The middle-aged man turned around and looked at Lu Ze

Lu Ze also looked at this middle-aged man who suddenly appeared very vigilantly.

The middle-aged man chuckled when he saw Lu Ze's vigilant look

"White-clothed congregation? Evolved supersonic bats in this short period of time? And it looks good. This time, the church has picked up good seedlings."

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Ze's puzzled eyes and turned a little serious

"You may not know me, but I am also a member of the church. People in our church can't just let cats and dogs bully them casually."

"You are still young, you will definitely be better than him in the future, follow the teaching and you will not lose money"

Lu Ze is still very vigilant. Although he has never heard of the word church, it does not prevent him from being wary of a stranger, even if that person just helped him

The middle-aged man had no choice but to walk into Lu Ze slowly.

Lu Ze took a step back, keeping a safe distance

The middle-aged man was a little helpless, and handed the elf egg in his hand to Lu Ze

"Come on, get it for me, I'll show you something and you'll understand"

Lu Ze reached out to take the elf egg in doubt.

Seeing Lu Ze hugging the elf egg, the middle-aged man took out a badge from his arms and stretched it out on Lu Ze's face

"See, I really belong to the church, the leader of the Orange Clothes, you can call me by my code name - Feiyan"

The badge is orange, and its shape is very similar to that of the Glacier badge, but it is different when the badge is wrapped with gold wire, and there is only the word "Flying Goose" in the middle of the badge, and the word is also wrapped with silver wire

Lu Ze was thinking silently, he was puzzled, and looked at Feiyan's silver costume curiously.

"The leader in orange clothes?"

Feiyan looked at Lu Ze staring at her clothes, explained with a smile

"Hey, there is no dress code when the leader is up, but you still need to dress according to the rules for a white-clothed congregation like you."

Lu Ze looked down at his white clothes, and then at the big-mouthed bat flying beside him. Then he realized that the other party probably mistook him for a member of the church they were talking about.

Lu Ze understood and was about to open his mouth to inquire about some more information. After a roar from a distance, a thick beam of light hit the two of them.

Lu Ze reacted quickly, and immediately took a few steps back

Feiyan didn't react too slowly, he reached out and took out a poke ball from his bosom and threw it out

"Symbol Bird - Light Wall"

It symbolizes the appearance of the bird on the battlefield, and a wall of light stands in front of the flying geese


[Destroy Death Light] Hit the wall of light

The light wall just persisted for a while, and then shattered, turning into fragments and falling

[Destroying Death Light] The remaining prestige has not diminished, but it has been slightly changed in some directions

The beam of light hit the ground between Lu Ze and Feiyan. Lu Ze took two steps back, so the impact wasn't that strong, but he still blasted Lu Ze away.

Feiyan felt uncomfortable, the landing of [Destroying Death Light] could be said to be right at his feet

The flying geese were blown up into the sky. Fortunately, Mukehawk reacted quickly and caught the flying geese in the air, otherwise it would be really uncomfortable to fall

"Cut, symbolizes the bird - mental obsession"

It symbolizes that the bird emits purple light, the space fluctuates slightly, and the purple light rushes towards the fire-breathing dragon

"Boy, hide it well, put the elf eggs in your place first, the exit of the secret realm is in the second volcano to the south, I will lure them away, you go out immediately"

"I'll be waiting for you at the Saige Square in Chang'an City, give me the elf egg, and I'll upgrade you two levels"

Feiyan got up from Mukehawk, stared solemnly at the fire-breathing dragon who was fighting with the symbol bird, and said to Lu Ze at the same time

He had no choice, the two fire-breathing dragons seemed to have spotted him, and chased him, so he had to take the elf egg out first, and then figured out a way to escape

Feiyan couldn't help feeling a little fortunate that there were quite a few activists in the church this time, no, as soon as he had this idea, he immediately ran into a white-clothed congregation

As long as he lures the two fire-breathing dragons away, the other elves in this secret realm are not very aggressive, and he can already take the elf eggs out

There are also members of the church outside the secret place, as long as he goes out, he will follow the church, and he is not afraid of him sneaking away with the elf eggs

Although Lu Ze doesn't know what's going on now, what's wrong with picking up an elf egg for nothing?

Immediately agree


then turn around and run

One of the fire-breathing dragons saw Lu Ze running away with the elf egg, and immediately wanted to chase after it

Feiyan also saw the movement of the fire-breathing dragon, laughed lowly, and took out two more elf balls

"Look down on me, go, crow head, forked bat"

Immediately, the five elves in the sky fought together.

Although Feiyan has a numerical advantage, it can only barely restrain the two fire-breathing dragons, and cannot gain the upper hand

Lu Ze didn't care about the person who claimed to be the leader of the church, he just ran away, quickly away from this dangerous area

Feiyan looked at the battle of the elves with an ugly expression

He knew that these two fire-breathing dragons were very strong, but he didn't expect them to be so strong.

His three elves, plus a Mukhawk harassing them from time to time, are also slightly restraining them

After a while, after the two of them get used to it, wouldn't the two of them be able to hold down their four hammers?

"Mickhawk, go"

Flying Goose took back the symbol bird that was about to fall, and directed the Muke Eagle to start to escape

After seeing the flying geese flying away, the crow head and the forked bat also fought and retreated.

After retreating to a certain distance, Feiyan took it back into the poke ball

The two fire-breathing dragons let out a helpless roar, and started their hunt again


At this time, Mo Qiancheng was already lying on the steel armored crow, helpless and sad

"Hey, where is the Lord of the Secret Realm? Half of the volcano has been turned over, why is your luck so bad today?"

The steel armored crow took Mo Qiancheng and continued to fly to the next volcano without hesitation


At this time, Suiyan also touched the depths of the cave.

As soon as Sui Yan entered, he saw an elf egg in the nest in the middle of the cave.

Immediately flew over with bright eyes

"Tsk tsk, I finally have income."

Sui Yan couldn't help touching the elf egg, and then carefully put the elf egg into the protector

When Sui Yan and Lu Ze bought equipment, they were recommended by the store. They bought two elf egg protection devices and put them in their backpacks. They are space backpacks because they have a lot of space.

After putting the protector into the backpack again, Sui Yan began to look for other trophies with bright eyes

After a while, I saw a bunch of tree fruits on the side

Sui Yan didn't pick anything, he packed all the berries into his backpack

Then I started to rummage and search again, completely looking like a devil entering the village

"There are so many elves carrying things? This is a problem."

With bright eyes, Lu Ze took out a lot of elves' belongings and other things from behind a stone slab.

"Charcoal!! The needle does not poke"

Sui Yan took out the three charcoals and packed them separately, and stuffed the rest of the fire stones, elves' carrying items, etc. into the backpack

After finishing the pile, Sui Yan stared at the stone slab on the other side

After Sui Yan removed the stone slab on the other side, as expected, there was also a pile of treasures inside.

Sui Yan couldn't help feeling a little depressed after seeing it.

"What, why is it a colorful stone, a collectible"

A pile of shiny super-evolutionary stones, about a dozen or so

"Tsk, I don't want it. Why do you like this kind of shiny thing? I don't like it. I don't even want this thing if you give it to me."

Sui Yan curled his lips, a little upset, it's not as good as a tree fruit

PS: Thanks for the reward* from Kabimon, who can't get enough sleep. (ˊωˋ*)*.

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