Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 62 Opening of the Elven Secret Realm

"What's wrong?"

Dad Lu asked curiously, why did his expression change so much when he answered the phone?

Mo Qiancheng crouched on the ground holding his head in pain

"Elf secret realm, glowing..."

Father Lu was speechless: "Then you go, isn't this your job?"

"But, but I just arrived in Chang'an City, and I haven't rested yet. Even, even my trouser legs are still wet."

Mo Qiancheng raised his leg and said

Father Lu understood, he simply felt that he was a heavenly king, and he didn't look like a heavenly king when he appeared in front of everyone with wet trouser legs

Father Lu glared at him, took out his mobile phone and called the clerk, and asked the clerk outside to help buy a pair of new pants and come back

Lu Ze is also very excited, the elf secret realm is finally about to open

"Hello? Suiyan, the Elf Secret Realm is glowing. Have you picked up the Si Pot and Sonic Dragon? We are ready to go. See you in the Elf Secret Realm in the suburbs."

He hung up the phone after speaking

Suiyan was also very excited after receiving the news

"Dad, lend me the elf, I'm leaving now"

That's right, Sui Yan is with his father

Father Sui reluctantly took out two high-end balls and put them on the table

"Hey, take it"

Sui Yan happily picked up the elf ball and rushed out

"thank you dad"

A smile appeared on the corner of the old father's mouth

"Smelly boy, say thank you to me"

in the breeding house

Father Lu handed over the newly bought trousers to Mo Qiancheng with a look of disgust.

"If you put it on, hurry up and set off. The elf secret realm may be opened at any time after it shines. If you don't have you as the king when it is opened, you just wait for the official to beat you up."

"Do not worry"

Mo Qiancheng picked up his trousers and wanted to change them on the spot. The angry father kicked him on the spot.

"Change in the bushes, how come you look like a pervert"

"oh oh"

After a while, Mo Qiancheng came out from the bushes

"How is it, does it look good?"

"Looks good, let's go"

Father Lu was well aware of Mo Qiancheng's occasionally unreliable personality, so he urged helplessly.

"Okay, Ozawa, are you together? I'll take you with me."

"Okay, thanks uncle"

Lu Ze smiled obediently, who wouldn't take a ride with him?

Mo Qiancheng took out a poke ball and threw it out

"Come out, Steel Crow"

A mighty steel armored crow appeared in the open space

Elf: Steel Crow

Gender: Male

Attributes: Flying, Steel

Feature: Mirror Armor (when the elf of this feature receives a move or feature that reduces the opponent's ability, the effect can be returned to the move or the elf that triggered the feature)

Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: steel wings, stare, iron wall, arrogance, metal claws, grinding claws, pecking, random attack, provocation, bluff, brave bird attack, Mount Tarzan, cannon light cannon, heavy charge, trick, storm, self-motivation, Destroying light, ultimate impact, malicious pursuit, air slash...

Genetic Skills: Clear Fog, Tailwind, Feather Roost

Mo Qiancheng turned over and sat on the back of the steel armored crow, patted behind him, and motioned for Lu Ze to come up.

Lu Ze showed embarrassment

"Uh, that, Uncle Mo, my Big Mouth Bat and Little Snorkel are still over there, I'll call them over later"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he called out Geng Guidao in his own shadow.

"Geng Gui, call them for me, thank you"

Geng Gui's chubby hand gestured "ok"

Then sneaked into the shadow of the tree and quickly slipped towards the clearing of the forest

"Oh, by the way, this is Lucario's elf ball, you take it too, Lucario will go into the elf secret realm with you to protect you"

Lu Ze was a little moved

"Okay, thanks Dad"

Lu Ze took Lucario's elf ball and said to Lucario

"Then, please teach Lucario a lot."


Lucario reached out and put his hand on the switch of the poke ball, and he entered the poke ball

After Lu Ze collected Lucario's elf ball, the big-mouthed bat and the little squirrel also arrived

The big-mouthed bat flew slowly over the head of the little Snorkel, and the little Snorkel strode towards Lu Ze with great strides.

Seeing the two elves, Mo Qiancheng was overjoyed, and jokingly said to Father Lu

"Yo, the cultivation is good, you helped Ozawa to cultivate it?"

Dad Lu: Proud.jpg

"No, they were all cultivated by Lu Ze himself, but some of the skills of these two elves were indeed taught by the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon."

Mo Qiancheng turned slightly serious, and glanced at Lu Ze

I am about to awaken the power of waveguide, and the cultivation of elves is not bad, it depends on how good the command skill is, if the command ability is also good, then I should recommend it to the official, will they ask me less

Mo Qiancheng thought in his heart, and glanced at Lu Ze with some malicious intentions.

Lu Ze sensed Mo Qiancheng's gaze, and asked curiously after putting away the two elves

"What's wrong?"

Mo Qiancheng quickly shook his head to wake himself up, and said

"It's nothing, come up quickly"

Lu Ze sat on the Steel Armored Crow, and after saying hello to Father Lu, the two of them and an elf shouted in Mo Qiancheng.

"Take off"

fly into the air together

In the air, on the back of the steel crow

Because Mo Qiancheng felt that he was not in a hurry, the speed of the steel armored crow was not fast, just like that, Mo Qiancheng opened up the chatterbox

"Ozawa, is your initial elf a big-mouthed bat or a little squirrel?"

"It's a big-mouthed bat"

"Did you choose it yourself?"


"Haha, sure enough"

Mo Qiancheng laughed twice, Lu Ze was puzzled

"I picked it myself, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's a tradition in your family."

"Anyway, as far as I know, your grandfather's electric monster was obtained by himself, and your father's staff-tailed scale armored dragon was also picked by himself."

"It's really the same with you. I asked your dad before if he wanted to prepare elves for you. He said no. Later, after my arguments, he decided to prepare one for you."

Lu Ze tried hard to think back, "Dad prepared elves for himself? Why didn't he say that?"

"Children of the Moon Eevee"

Mo Qiancheng looked at Lu Ze who couldn't figure it out, and reminded with a smile


Lu Ze suddenly realized, recalling that the Ibrahimovic with the genetic skill of [round pupil] brought back by Lu's parents that day

Only then did he realize that the Ibrahimovic was prepared for him, but he didn't want it, because at that time he thought that a supersonic bat would be enough.

Seeing that Lu Ze understood, Mo Qiancheng continued

"Your grandfather, although you didn't prepare the initial elf for your dad at that time, but after your dad passed the supernatant exam, your grandfather gave your dad his Lucario's elf egg as a reward."

"I just saw your elf, and it's well cultivated, but I don't know how you can do in the exam. I heard that your grandfather has prepared elves for you."

Lu Ze became excited and asked

"Is it Lucario too?"

Mo Qiancheng glanced at Lu Ze with a smile, and joked

"You went to Beijing, you can ask your grandpa's Lucario if he can have another one."

Lu Ze touched his head in embarrassment, and smiled embarrassedly

Suddenly, Lu Ze seemed to remember something, and asked excitedly

"Then why don't you find a wife for my father's Lucario, I really like Lucario."

Mo Qiancheng whispered to Lu Ze with a weird expression

"Actually, the commander of my family is quite suitable, but you just saw it, and they fight when they meet. Is there any way for you to match them?"

As soon as Mo Qiancheng finished speaking, one of the elf balls around his waist began to shake wildly

He hastened to reassure

"Okay, don't say it, don't say it, my fault, my fault"

Although Mo Qiancheng's voice was very low, he was still heard by the commander of the chopping, so he shook

Lu Ze glanced at Lucario's Poké Ball strangely, why did he seem unresponsive?

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