Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 37 Miss Qun'er

Lu Ze nodded after listening, then turned to Tang Yunqin and asked

"And you, is there anything we should pay attention to?"

Tang Yunqin nodded: "Yes, it's Miss Qun'er, and the characteristic should be [Chlorophyll], because she turned on [Sunny Sky] when she played, and her speed has improved significantly."

"In terms of skills, [Sunny Day] [Growth] [Take Root] [Parasitic Seed] [Super Absorption] [Photosynthesis] [Shake Dance] [Butterfly Dance] [Sun Beam] is very difficult to hit, recovery, status skills, and [Sun Beam] that doesn’t need to be charged under a sunny day”

"And her trainer's command is also very good. I fought very hard. This is still the case of attribute restraint. If it wasn't for the luck in the end, [Ice Cone] hit two critical strikes out of five attacks, and we still have to spend more time there." with"

"But fortunately, he is of the grass type. Our elves have a lot of restraint against him. As long as he is not consumed to death, it will be fine. However, the speed of the small Kabimon is relatively slow, so we still have to pay attention to status skills, and Also pay attention to the trainer on the opposite side."

Tang Yunqin spread her hands and tilted her head and said, the trainer on the opposite side is indeed very strong, and has pushed Big Tongue Shell into a desperate situation several times. If Big Tongue Shell didn't have the genetic skills [Life Droplet] and [Water Flow Ring], it might have been defeated long ago. up.

Lu Ze folded his hands and nodded: "Indeed, according to what you said, my little Kirby is really difficult to fight against him. The speed of the little Kirby is still too slow, and I am very afraid of that kind of status skills. This kind of main output is a long-range attack, you can only use [Earthquake] or forcefully rely on [Finger]"

Sui Yan was a little curious: "I remember that the little Snorkel can learn long-range skills, and the special attack is also good, what do you think? [One Hundred Thousand Volts] [Jet Flame] [Frozen Beam] can learn anything."

Lu Ze was helpless: "I don't have time, brother, look at how many skills the little Kabimon has learned in this period of time, the little Kabimon is stronger than the beast, of course I have to learn physical attack moves first, this time the baby cup In the future, the little Kabimon must learn long-range attack, otherwise it will be too passive."

Sui Yan stood up and stretched his waist and asked

"Okay, then you work hard, is the meeting over? I'll go back to sleep first, I wake up too early in the morning, sleepy"

Lu Ze laughed: "Your uncle, every time you are the last to arrive, you still have the nerve to say that you got up too early, okay, the meeting is over, and everyone goes back to their respective houses."

The three of them joked about Suiyan and walked out the door. After Lu Ze sent them to the door, he went back and waited for Lu's parents and mother to get off work before going home together.


no words all night

The next day when the main match started, Lu Ze came to the Baby Cup stadium with Lu's father and mother, because he had agreed with Lu's father that after Lu Ze entered the main match, he would come to watch his match.

In addition, there is another person, although he did not come with Lu Ze's family, but he arrived outside the venue early

"Grandpa Mo, it's so early"

Seeing Mr. Mo standing outside the door, Lu Ze felt a little embarrassed and went up to say hello.

Mo Anguo smiled and touched Lu Ze's head

"When you get old, you sleep less. If you get up early, you come early. Let's go, let grandpa see your strength."

Lu Ze nodded obediently: "Well, yes, just watch it."

"Okay, Lu Wu boy, let's go in first, he is a contestant, it's fine, we have to find a seat"

Mr. Mo waved to Papa Lu as a signal.

Father Lu took two steps forward quickly. He also knew that Lu Ze was going to wait for his little friend here, so he didn't say much. He just said "Come on" when he passed by Lu Ze.

After Lu's mother passed by, she also said "Come on", and the three of them walked into the venue together.

Lu Ze waited outside the venue for a while, and the four of them had already gathered. As expected, Sui Yan was the last one to arrive.

Entering the players' rest room, Yin Hanling had sharp eyes, and immediately saw Lu Ze and the others, and quickly stood up and waved to Lu Ze

"Lu Ze, here, here"

Lu Ze also waved to her and walked towards her, Tang Yunqin asked curiously

"Is she the ghost trainer you mentioned yesterday, are you familiar with it?"

Lu Ze was a little strange: "Huh? I'm not very familiar with you, I met once yesterday, and then added Fetion"

Tang Yunqin exclaimed: "You guys also added WeChat?"

Lu Ze was puzzled: "Huh? What's the matter, why are you acting so weird today?"

Tang Yunqin ground her little canine teeth, and said angrily, "It's okay!"

Lu Ze let out an "oh" and continued to walk towards You Yuyou and Yin Hanling

Tang Yunqin shook her fist threateningly behind Lu Ze, while Sui Yan and Su Tingxi laughed like crazy beside her.

Last time when I was at the Elf Elf Main Store, Su Tingxi couldn't understand why Sui Yan was trying so hard to hold back his laughter. On the day he went back, he asked Sui Yan what was going on on Fetion, and Sui Yan also dutifully sent Lu Ze She told Su Tingxi about her love and hatred with Tang Yunqin.

As a result, the team has developed from Suiyan holding back laughter alone to now two holding back laughter together.

Lu Ze walked up to You Yuyou and Yin Hanling, and introduced to them

"Hey, Sui Yan, you guys met yesterday, this is Tang Yunqin, this is Su Tingxi, both are my friends"

Tang Yunqin: "Hello"

Su Tingxi: "Hello"

Yin Hanling looked puzzled at Tang Yunqin who was looking at her all the time, but she still said friendly

"Hello, I'm Yin Hanling, and this is my foster husband, Youyuyou"

You Yuyou blushed and said, "Hi, I'm You Yuyou, Yin Hanling's brother"

"Tong Yang Fu!!?"

Tang Yunqin looked at Lu Ze in surprise, Lu Ze was puzzled

"Huh? What do you think I am doing? Didn't I tell you?"

Tang Yunqin gave Lu Ze a hammer: "What did you say, when did you tell me?"

Lu Ze scratched his head: "Okay, I guess I forgot."

You Yuyou and Yin Hanling laughed at the same time, and Yin Hanling also noticed the smile on You Yuyou's face, and couldn't help being a little happy.

When she went back yesterday, she discovered that You Yuyou not only took the initiative to talk to others, but also showed a smile that no outsider had shown for a long time, and when he returned home and mentioned Lu Ze, he was also in high spirits, not at all like before. Looked uninterested.

So Yin Hanling decided to get in touch with Lu Ze and the others again today. If it is confirmed that Lu Ze is a good person, then You Yuyou may have his first human friend since he was born (Yin Hanling is a daughter-in-law, not counting, the first A friend is Gengar)

"Hey, by the way, Lu Ze, you haven't told me your address yet. I bought a lot according to the list you sent me last night. It's probably enough for them to eat for a while, but there are too many. I want them to send them directly. The goods are delivered to your door, but unfortunately I don’t have your address.”

Lu Ze patted his forehead: "Oh, I forgot this, it's okay, you can fill it in now, and just send it to the elf store in the south of the city, it's my home, I usually make elf food there Do"

"Mmm Good"

As Yin Hanling said, he picked up the phone and started to operate it. After a while, he looked up at Lu Ze with some embarrassment.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Um, that, I bought (σ'ω')σ at your house"

There is another chapter to follow, so stay tuned

I'm a man who wants to do two shifts a day!

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