Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 480 Won the extra meal!

Derek Morgan's face turned dark the moment he saw the wind speed dog.

And the result was not as expected, Derek Morgan was quickly defeated.

Then the people present began to challenge one by one.

But all have failed.

Su Tingxi took the fast dragon up, but was educated by the stabbing shell.

After coming down, Su Tingxi looked at Tang Yunqin with strange eyes.

But he didn't think deeply, he just thought that he was really not as good as Chaomeng.

Next, Angula, Suiyan, and another Beijing University student also went up.

Not surprisingly, they also failed.

Chaomeng is also quite a thief, and they all use attributes to restrain their elves.

In one-on-one situations, it is really difficult to be restrained by attributes.

After all, we are all top students from various top universities, and their strengths are similar, at most there are two or three stronger ones.

Like Arthur Roach.

Lu Ze has been watching him for a long time, and the three evil dragons that have already appeared on the stage defeated the biting land shark of Suiyan fire-breathing dragon. These two quasi-gods are his elves.

And being able to defeat Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon means that his biting land shark's strength is indeed superior to Suiyan's and his fire-breathing dragon.

After all, the strength of the two fire-breathing dragons is similar.

Although there is no super evolution, it is also very illustrative.

"Next, I'll come!"

Fugui took a deep breath and stood up.

He wants to find the way for the master.

Even lose! I also want to lose a news that can make Master win!

"You? I don't remember that I invited you!"

Chaomeng looked at Fugui with a look of displeasure.

One who didn't have an invitation was mixed in.

I haven't found out yet!



Chaomeng frowned, and Fugui was thrown away.


Everyone was puzzled.

Chaomeng was also puzzled.

I have kept my ears up for so long, what about the sound of "Plop!" falling into the water?

Only Lu Ze looked normal on the field, because he knew that it was Deoxys who protected the wealth.

Although wealth is still in the water, it is not thrown into it.

Instead, after Fugui saw the two Russian bears on the water, he jumped off the superpower platform that Deoxys created for him.

"Brother, have a drink? Why were you thrown out too?"

Seeing that Fugui was also thrown out, the people of Russian Xiong immediately became happy, so they invited Fugui to have a drink on the back of the Roaring Whale King.

"Oh, stop talking, he said I don't have an invitation card, hiss! Good wine!"

"Haha, of course, but you don't have an invitation card, why did you get in here?"

Fugui was not too polite, he climbed directly on the back of the Howling Whale King and started drinking.

When the two Russian bears saw Fugui like this, their favorability immediately increased greatly, so they quickly added another glass of wine and asked.

"My master, he has received the invitation, and I came with him. By the way, what's the situation with them?"

As Fugui spoke, he gestured to the two islanders floating on the sea in the distance.

"They? Scumbags, don't worry about it, drink!"

The Russian bear looked at the two islanders with disdain, and then asked Fugui.

"Master Ni? Who, aren't there all young people?"

"Ha, let me tell you, my master..."

Lu Ze had no idea that Fu Gui, who was thrown out, had already had a drink with two Russian bears.

He's watching Arthur Roach fight right now.

Arthur Roach used a Sonic Dragon this time, which was equally powerful, not much different from his Bite Land Shark.

But at this time, Sonic Dragon is at his home court.


But he was still overwhelmed by the beating.

Sonic Dragon also began to doubt himself at this moment.

Can anyone tell me what's going on with that forked bat on the opposite side?

Why is his speed faster than my quasi-god?

Sonic Dragon has already begun to doubt life at this time.

He thought that speed was his strong point, but today he was taught a lesson by the elves in terms of speed.

Just like that, Sonic Dragon, who hadn't touched the cross-bat the whole time, fell down.

Arthur Roach frowned and took Sonic Dragon back.

Although he was prepared in his heart, he never thought that he would lose so quickly and so powerlessly.

"It seems like I'm the only one left."

When Lu Ze saw that everyone's eyes were on him, he couldn't help feeling a little shy.

It's not that I insist on the finale, it's that I just lost my mind.

Lu Ze was a little embarrassed, but he was really thinking just now, how can he win the game without revealing that the opponent is full of copy elves.

Everyone present is not stupid. Although they have never been in contact with the copying elves, they have vaguely grasped something.

If Lu Ze is putting the forked bat on it at this time, then they are basically sure.

Because the fighting style of the forked bat is too obvious, as long as they play, they will be found to be the same elf.

In this case, the head of copying the elves will be opened.

This is definitely not a good thing for this world.

Copying lifeforms, no matter which world it is in, is a taboo among taboos!

"Go, Snorkelling!"

Lu Ze threw his elf ball, and then a huge Kirby appeared on the field.

"I'll go, it's so big!"

"It's more than a circle bigger than the usual Snorby!"

People looked at Kirby in surprise, and then at Lu Ze.

Unexpectedly, this finale really has two brushes.

At least this Kirby doesn't look weak.


Chaomeng murmured, seemingly showing a hint of a smile.


With Chaomeng's wave, a Kirby of the same size appeared on the field in the shadow.


The faces of all the people present changed dramatically, two Snorbys of the same size and height!

"Damn it!"

Lu Ze looked at the people on the sidelines, and immediately knew that they had understood what was going on.

But now that this is the case, there is no other way but to follow the trend and see how it develops next!

"Longguo, Shangqing, the number one first-year student, Lu Ze, the nurturer!"




Everyone who hadn't recovered from the shock of copying the elves couldn't help but be full of question marks when they heard the word breeder.

"Cultivator? Number one in the first grade?"

Now, everyone's eyes were fixed on Sui Yan and the others.

Su Tingxi and Tang Yunqin lowered their heads involuntarily after feeling the gazes of the crowd.

Afterwards, Tang Yunqin raised her head abruptly.

Why am I bowing my head? I'm not from the combat department either, I'm a coordinator.

"Why are you looking at us?"

Sui Yan was not at all ashamed to be ridden on the head by the breeder, but instead shouted at the crowd with confidence.

"You guys are clear? The number one first grader is a nurturer?"

"That's right, what's wrong?"

Everyone was helpless and was defeated by Sui Yan.

They can't just say, "Your No. 1 is a breeder, and your combat department will lose face", right?

"It's amazing, the number one in Shangqing is actually a cultivator."

Although it can't be said clearly, no one can control it if it is said secretly.

"Tch, what's the matter? Our fourth place a year ago is still a coordinator."

Sui Yan looked at the student from Great Britain with disdain and said.

This time, Tang Yunqin lowered her head again.

Brother, why are you talking about this! Are you proud?

Tang Yunqin secretly looked up at the triumphant Sui Yan.

Hmm, very proud indeed.

Everyone was speechless and ignored Sui Yan, but turned their heads to look at the field.

The two Snorbys on the field have already started fighting, and the fighting style is exactly the hand-to-hand combat that Snorkels are good at.

At the beginning, Lu Ze's Kirby had a slight advantage.

Because Snorlax can use different moves with its two fists.

But soon, the copying Kirby also learned this trick, so the two Kirby became evenly matched again.

"It should have been copied recently, otherwise the strength would not be exactly the same."

Lu Ze looked at the two Kirby beasts with a sullen face and thought.

In this case, Chaomeng's strength has been determined to be higher than that of Latios and Latias.

After all, the Forked Bat and Snorbeast were not with Lu Ze only during training.

But Deoxys has been following Lu Ze (crossed out) the mini-dragon.

It is impossible for Chaomeng to be much stronger than Deoxys, and because Deoxys' main task is to protect Lu Ze, his perception has always been fully open, and there is no situation where Chaomeng cannot be found.

In this case, if Chaomeng can collect the hairs of the forked bats without Lu Ze's knowledge, it must be collected during their training.

The strength is almost recent, but Latios and Latias were also there during the recent training.

If they didn't find out, it can fully explain that Chaomeng's strength is much stronger than them!

"Snorby beast, arm hammer!"

Lu Ze's waveguide was fully opened, and he found the back shake that copied the Snorby beast after using the skill, and immediately yelled at the Snorby beast.


A shot of the [Arm Hammer] directly knocked the clone Snorkel away.

The gigantic body of the Kirby was blown away, so one can imagine how much force Lu Ze used to get the Kirby.


Chaomeng frowned, and then Lu Ze saw from the waveguide a mass of pink energy falling on the replica Snorby.


Lu Ze looked at Chaomeng with disbelief.

I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would cheat too?

After Chaomeng stared at Lu Ze's eyes, he couldn't help showing embarrassment, and quickly commanded the clone Snorkel to launch a fierce attack.

"Make up for it later..."

Chaomeng couldn't help but think in his heart as he watched Lu Ze's Kabimon retreating steadily.

He can't lose here, if he loses, the follow-up plan will be affected, in that case, what he said at the beginning would be like farting.

Chaomeng's indifferent eyes swept over everyone on the field.

Originally based on his pride, he should have defeated the opponent with the copy spirit of the opponent's spirit.

But before starting, he couldn't help but think of what Suiyan said when he went to get the hair of the Suiyan elf.

"Haha, we are trainers, how much energy can be saved by attribute restraint, but we don't use it. What's the difference between this and a fool?"

In this way, Chaomeng directly changed his fighting style.

That's right, I'm the strongest elf trainer in the world. If I don't restrain my attributes, what's the difference between me and a fool?

Even so, he didn't understand what Sui Yan said.

Sui Yan was talking about all players playing against each other, but he chose one-on-one.

And it was the opponent who played the elves first.

Maybe he didn't expect that he would directly become an advantage in the beginning.

Although this is the case, but for some reason, when Chaomeng faced Lu Zede, he subconsciously returned to his original intention.

I will use your spirit to defeat you!

Therefore, the scene became a duel between two Kirby beasts.

"Fuck! You forced me to do this!"

Lu Ze looked at the suppressed Kirby in the arena with a displeased expression, and couldn't help but say a word of Chinese quintessence.

"Snorby, win and go back for extra food!"

Three thousand words in two chapters, six thousand words per day, I'm so awesome! *. (ˊωˋ*)*.

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