Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 657 The mysterious little guy

After a few people packed their things and sorted their belongings, they came out to gather.

After everyone gathered, Zhuge Ziyu led everyone towards the venue where the World Championship was held.

The hotel was arranged by the organizer, so it was not far from the venue.

A group of people walked away chatting and laughing for a while before arriving at the venue for this World Championship.

The venue is still a classic circular venue, with a battle field in the middle, a large screen on four sides above the battle field, and a circle of spectator seats around it.

In fact, there was nothing interesting to see. Zhuge Ziyu brought them here mainly to introduce them to the process.

"When we came in, we took the stage with the national flag first, and then returned to our area after taking the stage."

"Then it's time to go on the field. Enter from there, then play against each other. After the battle, exit from the other side. There is an Elf Healing Center in the exit tunnel."

Zhuge Ziyu explained everything to everyone, and everyone listened to Zhuge Ziyu's introduction with a little boredom.

After all, except for the slightly different locations, everything else is basically common sense.

"Why does Uncle Ziyu have to introduce it in such detail? We are not elementary school students anymore."

Sui Yan asked Lu Ze helplessly in the large army.

Lu Ze smiled: "Maybe it's because this is the World Championship. After we come out, we will represent the country."

"Okay, got it."

Sui Yan nodded helplessly, but his attention was obviously more concentrated.

He is also afraid that he will disgrace the country by then.

Zhuge Ziyu introduced it as he walked, and soon introduced all the places in the venue, precautions, etc.

"Okay, I've told you all what needs to be said. The next half month or so is for everyone to relax."

After Zhuge Ziyu finished speaking, before the students started cheering, Zhuge Ziyu directly pressed his palms to signal them to calm down.

"However, although it is said to be for you to relax, you should not not train at all. Not only for the country, but also for yourself. You must seize this opportunity that comes once every four years. Do you understand?"


After all the students responded, Zhuge Ziyu smiled and clapped his hands.

"Okay, let's do that, disband!"


Everyone was excited and quickly left the venue, ready to go out to have a look and have fun.

Zhuge Ziyu did not leave. He walked into the battlefield, rubbed his feet on the battlefield, and immediately showed a proud smile.

"I think the quality of your battlefield is not good enough. Do you want to consider changing it?"

"How could it not be possible? You must know that the first King's Tournament on the island of Great Britain was played here. If you can withstand a King-level battle, can you still not stop the Youth Tournament?"

The venue staff said disdainfully, "Are you kidding? Your youth competition participants can be more destructive than the King of Heaven?"

Not to mention being more destructive than the King of Heaven, as long as you have someone with the level of a Heavenly King coming, his place can still withstand it, right?

Zhuge Ziyu was not angry because of the staff's disdain.

"You can ask the people above you now. If you change it now, I can make the decision for you and give you a 10% discount. Made in Dragon Kingdom."

"Of course, if you order it at that time, it will be regarded as a rush order. Not only will there be no discount, but you will also have to pay extra."

After hearing this, the staff looked at Zhuge Ziyu's smiling face with question marks on their faces.

You are sick, why should you change it if it is fine?

"Thank you for your suggestion, but I guess we don't need to replace it."

The staff member smiled apologetically at Zhuge Ziyu and left.

He didn't want to talk to this weird looking guy anymore.

They were saying all kinds of weird things.

Zhuge Ziyu smiled slightly and walked out of the venue without making any excuses and took out his mobile phone.

"Hey, prepare a batch of materials and send them directly to Great Britain. They will use them later."

"Yes, that's right. Remember to increase the price by 20%. Not counting shipping and labor costs. These foreigners are the ones being ripped off!"

"Yeah, okay, okay, as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhuge Ziyu turned to look at the Great Britain venue with a mysterious smile on his lips.


"By the way, what are we doing?"

Lu Ze looked helplessly at Tang Yunqin, who was trotting excitedly in front of him, and asked helplessly.

Although the winter here in Great Britain is indeed warmer than that in Beijing, you can't just walk around outside like this.

Didn't you see that Mini Dragon and Soraya were about to fall headlong?

Is it okay if the two girls are tired from shopping?

"Huh? Otherwise?"

Tang Yunqin turned her head, looked at Lu Ze and Sui Yan behind her, tilted her head, and asked with some confusion.

"No, let's find a snack street and see if there's anything delicious?"



As soon as Sui Yan finished speaking, Mini Dragon and Soraya suddenly woke up, and then nodded towards Sui Yan with bright eyes.

As expected of Sui Yan, the suggestions he made are in line with our wishes.

"Snack street? It's not impossible."

"What are you talking about? Let's go."

Lu Ze nodded and said, and immediately walked forward, preparing to find someone to ask for directions.

No matter what, it's better to go to the snack street or not than to wander around aimlessly.

For men, it's not scary to go shopping with you, but the scary thing is that you have no goals.

After taking a look at this, I think you are very satisfied, wrap it up and get ready to go.

Unexpectedly, you put it down again, and then went out to continue walking.

This is often the most unacceptable thing for men.

Because they need a clear goal so that they can be motivated.


Tang Yunqin was a little puzzled. If you go to the snack street, it's just the snack street. Why are you running so fast?

But doubts were doubts. After seeing that Sui Yan had already asked for directions, Tang Yunqin quickly followed behind Lu Ze and Sui Yan.

"Do you know where the snack street is?"

"Of course. Turn right ahead, then turn left. After two traffic lights, turn right again. After one traffic light, you'll be there. It's very simple."

Sui Yan said confidently, and led Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin towards the snack street.

When the three of them followed Sui Yan and looked for the snack street, in the snack street, a pink elf was quietly hiding behind a small cart selling food, as if he was avoiding something.

In front of the trolley, several figures hurriedly passed by, looking for something everywhere.

But they didn't find the little guy hiding behind the cart.

After the group of people left, the little guy let out a sigh of relief and patted his chest with relief.

Just as I was jumping up and down to leave, I heard another voice coming from the other side before I had even taken two steps.

The sound startled the little guy who had just relaxed, and he quickly hid behind the stroller.

The owner of the trolley obviously hadn't arrived for work yet, so the inside of the trolley was still empty.

The little guy curiously opened the door of the trolley and hid inside.

After hiding in, the little guy soon heard two or three waves of people passing by here.

Slowly, the little guy also fell asleep in the carriage of the trolley.

"Brother, are you sure you are here?"

After the three people arrived here according to the path pointed by others, the three of them were a little stunned.

This is no longer a question of whether there is a snack street or not, okay?

Even whether he is serious or not...

Okay, not serious.

In which snack street will there be colorful, boldly dressed, and bouncy women standing or sitting at the door?

And waving at them?

Tang Yunqin blushed and hid behind Lu Ze.

Lu Ze also patted Sui Yan on the back of the head with a helpless expression, and immediately pulled Sui Yan away.

"What, you still want to try?"

"No, no, how is that possible? I have a girlfriend, and I want to keep myself clean."

Sui Yan smiled and quickly raised his fingers to make an oath.

"No, why did you ask? How could you ask here?"

Lu Ze was a little puzzled. Anyway, the snack street and the lady street, ahem, are very different, right?

"No wonder, I asked why the old man smiled so obscenely when he was giving me directions. It turned out that he had misunderstood!"

Sui Yan clapped his palm fiercely and said as if he remembered something.

"I asked him seriously if there was any delicious food nearby. I think I asked him right."

Lu Ze was also stunned for a moment: "What's the problem with this?"

When the three of them got together, no one could imagine that delicious food had something to do with those big wave girls.

In the end, they had no choice but to conclude that the old man was an old pervert.

Because that guy is an old pervert, that’s why he regards them as old perverts!

"Damn it!"

Sui Yan shouted angrily: "When I meet that old man again, I must let Reshiram use his cross flame to purify his dirty mind!"

"Okay, okay, don't say these are useless, hurry up and ask where the snack street is, it's already evening."

"Alright alright."

After Lu Ze pushed Sui Yan, Sui Yan nodded helplessly and went to ask for directions.

This time Sui Yan was more thoughtful and chose to ask for directions from a girl who didn't look very big.

As expected, Sui Yan quickly asked where the snack street was.

Fortunately, it was not far from here, so the three of them walked over again.


After getting the location of the snack street, Mini Dragon and Soraya became excited again.

When they first arrived at the fake snack street, Lu Ze stuffed the two of them into his arms.

Mini Dragon and Soraya are still children, so they can't be led astray.

This time Lu Ze and the others quickly found the location of the snack street.

As expected, the young lady asked the right question this time, asking about the location of the real snack street.

The point is, this seems to be near a university.

As we all know, the food streets near universities are generally not too unpalatable.

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan saw the snack street, they immediately walked in excitedly.

It seems that I came a little early, some stalls have not yet opened for business, and the stall owners are packing up the ingredients to be used.

Some stall owners didn't even come, leaving only an empty cart standing there.

"What should I eat first?"

Looking at the many delicacies that he had never seen in China, Sui Yan couldn't help it.

Not only Sui Yan, but also the mini dragon, Zoroa, and even Kirbymon in the Poké Ball couldn't help but be tempted.

"Let's try this first."

Lu Ze didn't hesitate and directly chose the stall closest to him and said.

"Boss, here are three servings."


After the boss nodded, he started making them for Lu Ze and the others.

"What is this?" Sui Yan asked curiously, looking at the things on the iron plate.


After the stall owner responded, he quickly started working on the iron plate.

After placing three dough-like things on the iron plate, the boss did not hesitate and took out three steaks from the foam box on the side.

After the steak was taken out, the foam box was opened again.

A cute ice baby poked out of the foam box, seemingly wanting to see who had taken his steak.

But after seeing that the person who took the steak was his trainer, Bing Bao suddenly smiled.

While squinting his eyes and retracting, he didn't forget to close the lid of the foam box.

"It's so cute. Boss, is this your Pokémon?"

"Yes, my ice baby!"

The boss looked proud, but the movement of his hands still did not stop.

After placing some sliced ​​mushrooms on the iron plate, the boss squeezed some unknown sauce on the noodles, or noodles.

After spreading the sauce evenly, put some shredded cheese on another pancake.

Tang Yinqin's eyes lit up immediately when she saw the cheese shreds, and she suddenly became a little bit excited.

Who can resist the power of cheese?

And, it’s the power of so much cheese.

Fry the steak, sprinkle with sauce, and put tomato slices on top of the cheese in the flatbread.

After dividing the steak into small pieces, place the steak and mushrooms on the dough.

Add some more green vegetables, fold the dough, and a gourmet snack is ready.

Lu Ze looked at the stall owner's movements and felt that this looked a bit like pancake fruit?

Especially the way the stall owner finally cuts the whole pancake into two with a knife, it looks more like it.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, and after getting rid of this strange idea, he took advantage of the fact that there were still few people and directly released the Kirby beast.

"I bought it!"

The sudden appearance of the huge thing startled the stall owner.

However, the stall owner who quickly reacted looked at Lu Ze's Kirby and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"This Kirby is well bred!"

That's right, not to mention anything else, just in terms of size, it's a bit bigger than other Kirby beasts, about two heads taller.

The hair on the body was also full of luster and looked very beautiful after being carefully taken care of by Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin.

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