Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 640 The strange beast man

After the electric shock monster is over, the only remaining combatant is Onion Ranger.

There is something wrong with Onion Rangers.

But it's not a big problem.

Although Cong Youbing is a combination of offense and defense, it has a sword and a shield.

But maybe because of the Green Onion Duck period, or maybe because the swordsman master had a beard, the evolved Green Rangers are somewhat more focused on attack.

This situation is no problem when fighting a baby or evenly matched.

But in contrast, in this situation, he doesn't have the capital to leapfrog the Cross Bat, Charizard and the others to challenge.

As long as the attack doesn't work, Onion Rangers will be confused and don't know what to do.

This situation may be easy to resolve, or difficult to resolve.

It will take a long time for him to go from making good use of the green onions in his hands to making good use of both hands and integrating offense and defense.

But Lu Ze is thinking about it now. His idea is to let Cong Youbing integrate offense and defense.

But Cong Youbing's own thoughts are obviously more focused on attack.

"So, Onion Ranger, what do you think?"

Lu Ze looked at Cong Youbing seriously, but Cong Youbing hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Lu Ze saw Cong Youbing like this and understood what Cong Youbing was thinking.

On the one hand, it is what I like.

On the one hand, it is what my trainer wants.

This is a dilemma.

However, seeing Lu Ze's encouraging eyes, Cong Youbing slowly strengthened his decision.


When he watched Chong Youbing slowly lift up the green onion in his hand.

Lu Ze understood.

Onion Youbing chose the path of indomitable progress.

After seeing Cong Youbing's choice, Lu Ze also smiled in relief.

"In that case, I respect your choice."

"But you have to think about it. This road will be full of hardships. You will need to work harder than them to catch up with them. Are you ready?"


Onion Youbing nodded firmly, gently touched his forehead with green onion, and then touched Lu Ze's outstretched fist.

The fist collided with the green onion, and the strange waveguide power centered on the two of them, causing ripples to spread outward.

At this time, in a dark room hidden in the dark, a humanoid Pokémon raised its head slightly and looked in the direction of the waveguide.

After showing a slight smile, the humanoid Pokémon looked down at the people fighting below.

"come on!"


After the fist collided with Green Onion, Onion Youbing became more determined about his future path.

After Lu Ze solved the Pokémon's new training plan, he also looked at the mini dragons lying on the other side with a smile.

While Lu Ze was talking about the training plan to the combatants, Mini Dragon, Zoroa and Huhu were falling asleep nearby.

After all, they each perform their own duties and are not combatants.

Being cute is enough.

The fire-breathing dragon was one step ahead of Lu Ze, and after lifting Hu Hu, who was about to fall asleep, on top of his head, he stepped outside.

It's still early, take Ke Hu out to sober up.

There is a forest outside this training base, and players and Pokémon can go out.

In the forest outside are Pokémon cultivated by the country, and there are Pokémon of various levels.

And players can see the approximate strength level of the corresponding Pokémon through the battle cards in their hands.

But it's not open to them now.

First, you need to enter the second round of 300 people. After the second round, it is time to battle these "wild" Pokémon.

The assessment criteria for the second round include battle points with these Pokémon.

Battle points are also a very important assessment criterion.

At the same time, the country also loves these Pokémon very much.

Although they are used to train national team players.

But after losing their combat ability, they will not recover on their own like those Pokémon in the wild.

Instead, they will be taken to the Elf Center in the training base by specialized staff to recover their physical strength.

Of course, the regulations also stipulate the competition requirements for the players.

Players cannot attack after their own Pokémon's status stacks are full, like against wild Pokémon.

The requirements for fighting these Pokémon are the same as fighting between trainers, and they are all conducted fairly and impartially.

But this year seems to be a little different, because Zhuge Ziyu revealed it to him in advance.

Because this year’s teaching resources are strong, there will be a final assessment at the end.

Used to select the final thirty-five-man roster.


Sleepy ~

The mini dragon opened her eyes slightly. After seeing that it was Lu Ze who was holding her, she twisted her body, found a comfortable position, and closed her eyes again.

The same goes for Zoroa on the other arm.

It's nap time, time to sleep.

Lu Ze couldn't laugh or cry, holding the two little guys in his arms and rocking them to sleep.

After all, it was indeed too early for the two of them to get up this morning.

Soon, the two Pokémon gradually fell asleep under Lu Ze's shaking.

After the two little guys' breathing stabilized, Lu Ze carefully placed them on the Kirby beast's belly.

Kirbymon also fell asleep.

Without Lu Ze to hug him to sleep, he even fell asleep before Mini Dragon and Soraya.

Lu Ze looked at a big guy sleeping soundly and two little guys sleeping soundly and smiled helplessly.

"Let's go, let's go train."

After shaking his head fondly, Lu Ze was ready to take them to training.

Xiaohong is watching them here, so Lu Ze doesn't need to worry.

Xiaohong also understood what Lu Ze was thinking. After accepting Lu Ze's look, she waved her hand to Lu Ze clearly.

Don't worry, leave it to me.

After Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction, he took the Crossed Bat and the others out.

There is a place specifically for Pokémon training in the training base.

Like the training base at the Elf Center, the training rooms here are also large rooms.

The basic facilities inside are complete. If you need other uncommon training facilities, you need to ask the staff yourself.

Lu Ze went directly to open a training room.

Because today is the first day and everyone is basically playing against each other, there is basically no one in the training room.

Very easily, Lu Ze opened a room with the cards in his hand.

Although the staff looked at Lu Ze curiously, they didn't understand why someone didn't compete on the first day and participated in the knockout round.

But he didn't ask. After all, he was a staff member and this was not something he needed to consider.

While Lu Ze was working on a new training plan with the Pokémon, Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin were not idle either.

Sui Yan jumped up and started to challenge others.

However, Tang Yunqin was still curious about whether there were any boundaries to this rule.

So after studying the battle rules on the cards in the battle hand, I began to focus on studying the battles between other people.

According to Zhuge Ziyu, maybe after this big move, there may not be three hundred people left, right?

While observing, someone also approached Tang Yunqin and asked for a battle.

Tang Yunqin also accepted everyone who came.

Although her strength is not the strongest, she is not weak either.

Sui Yan played three games in one afternoon, all in the choose-three-from-six format.

After the battle, Sui Yan went to the Pokémon Center to treat the Pokémon and came to the training room opened by Lu Ze.

"How about it?"

"Win all three games!"

After Sui Yan sat down on the bench, he said to Lu Ze with a smile on his face.

"I've won four games, aren't you ready to go out?"

"I am not in a hurry!"

Lu Ze, who was doing the press, shook his head and said.

He still wanted to wait for the Beast Man to knock on his door.

What if the strength is exposed first and the Beast Man doesn't come?

Now that he knew that Beast Man's mythical beast was Reggie Locke, Lu Ze still wanted to try to see if they could defeat a mythical beast with the help of the Crossed Bat.

After all, with Mr. Wang Yi in front, it seems that it is not impossible for ordinary Pokémon to defeat the mythical beasts.

The bonus of the divine beast due to the covenant is too great, so a divine beast like this that has been conquered by an individual has become the best choice for testing the sword.

Of course, if the Divine Beast of Divine Beast Man is Rejichikas or Zygarde, then just pretend that Lu Ze didn’t say anything about it.

Regichkas wasn't sure, but if it was the complete Zygarde, Deoxys would have to play.

Even if Deoxys plays, he may lose the game if he is not careful.

Facing the complete Gundam, maybe only Super Rayquaza can collide with it, right?

Among the other mythical beasts Lu Ze knows, the only ones who can fight the complete Zygarde are Mewtwo, Deoxys and Kyurem.

As for the three of them, it can only be said that they can fight, but winning is probably unlikely.

Even 50-50 may not be possible.

After all, Zygarde is so powerful!

According to unofficial records, after the American Empire made an alliance with Yveltal, Yveltal went out once.

But later I came back with bruises all over my body, and I spent more than half a year recovering from my injuries.

At that time, Rayquaza was still in the Dragon Kingdom and had not left.

Although no one knew who Yveltar was going to fight with.

But the one who speculated the most was Zygarde.

After the alliance, Yveltal's strength skyrocketed, but she was sent back to the American Emperor to recuperate.

From this point of view, Zygarde's strength cannot be underestimated.

"There's really no need to worry. After all, there are some problems with the current rules."

At this moment, Tang Yunqin also pushed the door in and said to Lu Ze and Sui Yan.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Ze and Sui Yan were both curious and turned to look at Tang Yunqin and asked.

"Two hundred thousand can buy a victory."

Tang Yunqin smiled and came to sit down on the fitness equipment next to Lu Ze and said to the two of them.

"No way, two hundred thousand? Who would buy a victory?" Sui Yan was a little surprised.

"Someone will buy it."

After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he nodded and said, "The person selling it should know that he won't make it to the second round."

"Yes, the people who buy are basically not sure whether they can enter the second round and want to make a sprint."

Tang Yunqin also nodded and said.

Sui Yan was a little confused: "So, no one cares about this kind of thing?"


Tang Yunqin shook her head: "At least in the few transactions I saw, no one cared about this."


Lu Ze nodded and roughly understood: "We don't know what Uncle Ziyu is thinking, and it's useless for us to think about it."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he put down the barbell in his hand and asked Tang Yunqin, "So, how are you doing this afternoon?"

"Two wins."

Tang Yunqin curled her lips. After winning two games, no one came to challenge her.

Because she wanted to see if there was any way to manipulate the rules, she did not take the initiative to challenge others.

"What about you? If you keep doing this, you will be eliminated, right?"

"I'm not in a hurry. I'll train all morning tomorrow morning. If the beast man doesn't come to me in the afternoon, then I'll go out and challenge others."

Lu Ze smiled and didn't pay much attention to this.

He still has confidence in his Pokémon.

"The strongest one right now is the Divine Beast Man, and he is definitely one of the thirty-five people on the roster."

Sui Yan said, and after a moment of silence he continued: "The second ranked student is a student whose members are all senior-level Pokémon. He is as old as us, and like you, they are all talented players."

"Talented player?"

Lu Ze had a question mark, when did I become a talented player?

Am I not a plug-in type?

"Yes, like us, he just got his first Pokémon last year."

Tang Yunqin also nodded. She had obviously heard other people's comments.

"So, if you appeared today, you would probably be similar to them."

Sui Yan curled his lips. He had always been very convinced of Lu Ze.

So he was very unhappy with this situation where someone was on top of Lu Ze.

He felt unhappy that he couldn't surpass Lu Ze.

After Lu Ze heard Sui Yan's words, he couldn't help but be happy.

"Aren't you the same?"

Sui Yan was confused: "What am I?"

"If you show Reshiram, you will be the second beast man, okay?"

Sui Yan's eyes lit up: "Yes!"

"But unfortunately, taking the initiative to show off is not my specialty." Sui Yan spread his hands, shook his head and said.

"I understand, you like to be passive, right?"

"you got me!"

Sui Yan was so happy that he and Lu Ze started laughing together.

"But to be honest, why doesn't the Beast Man come to us?"

After Sui Yan finished laughing, he asked Lu Ze with a puzzled look on his face.

"According to what is written in the novel, such a proud man should come to take revenge after his supporters are slapped in the face."

"Either you challenge the strongest person under your command, or you challenge yourself. Why didn't you come?"

Sui Yan was a little puzzled. If he didn't come, wouldn't all my online novels for so many years have been in vain?

"that's true."

Lu Ze also didn't understand. Based on their behavior, wasn't this just a slap in the face?

Moreover, what Sui Yan did at noon today was completely consistent with what a villain would do. Why didn’t the Beast Man come?

"I see!"

Sui Yan thought and suddenly shouted excitedly.

"What do you unserstand?"

Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin were startled, but they didn't say anything. They just looked at Sui Yan curiously.

"What do you unserstand?"

"That guy, probably like me, has been reading online novels for many years!"

Recommend a book by a great guy!

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