Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 516 Mewtwo's Conspiracy

Then the eighth, the ninth, the tenth.

Soon, one morning passed.

The audience was a bit tired of watching, and finally judged the people who entered the second round.

There were thirteen people in total.

Fifty people entered thirteen, this year's judges are a little strict.

The second round is in the afternoon, and now it's time for dinner.

After picking up Tang Yunqin who jumped out from the backstage, Lu Ze took Tang Yunqin and Suiyan to the outside together.

There is a temple fair outside, so many delicious foods.

After receiving Tang Yunqin, Lu Ze closed the live broadcast room.

Regarding the question asked in the live broadcast room whether Lu Ze would have dinner with his brother, Lu Ze finally replied.

"Their staff have staff meals, which are in the backstage of the venue."

After explaining, Lu Ze turned off the live broadcast.

Eating is a private matter, how can it be broadcast live?

He is a good-looking anchor, not a food broadcast.

"Snappy, what do you want to eat?"

Lu Ze asked after releasing the Kirby.

Today, apart from Victini and Mini Dragons, only Snorlax followed.

(Deoxys does not count, he followed the mini dragon.)

Yesterday, for the elves, the freshness passed.

That's why Cong Youbing first proposed this morning, after not going to the temple fair with Lu Ze.

The remaining forked bats, charizards, electric monsters, iron claw lobsters, and Lattios also said that they would not come with Lu Ze today.

Xiaohong, Soroya, Mengmeng, and Manafei are also lying on the sofa, watching TV together, and don't want to go out anymore.

Chaomeng even expressed that he is not interested in human temple fairs, so he will not go today.

Lu Ze didn't force the elves like this, so in the end he only brought two little guys and a Kirby that looked like eating temple fair food.

In the morning, because it has been in the auditorium of the Gorgeous Contest, the Snorkel was not released.

Although in the end, Snorkel was given a little compensation.

"Hey, your popcorn."

Lu Ze said, and handed the newly bought bucket of popcorn to Snorby.

Just now, when Victini and Milongon were eating popcorn, Snorkel was drooling in the poke ball.

Just now when Lu Ze went to buy popcorn, he saw that cute little girl again.

The little girl was overjoyed when she saw Lu Ze, but then there was some resentment.

The reason is that Lu Ze is her client. Although she came to buy popcorn, she told her mother that her mother would pay him two yuan as agreed.

The resentment lies in the fact that because she didn't send it over, the errand fee of one yuan was missing.

But even so, when Lu Ze finally left, he still got a sweet cry.

"Brother, go slowly~"


Snorkel was so excited that he took the popcorn.

First, I carefully took one and tasted it.

Then the eyes lit up, sweet and crisp!

Then he was impolite, and directly grabbed it with his big hands and sent it to his mouth.

Although some were distributed to Victini and Mini Dragons during the period, the large bucket of popcorn Snorby was quickly eaten up.

After eating, Lu Ze handed Kabymon a handful of barbecue meat and a roasted sweet potato skin.

The three of them ate and strolled around, and soon found a big place where they could sit down on the Snorlax.

a corner.

After talking to the boss, Lu Ze took Suiyan, Tang Yunqin and Kabymon to buy together.

With Kirby around, they are not afraid of waste, so they order whatever they see and want to eat.

Anyway, it is Lu Ze who treats guests, and Sui Yan will not be polite to him.


Back in the morning, Chaomeng came out of the house as soon as Lu Ze went out.

After calling the Onion Ranger, Forked Bat, Charizard, Iron Claw Lobster, and Electric Shock Beast to Lu Ze's room, the elves held a meeting.

"I told you yesterday, what do you think, do you want to join me?"


(Six-on-six all-hands battle, we only have five now, is it okay?)

Chaomeng looked at the cross-word bat and said: "Of course it's no problem, you don't believe in yourself, don't you believe in me?"

Forked Bat is helpless, compared to Ozawa, I really don't trust you much.

But even though he thought so in his heart, the forked bat didn't show it.

Lu Ze didn't want to participate in this competition, but she still wanted to participate.

For combat, Forked Bat is no weaker than Onion Ranger, and she also enjoys fighting very much.

So, this time, she finally had a chance, and she didn't want to let this chance go away.

"How? Do you believe in yourself, in me?"

After listening to Chaomeng's words, the elves looked at each other and nodded firmly to Chaomeng.

Well, we believe in ourselves!

"Well, very good, let's put it this way, you go to the poke ball first, and wait for me to sign up with Soraya."

Chaomeng nodded in satisfaction. Just trust me. I will prove to you that I am more suitable to be a trainer than Lu Ze!

At this time, Chaomeng has selectively forgotten the one-on-one defeat by Lu Ze and Snorkel on the new island that day.




"Don't worry!"


"Ku Qi!"

At this point, the jug on the fire-breathing faucet made a different opinion.

"Kuqi Kuqi Kuqi."

(Since you are not enough, why don't you count me? I am also very good at fighting, okay!)

Chaomeng was silent for a while.

"Well, well, count you in, let's go!"

As Chaomeng said, he used the Pokeballs of the elves that Lu Ze had left at home to collect the cross-bats. After that, Chaomeng picked up Lu Ze's usual Pokeball satchel.

After putting all the shrunken poke balls into the satchel, Chaomeng looked at his appearance in the mirror of the closet and felt a little joy inexplicably.

"Hmph, Lu Ze!"

After Chaomeng smiled triumphantly, he used superpowers to control Soraya who was watching TV below and let him fly up.


Soroya waved his hands weakly at Liu Xiangjun and Lu Ma who looked surprised, and then entered Lu Ze's room under the curious eyes of Mengmeng and Manafei.

"We're off!"


(Got it~)

Still looking weak.

Chaomeng frowned, and then imitated Lu Zede and asked Soraya to lie on his shoulders.

It's a pity that Chaomeng's shoulders are not thick, so Sorolla slipped off quickly.

Chaomeng frowned looking at Zoroya with a pair of dead fish eyes.

He didn't want to hold Soraya, which didn't match his Mewtwo-sama's temperament.

As for putting Zoroya on his head?

Chaomeng never even thought about this idea.

In the end, Chaomeng flew out of the window with Soraya.

As for Sorolla, Chaomeng is being fixed on his shoulders with superpowers at this time.

Bros! Apply!

Can I change the daily update to 6pm?

By the way, shamelessly ask for a monthly pass ヾ(^▽^*)))

I want to be on the list! Ball~

love you~

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