Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 502: At Your Own Consequences

An orange-red figure flashed past, and slammed into the jewel starfish, knocking the jewel starfish into the air.

"Who! Damn it!"

The big man looked around viciously, and finally his anger stayed on Sui Yan who was trying to squeeze in.

"Stinky boy, you are the one who ruined my good deeds, right?"

The vicious big man grabbed Suiyan by the collar as soon as he stepped forward.


But the next moment, the big man's arm was slapped hard.

"Really, it's not civilized at all."

After straightening his collar as if nothing had happened, Sui Yan taunted at the vicious man.

"I don't even think about it, can there be a different-colored miniature dragon here? It's obvious that it has a master."

As Sui Yan said, he was about to take out his mobile phone and make a call to Lu Ze.


There was another sound, and Sui Yan looked at the hand of the vicious big man cheerfully and laughed.

"Some people really don't have a long memory."

As Suiyan said, he touched the head of Miaowahua beside him, and then waved to the confused miniature dragon in the sky.

"Come on, they don't dare to do anything here."


After Mi Nilong screamed excitedly, he swooped down towards Suiyan.

Just when Suiyan stretched out his hand to take the mini dragon into his arms, a pink figure flew past him with a "swish".

Then, the miniature dragon rushed into the arms of the fire-breathing dragon.

Of course, it was Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon.

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon came out to play with the pot on its head, and then relied on magical telepathy to find the fire-breathing dragon that was also brought here by Sui Yan.

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon looked at it, hey, it's not bad to follow Suiyan.

Then, behind Sui Yan were two different-colored fire-breathing dragons.

Along the way, Sui Yan was full of eyes, but he was so proud that he even wanted to akimbo.

After the miniature dragon rushed into the arms of the fire-breathing dragon, it coiled around the shoulder of the fire-breathing dragon very skillfully.

Then, the fire-breathing dragon, the miniature dragon on the fire-breathing dragon's shoulders and the pot on the top of the fire-breathing dragon, the three elves all stared fiercely at the big man in front of them.

Although the mini dragon was fierce, it also reacted at this time.

Judging from the sneak attack of the gem starfish just now, that person is definitely not a good guy!

"Nonsense! That's obviously a wild elf!"

The vicious man saw the two different-colored fire-breathing dragons behind Suiyan, and immediately became vicious.

After completing this vote, there is no need to worry in this life.

The next step is nothing more than going abroad to be chic, anyway, it's not like I haven't done this before!

The vicious man was thinking in his mind, and he didn't care about Sui Yan, who looked like a student.


Sui Yan sneered: "You're blind, don't you know if it's wild?"


The mini dragon also raised its chest, and roared fiercely at the opposite side.

Although there is no deterrent effect.

"Cunning tengu, iron palm wrestler, do it!"

The vicious man made a decision in an instant, threw the elf ball and attacked Suiyan.

"I'm going, why is this person like this!"

"It's true that the law is just a display if the public makes a move!"

The crowd watching on the side saw that someone had made a move, and immediately dispersed.

"Mongoose Slash!"

"Fire Lion!"

"Optical frill lizard!"

"Wrestling Eagle!"

"Stop him!"

At this time, some people also saw that something was wrong, so they released their elves to try to stop it.

"Oh, mob!"

The vicious big man snorted coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the elves who came to stop them were blown away.

"Damn it, this guy at least has the strength of a quasi-king!"

On the side, a middle-aged man who looked like an office worker had a gloomy face, and took his Flame Lion back with a look of displeasure.

"Indeed, I can't beat it!"

Another person who looked like a student was also lost.

"But I called the police!"


As soon as the vicious man heard that he had called the police, he immediately decided to make a quick decision.

"Jewel Starfish, don't play anymore, quick battle!"

The wind speed dog has no way to take the gem starfish.

But Gem Starfish can't keep up with Wind Speed ​​Dog, so Wind Speed ​​Dog is very happy to fight guerrilla warfare here.

However, with the recall of the vicious big man, the wind speed dog can no longer fight a guerrilla war, so he can only try his best to circle around, trying to slow down the support speed of the gem starfish.

On the other side, the Coal Turtle directly activated [Sunny Sky], together with two fire-breathing dragons, it launched an attack on the cunning Tengu and Iron Palm Lux.

Miaowahua was not idle, and opened the [Green Grass Field].

Then, under the double blessing of [Sunny Sky] and [Green Grass Field], [Sun Beam] kept bombarding the Iron Palm Warrior.

At the same time, Kettle and Mini Dragon are not idle.

The miniature dragon continued to extend 【Sunny Day】.

Hu Hu was playing support, first came to the iron palm wrestler with a [power split], which directly cost more than half of the iron palm wrestler.

Then, put a [stomach juice] on the cunning tengu who also has the characteristic of [chlorophyll], and successfully eliminated the characteristics of the cunning tengu.

After the characteristics of the cunning tengu disappeared, he was no longer so fast, and could only start head-to-head with the two fire-breathing dragons.

But even so, the situation on Suiyan's side is still not very good.

Although the onlookers wanted to help, they couldn't help much.

As for the elves, they can't beat others.

They wanted to catch that man directly, but seeing the Dark Crow standing on the shoulder of the vicious man, they had no choice.

The Dark Crow is not bad either, and the few elves that rushed up just now have been overthrown by the Dark Crow.

"Roentgen Cat, you too!"

Seeing that his elves hadn't taken down each other for a long time, the vicious man didn't care about it, and directly released his last elf, just thinking about a quick victory.

"Aren't we going to make a move yet?"

"It's okay, wait and see how long this little guy Suiyan can last."

"It's okay, but the security of this place is really not good. It's been fighting here for so long, and no one has come yet."

"Indeed, brother, remember to make arrangements for this problem later."

The expressions of the two people hidden in the crowd were calm, and they didn't mean to be flustered at all, but one of them had a bad complexion.

"Charizard, super evolved!"

With the addition of the Roentgen cat, the elves who were already invincible were even more uncomfortable.

When Roentgen cat enters the arena, it is a large-scale [discharge], regardless of enemy or friend.

But because of the difference in strength, in fact, the damage suffered by the elves on Suiyan's side is lower than the damage received by the other party.

Now Suiyan couldn't bear it anymore, and directly let the fire-breathing dragon super-evolve.

Sui Yan's commanding ability is not as good as that vicious big man on the opposite side. He can barely command two elves at most now, and the rest can only be performed by the elves themselves.

"Super evolution?"

The vicious man was a little dazed, but soon he saw the fire-breathing dragon that had evolved again.

"Go together!"

The vicious man's eyes were fixed, although he didn't know what would happen with this evolution.

However, it would be nice to simply push down the uncertain factors.

"Stop, you're forcing me to bear the consequences!"

Suiyan didn't want to try how much he weighed at this time.

It is really distressing to see the Super Charizard being surrounded by opponents.

"Cut, keep fighting, what can you do to wait for me? Do you do it at your own risk?"

After the vicious big man sneered, Sui Yan couldn't take it anymore, and yelled directly to the sky.

I'm going to have surgery tomorrow, I'm panicking, my little heart is beating

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