Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 48 The Quarterfinals Begin

"The fire pedipale was defeated by the same move for the second time, this time he didn't stand up, the victory is already divided!! The little Kabimon wins!"

Luo Xiaoxing retracted the fire scorpion that fell to the ground in a lonely way, forced a smile, nodded to Lu Ze, then turned and left.

Lu Ze looked at Luo Xiaoxing's back, and responded. Unfortunately, Luo Xiaoxing, who was in a hurry to treat the fire scorpion, didn't see it.

Lu Ze wasn't in a hurry to take back the little Kabymon. The little Kabymon was already smiling and walked towards Lu Ze swaggeringly.

Lu Ze squatted down, smiled and touched the head of the little Kirby, and then the two walked off the stage together

After treating the little Kabymon, Lu Ze returned to the place just now, facing Sui Yan's envious and hateful face

"Hey, why didn't I make it to the quarterfinals?"

"Because of your food"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes, turned Sui Yan's face away, and listened carefully to the voice of the commentary

"The quarter-finals still continue the 15-to-8 competition system. Soon, our first round of draws will come out. Please stay tuned."

The faces of the players on the big screen scrolled symbolically for a while, and then the faces of the two players appeared on the screen

"The result of the draw for the first match has come out, huh? Tang Yunqin, who had a bye in the last round, is the first contestant to play in this round."

"The other player is~ Zhang Mo, I look forward to a wonderful match between the two players"

"Go ahead, come on"

Yin Hanling encouraged Tang Yunqin who was about to play

No one understands why the two of them have such a good relationship on the first day they met today (scratching head.jpg)

"Both sides release elves"

"Go - big tongue shell"

"Go - Magic Wall Doll"


The flag falls, the battle begins

"Glutella - retracted into the shell"

"Magic Wall Puppet - Hi-Five Surprise Attack"

The magic wall puppet rushed towards the big tongue shell quickly, but no matter how fast it was, it couldn't be faster than the instinct of shrinking the shell

So the magic wall puppet just slapped the shell of the big tongue shell. Although the damage was not high, it still triggered the flinching effect

"Magic Wall Puppet - Spirit Wave"

Zhang Mo commanded the magic wall puppet to use [spirit wave] to attack the weak side special defense of the big tongue shell

Big Tongue Shell was hit by the magic wall puppet's [Spirit Wave], but it didn't come out

"Big Tongue - Rock Blast"

Stuck in the gap just after using the magic wall puppet's skill, Tang Yunqin commanded the big tongue shell to launch an attack quickly

The big tongue shell that got out of the shell stared at the magic wall puppet that was very close. Five rocks hit the magic wall puppet one by one very quickly, knocked him back a little distance, and retracted himself into the shell, waiting for Tang Yunqin's next command


Zhang Mo felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't know whether the big tongue shell used the skill [shrinking into the shell] or instinctively shrinking the shell?

If it is [shrink into the shell], then he can completely let the magic wall puppet use the [again]

What's the use of [shrinking into the shell] three times even if it increases the physical defense, the [spirit wave] of the magic wall doll is a special attack, no matter how unlucky, three or four times are enough to take away the shell that does not have enough special defense

(Spiritual wave - the damage of each use of the skill is different, ranging from ten to one hundred)

But if it was an instinctive shell shrinking, after three [Rock Blast] strikes, the magic wall puppet still owed him half of its strength.

"Forget it, never mind, Magic Wall Puppet—Spirit Wave"

The magic wall puppet continued to use [Spiritual Wave], maybe this time it was a little high randomly, and the shells of the big tongue shells were slightly opened

"Big Tongue - Rock Blast"

[Rock Critical Strike], which is still stuck in the attack gap, still hits all five attacks, although none of them trigger a critical strike

Now Zhang Mo understands that the big tongue shell is definitely a [continuous attack] characteristic, not a [hard shell armor] or [dustproof] characteristic

After all, it is luck to shoot five consecutive shots once, but it is very likely not to do it twice.

It's a pity that he understood it too late. On the field, the magic wall puppet was obviously exhausted and began to pant heavily.

Zhang Mo was still thinking about using hypnotism for the next attack, anyway, the big tongue shell is still hiding in the shell

But now it can't work, he still has to consider whether to use [Protection] to block Da Tongbei's next skill, or it will be uncomfortable to take him away as soon as he uses the skill.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the battle between the two still has to consider the issue of skills. Zhang Mo will definitely use [Surprise Attack] in the first round

And the big tongue shell also retracted directly into the shell. At this time, hypnosis can be used directly, but he knows that the big tongue shell will first add one [water jet], and if the hypnosis is used directly, it will be interrupted.

So use [Spiritual Wave] to test it first, and then directly use [Hypnotism] after being interrupted

However, after the magic wall puppet used up its skills, Big Tongue Beka directly used the [Rock Critical Strike] that he had never seen before.

It also hit five shots at once, and then retracted into the shell again. If you use [Hypnotism] this time, it will still be interrupted, and [Again] has also been said before, and it can’t be used. You can only use [Spiritual Wave] once.

But the result is still the same, and the characteristics of the big tongue shell [continuous attack] have been tested. Unfortunately, it is too late at this time, and the two [rock critical strikes] have already knocked out most of the physical strength of the magic wall puppet.

Now if [Protection] is not used, the [Water Jet] can take away the magic wall doll directly. If [Protection] is used, if the opponent is not [Water Jet], the success rate of his [Protection] in the next round is too low

Zhang Mo gritted his teeth

"Time is too short, take a gamble"

"Magic Wall Puppet - Spirit Wave"

Zhang Mo bet that this [Spiritual Wave] can be randomly powerful enough to take the big tongue away. What if he didn't use [Water Jet]?

But Tang Yunqin is not Tie Hanhan, of course he can see that the physical strength of the opponent's magic wall puppet is exhausted

After all, he ate the [Rock Crit] that doubled the damage twice in a row, and it was already considered his physical strength if he didn't fall down.

So Tang Yunqin did not hesitate at all, and directly directed the big tongue shell

"Big Tongue - Water Jet"

[Water jet] hit the body of the magic wall puppet very quickly, and the body of the magic wall puppet fell slowly, turning its eyes in circles.

It sounds slow, but in fact the battle passed very quickly. The two elves were fighting head-to-head, taking damage from each other, but the big tongue shell took up an attribute to restrain it.

"The magic wall puppet can't fight, but the big tongue wins"

After the referee announced the result of the battle, Tang Yunqin smiled happily and took the big tongue back

This smile was also captured on the big screen by the director's close-up

Explanation Two eyes jump out of red hearts

"Wow, Tang Yunqin's smile literally entered my heart, mom, I'm in love!"

Everyone in the audience laughed

Mr. Mo pulled Dad Lu excitedly and said

"Look, look quickly, this is the girl who was with Ozawa that day. Let me tell you, you will definitely not lose out on being your daughter-in-law with this girl, how pretty she is!"

"If that brat Mo Qiancheng can find this kind of girl, you can bury me in there, and I can laugh and come back to life."

Father Lu smiled wryly and comforted

"Mo Lao, Mo Lao, don't get excited, don't get excited, let the children decide about the children, we don't participate, we don't participate"

"Let me tell you, you can't help but participate. Mo Qiancheng is a lesson learned from the past. If I had..."

Tang Yunqin walked down and clapped Yin Hanling's hands happily, which made Lu Ze's raised palm look very awkward, so he had no choice but to wrap his arms around Suiyan's shoulder

Lu Ze was puzzled, "Huh? Don't you usually give me a high five? What's going on today?"

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