Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 647 Instructor? Mew-two?

However, when they saw the Electric Shock Monster bounce away violently, the Crossed Bat and Charizard all grinned.

Well, Ozawa is still the same Ozawa, without any change.


Lu Ze stared blankly at his hands and the electric monster that grinned after it bounced away, confused.

Isn’t it already possible for me?

Lu Ze turned to look at Sui Yan aside, showing a confused look.

After Sui Yan looked back and forth between Lu Ze and the Electric Shock Beast, he also spread his hands towards Lu Ze and showed a confused look.



Only Blue and Red's laughter was left in the venue, and the other Pokémon also began to play on their own.

Forget it, I don't expect Ozawa to give him a massage to relieve his fatigue.

After all, Ozawa's massage is not as good as a hot bath.

In the training camp, after successfully advancing to the second round, nothing happened.

So Lu Ze, Sui Yan and the others played until night before returning to their dormitories.

"Okay, you won't take me with you when you go out!"

Lu Ze and Sui Yan were blocked at the door by Tang Yunqin as soon as they returned.

Looking at Tang Yunqin with an angry face, Lu Ze asked curiously: "How is it? Have you advanced?"

"Of course!"

Tang Yunqin shook her head proudly: "With my strength, it is not easy to advance."

Seeing Tang Yunqin like this, Sui Yan couldn't help but quietly gave Lu Ze a thumbs up.

As expected of you, as soon as the subject changed, Tang Yinqin immediately forgot what she was here for.

"In that case, let's train together tomorrow. I estimate it will take about a day or two before the results come out."


After Tang Yunqin nodded, she said hello to Lu Ze and Sui Yan, and then happily returned to her room.

"Come on, don't let her react."

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan looked at each other, they instantly entered their room.


Just as the doors to the two rooms were closed, the door to Tang Yunqin's room opened again.

"Damn it!"

Tang Yunqin clenched her little fists, looking at the two closed doors, she could only become helpless and furious.

As soon as I entered the room and closed the door, I realized that Lu Ze had changed the topic.

"You guys react quickly!"

After stamping her foot angrily, Tang Yunqin turned around and returned to her room, then jumped directly on Bing Jiuwei.


Bing Jiuwei looked at Tang Yunqin's coquettish look in amusement, but still gently patted Tang Yunqin's back with her tail.

A moment later, Tang Yunqin nestled in Bing Jiuwei's arms with a happy look on her face, hugging Bing Jiuwei's two icy blue tails and chasing after the show with Bing Jiuwei.

"Phew, it's so dangerous."

After Lu Ze closed the door, he listened with his ears to what was going on outside.

After hearing that Tang Yunqin had indeed come out, she couldn't help but be frightened, fearing that Tang Yunqin would come and knock on the door.

Fortunately, Tang Yunqin finally returned to her room.

After hearing the sound of Tang Yunqin's room door closing, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you have fun today?"

After releasing all his Pokémon, Lu Ze looked at their lack of interest and asked funny.

They had so much fun playing in the water today that they laughed for several days. It is normal for them to lack interest now.



The cross-shaped bat and the Kirby beast looked up at Lu Ze and then fell down.

It's not too early now, let's go to bed.

"Haha, okay, okay, get ready to sleep."

After Lu Ze comforted them, he placed the mini dragon and Soraya on the belly of Kirby, who was already lying down.

I went to wash my face and brush my teeth first.

After Lu Ze came out of the bathroom, even the fire-breathing dragon and the iron-clawed lobster were asleep.

"Good night ~ sweet dreams ~"

Lu Ze looked at the room full of Pokémon, and after speaking softly, he carefully turned off the lights and returned to bed.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, when Lu Ze woke up, Charizard and the others had also woken up.

Even Mini Dragon and Soraya, who usually like to sleep in, woke up.

I was too tired from playing yesterday and went to bed too early, so I woke up early this morning.


Lu Ze rubbed his eyes, said hello to them, and then entered the bathroom to wash up.


After Lu Ze got up, Kirby also patted his belly and sat up.

Last night, because he fell asleep first, Lu Ze did not lie on his stomach to sleep, but lay next to Kirby.

However, in the middle of the night, Lu Ze still subconsciously hugged Kirby when he fell asleep.

He hugged Kirbymon's belly, put his legs on Kirbymon's legs, and slept soundly like this.

So although Kirby woke up first this morning, he was afraid that his actions would wake up Lu Ze, so Kirby waited until Lu Ze woke up before getting up.

It's definitely not because Kirby is greedy for the softness of the big bed.

Well, absolutely not!

After Kirby got up, the other Pokémon were ready to go.

Today is another day full of energy!

"Are you all ready?"

After Lu Ze came out of the bathroom, he looked at the prepared Pokémon for a moment, and then asked with a smile.



After the Pokémon nodded, Lu Ze laughed.

"In that case, let's go!"



Seeing their excitement, Lu Ze also nodded with satisfaction.

"In that case, let's set off!"

After Lu Ze took the canvases of Mini Dragon and Soraya, he walked outside with the two little guys in his arms.

Behind them were Charizard, Electric Shock Beast and the others.

However, because Kirby was too big, Lu Ze took it back into the elf ball.

Otherwise, Kirbymon might not even be able to get out of the dormitory door due to its size.

After taking his Pokémon around the battlefield, Lu Ze came to the training room.

The largest room was opened this time because Suiyan and Tang Yunqin were waiting to come over.

“First move around to warm up, then continue with our plan!”

After Lu Ze said something to the Pokémon, he took the lead and ran around the training ground.

Behind Lu Ze was the Crossed Bat, and behind the Crossed Bat was the fire-breathing dragon, followed by the Electric Shock Monster, the Scallion Ranger, and the Iron-clawed Lobster in order.

The last ones to follow were Soraya and Mini Dragon, but these two little guys came to join in the fun, and they might just run away quietly at some point.

Behind it is Kirbymon.

With Kirby's size, Lu Ze had no intention of letting him run with him to warm up.

But Kirbymon has always disagreed with Lu Ze's idea and insisted on running to warm up.

My speed is already very slow. If I don't move, I will really become a target.

Later, as time passed, Lu Ze stopped caring.

If Kirby wants to run to warm up, just run.

It's just that the speed is a bit slower and I often can't keep up with the big teams.

But running is just to warm up, as long as you warm up well, it’s fine.

While Lu Ze was running with the Pokémon, Tang Yunqin also came.

After Tang Yunqin arrived, she didn't hesitate and started warming up with the Ice Nine Tails, Ice Bodhidharma Baboon and Fairy Eevee.

Lu Ze glanced at the back of the team and was stunned for a moment.

Ice Kyuubi and Ice Daruma Baboon, do ice-type Pokémon also need to warm up?

After Lu Ze looked at the two ice Pokémon with interest, he continued to run with them.

"By the way, you haven't decided on your sixth Pokémon yet?"

After the warm-up, the Pokémon all began to train according to the training plan.

Lu Ze asked curiously after seeing that Tang Yunqin still only had five Pokémon.


Tang Yunqin shook her head and looked at the Pokémon she was training: "I feel like I haven't met the right one yet."

"In that case, wouldn't you be at a disadvantage if we all fight against each other?"

"There's nothing we can do about it. Now that we've entered the training camp, we don't have a chance to conquer Pokémon." Tang Yunqin curled her lips and said.

"I just don't know if the Pokémon in the forest outside the training camp can be conquered."

"It should be ok."

While the two were talking, Sui Yan came over with his Pokémon.

"Why don't you be late?"

"Hey, I got up late. I was too tired from playing yesterday." Suiyan smiled innocently and took the Pokémon to warm up.

After Lu Ze heard this, he suddenly felt something bad.

Sure enough, the next moment Tang Yunqin's resentful eyes glanced at Lu Ze.

"So, you haven't given me an explanation for what happened yesterday."

Lu Ze's eyes were panicked. After Sui Yan, who was warming up over there, heard these words, his eyes revealed a successful smile.


"Okay, after these two days of elimination rounds, the final list of people has come out. A total of 226 people have entered the second round. Congratulations to everyone."

In a very large battle field, a place with stands and auditoriums.

On the rostrum, Zhuge Ziyu was speaking with a smile and applauded after speaking.

After Zhuge Ziyu applauded, the students below also applauded.

After the applause ended, Zhuge Ziyu continued with a smile.

"There are no rules in the second round, but there are still points limits. A battle will get ten points. Victory will get ten points from the opponent."

"Of course, everyone has no points at the beginning. Points need to be obtained by challenging the wild Pokémon in the forest outside."

"Challenge a high-level Pokémon and defeat five for one point. Challenge a senior-level Pokémon and defeat two for one point."

"As for the elimination rules, if the points are negative, they will be eliminated after one day. If the points are negative by 20 points, they will be eliminated directly."

After Zhuge Ziyu finished speaking, he looked at the people below with a smile.

After seeing that they had no special reaction, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Of course, for everyone's tactical reserve, there is an additional task."

"Do you know the game Pokémon Battle? You need to fight at least two battles every day, and you need to win at least one game every day."

"Pokémon battle?"

As soon as Zhuge Ziyu said these words, the people below became a little restless.

Many people have never heard of the game Pokémon Battle.

This game is very popular, but those who are preparing for the national team are either training elves or on their way to the game every day. Many of them have not paid attention to the news on the Internet for a long time.

And the final important point is that the country’s promoters have not yet started.

After all, it is still in the testing phase.

Although it has been almost tested, the official side still needs some data.

It just so happened that Zhuge Ziyu came up with this idea during this national team training session.

Let the training team members come into contact with this game and collect data along the way.

After all, during this period, the direction they saw in the Pokémon battle game was indeed good.

There are also more routine tactics such as the deformed rainy day team, nail team, and receiving team.

It is indeed more calculated than the previous head-to-head battles.

However, some people who had finished the Pokémon battle and watched Lu Ze's live broadcast directly turned to look at Lu Ze who was not far away.

Zhou Xiaopang from the team, Zhang Yuqi, the mythical beast man, and the others.

They also often watch Lu Ze's live broadcasts, so they also know how dirty and powerful Lu Ze is in Pokémon battles!

"Okay, that's the general situation. In the remaining time, I will introduce you to an instructor."

Zhuge Ziyu clapped his hands, suppressing the restlessness underneath, and then showed a mysterious smile.


"Do we still have instructors?"

Some senior fourth graders were stunned for a moment, but they had never done this before.

"A gentle reminder, as long as you can defeat this instructor, you can be directly recommended to the official members of the national team."

Zhuge Ziyu smiled and clapped his hands, then stepped back.

"Remind me again, you can start the challenge now, as long as you succeed..."

Zhuge Ziyu's voice became farther and farther away, and at the same time, a beam of light appeared in the sky.

"Why does it feel familiar?"

After Sui Yan saw this beam of light, he turned around and asked Lu Ze in a low voice.

"It feels very familiar to me too..."

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He had already guessed who the instructor was.

After all, he had watched this appearance in the theater version many times and experienced it himself once.

What we are saying is, can we change the way we appear next time?

As Lu Ze complained, a humanoid Pokémon also slowly landed from the beam of light.

"I am your instructor during this period. As long as you defeat me, you can advance directly!"

After Chaomeng landed, he looked around at the students below and said coldly.


"Pokémon be our instructor?"

"No, the question isn't why Pokémon can talk?"

The moment Chaomeng came out, there was an instant commotion below.

However, Chaomeng's temper has gotten much better now after following Lu Ze for a while.

At least now that he heard the words "Why is my instructor a Pokémon?", Chaomeng could resist his urge to throw him out.

Chaomeng frowned and looked at the messy people below. His eyes stayed on the person who just said that sentence for a while, and then he looked at Lu Ze and Sui Yan.


Zhou Xiaopang and Zhang Yuqi were stunned when they saw Chaomeng, and then they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Lu Ze.

Isn’t this Pokémon Mewtwo?

Isn't this the guy who beat Lu Ze during Lu Ze's live broadcast that day?

What, now you become an instructor?

The two turned to look at Lu Ze, and became even more confused when they saw Lu Ze covering his face with one hand.

How do you feel that Lu Ze doesn't know what this kind of thing looks like?

At this time, Chaomeng also noticed Lu Ze, who was covering his face with one hand, and Sui Yan, who was looking thoughtful, and couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, I am your instructor.

Surprised or not?

Is it surprising?

However, the smile on Chaomeng's face didn't last long before it was broken by a person without a wink.

"As long as I defeat you, I can join the main team, right?"


Chaomeng frowned, turned his head and said coldly.

"But have you thought about it? You need eighteen points to challenge me. If you fail, your life will be difficult today."

Chaomeng's eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that he had the chance to scare the monkeys.

The man who raised the challenge glanced at the man next to him, and after seeing the man nodded, he gritted his teeth.

"Yes, I'm ready, I just want to challenge you."

"Then come on."

After a smile appeared on Mewtwo's lips, everyone dispersed instantly, leaving the space in the middle to this person and one Pokémon.

After the man with the hairstyle of an artistic youth nodded at the strong man who raised the challenge, the strong man stood firmly opposite Chaomeng.

A few of them are a small group.

And this strong man was the guy they introduced to test Chaomeng's strength.

They could tell that Chaomeng might be very powerful, so they introduced the third guy in their small group.

The four senior-level Pokémon should be able to find out some details about Mewtwo.

After all, he is just one Pokémon, and he has six Pokémon.

Of course, they also thought that Mewtwo might be ridiculously strong.

But they also have backup options.

Zhang Yuqi, the mythical beast man, owed a favor to the captain of their small group.

If the gap is too big, their captain will use this favor and a guarantee lost to Zhang Yuqi in exchange for the opportunity for Zhang Yuqi and Reggie Locke to take action.

A strong man can't test your strength, but a mythical beast can't test it.

As long as you know your approximate strength, attributes, and characteristics, there will be a way to defeat you.

No matter how strong you are, you can't be much stronger than Reggie Locke.

As long as you find Daybreak, it will be the temptation for a small group to enter the main selection team.

And what they paid was just one person in their group who had no chance of making it to the main team.

That person also knew his situation, so he agreed to their captain's request even though it was impossible or even possible to get in.

He is the power bank.

"Go, Platypus!"

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