Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 336 Future Screen


Two shots of [Dragon's Breath] hit the big rock snake's forehead at the same time.

After the big rock snake wailed, it fell down unwillingly.

The huge body hit the ice, but did not cause any damage to the ice.


The boss fell to the ground just like that when he saw the big rock snake, so he threw two more poke balls with ferocious eyes.

"Go to Giant Charcoal Mountain, Hot Monkey!"

"Spray flames! Cross chop!"

The [Jet Flame] of Jutan Mountain swept over, but was suppressed by the same [Jet Flame] of Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon.

The fiery monkey rushing up from the side was also hit by Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon [Dragon's Dive] and fell down at a faster speed, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Charizard, split tile!"

The younger brother's opponent has been resolved, but his own opponent has not been resolved.

How can this work?

The fire-breathing dragon stared, then gathered the strength in its hands and rushed towards the giant charcoal mountain.

Then the power of the downward rush hit [Splitting tiles].

Although Jutanshan struggled for a while and wanted to defend, but in the end it still couldn't block the fire-breathing dragon's damage?


The boss gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, turned his head and looked around, the younger brothers around him were also defeated, and began to squat on the ground one by one.

"This stepping horse is a trap!"

The boss thought to himself, but quickly squatted down on the ground, holding his head with his hands.

"What should I do next?"

After seeing the other party squatting obediently in place, Lu Ze felt a little helpless. He couldn't kill them directly.

"I do not know either."

Sui Yan and Su Tingxi also spread their hands, they have never experienced such a thing.

"Stupid, let them hand over the spoils, it's like this in the dark secret realm."

At this time, Fugui also came up together and whispered to several people.

It has to be said that there is a brother of a heavenly king, and this kind of common sense question is basically no problem.

"Oh, yes!"

Sui Yan nodded foolishly, then took a step forward, and said loudly to the squatting people.

"You guys, hand over all the spoils! Remember, all of them!"

As soon as Sui Yan finished speaking, he saw those people throwing out his backpack very skillfully.

Then he took out some small things from the pocket of his clothes and threw them on the ground.

After this series of actions was quickly completed, those people continued to squat on the spot with their heads in their hands, as if they were not the ones who moved just now.

"Uh, are you so proficient?"

Sui Yan froze for a moment, he hadn't said what he threatened, did he just cooperate like this?

However, the reason why Lu Ze and the others came to the Black Secret Realm for the first time was that they didn't know the unspoken rules inside.

Although it is said that it is okay to kill people, this is not the place of the US emperor, so everyone follows the principle of not doing harm to people if it is okay.

Therefore, it is generally enough to grab the other party's spoils, and people basically don't move.

So this has become the reason why many people surrender quickly.

The spoils of war are nothing more than battles with the elves in the secret realm, if there is nothing good to give, it will be given.

Once good things appear, they are not stupid, they will not cause trouble if they have good things, and they will quickly find the exit of the secret realm and go out first.

Looking at the backpack all over the place, Sui Yan scratched his head, so cooperative? What's the next process?

Sui Yan looked up at Lu Ze and Su Tingxi asking for help.

Lu Ze spread his hands and shrugged, indicating that I don't know either.

But Su Tingxi's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward.

"Say, what do you want to do by following us and attacking us?"

"Snatch the spoils, see you are young, think you are easy to grab."

The boss lowered his head and replied quickly.

As long as you don't say you want to grab the elves, the loss will not be great.

After all, elves are people's treasures, and trophies are trivial.

Now, Su Tingxi had no choice but to spread his hands at Suiyan and smiled helplessly.

They are all so cooperative, what else can they do.

Sui Yan had no choice but to kick the leader resentfully.

"Okay, let's go."


The leading elder brother quickly agreed, and together with the younger brothers, he quickly left after putting away his elves.

"Let's see the spoils."

Sui Yan greeted, and then directly opened one of the backpacks.

"What, most of them are tree fruits, and there are a few evolutionary stones."

Sui Yan looked at the things poured out of the fruit, and shook his head in disgust.

"I don't have anything here."

Su Tingxi also shook his head.

"Me too."

You Yuyou, Tang Yunqin, Yin Hanling, Fugui and Lu Ze all opened a backpack, which was basically some tree fruits and evolution stones, and basically nothing else.

"Bah, poor devil!"

Sui Yan opened the last backpack, which was still full of berries.

Now Suiyan couldn't bear it anymore, and spit and cursed angrily.

Here they are scolding those poor people, and those over there are also scolding Lu Ze and the others.

"Bah, poor man, Mad, I want a backpack!"

Seeing how far he ran, the boss angrily said.

"Yes, yes, there is no one who takes the loot and the backpack together, what should we do now, boss."

The boss glared at the younger brother angrily, resisted the movement of kicking up, and said fiercely: "What should I do? Get out, what else can I do!"

As the boss said, he walked towards the crab island on the right side of the frozen land.

There is a secret exit on the crab island, and they just discovered it in the past two days.

"Oh, boring."

After transferring the contents of the backpack, Sui Yan flipped the empty backpack aside, and then turned to look at Lu Ze.

"what's next?"

"According to the original plan, go through the frozen land to the sand field and see if there is an exit from the secret realm."


Several people said, after packing up their things and taking them with them, they started to act again.

The two fire-breathing dragons were still fighting in front, and everyone followed behind, moving towards the next stage.

At this time, Li Shuqing was squatting on a rock in the desert, carefully observing a group of people below.

After Li Miqing looked down at the time, he said to Xanadu who was beside him: "The trading time should be coming soon, this time it's up to you, when they trade, do it directly, the money is not important, the important thing is the trading items. "


Xanadu nodded, she understood the importance of the matter.

It can be said that the reason why he entered this secret realm this time is because Li Shuqing saw the picture of the future.

After Xanadu agreed, he stopped talking, and one person and one elf quietly watched the group of people below.


"Charizard, come back and take a rest."

Lu Ze and Sui Yan picked up the elf ball and said to the two fire-breathing dragons at the head.

The two fire-breathing dragons pushed all the way to the lake of ice.

The Lake of Ice is the location in the center of the Frozen Land. It is a lake that will not freeze even when it is cold.

"It's up to you now, Electroshock Beast, Iron Claw Lobster."

The vicinity of the Ice Lake is basically some ice-type and water-type elves, such as seal balls, sea magic lions and the like.

Therefore, for these elves of the fire system, the skill power is not as high as for the elves of the pure ice system.

Just let the fire-breathing dragon rest, and let the electric shock beast that restrains the water system and the iron-clawed lobster that can swim play.

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