Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 387 Ladias Appears

In the evening, Lu Ze looked at the excited electric beast and smiled. It seemed that he had already adjusted himself, so there was no need to persuade him anymore.

"It's time to eat~"



Following the calls of Lu Ze, Mini Dragon and Snorby, the Charizard Iron Claw Lobster and the others quickly came to the dining table and sat down.

Lu Ze had no class this afternoon, and wanted to comfort the electric shock beast, so he was busy all afternoon, and then came up with such a large table of dishes.

(Wow, let me just say, I'm on the right track!)

The little red who just came to the table next to her was drooling, and her eyes seemed to be on the food.

After waiting for the elves to sit down, Lu Ze raised the drink in his hand.

"Come on, today our new friends are coming to stay for two days temporarily, let us welcome new friends."






"Don't worry!"


After the elves yelled one after another, they all raised the cups in their hands.

If you can't lift it up, just lie there and drink.

Looking at this posture, Xiaohong narrowed her eyes happily, and raised her cup to them.


After drinking a glass of drink, Lu Ze looked at the eager eyes of the elves and waved his hand.

"Look at me, eat!"

"Oh hoo~"

The elves cheered and started to move.

Kirby's eating looks are relatively gentle, just eating a roast chicken in one hand and a fried chicken in the other.

The same goes for the miniature dragon, today's fried food is simply too much for her appetite.

The other elves were also very happy to eat, even Xiaohong stuffed fish with chopsticks and fried fish with one hand.

"Eat slowly, don't worry."

Lu Ze smiled and watched them eat.

As a chef, if the guests eat happily, that is the greatest affirmation for him.

After eating and drinking at night, Lu Ze was lying on the belly of the Snake in the room, and when he was about to fall asleep in a daze, he thought of this.

"Huh? No, I remember locking the door when I left. How did Xiaohong get in?"

But Lu Ze didn't think about this question, and then fell asleep.


"Morning, Xiaohong."

Seeing Xiao Hong who got up in a daze, Lu Ze greeted her with a smile.

"Breakfast will be ready soon, wait a moment, Ang."

Xiaohong nodded obediently, and then Lu Ze continued to work in the kitchen.

And Xiaohong also obediently sat on the sofa and waited for breakfast to be ready.

After Lu Ze finished cooking and came out, he saw Xiaohong on the sofa, and Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It would be great if my daughter is so cute and obedient in the future.

Smiling and shaking his head, he put the thought behind him.

"Xiaohong, little ones, it's time to eat~"

Following Lu Ze's shout, the elves quickly sat down at the dining table and began to eat.

"By the way, Xiaohong, I have class today, what are you going to do?"

Xiaohong ate the delicious food with a happy smile on her face. After hearing Lu Ze's words, she pointed to the forked bat, and then continued to eat.

"You mean, did you follow the cross-word bat?"

Lu Ze asked with some doubts, but the cross-bat is also fine. After all, the cross-bat has also taken care of many babies, so there is no problem in taking care of Xiaohong.

It's just that the cross-word bat needs training, and sometimes it will go far away when it accelerates. In this case, Xiaohong can't keep up.

Xiaohong nodded, and then Lu Ze looked at the forked bat again.

The cross-word bat also nodded lightly, and after expressing that there was no problem, Lu Ze told the cross-word bat.

"She is still a child, remember not to stay too far away."



"Remember not to be too far away from Xiaohong."


After Lu Ze finished his breakfast, he packed up his backpack, took the mini dragon with him, and got ready to go to class.

Before going out, don't forget to tell the cross-word bat not to stay too far away from Xiaohong.

The cross-word bat didn't show the slightest impatience. After nodding, it waved its wings to Lu Ze, signaling Lu Ze to go to class quickly and don't be late again.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."



After Lu Ze left, the elves also took action one after another, and each started to do their own things.

The Kabimon grabbed the Onion Duck with its big hands, and then walked towards the pool in the back mountain with the Electric Shock Beast and the Iron Claw Lobster.

The fire-breathing dragon on the other side was also ready. He put the pot in his small satchel, and then grinned at the forked bat.

The cross-word bat also nodded at the fire-breathing dragon, and then prepared to grab Xiaohong and go to the small forest together.

Just when the forked bat was about to grab Xiaohong, Xiaohong suddenly stretched out her hand to stop the forked bat.

While the cross-word bat was in a daze, Xiaohong suddenly transformed into Latias.

(Hee hee, little sister, this is what I am.)

(You, too, an elf?)

Latias grinned.

(Of course, remember to keep it a secret for my sister, I don’t want Ozawa to know that I am an elf.)

The forked bat tilted its head slightly.

(However, it is not good not to tell Ozawa.)

(Don't you want to see what Ozawa will look like when he finds out that I am an elf?)

Following the temptation of Latias, the forked bat couldn't help but imagine Lu Ze's reaction when he saw that Xiaohong was an elf.

(Apparently, it's also quite fun.)

Forked Bat was still a little girl after all, and after thinking about Lu Ze's reaction, a smile of a successful prank appeared on her face.

(Right, trust me, he'll have a funny face then.)


The forked bat said, and then collided with Latias' hand with its wings.

Deal done!

(The two over there, I leave it to you to persuade.)

Ladias smiled, pointed to the stunned Charizard, and said to the surprised pot in the Charizard's small satchel.

(give it to me.)

The forked bat raised its head proudly at Latias, and then squinted at the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon shivered immediately, and then stretched out his right hand violently.

(Don’t worry, big sister, I won’t say anything.)

After speaking, the fire-breathing dragon felt uneasy again, and then grabbed the pot, and the dragon's claws pinched a thousand feet of the pot.

(Juhu, you wouldn't say it, would you.)

Hu Hu looked at the ferocious expression on the fire-breathing dragon's face and curled his lips, pretending to be nothing like it.

But in the end, Huhu patted his chest to the Charizard and said to the Charizard.

(Don't worry big sister, I'm not the kind of person who can chew my tongue.)

After Huhu finished speaking, the fire-breathing dragon looked at the forked bat with a proud face, as if waiting for the praise from the eldest sister.


Seeing the fire-breathing dragon like this, the forked bat couldn't help laughing anymore, and said after giving the fire-breathing dragon a blank look.

(Okay, let's go, today's training is about to start.)

(Well, good big sister head!)

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