Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 401 Restructuring the Weather Team

After Liu Xiangjun and Angula finished speaking, they gave lectures to the students again.

"This is the flaw of a single-attribute team. Just like Sikong Ling's pure fire team, if you meet a dragon-type elf who knows water-type skills, not only can you not hit him, but he will do more damage to you."

"So, this is the reason why I have always disliked the Weather Team. The shortcomings are too obvious, and the shortcomings are all the same, so it is very easy to be pushed by others."

"But teacher, you can't deny that the weather team is easier to learn and cultivate than ordinary teams, and its strength is not low after it is formed."

Liu Xiangjun looked at Garcia who was talking and nodded: "Indeed, what you mentioned are the advantages of the weather team, but this does not hinder the disadvantages of the weather team I just mentioned."

After speaking, Liu Xiangjun turned his head to look in the direction of Suiyan and Fugui.

"Suiyan, Wang Quan, you two come to show the composition of your team."

Suiyan and Fugui nodded, and then walked towards the field.

Liu Xiangjun knew that Lu Ze was already writing the thesis on the restructure of the weather team.

But whether it is Lu Ze or Lu Xingguo, Liu Xiangjun and the others all know it.

After the publication of this paper, although it is theoretically feasible, it will definitely be controversial, after all, there are no practical examples.

Although some people will try, mainstream voices will still criticize the authenticity of his thesis.

There are even some people with sinister intentions who will stand on the moral high ground and criticize Lu Ze, accusing his thesis of destroying the future of those who follow the method in his thesis to form a team.

So Lu Ze discussed it with them during the National Day.

It is said to release the thesis first, and then wait for Suiyan and Fugui to grow up to prove the authenticity and feasibility of the thesis.

At most one year like this, after the formation of Suiyan and Fugui's team, Lu Ze's thesis will be recognized by the public.

Compared with publishing after the example is available, if it is released before the example is formed, although it will be scolded, but after it is confirmed, people's acceptance will be higher.

Therefore, Lu Xingguo, Father Lu, and Liu Xiangjun agreed to Lu Ze's idea after discussing it.

And now is an opportunity to let the restructured weather team appear in front of everyone.

Although there are a little less people now, the acceptance ability of students is much stronger than that of adults.

"Which of you two will come first?"

After Suiyan and Fugui came on stage, Liu Xiangjun asked.

Lu Ze had told him about the sunny team, the sandstorm team, and even the rainy team, so she also knew the reason and significance of these elves.

"You go first, the Sandstorm team is easier."

"Fart! Team Sunshine is easy!"

Fugui lashed out at Suiyan, but still released his elves.

Fugui's current sprites are Dragon Head Gopher, Shakira, Yongkila and Shellless Sea Hare.

Casey has evolved into Yongkira, but Shakira still hasn't been able to evolve into Bankira.

After Fugui released his elves, Liu Xiangjun began to comment one by one.

"It can be seen that Wang Quan wants to form a sandstorm team. After all, after Shakira's evolution, Bankila has the characteristic of [sand blowing], and can directly open the [sandstorm] weather. At the same time, Bankila is in the [sandstorm] 】Under the weather, the special defense is increased by 1.5 times, which gives Banjila a strong platform ability."

"Although Bankira has many weaknesses, he has strong attack power and has a lot of attack surfaces. The Sandstorm team is a weather player and output player."

Looking at the serious students, Liu Xiangjun nodded in satisfaction, and then continued.

"Second, the leading gopher, needless to say, one of the Sandstorm team's output players, whether it is the speed of the [Sand Shaking] feature improvement, or the rock, steel, and ground attribute skills of the [Sand Power] feature. , are all powerful thugs in Team Sandstorm."

"The third one, Yongkira."

Speaking of this, Liu Xiangjun paused and observed the students' reactions.

After seeing that most of the people showed puzzled expressions, Liu Xiangjun continued to explain slowly.

"After Yongjila evolved into Hudi, it added the special attack damage that the Sandstorm team lacked. At the same time, Hudi's [Magic Defense] feature can also block the additional damage of the Sandstorm, which is the most difficult to insert other elves in the Sandstorm team."

Seeing that the students nodded their heads although they didn't quite understand, Liu Xiangjun felt relieved.

It seems that there should be no problem with the publication of Ozawa's paper.

"As for the shellless sea hare, let Wang Quan explain it to you."

When Liu Xiangjun saw that Fugui's last elf was a shellless sea hare, she also froze for a moment.

This Ozawa didn't tell me!

Because of this shellless sea hare, what Liu Xiangjun wanted to say the most, about the shortcomings of the weather team, she couldn't say.

After all, the properties of adding water to the ground of shellless sea hares are similar to those of the other players of the Sandstorm team, and they are also restrained four times by the grass type.

"The role of the shellless sea hare is to defend against one of the natural enemies of the sandstorm team. The sea hare with the [water diversion] characteristic of the water elves is an insurmountable obstacle for the water elves."

"Then, what are you going to do, grass-type elf?"

After Fugui explained, Liu Xiangjun asked again.

She is also very curious about this issue. Now she is afraid that Lu Ze will not be able to solve other shortcomings. In this case, even if the paper is published, it will not make much sense.

"For the Grass type, you can rely on other elves for defense. The Tyrannosaurus and the armored bird can form a perfect defense. Of course, the Grass type is no problem."

"But, in this case, wouldn't the Tyrannosaurus not be hit by [Sandstorm]'s additional damage?"

Liu Xiangjun asked what everyone wanted to ask.

Fugui spread his hands: "Yes, but the grass elves on the opposite side will also be injured. At this time, I, the violent dragon, [Jet Flame] will finish off the opposite side."

"In this case, if the grass-type elf on the opposite side is gone, I can replace the Tyrannosaurus. At this time, I can directly replace it with Bankira or the leading gopher to reap the endgame."

Liu Xiangjun was stunned, and the students were also stunned. Garcia and Angula on the side of the US emperor were also frowning and thinking.

They all have the same feeling now, which makes sense, but it just doesn't look right.

Fugui looked at the silent venue, and patted Suiyan on the shoulder helplessly.

(I can't help it, it's up to you.)

Sui Yan raised his eyebrows.


Looking around at the silent field, Sui Yan didn't let them get used to them, he released his elves directly, and then spoke.

"Fugui is stupid, it's hard to explain, you should take a look at my Sunny Team first."

"The first one, Coal Turtle, Weather Hand, is there nothing wrong with it?"

Everyone nodded.

Well, it's okay, I understand this.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Fire-breathing Dragon, Vulcan Moth, DPS Hand, all right?"


Everyone nodded again, nothing wrong.

"Finally, the Frog Seed's joint defense is aimed at Team Rainy Day and Team Sandstorm. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Hmm, huh?"

No, wait, there's something wrong with this!

But before they raised any objections, Sui Yan continued.

"Finally, Elle Duo, there's nothing wrong with quickly attacking the elf of the weather hand?"

"Well, that's it. In fact, Team Sunshine is very simple."

Sui Yan said, and took the elves back again.

"There is something wrong, hey, listen to us, hey!"

Three chapters today! Please reward me!

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