength is running low now. In addition to strength, the competition now also involves the clash of willpower!

The collision between the two fire-breathing dragons made Sui Yan worried on the sidelines. However, under this situation, Sui Yan also calmed down.

After this moment, the outcome is decided.

Although from Sui Yan's perspective, the two fire-breathing dragons are still more likely to be tied.

After a collision, both fire-breathing dragons fell to the ground.

Panting and looking at each other, no one had any intention of admitting defeat.

Although he could no longer lift his legs, the other person's figure was still in his scarlet eyes.



The two Charizards roared at each other and nodded.

The two Charizards made the same decision.

Since you haven't fallen, let's continue to fight!

Squeezing out the last bit of strength from their bodies, the two fire-breathing dragons rushed toward each other again.


The sound of the collision was much quieter this time, but the dragon energy surrounding their two bodies still poured violently into each other's bodies.



Lu Ze's Charizard yelled at Sui Yan's Charizard. He raised his hand with difficulty and gave Sui Yan's Charizard a thumbs up before falling down.

After seeing his brother's affirmation of him, Sui Yan's Charizard also fell down at the same time as his brother.

Both fire-breathing dragons lost their ability to fight and fell together.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Aluredor, Electric Shock Monster, Iron Claw Lobster, let's send them to the medical room together."

After Sui Yan saw this scene, he shook his head with a smile and directed the Pokémon to go in and carry out the two Charizards.

When Lu Ze's Charizard came out, because Lu Ze went to sleep and went back to sleep, the Charizard's Poké Ball was not given to Sui Yan.

Otherwise, now Sui Yan can directly use the Poke Ball to retrieve the two fire-breathing dragons, and then take them to the medical room for treatment.

But it doesn't matter now, Elle Duo and Electric Shock Monster are all here, just let them carry the two fire-breathing dragons over.

Think of it as a warm-up before training.

There was nothing much to say about the electric monster. He entered the venue excitedly and picked a fire-breathing dragon and put it on his shoulder.

Elledor, who followed the Electric Shock Monster in, was stunned for a moment. As a super-type Pokémon, he was sure of it.

If there are no accidents, it should be Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon that resists the electric shock monster, right?

However, Elureduo did not hesitate. Since Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon was resisted by the electric monster, he would take the remaining one with him.

Elle Duo controlled Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon with super powers and followed the excited electric monster.

Chuchu, who was lying on a stool next to him, was a little confused when he saw the electric monster carrying the fire-breathing dragon past him.

If there is nothing wrong with me, is there something wrong with the Electric Shock Monster?

Did he get the wrong dragon?

Hu Hu's confusion was resolved when the fire-breathing dragon wrapped in super powers passed in front of him.

There's nothing wrong with that, this stupid boy, Electric Shock Monster, probably got the wrong dragon.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, whoever takes care of it will take care of it, and it will be fine once the treatment is done.

After Huchu shook his head helplessly, he lay down on the bench again, waiting for the two Pokémon to come back.

After seeing that the two fire-breathing dragons were taken away, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Iron Crawfish had no intention of going out and started running around the field, preparing for warm-up actions.

The clawed lobster touched his chin and looked curiously at the wind speed dog who had already begun to have fun.

By the way, I am a water-type Pokémon, do I need to warm up?

Wait, he's a fire Pokémon, what does he need to warm up?

The iron-clawed lobster fell into confusion. After sighing, he came directly to the skill target and began to train his skills.

I'm a water Pokémon, so I don't need to warm up!

As for his fire Pokémon?

Forget it, I can't control it, just heat it up if you want.

After Windhound was warming up and Ironclaw also started training, the other Pokémon also started their own training consciously.

The Coal Turtle slowly came to a skill target, training his skill proficiency.

Vulcan Moth looked at the Crossed Bat, and then entered the small room for evasion training without looking back.

To be honest, the battle with the Crossed Bat not long after I evolved really hurt my self-esteem.

I originally thought that I would be very strong under Reshiram's teachings, especially after evolving.

Unexpectedly, I was educated by the Crossed Bat not long after I evolved.

Except for the large-scale [Hot Wind] and [Insect Cry] skills, everything else that can be avoided is basically avoided by the Crossed Bat.

If he didn't want to maintain his aloof persona, he would definitely have a black question mark face.

How could any Pokémon have such an outrageous evasion rate?

Everyone who could hide was dodged. Those who couldn't hide, his two only large atmosphere skills were blocked by the Crossed Bat.

[Hot Wind] versus [Hot Wind].

[Insects chirping] Yes [Noisy].

He really didn't give himself any chance and was completely crushed in all directions.

So now Vulcan Moth is thinking about whether he should also improve his dodge rate.

When he wanted to improve his evasion rate before, he was always stopped by Lu Ze, who then told him that his advantage was not in this area and there was no need to deliberately increase his evasion rate.

But he was not convinced. Now that Lu Ze was away, of course he had to work harder.

Reshiram, who was lying quietly beside him, also noticed Vulcan Moth's little movements.

But he had no intention of stopping it.

Lu Ze had already made it clear to him, but he just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

If that's the case, then give it a try.

It's just that you have to work harder in the subsequent training. Let's treat this dodge rate training as additional training.

Reshiram shook his head helplessly and then began to pay attention to the Crossed Bat.

Lu Ze's Crossbat is truly the strangest Pokémon he has ever seen.

Obviously the strength does not look very strong, but the Cross-shaped Bat, which is not very strong, has basically never lost whether it is civil war or external competition.

Crossbat seems to have its own way of dealing with any type of Pokémon.

And the responses are very reasonable.

This may be the reason why the cross-shaped bat has such a high winning rate, right?

Reshiram looked at the Crossed Bat curiously. The recent training of the Crossed Bat was basically to train the strength of his skills.

What she has to do now is to increase the energy output of her skills while maintaining the same speed as when she used the skills before.

To be honest, this kind of thing seems quite difficult in Reshiram.

As divine beasts, the energy in their bodies is not limitless, but it is also very full.

While increasing energy output, must we ensure the same speed as before?

To be honest, Reshiram was not optimistic.

But what makes Reshiram a little helpless is that he has watched the training of Crossed Bat in the past six months.

Does the Crossed Bat really seem to have the potential to succeed?

At the very least, when the cross-shaped bat's skills are released now, the energy output is increased, and the release speed is also much faster than when he first started practicing.

In Reshiram's opinion, this is a very strange thing, but the cross-shaped bat really did it.

Reshiram shook his head helplessly and continued to watch the cross-shaped bat's training.

Bulbasaur's training was with Onion Ranger.

As a turret, Bulbasaur is now practicing the release speed and frequency of its own skills.

As an assassin-oriented warrior, Cong Youbing not only needs flexible movements, but also some close-quarters abilities.

You can't just do a [hit on the head] every time you play, right?

If you succeed in getting close, if you don't succeed and can't get close, you will die, right?

As a heavily equipped turret, Bulbasaur needs to resist the opponent's close approach.

So the two Pokémon hit it off immediately, and let's practice together.

You break through and I defend. Training together will definitely be more effective.

So the two Pokémon began to practice together.

After the Pokémon in the field started practicing, Suiyan came back soon with two recovered Charizard and Shock Monster, Elledor.

The two fire-breathing dragons were full of energy. After returning arm in arm, they looked at their companions who were training. Without hesitation, they joined in the training together.

Electric Shock Monster and Elle Duo also started training.

The focus of Electric Shock Monster training has gradually shifted from close attack to energy output.

He did not pursue energy output but also the speed of releasing skills like the cross-shaped bat sister.

What he practices is to increase energy output while keeping his shooting speed from being stagnant.

Even the Electric Shock Monster has an idea. He wants to be able to move while releasing long-range attacks.

Think about the scene when you use [One Hundred Thousand Volts] to hit your opponent, and at the same time, you pass by and hit the opponent with a [Plasma Lightning Punch] punch.

Who can bear the double injury?

But the current electric shock monster is just an idea, and I haven't told Lu Ze yet.

Of course, if he told Lu Ze, Lu Ze would definitely react directly.

Isn't what Electric Shock Monster said about moving spells?

To be honest, moving spellcasting is very common in Pokémon.

However, without training, most Pokémon that can fly use movement to cast spells.

For example, a fire-breathing dragon uses [Flame Jet] on the opponent while flying.

For example, the Frozen Bird uses [Freeze Beam] and the like while flying.

As for electric Pokémon, Zapdos can also move and cast spells.

But what they have in common is that they can fly.

Like the electric monster, what he wanted to do was to sprint forward while using [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

This kind of behavior is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to do it.

When the Pokémon started training, Lu Ze was still sleeping comfortably on Kirby's body.

How comfortable is it?

When Shutan arrived outside, they didn't hear Tang Yunqin's knock on the door.

Of course, the mobile phone has been set to vibrate mode before falling asleep.

Lu Ze believed in Deoxys. Deoxys, who had already learned human writing, would remind him when he saw important messages on his phone.

The reason why Deoxys didn't wake up Lu Ze was because of Tang Yunqin's knock on the door.

He felt that Tang Yunqin came to Lu Ze for nothing important.

However, Deoxys analyzed Tang Yunqin's expression and movements.

After all, Tang Yunqin didn't look anxious at all.


“It’s so comfortable~”

Tang Yunqin knocked on the door and left after no one responded.

Lu Ze also slept happily until noon.

After Lu Ze sat up from Kirby's belly, he stretched out comfortably and sighed.



After sleeping happily, Mini Dragon and Soraya's moods improved significantly.

"Hey, where are they?"

After sensing the quiet atmosphere in the room, Lu Ze turned on his waveguide directly.

But the strange thing is that I didn't feel the waveguide aura of the cross-shaped bat and the fire-breathing dragon.


Deoxys's super power was released, and the mobile phone wrapped on Lu Ze's bedside table was handed to Lu Ze.

"Okay, it turns out I went out for training."

Lu Ze understood after reading the message Sui Yan left for him on his phone.

"Tang Yunqin is looking for me?"

After reading Sui Yan's message, Lu Ze saw Tang Yunqin's missed call and the message after the missed call.

"Looking for her?"

Lu Ze was confused for a moment. He had just woken up and his mind hadn't turned around yet.

"Just in time, it's time to have lunch, let's ask her what's going on."

As Lu Ze said this, he called Tang Yunqin back.

"Hello? What's wrong?"

"Oh, I just met Uncle Ziyu. He seems to be looking for us for something."

"Okay, where are you now?"

Tang Yinqin looked around, then stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly: "Yeah, a luxury store."

Lu Ze laughed and said, "Okay, let's wait and gather at the Elf Center."

"Oh, okay!"

Tang Yunqin nodded, and after looking at the time and distance from the Elf Center, decided to stroll around for a while.

"Let's go Dianxi, we are running out of time. If you like something, hurry up."

"Yeah, okay~"

Dian Xi looked up excitedly and glanced at Tang Yunqin, then continued shopping one by one with a Pokémon.

Lu Ze tidied up, washed his face, woke up Kirby and set off.

Although I don’t know what Uncle Ziyu wants to do with me.

But I think it must be related to what I told him yesterday about the treasure house on the island of Great Britain.

At the same time, in the official office of Great Britain Island, a group of people were also discussing happily.

"They are coming to select this afternoon. Are you ready?"

After the official boss of Great Britain Island finished speaking, a person on the side became excited instantly.

"Of course I'm ready. I've replaced a lot of things with things from our family's treasure house. Basically, all the valuable things are gone now."

After saying that, everyone burst out laughing.

"Speaking of which, if they hadn't arrived too quickly, I would have replaced everything inside. Anyway, according to the rules, only the three of them can go in."

The man said and smiled disdainfully: "Oh, it's just three students. They know nothing. The poor choice in the end can be said to be due to their own faulty vision!"

"Okay, that's it. If you replace them all, it would be too obvious."

The official leader of Great Britain Island finished speaking with a serious face, and then he couldn't help it and laughed again.

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