The white light dissipated, and two brand new elves appeared in front of everyone.

Elf: Electroshock Warcraft

Gender: Male

Attribute: electricity

Feature: Power Engine (Pokémon with this feature is not affected by electric-attribute moves, and if it is hit by an electric-attribute move, its speed level will increase by one level. This feature can only ensure that it is not harmed by electric-attribute moves, but it cannot Attracts electric attribute moves.)

Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: electric shock, lightning flash, earthquake, charging, high-speed star, electric shock wave, electromagnetic wave, harsh sound, discharge, kick down, megaton punch, megaton kick, tile split, bottom kick, volt replacement , 100,000 volts, iron tail, DD gold hook arm...

Inherited skills: Frozen Fist, Flame Fist, Thunder Fist, Cross Chop, Double Chop.

Elf: Dharma Baboon (Look like Gale)

Gender: female

attribute: ice

Features: Bodhidharma mode (change form when the body's physical strength is less than half, and become a Bodhisattva mode form, replace or restore more than half of the physical strength or restore the form after the battle.)

Qualification: orange

Basic skills: icicle crash, fine snow, bite, provocation, avalanche, self-motivation, frozen teeth, head hammer, frozen fist, noisy, belly drum, flame jet, flame fist, flame teeth...

Inherited Skills: Enhanced Punch, Arm Hammer, Freeze Dried, Chi Fist.

"Great, Electric Shock Monster!"

"That's great, Dharma Baboon!"

Both of them jumped towards the evolved elf happily at the same time.

But the difference is that Tang Yunqin pounced on Dharma baboon.

Lu Ze, on the other hand, watched the electric shock monster hug her son in his arms.


Lu Ze stopped and scratched his head in embarrassment.

But soon, Lu Xingguo's Electric Shock Beast grabbed Lu Ze and hugged him in his arms.

"Why don't you guys come to a battle, and my electric shock monster is also here, let him see how his child is growing up."

Suddenly, a voice came from the side, it was Lu Xingguo's voice.

"Uh, grandpa, why are you here?"

After Lu Ze came out of the arms of the two electric shock monsters, he looked at Lu Xingguo and asked curiously.

Lu Xingguo slipped the Ibrahimovic from his hand, and said to Lu Ze, "I need some Ibrahimovic hairs, so I came here to grab one and take it back."

Ibrahimovic in Lu Xingguo's hand was very excited at first, but after seeing Lu Ze, he suddenly froze down.

Not only did he keep pushing into Lu Xingguo's arms, but he also tried his best to only touch his butt to Lu Ze, preventing Lu Ze from looking at his face.

But everything came to naught after Lu Xingguo lifted him up.


There was no way, Ibrahimovic, who had already been lifted up, had to smile reluctantly, then waved his front foot to Lu Ze and said hello.

"Hello, little Eevee."

Lu Ze also saw Ibrahimovic's movements, so he also greeted Ibrahimovic.

After greeting each other, a different idea emerged in the hearts of one person and one elf at the same time.

"This guy doesn't seem to recognize me!"

"This guy, is he quite polite?"

"Grandpa Lu~"

"Hey~ good."

Lu Xingguo smiled and nodded to Tang Yunqin, but he didn't say much.

At home, Lu's mother has already said a lot, and there is a high probability that this Tang Yunqin is his granddaughter-in-law.

As for the small probability, it is someone else.

Lu Xingguo happily looked at Tang Yunqin who was blushing a little, and then at Lu Ze who was dumbfounded, and immediately hated iron for being weak.

"Well, not necessarily, Ozawa, emmm has never been in a relationship, is it a bit straight."

Before Lu Xingguo could think about it, Lu Ze turned to Tang Yunqin and asked.

"How about it, do you want to have a fight between the Bingdama Baboon and the Electric Shock Beast? Show the mother of the Electric Shock Monster the strength of her child."

"I'm fine."

Tang Yunqin nodded, then looked at the Bing Dharma Baboon again: "Where are you Bing Dharma Baboon?"


The Bingdama Baboon raised his hands and nodded confidently.

"Then come on, I'll be the referee for you."

"Okay!" ×2

"How about it, do you know how the Bingdama baboons fight against each other?"

Before the referee was seated, Lu Ze teased Tang Yunqin and asked.

"Tch, don't underestimate me."

As Tang Yunqin said, she flicked her ponytail and walked towards the opposite side of Lu Ze.

There is nothing particular about the battle here, and there is no need for any professional battle field.

This is a wild environment, but even if it is destroyed by the battle, there will be special people to repair it and restore it to its original state.

"Come on, Ibrahimovic lands, and the battle begins."

Lu Xingguo smiled, and lifted Ibrahimovic into the air.

It seems that Ibrahimovic is playing this role for the first time, so even though he was lifted up in mid-air and let him fall freely, he is still very excited.

"Okay!" ×2

Once again speaking in unison, the two of them and the two elves were ready, looking at each other full of fighting spirit.

"Now, the game begins!"

As Lu Xingguo said, he let go of his hand, and soon, Ibrahimovic fell to the ground.


"Icicle crash!"

The moment Ibrahimovic landed, the two commanded the elves to attack at the same time.

Huge icicles and electric currents competed in the air, but soon both dissipated at the same time.

"The strength of the electric shock beast is stronger than that of the ice dharma baboon?"

Tang Yunqin was a little puzzled, she calculated quickly in her head, and she understood it after a hasty calculation.

Under the same strength, the [Discharge] of the Electric Shock Monster should not be able to stop the [Icicle Crash] of the Ice Fire Red Tumbler.

But the electric shock monster just blocked it.

Although real battles cannot use data to explain the problem, it can also reflect some problems.

"Ice dharma baboons, fine snow and self-motivation!"

"Electric shock monsters, spray flames!"

Whatever you do, if you let the snow go, I'll burn him all with fire!

[Xinxue] collided with the flame, and the water mist immediately covered the position between the two elves.

The moment they saw the mist, their eyes lit up at the same time.

"Electric shock monster, rush to cross!"

"Ice Dharma Baboon, hurry up and strengthen!"

Tang Yunqin looked nervously at the place where the water mist rose, for fear that there would suddenly be a burst of flame or an electric monster rushing towards it.

However, even if Tang Yunqin was nervous, it couldn't change the charge of the electric shock beast.

The electric shock monster passed through the water mist, and its eyes changed when it saw the ice dharma baboon being strengthened, and then directly used [A flash of lightning] to accelerate, and instantly appeared in front of the ice dharma baboon.

【Cross chop】

The electric shock monster with its hands crossed looked at the Bingdama Baboon in front of it, and without the slightest hesitation, it directly smashed down on the Bingdama Baboon's face.

If this is done for real, the Bingdama baboon will peel off its skin even if it does not die.

When it was chopping down, the electric shock monster seemed to see the desperate eyes of the ice dharma baboon.

"Get moving!"

Tang Yunqin looked nervously at the Bingdharma baboon.

She regretted it very much now, if she knew that the speed of the electric shock monster was so fast, she would not let the ice dharma baboon strengthen it.

After a wave of greed, he corrupted himself to death.

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