Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 351 Tabnai!


"Hello, Eevee~"


Lu Ze greeted Ibrahimovic who was watching TV on the counter, and then hugged him up.

"Huh? Seems like you've gained weight?"


"Hahahaha, okay, okay, not fat, not fat."

After Lu Ze laughed twice, Ibrahimovic gave Lu Ze a blank look, then broke free from Lu Ze's arms and jumped out, continued to lie on the counter and watch TV, and ignored Lu Ze.



The miniature dragon's laughter was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Now, Lu Ze couldn't hold back his face at all.

"Mom, hold the mini dragon first, and I'll go find my dad."

"Okay, let's go."

Mother Lu hugged Mi Nilong, she didn't care about Lu Ze at all, she just waved her hand to signal him to leave quickly.

Lu Ze curled his lips, and finally walked back without saying anything.

What should I do if I feel that I am not favored after having a mini dragon? Ask online, very urgent!

Seeing Lu Ze walking back, Deoxys in the air hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to stay and watch the mini dragon or follow Lu Ze.

"Deoxys, you stay here first, and you can come back when I call you."


Now Deoxys no longer struggled, and stayed beside the mini dragon.

Lu Ze walked through the elf egg area and entered the research institute through the back door.

After going out the back door, there is an elf cultivation area of ​​the research institute.

In the original elf cultivation area, there were only elves cultivated by researchers and elves who cooperated with experiments.

However, there were not many elves at that time, and it seemed so empty in this large elf cultivation area.

It's different now, with the addition of Lu Ma and Lu Ma's Elf Store, the Ibrahimovic, Pikachu, and Ugly Ugly Fish families that used to live in the Elf Store in Chang'an City have all been transferred to this place.

In addition, in some elf shops, the elves who hatched before selling out before they came, are now also in this area.

And because there are more elves in this area, Mama Lu's almost dolls have also obtained their certificates to work here.

Similarly, Lu's father and Lu's mother's Sun Ibrahimovic and Moon Ibrahimovic also live here.

Now the elves of Lu Ze's family are either in the backyard of Lu Ze's house or in the backyard of the research institute. Except for Lu Ze, Lu Ze's elves are all with him.


"Ha, Papa Menus, the skill hit rate is a bit low."


Just as Lu Ze avoided the saliva of the old man in the lake, Menus sneered, and the old man spat at Lu Ze again.

"Hey? Menus, you don't care about your husband, who spits all day, how unhygienic."

After dodging the second saliva attack from Father Menus, Lu Ze said dissatisfiedly to Menus who was watching the fun.


Menus yelled with a smile, and didn't care about the business between the two of them.

"Okay, then don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing Menus like this, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

"I'm not who I used to be, iron claw lobster, water gun!"

Lu Ze said, and at the same time quickly released the iron claw lobster, and fired a water gun at Menus who was unable to react in time.

Looking at the stupefied Menus, Lu Ze laughed and took the iron claw lobster back.

"Hahaha, I'm leaving first, I'll play with you next time I have time~"

Before the words fell, Lu Ze had already run away.

Menus, who was still watching the fun in the lake, suddenly laughed out loud, then looked at his husband who was still in a daze, and cast a reproachful glance at him.

It's all right now, I was returned and sprayed water on my face.

But in the final analysis, it still belonged to her husband, and Menus didn't say much to his father, but gently stroked the water droplets on his face with his tail.


Looking at the touched father of Menus, Menus turned around proudly and swam towards the middle of the lake.

Papa Menus laughed foolishly, and quickly followed his wife.

Lu Ze, who had run far away, stopped when he saw that there were no pursuers behind him, and released the iron claw lobster again.

"Give me a high-five, well done Ironclaw Lobster."

"Don't worry."

The iron claw lobster reluctantly stretched out its claws and touched Lu Ze's fist. He didn't understand, it was just a little prank, and why was he so happy?

But what he didn't understand was that his shot of the [water gun] represented Lu Ze's farewell to the oppression by Papa Menus in the past.


Suddenly, a voice of surprise came, and then Lu Ze was thrown onto the grass.


"Haha, almost doll, long time no see."

Although Lu Ze was startled when he was thrown down, he quickly realized that the voice was that of Lu Ma's almost doll, so he didn't resist and let the almost doll throw him down.

"Ou sauce!"

"Qi...Qi Wu."

Just after the almost doll threw Lu Ze down, two different voices came over.

First of all, after the sweet and cold beauty, she was dissatisfied with almost dolls throwing Lu Ze down.

After that came the Iron Claw Lobster, who for some reason kept staring at the almost doll who threw Lu Ze down.

"Ou sauce!"

Tian Lengmei was dissatisfied, and stretched out a cane whip behind her to help Qi Wawa and Lu Ze up.

Then, before almost the baby could react, a pounce also pounced on Lu Ze.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a long time, sweet and cold and beautiful."

"Ou sauce~"

At first, I was still a little annoyed that I didn't throw Lu Ze down. After finding out that I was hugged by Lu Ze, I immediately got into Lu Ze's chest with a blushing face, and clung to Lu Ze's chest tightly. Ze.

The almost dolls on the side didn't feel dissatisfied at all, and were still immersed in the joy of seeing Lu Ze.

Although in terms of age, the doll is almost younger than Tian Lengmei.

However, if they are arranged in other places, the sweet and cold queen is the youngest sister in Lu Ze's family, and the almost doll is the same as Nian Meilulong, playing the role of the eldest sister.

However, the difference between the almost doll and the sticky beauty lulong is that the sticky beauty lulong is the kind of majestic big sister, and the almost doll is the kind of gentle second sister.

After seeing Lu Ze's surprise, the almost baby began to look around in circles to look at Lu Ze who was holding the sweet and cold beauty.


(Why do you seem to be a little thinner?)

As a doll who watched Lu Ze grow up, no change in Lu Ze could escape her eyes.


Looking at the serious almost doll, Lu Ze also understood what she meant.

"I have a good meal."

Lu Ze was a little helpless. He had indeed lost some weight in the past two days. After all, the food in the Dark Secret Realm was not good, and he had indeed lost some weight compared to before school started.

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