Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 642 Hello, I am the Beast Man

"The other side doesn't dare to change Pokémon now." Lu Ze smiled.

"However, since you don't dare to change Pokémon, then let me change it!"

Lu Ze said, without hesitation, he directly replaced the three evil dragons.

"Three evil dragons? What is the anchor doing?"

"Read it first? Put the three evil dragons into the mouth of the bucket?"

"Outrageous operation!"

Lu Ze knew what they were talking about without looking at the barrage. While operating in a leisurely manner, Lu Ze responded to the barrage.

"Don't worry, just take a look at what skills I have."

Lu Ze clicked on the skills carried by the three evil dragons: "See, everything is done in a routine."

"Oh my god, roar, dragon tail..."

"This anchor, this brain, you have a dirty mind for playing tactics!"

"Anchor, I was wrong. It's because my brain is not working properly."

"My brain is not working properly!"

"My brain is not working properly!"

Lu Ze smiled proudly: "Roar, turn back quickly, follow the wind, dragon tail, if he doesn't change it, I will change it for him!"

"Anchor, you're in trouble!"

"If we meet an opponent like you, he will probably lose ten years of his life..."

"It's so disgusting. If I were on the other side, I would vote right away. Can I accept this injustice?"

Lu Ze didn't say anything more and just clicked on the roars of the three evil dragons.

Just use the three evil dragons as engineers. Anyway, the speed of the three evil dragons is barely enough, and the Pokémon can barely resist.

As long as the opponent doesn't kill the three evil dragons at once, the three evil dragons can keep [roaring] and let the opponent replace them.

All the efforts were invested in the speed and physical strength of the three evil dragons, and if they brought another leftover, it would be impossible to grind them to death.


Lu Ze couldn't help but grow up, because the second person on the opposite side was the Thorny Dragon King.

The Thorny Dragon King who was replaced lost half of his blood.

After Lu Ze laughed, he continued to use [Dragon Tail].

The Thorny Dragon King with the [Free and Easy] characteristic was faster than the three evil dragons, and he hit the three evil dragons with one [Freezing Beam].

The blood volume of the three evil dragons dropped rapidly, but they were soon brought back some by the leftover food.

On the computer screen, three evil dragons rushed over and hit the Thorny Dragon King with their tails. While knocking down a portion of the Thorny Dragon King's health, they also knocked the Thorny Dragon King back into the elf ball.

The next Pokémon to be replaced on the opposite side is Salamander.

However, after Lu Ze clicked [Roar], the other party made no move.

After a while, when the timer was almost over, the animation on the computer started to move.

The three evil dragons opened their mouths, and at the same time that the sound wave appeared, the Trembling Salamander also returned to the elf ball.

Lotte Kappa came out. After coming out, Lotte Kappa lost half of his health and fell into a [poisonous] state.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, in a classroom office in Shangqing, Zhou Jiaqi was furiously typing at the table in front of him.

How could there be such a disgusting tactic!

Why would anyone be able to develop such a disgusting move?

Zhou Jiaqi didn't understand, so he improved the composition of the Rainy Day team according to Lu Ze's method.

According to what Lu Ze said, after adding a zone defense and an electric output player, the Rainy Day team will undergo a qualitative change.

Indeed, the Rainy Day team has indeed changed.

Moreover, Zhou Jiaqi also used the Transformed Rainy Day Team to achieve a crazy winning streak.

What excites Zhou Jiaqi the most is that that day he met the number one who is currently the highest ranked person on the sky list.

And he also recognized that this person was the one who pushed his face to the ground and rubbed it wildly when he was demonstrating in class.

However, he used this deformed rainy team to successfully regain the field in the hands of the opponent.

Not only did he regain his position, but he also won a big victory!

But why did we encounter this weird tactic again today!

[Abdominal Drum] The fruit gluttons are annoying enough, now comes another nail team?

Zhou Jiaqi doesn't understand how someone can be so dirty and create such a team!

Zhou Jiaqi hammered the table angrily, and after venting his emotions, he clicked surrender without hesitation.

This is a big deal!

Fortunately, he is the grade director, so he has his own office.

Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing for someone to see him like this.

Playing games like this?

Zhou Jiaqi stood up, opened the window, smoked half a pack of cigarettes and then slowly calmed down.

"It's just a game."

Lu Ze, on his side, felt bored for a while after seeing the other side surrender.

You vote as soon as you feel good. What's the difference between this behavior and me watching a movie and starting to buffer when it's intense?

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly: "This person's mental quality is not good. Anyway, this is the way to operate this kind of rainy day team."

"I learned it, let's go and get points!"

"I learned it, let's go and get points!"

"I learned it, let's go and get points!"

The barrage was a group of repeaters. Lu Ze smiled and continued.

"Of course, the nail team is still easy to break, especially the nail team like me who only relies on nails, so you have to find a way to upgrade the lineup."

"Huh? I have no brain!"

"That is, I have brains and can I still be controlled by the Transformed Rainy Day Team?"

"I think this kind of nail team is enough, let's go and score points first!"

"Ah, my Transformed Rainy Team just scored two points!"

Lu Ze looked at the barrage and smiled: "The Transformed Rainy Day team is the best to fight. It's enough for the big-mouthed gull to bring a [Clear Fog]."

"Ahhh! Take it back now, take back what you said!"

"No, no, I won't listen. I won't listen. I want to use the Nail Team!"

"Damn it! My plan to get higher scores!"

"Hahaha, my Transformed Rainy Day Team, I will continue to improve my score!"

"Anchor, I love you so much! mua~"

Some people were happy and some were worried about the barrage, but Lu Ze smiled happily when he saw these idiotic netizens.

"Okay, this is the Entertainment Bureau. Now I will teach you how to use the Weather Team to restrain the Transformed Sunny Team. However, this kind of restraint is just a talk. If you are not good at weather, don't learn it."

Lu Ze said, quickly dragged out the editor, and edited the Sandstorm Team and Sunny Sky Team.

"Two ways to play, see which one suits you!"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he clicked on ranking!


"Wake up~"

After gently patting the little faces of Mini Dragon and Soraya, Lu Ze whispered in the ears of the two little guys.



The two little guys opened their eyes slightly, glanced at Lu Ze, then turned their heads, closed their eyes and continued to sleep.

Lu Ze smiled lovingly and touched the two little guys.

After they slept a little more peacefully, he carefully moved the two of them off his body.

The two little guys insisted on getting into his bed and sleeping with him last night.

Lu Ze couldn't resist them, so he had to agree.

Otherwise, Lu Ze would have gotten up directly this morning.

I have to say that it is really comfortable to sleep with the air conditioner turned on and covered with a quilt.

Even the iron-clawed lobster is like this. Because there is no pool in the room, the iron-clawed lobster made a floor in the room.

Glancing at the clawed lobster who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Lu Ze carefully stepped over and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When Lu Ze came out of the shower, the cross-shaped bat also came back, and the fire-breathing dragon and electric monster also got up.

Crossbat still gets up early every day, although the windows are closed because he needs to turn on the air conditioner.

But the cross-shaped bat can also open the window itself, and even close the window thoughtfully after flying out.

Cong Youbing also opened his eyes from meditation at this time, and looked at Lu Ze with burning eyes.

"Duck, let's go! Eat!"

As soon as the word "yaya" came out, Cong Youbing's momentum suddenly disappeared as if he had been cut from the middle.

The cross-shaped bat glanced at Cong Youbing with a smile, and then came to Lu Ze's side.

Tie Tie ~

After the post ended, Charizard and Electric Shock Monster both came out of the bathroom.

The two of them washed their faces and brushed their teeth very quickly, after all, they were in human form.

After the electric monster woke up the Iron Claw Lobster, Cong Youbing glanced at Lu Ze with a resentful look and jumped on the small bench specially prepared for him in the bathroom.

Cong Youbing also has hands, but he is not very tall, so he needs a small bench.

As for the mini-dragons, Zoroa and Ketsubo?

The mini dragon can fly. Zoroa's size can jump directly onto the sink. If it's a pot...

No, Charizard has already carried him to the door of the bathroom, waiting for Cong Youbing to come out, and it will be Hu Hu's turn.

The iron-clawed lobster also rubbed his eyes at this time and got up from the ground.

After taking a look at the Charizard waiting with a pot at the door of the bathroom, the Iron-clawed Lobster decided to sit there for a while to sober up before talking.

Anyway, I have to line up now.

Lu Ze looked at the happy scene in the room and couldn't help but reveal a knowing smile.

He wasn't in a hurry, and it wasn't too late to wait for the Pokémon to wash up before going to eat.

After all, today is still full of challenges and being challenged, and there is no class.

Lu Ze also thought about it and went to challenge after eating.

I was idle for a long time yesterday, but I still only have one victory in my battle hand.

Although I don’t know what to do among the remaining 300 people who don’t have a full number of wins in their hands.

But it is estimated that he will not directly enter the list of 300 people.

After all, only thirty-five people are needed in the end, so it won't hurt to eliminate a few more.

Even thinking more darkly, it would be easier if the thirty-five people left were directly eliminated.

But this kind of thing becomes clear just by thinking about it.

What the country wants to do is to train everyone. If only the last thirty-five people are eliminated at once, there will be more than 200 people who cannot accept the country's training.

After the list of 300 people is released, these 300 people need to be trained by the country for a period of time before the final list of 35 people is decided.

Three hundred people may not be a hard standard. If between two hundred and three hundred people are left at this final stage, it may be considered normal.

Lu Ze thought, soon all his Pokémon would finish washing.

Including Mini Dragon and Zoroa, they were also brought up by Kirbymon's getting up.

Lu Ze also wanted to let them enter the elf ball and continue sleeping, but the two little guys refused.

After wiping his face randomly for the last time, he went out to have breakfast with Lu Ze.

When he arrived at the cafeteria, Sui Yan had already occupied a private room.

After Lu Ze got some food, he went in directly.

"Awesome, I caught you on the news this morning."

As soon as Lu Ze entered, Sui Yan said enviously to Lu Ze: "When will I be able to read the news myself?"

"It's simple. You can just start a live broadcast. Just use the space clearing I told you and get a wave of points directly. Maybe it will be on the news."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Sui Yan's heart moved.

He had watched Lu Ze's live broadcast and felt it was not difficult.

If you really make the news, will you be considered a proud ancestor, right?

"What news?"

Tang Yunqin, who opened the door and walked in, looked at the two of them curiously and asked.

"Oh, the Nail Team, Transformed Sunny Team and Transformed Sandstorm Team that Lu Ze brought out during yesterday's live broadcast were released by various marketing accounts today."

"Oh, that's how it is."

After Tang Yunqin nodded, she sat down and started eating.

But looking at her state, it was obvious that she was not awake.

The three of them and the Pokémon were having breakfast leisurely. At this time, in the same office at Shangqing University, a middle-aged man was stomping his feet with angry black eyes!

"Damn it, I spent the whole night thinking about the solution yesterday, but today everyone knows it!"

The middle-aged man stamping his feet was none other than Zhou Jiaqi. After finishing the game yesterday, he smoked half a pack of cigarettes to calm down.

When I got home at night, I lay on the bed, but the more I thought about it, the more angry I became. Finally, I finally figured out a way to solve it.

As a result, after I came to the office with confidence today, I saw that the screen was filled with Team Nail and the Transformed Sunny Team, Sandstorm Team and his transformed Rainy Team.

After seeing that what he had finally thought of yesterday was immediately solved, Zhou Jiaqi was even more angry and stamped his feet.

"Anchor, right? I want to see who has such a dirty heart!"

Zhou Jiaqi directly searched for the Nail Team on the browser, and a link to the live replay soon appeared.


After clicking in, Zhou Jiaqi looked at the familiar face in the lower right corner of the screen and fell silent.


"Let's go to the battlefield."

After eating and drinking, Lu Ze stood up, wiped his mouth and said to the two of them.

"What, you figured it out, the battle will start today?" Sui Yan asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes, if we don't fight, it will be embarrassing if we don't win enough games and can't even advance to the second round."

Lu Ze nodded and walked in front, and the three of them chatted while walking.

"Although I don't know how Uncle Ziyu set it up, but if you think about it, you will know that if you don't win enough games by then, there will definitely be something waiting for you."

"Indeed, but I'm curious..."

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Sui Yan nodded and then curled his lips.


Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin were both curious, waiting for his next sentence.

"Mystical Beast Man, are you really not coming to us anymore? We obviously defeated his supporters. According to the novel, this is already considered a slap in the face, right?"

As soon as Sui Yan finished speaking, a man in black in front turned around and looked at the three of them.

Finally, the man in black came to Lu Ze and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, I am Beast Man."

Haha, I didn’t expect it, I really broke out today!

Come on, come on, I want a monthly pass!


By the way, I would like to recommend a book written by a great person~

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