Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 391 Chapter Name Is Really Difficult

Lu Zhengjie excitedly counted with his fingers: "Guai Li and Snorkel, Lucario and Iron Claw Lobster, or Snorkel, Jack Rabbit and Electron, and for the last match, I will play Let's have a game with the newly hatched porter and your recently hatched green onion duck."


Lu Ze nodded, and then sent out his own waveguide.


Soon, the cross-word bat flew over, and then jumped into Lu Ze's arms.


"Forked Bat, how is your training going?"

Lu Ze caught the cross-bat, that is to say, the cross-bat withdrew its strength, otherwise it would definitely be knocked down to the ground.


The cross-word bat pointed at the dead dog-like fire-breathing dragon behind it with its wings, and proudly raised its head at Lu Ze.

"Awesome, it's all thanks to you that the fire-breathing dragon is so powerful, go back and give you extra food."

Lu Ze smiled and touched the head of the forked bat, then waved to the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon rolled his eyes helplessly, but still accelerated and flew over.

"Hey, look at the sweat on your body."

Lu Ze looked at the fire-breathing dragon as if it was fished out of the water, and poked the fire-breathing dragon's arm pretending to be disgusted.


The fire-breathing dragon felt aggrieved and disliked me. Obviously, I would take a shower every day before going home, humming.

"Haha, well, I won't tease you anymore, do you have any energy cubes, eat one after training, the effect will be better."


The fire-breathing dragon nodded triumphantly, and patted the small satchel on his chest.

(I just ate it!)

"Ku Qi?"

After a while, a small head popped out of the backpack, which was just like Hu Hu who had just slept comfortably in the small satchel.

"Ku Qi?"

Huhu stretched out his forefoot and scratched his head, then looked at the fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon spread out its hands, and I didn't make it either.

After the fire-breathing dragon and Huhu finished communicating, Lu Ze patted Lu Zhengjie with a smile, and said, "I'm here to fight him."

As he said that, Lu Zeyou smiled slyly: "Charizard, please, help me call the Kirby beasts here."

Lu Ze said, and then handed the Poke Balls of Snorkel, Electroshock, Scallion Duck and Iron Claw Lobster to the Charizard.

The fire-breathing dragon's face drooped. Although he was a little reluctant, he still spread his wings with the pot and flew towards the back mountain.

Generally, when the elves go out for training, the elf balls are carried on Lu Ze's body.

Now he wanted to hurry, so Lu Ze directly gave the poke ball to the fire-breathing dragon, and let them go directly into the poke ball and be brought back by the fire-breathing dragon.

This way is faster, otherwise, with the speed of Snorby, Lu Ze and the others can still have lunch here.

While Lu Ze and the others were waiting, Xiao Hong suddenly rushed out of the woods.

"Hello, Xiaohong, where did you go to play just now?"

Lu Ze was taken aback when he saw Xiao Hong rushing out, but he quickly reacted.

He himself asked Xiaohong, who was guarded by the forked bat, that forked bat came to train, and Xiaohong should have been brought here directly by the forked bat.

Xiaohong looked at Lu Ze, smiled very happily, and raised her hand to signal the peach fruit in her hand.

Then he ran over quickly and gave one to Lu Ze, Forked Bat and Lu Zhengjie.

In fact, just now Xiaohong was training with the forked bat and the fire-breathing dragon in the form of Latias.

And as a jet, she has a lot of experience in fast flying, so she also taught many high-speed flying skills for the forked bat and charizard.

After that, Lu Ze came suddenly. After feeling the waveguide emitted by Lu Ze, the forked bat flew directly to Lu Ze.

And Ladias also quickly changed back to Xiaohong's appearance.

But seeing the fire-breathing dragon dripping with sweat, she didn't want to sit on the fire-breathing dragon's back, so she told the fire-breathing dragon to let him go back first and walk over by herself.

On the way, after Xiaohong saw the peach tree, she suddenly had an idea, and then picked a few of them and brought them back.

At this time, Xiaohong, who was eating peaches, couldn't help but praised her wit.

"she is?"

"Oh, my friend's child, I'll take care of it for two days."


Lu Zhengjie nodded, although he was a little puzzled why he didn't ask someone else to take care of him, but a student who was going to school to take care of him.

But he also understands a little bit, after all, some people have no friends.

Just like him, he basically has no friends, and because of his only child, he has no brothers or sisters.

So this is why he will be more excited after knowing that there is a brother like Lu Ze.

Before Taotao had finished eating, the charizard came back with a pot and a few elf balls.

As soon as he came back, the poke ball was opened, and then Snorkel, Electric Shock Beast, Iron Claw Lobster and Onion Duck came out of the poke ball.


After seeing Lu Ze, Kabimon was a little excited.

After seeing Lu Ze eating, he became even more excited.

"There's only one bite left."

Lu Ze was a little bit dumbfounded, showing the little Taotaoguo with only a little leftover to eat, and said.

Snorkel also touched its head in embarrassment. He ate all the edible berries they trained as snacks, and now he can only look at the empty yellow leaves in a daze.

"Come on, Snorbeast, come and fight, I still have something to eat here."

After Lu Ze threw the remaining mouthful of peach fruit into his mouth, he lifted his backpack and said to Snorby.


Kabimon immediately became energetic, puffed up his chest, smiled excitedly, patted his chest and looked at Lu Zhengjie beside him.


Lu Zhengjie looked at the eyes of Snakemon, smiled too, and then threw his elf ball.

"Go, Lucario, Guaili, jackrabbit, porter."

"Pyridine, pyridine, pyridine, pyridine."

After the four voices sounded, the four white lights also condensed the appearance of an elf.



"Cool fan~"


"Get to know each other, these are my brother's elves."



Kabimon and Lucario greeted each other first, and then the elves greeted each other and got to know each other.

Except Charizard.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon was already lying paralyzed on the big rock beside him, resting.

"Guai Li, wait a minute, you're going to fight Snorby."


Guai Li just said hello to the Kirby, and heard Lu Zhengjie's words, then looked up at the huge Kirby, then looked at his own height, then turned to look at Lu Zhengjie, pointed at Lu Zhengjie with wide eyes. point to oneself.

Lu Zhengjie nodded with a smile: "That's right, wait a minute, it's indeed a battle between you and the Kirby."


After confirming the strange power, his eyes became firm in an instant, and after nodding to Lu Zhengjie, he turned back to look at the Snakemon, looking around, as if he was looking for a way to defeat his opponent.

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